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Everything posted by section122

  1. Bill Belichick outside of normal pressers is a fantastic listen. Anytime he starts talking about the finer points of the game he really opens up. Him at pressers answering mundane questions vs. him answering actual football questions is night and day. This is a pretty good article about it He is very interesting and open if the right questions are asked.
  2. all teams accounted for? If so let's do it!
  3. c u c k and snowflake are 2 insults that instantly make me think really really poorly of someone. If they utter those 2 phrases I immediately lose respect for them.
  4. Kind of. They also then went on to suppose that he wasn't happy with his deal. Perhaps he knows he signed his last contract and doesn't feel he needs an agent anymore. Perhaps he was/is unhappy with their treatment of him. Perhaps a million different scenarios but the only one PFT put out was that perhaps he was unhappy with his deal when there is no evidence of that being true. This line specifically: At the time, the 34-year-old Incognito seemed fired up about the chance to stay in Buffalo, but he apparently changed his mind in the interim. That is a lot of speculation wrapped up in a statement that is not worded as such. Nothing in his tweet references his deal, paycut, or Buffalo. PFT is moving more and more into TMZ territory for me.
  5. This place is so much better than BBMB that's why Seriously though it was open invitation for the first one and op is allowing us to reclaim our teams. The Bills picks will be community vote so everyone does get to participate. Are we doing 2 or 3 rounds? If 3 I can do the Rams and Texans as well since they are one off picks.
  6. Browns are open. That owner already said he would give them up. Claim it quick!
  7. Who did you have? I had the Dolphins but don't mind switching if you want
  8. Did you guys both skip this in the op tweeted from Manziel? I also have nobody to blame but myself I don't want to defend the guy and was never interested in him during the draft process but.... He went to bar none the worst run franchise in the NFL. It isn't even a competition. The Browns are very poorly run and didn't set the kid up for success. Even if they did their part he probably wouldn't have been successful due to his substance abuse issues but they didn't put him in a position to succeed. He's an idiot more for admitting that he didn't know x's and o's than he is for saying the Browns situation was toxic. The Browns should have known that and demanded he spend a ton of classroom time learning that during the entire offseason. Again with his substance abuse issues who knows if it would have been successful but that is the path they needed to take with him imo. Haslem was (is?) a huge Steeler's fan. Maybe he has enough f you money to run a franchise into the ground to prop up his favorite team?
  9. I spent the weekend pondering this. I won't completely discount this as I have no proof of converging timelines being real or not however.... Again I ask why does it matter? If our reality isn't really reality but it is our reality doesn't that make it reality? Head hurt? Yeah mine too lol Basically if it is timelines converging but none of us know/realize it, why does it matter? It really comes off as "I can't be wrong so let me come up with a completely implausible reason to explain it." I'm human, my memory is completely and totally fallible. I can tell you about an instance of me thinking I went back in time down to a horse and buggy almost running me over. I was really high at the time so instead of believing in time travel I thought maybe I shouldn't overdo it so much . I have a situation where I was riding shotgun and someone clearly said "wake up section122" when I looked around the car to see who said it everyone was sleeping including the driver. I saved us from going off a huge embankment and serious injury/death. From that day forward I have never questioned a higher being or guardian angel if you will. So I get the unexplained side of this discussion but this is a topic that will generate a ton of skepticism especially when OP refuses to admit that there is a possibility that this is all hooey.
  10. I'm telling you I still have mine from 30 years ago. I thought the same but they are in my daughter's room and I looked through them all. Berenstain on every one of them. So I ask op... what is more likely? I mis-remembered because I was a child and it was 30 years ago or I am infallible and there is a grand conspiracy that is changing minor details in my memory? Further what of it? I can't grasp why this is so earth shattering to you. I can't believe your belief in Jiffy peanut butter is so strong that it not existing "shakes you to your core." I say this with all sincerity, I am worried about your mental health op. This isn't "huh that's weird" you have crossed over to "I am right and everyone else is wrong no matter the evidence I am presented with." Not a good way to go through life imo. These are some GRAND conspiracies. What would be the point of these false memories?
  11. This is what kids should be doing if they want to go pro. Don't do the sham commit, barely scrape by 1st semester, never attend 2nd semester, then declare. I like that this is available. Sucks that it burned Cuse but I like the idea for the player in general. Even though it isn't a ton of money it is an extra year of earning potential. NCAA better be prepared for this. Moyer was not good and that is putting it nicely. He might develop into something but he looked terrible and out of place every time he was on the court. Bayer looked like he belonged more than Moyer! lol I agree with your guys comments about Boeheim's coaching style to a point. It shouldn't be a surprise to these kids when Jimmy B acts like Jimmy B has for 40 years. When they commit to SU they know what they are signing up for or at least they should. That said he might want to soften a little bit. Something that has always annoyed me is that it seems there are some guys like Trevor Cooney that can make bone headed play after bone headed play and Boeheim doesn't say boo. Then he has his whipping boys that make a minor mistake and go to the bench immediately.
  12. I focus more on who it is given up for. Giving both for Rosen? All day. Both for a LB? That would be troublesome. I like the Billswire content but I click off as soon as I get to the bottom of slide one. The content is great but as a personal rule I don't do slide shows. Your stuff is generally very good though!
  13. Yeah I'm not a Manziel guy at all but what harm would kicking the tires do? In a world where camp arms are all names we forget why not have Manziel be your 4th guy? If he does well great, if not cut him and continue on. I agree with the first part not so much the second part. He has a place as a backup in this league. When Blaine Gabbert is still on a roster or Chirstian Hackenburg or you know what I could come up with at least 15 names. Just look at the bottom of the list and tell me Kaep doesn't have a spot in place of one of these guys.
  14. Yeah that's a weird one. After 2 years together she won't relocate to South Beach as a model in her 20s with her millionaire boyfriend? None of that makes sense. 2 years in she should want to move with him if things were good. Moving to South Beach as a young good looking person is a no brainer. He's a millionaire how much richer does she want her man to be? None of it adds up. A sneaking suspicion but I think Amendola will be just fine.
  15. I agree for sure but the original rules were to give each team 24 hours starting at 5 pm. Glad it didn't take that long lol. If we finish this up today though I say we go for round 2!
  16. At this point I think the Seahawks are on the clock until 5pm on April 11th lol
  17. Thanks! Always like to hear from you and Gunner around draft time. With the first 4 guys being "no problem with them" but Jackson a first rounder, are you saying you think he'll bust or not be worth the pick? Also for the first 4 those are your "go get them guys"?
  18. Are you doing a write up this year of the qbs? I'm interested to see your thoughts on a lot of these guys.
  19. Interesting! I thought for sure this would have been Ridley. Was this value or just a player you liked?
  20. That's a formidable duo of safeties they would have!
  21. Results based business and he got the desired result. I don't think we should micromanage or second guess decisions when the immediate result was that the game was won and the long term result was that win was part of a playoff season. Can't say it was the wrong call when it worked. I disagreed with it at the time but that doesn't really matter. The Bills won that is what mattered. Playing hypothetical that he should have done something else removes a guarantee win and makes it questionable. What if they had been stopped? What if they turned it over? All of those things come back in play. As it stands he made a call, it worked, they won. Anything else is just guessing.
  22. Yeah I wouldn't mind a 2 or even 3 rounder. Also in for the no trade draft if we do that as well.
  23. I had to keep checking because I didn't expect him to be there and thought I kept overlooking him lol
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