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Everything posted by section122

  1. Quentin Nelson og, Notre dame Sorry family time last night pulled me away.
  2. I just don't see it with darnold. That wind up and release is a pass rushers dream, the turnovers are concerning, and I was not impressed whenever I watched him. Caveat though I'm not a pro, won't pretend to be, and have been wrong many many times lol. Just my personal ranking, which to your point, could be right could be wrong. I think Jackson's issues are more easily correctable than Allen or darnold which is why I have him 3rd.
  3. I think he is one of the top 4. I certainly want him over allen and even darnold as well. Its Mayfield and Rosen then everyone else for me but Jackson is my next favorite.
  4. Lol I like that and it would fit our style of humor! Nice thing about summer wedding is it never conflicts with football. One of my friends got married Columbus day weekend and has to skip that game every year. Poor planning on his part lol
  5. Can we dig deeper into why you are so certain that your memory is infallible? I have never met anyone that won't admit that their memory may be faulty. btw I talked to my buddy that is a philosophy professor. He says you need to read Schopenhauer and that what you are discussing is philosophy not physics. Physics would require physical evidence which you haven't supplied just personal anecdotes. If you found a Berenstein Bears book for example or kit kat with a hyphen.
  6. I see you've got me down for the fins and that works I can definitely do that. I would also be willing to do the Patriots, Vikings, Falcons, Steelers, or really anyone else you need me to. I spend way too much time on the draft lol. A suggestion though: As soon as a pick comes in the next team is on the clock. Perhaps updating the thread title with who is on the clock (if it isn't too much work). I would also put the Bills pick thread up when you put the draft up so people can discuss trades (since most want us to go to #2 lol). That way it can move along and if we do it quickly, we can possibly add 2nd or even 3rd rounds.
  7. If you didn't cheat - great job! Those are the 3. I guess I wasn't surprised when I found it but it was more "yeah that makes sense" than "I knew it!" If you did cheat - deny deny deny
  8. Seriously!!! Does anyone know what 4 teams have gone longer than 5 years without making the NFL playoffs? Everyone could guess the Browns but without cheating could they get the other 3? Doubtful. Further that the Lions haven't won a playoff game since 91 or the Browns since they came back to the NFL? The Bills got themselves off of the top of one of those lists in a coaches first season and hopefully get themselves off the second list this year!
  9. Lies. Here is your post from the day we made the playoffs: before the game: So before the game you thought people should be excited. You were excited after the fact (unless you use omg regularly lol) but now months later it's snooze? It's okay to enjoy your Bills fandom...
  10. Second this. I will take whatever scrap(s) are left. Even if it multiple teams.
  11. I lost a bet and had to change to a Carson Wentz profile pic. When it was time to change back I googled Bills and this image popped up. The locker room video is my favorite Bills highlight maybe of all time. Seeing that weight come off of Kyle's shoulders and watching the pure joy he shared with his kid? Simply amazing. Best day/week as a Bills fan since I was a kid. Finally was able to start watching the Lakers again this year. Sucked so bad to see my second favorite sports team not even try to compete for years on end. NBA is my second favorite sport overall so I still watched but I missed having the Lakers in the discussion... Seriously. This place has turned borderline unbearable and that is WITH making the playoffs. There is so much whining, so many unnecessary threads, and so much left over BBFS. If they missed the playoffs it would be even worse!
  12. I purposely made my anniversary something easy to remember. The month and the day add up to the year. 8/4/12. I have a bit of an obsession/quirk with numbers and will always set my alarm to something like 7:52 where the first number equals the second set. 6:42 was my wake up time for many years lol
  13. Why would we need to create conscious ai first? Couldn't you believe that without us creating a conscious ai? I hate to do this to you buddy but: Further isn't religion based on the idea of some being creating all of this? In Christianity the big bang is god saying let there be light. Then man was made in his image, etc, etc... That was a damn fine simulation!
  14. Soft determinism. I have a friend who would talk to you for hours about this subject. I'll ask though... If it IS a simulation but we don't know doesn't it mean it isn't a simulation and is our reality. Therefore the entire thought process is moot. Unless someone offers you a red pill that is... Do you smoke weed? Enjoy psychedelics? At one point in time I wondered what if the Matrix was sent to us as a warning and perhaps we all were living in the Matrix. I was really really really high though
  15. I think the random acl that popped up is the hardest to explain. I must have typed possible acl tear at some point in time. I have no idea what bathroom for pen came from. I swear lol I do love tapenade, I do have a ridiculously long WiFi password, and league bank is from Madden. So some of it makes sense lol.
  16. except for some reason, in your mind, your memory is not imperfect...
  17. Just because I'm interested to see... For lunch I had to run quarters out in as few as possible acl I can get one installed lol but I like that a lady from stick with them to top it was good going crazy about to go to the bathroom for pen as necessary lol but I like tapenade too much time invested lol but yeah here comes the most part of it either lol but ill vote for you to check out this ridiculously long Wi-Fi password I think of the guilt you felt that you included in the league bank account for me. Wtf lol
  18. Can I ask a few questions? How old are you? (serious) How many times have you watched the matrix? (not serious)
  19. Yeah I'd be interested as well. We completed them in the past. R. Rich ran them and we would have some problems with no shows so it might be a good idea to have something in place if/when that happens. Perhaps we all get a team and a backup team in case the gm didn't show. Bills were a community poll Here is 2010: 2012 sign up for reference: 2012 mock draft results:
  20. whoa lol. I did some digging and someone said the world DID change after Y2K and our memories are remnants. Another said that it is time travelers and the Butterfly effect. I can't believe people believe this stuff... Tyrod doesn't suck! No I haven't. How can you hold such a firm belief from a memory? Also no finding out a memory was false gets chalked up and moved on from. Something like the death of a loved one could rock me to my core. Finding out I was wrong about something? psshhh that happens daily. I find it more fascinating that people believe there memories are more accurate that factual evidence. As I said I found all of my Berenstain Bears books and thought huh got that one wrong. I didn't have an existential crisis or think there was some grand conspiracy because that is incredibly unlikely. I hope you are doing well and this isn't something that effects you on more than a "that's interesting" level. Finding out brand names are different than you recall, especially minor details, should not rock you to your core imo.
  21. Seriously Zac. How are people arguing measurements that just happened a month ago done by the NFL in a controlled environment and with witnesses from the entire league. He was measured at almost 6'1 by the NFL not Oklahoma.
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