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Everything posted by section122

  1. There are many people here who already have their minds made up before the draftees have even taken a practice snap. Entertaining is certainly one word for it... To the op point I think all 6 of the top guys are easy to talk yourself into being the right one. They all have positives and negatives. I have favorites but will be happy and hopeful with whomever is drafted. I was thinking about this last night. Lamar Jackson is probably the scariest prospect both for your team to draft and for a team in your division to draft. He could be a game changing mega star or he could be a huge bust. If he continues to improve as a passer he will be electric. If he doesn't he won't last in the league. He did run the offense Dabol likes in college so this could be a great situation for him. He should be there at 12 too and not cost any capital. My doesn't matter ranking is Mayfield, Rosen, Jackson as my top 3 favorite guys for the Bills. I'd like them the most but as op stated I can talk myself into liking any one of the top 6.
  2. A post earlier today got me thinking about the top 3 guys from that class. They have each had different types of successes but I think ultimately all of them would be considered successful "franchise QBs". Here are the career stats. Who do you think has been the better QB? Eli Manning - 2 Super Bowls, 59.8% Completions, 51,686 yards, 6.99 ypa, 339 tds, 228 ints, career .527 winning %, 26 4th quarter comebacks Ben Roethlisberger - 2 Super Bowls, 64.1% completions, 51,065 yards, 7.87 ypa, 329 tds, 174 ints, .676 winning %, 29 4th quarter comebacks Philip Rivers - 0 Super Bowls, 64.2% completions, 50,348 yards, 7.76 ypa, 342 tds, 166 ints, .547 winning %, 23 4th quarter comebacks Numbers were a lot closer than I thought they would be even when I started this thread. Personal opinion though is this is a 2 horse race. Eli completing less than 7 ypa, 60% completions, and 50 more ints than the other 2 rules him out. If he didn't have those SB wins he wouldn't be in any HOF conversations. I can't really find a decent way to pick between Big Ben and Rivers though. Obviously there is the team success but I think it is unfair to compare Spanos to Rooneys. Outside of the brief Schottenheimmer years (who had his own well documented playoff struggles) Rivers hasn't had the team talent Big Ben has. Gun to my head I go Big Ben but I can't really come up with a compelling reason to disagree with someone choosing Rivers. Who do you pick?
  3. The NBA does something like this with Bird's rights. The player's team can offer an extra year, bigger raise, and go over the salary cap in order to re-sign their own players. It does have some issues but most draftees stick with their original teams for 7 years. That's a career for a majority of NFLers.
  4. Baker Mayfield. He is the type of guy you love if he is on your team and hate if he isn't. I've developed quite a man crush so it would suck if he ended up on a team we played twice a year. If he turned into a great player it would be even worse. Many years I find a couple guys I like and follow them. Whitney Mercilus is currently one of them and I don't mind him on the Texans. Put Mayfield on the Bills or in the NFC please.
  5. Very well written and great job op. I know @thebandit27 thinks he can be special as well as @metzelaars_lives who are 2 people's opinions that I respect. However the last blurb that I quoted is really where I fall. I love the Bills, I will root like hell for whomever it is they decide to pin their Bill's careers on. After last year they bought a lot of goodwill with me wrt personnel decisions. I thought trading Sammy would be an absolute killer and the offense certainly wasn't as productive. I thought trading Dareus was dumb and the run d did suffer. However at the end of the year they were 9-7. I won't argue with their results. I don't pretend to tear apart film so thanks for putting in the work!
  6. I'm somehow listening through the app but with no video. Not best case but it works. I'm a junkie lol.
  7. Good it isn't just me lol. Bills really need to improve their technology. It seems all in house streams have problems or are impossible to find.
  8. Let's see if the new it regime is better than the old! Will this start on time and stream uninterrupted?
  9. These pages are graced with great trolls like derby Dan and savior Peterman. Or former great performers like crayonz. Or funny ones like that jets guy. Or just bc they want to like bringbackfergy. This is the best you got? I hate trolls and trolling but if you're going to do it at least put in a little effort!
  10. Lamar Jackson or mason Rudolph wouldn't bother me. Really out of top 5 guys only Allen would bother me but ill still support whichever guys are picked and hope they can be valuable contributors to a buffalo super bowl run!
  11. Thanks @Virgil and @BuffaloHokie13 for doing this. It was a lot of fun and I'm sure a lot of work. Dolphins stealing Rosen at 11 would be heartbreaking. It would feel like big Ben all over again. Broncos hold the keys to the draft. What they do at 5 will change the course of the first round imo.
  12. I believe under the old alias he was called out for saying he would be at Walleye Willie's when it is in fact closed. My memory might not have that right though.
  13. I tried so hard not to get invested in these guys but I have a serious man crush on Mayfield.
  14. I did and strangely enough I was row 32 section 122 I don't have too many friends that keep up with the NBA anymore. For most of them basketball ended when March Madness did. NBA Playoffs are one of my favorite sporting events of the year. As you alluded to all year, there is no question that they care and will put forth maximum effort. A motivated LeBron is a beautiful thing. I'm interested to see how Harden and really moreso CP3 handles the expectations of being the top seed. I'm expecting Warriors Cavs again but we shall see!
  15. Relevant tweet: More For a fact though that the bills get to 1, browns go to 2, and giants go to 4. Returns may be different than what I said but the end result will be the same. If this Darnold visit goes well, I’d bet my life on it being a lock. Thanks guys!
  16. Sorry everyone I was too much of a kitty to make it in the Army Did Bazley get notification that he was going to be ineligible or just find out himself? I remember having to go through the NCAA clearinghouse to play athletics but I don't remember when I got my clearance. I did chuckle when I saw SU was his "dream school" made me think of Marrone. I wish he would take a couple of the Duke recruits with him too!
  17. I won't believe anyone can beat the Cavs and more specifically LeBron in the East until someone does it. I know it will eventually happen but until I see it I won't expect it. Year in recap for me: LeBron is so good people take him for granted. He was an animal this year and yet Harden will easily win MVP. Westbrook went back to back averaging a triple double! That is insane! I don't care if his team gives him easy rebounds. That is a heck of an accomplishment and unprecedented. Yet Harden will win MVP easily. Harden after being a disrespected superstar (in my eyes) finally got a running mate on his talent level and it showed. Warriors backslid a bit but I wouldn't be alarmed. They are in that mode we see (like Kobe/Shaq Lakers) where they think they can just turn it on in the playoffs. As a Lakers fan I was really happy with the development of Randle and Ingram. I could finally watch them this year and not expect a loss! I was pleasantly surprised with Kuzma and Randle. I'm really excited for the offseason for once. Speaking of coaching Popovich is fantastic and tough to argue with as the best but Brad Stevens is right there with him. I hate the Celtics but the league is better when they are good. Will be interesting how far he can drag this injured bunch. Sorry Toronto. I still don't buy you as a serious contender. That said these playoff matchups are fantastic. Spurs/Warriors, Timberwolves/Rockets (sorry I'm a Thibs lover), Bucks/Celtics, Wizards/Raptors all have me excited. However the Pelicans and Blazers series is the one I am most looking forward to. Anthony Davis and Damian Lillard going head to head?! Can't Wait!
  18. eh I'd rather kids went this route then the 1 and done. It's a farce to call them student-athletes. It's a bigger farce how much money the schools make off of these "amateurs." NCAA has a monopoly on getting to the NBA. If this works for him I think we see a lot more kids go this route. I fully believe that he likely wouldn't have been eligible so his hand was forced but I don't dislike the decision for him at all.
  19. absolutely not lol. Doing the draft the Broncos are the key. If they don't take a qb at 5 that means of the top 4 will be available 6-10. That's if the Giants go QB. If the Giants don't go qb then 2 top guys will be there and trading up becomes a must. I feel pretty confident that a trade is already done between the Bills and Giants though so I think we don't have to worry. Hopefully we don't end up with Allen but I think the Bills will be picking at 2 in a couple of weeks.
  20. League President of the G-League did an AMA on Reddit yesterday: Surprisingly he dodged all Darius related questions and really anything controversial. Really good article and makes a lot of sense. I know it's an unpopular opinion but I think this is a good move for him for many of the reasons he lays out. I also think if he is even slightly successful doing this we will see a seismic shift in ncaa/g-league/nba hierarchy.
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