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Everything posted by section122

  1. I'm just too young to have seen the division bell tour but I have caught Gilmour live. I missed Waters last year and I'm still not over it lol. Division Bell is such a good album to me. What do you want from me and Keep Talking are 2 of my favorite songs. I actually think Animals would be my pick. If you've never heard it check out Les Claypool and Frog Brigade doing the Animals album. It is fantastic. Oh I wasn't trying to say that just that when I was younger I didn't realize you could like 2 bands that made similar music. Stones were my classic rock band. I had hot rocks 64-71 on vinyl lol. Might be the only album I ever had on vinyl given to me by my aunt so I could listen to "real music". God Bless her!
  2. When I was younger I had this idea that much like sports you couldn't like 2 bands that were similar. I chose Stones over Beatles and Metallica over GnR as the 2 examples that stick out in my head. My teenage years though I realized that was dumb and fell head over heels for the Beatles. Yellow Submarine will always hold a special place due to experiments my friends and I held. On topic though Abbey Road is my favorite and a go to whenever I need background music at work that will keep me motivated. That and Neil Young's greatest hits (different thread though) I think Pink Floyd fans would have trouble picking a favorite as well. Floyd is my favorite band of all time (them and Rage against the Machine - doesn't have to make sense lol) and there are heated debates. I don't care for Syd Barrett Floyd it is way to "out there". There are many that don't consider Division Bell a true Floyd album even though for me it is in the discussion of favorite albums by them. Then there is the incredible run of dark side of the moon, wish you were here, animals, and the wall. There are GIlmour fans, Waters fans, Syd fans. I can't even pick my favorite after sitting here and trying to lol.
  3. 199.3 on the scale!!! First goal down and I'm rewarding myself with a steak sub lol. I go to Disney end of July and hope to be at 190 for that trip. Just checked my BMI is 29.4, I'm no longer obese! Now I'm just overweight.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/13/sports/soccer/italy-sweden-world-cup.html
  5. Why not? I still don't understand why you think your memory is so great that it is earth shattering to you whenever something happens that challenges your memory. Growing old is going to be a trip for you! I've lost why or how this is even a thing with you. If it was all over when you were a kid certainly there is record or photographic proof of it. Go find it and then you found another place that has green light on top like in Syracuse! I had to watch that commercial multiple times even after you told me what 3 seconds. The only question I came up with was "is this guy serious?" Which is more likely? You have a bad memory or there are multiple dimensions/universes?
  6. Wasn't it already discussed in this very thread that there are locales with green lights on top? Oh wait google: https://www.quora.com/Can-the-green-light-be-at-the-top
  7. How about you drop the cryptic nonsense and let us know? I've said this before but I'll say it again. Dude. Put. The. Pipe. Down.
  8. Reading between the lines here (pure conjecture incoming): You can never get too comfortable, get too complacent when discussing Cordy? Seems like he slipped here a bit and confirms what a lot people thought the reason Cordy was traded for.
  9. That is a great solution. I stand during games. Even in my living room I stand while watching the Bills. Too much anxiety to sit down. It is just as frustrating for me to be told to sit down and you have the first solution that I think works. Designate some sections as sitting only. Much like the family section's no alcohol policy there could be sections around the stadium where you must remain seated. I don't think you need standing only sections as that will likely happen anyway lol. Maybe clarification that if you are in a section that doesn't require attendeess to be seated that people may stand. Some no brainers here. Craft beer has exploded and they could swap vendors out for each home game in a couple booths or let them bring their carts in. Gates opening earlier gets traffic in early and therefore more opportunity for dollars to be spent. Cell charging stations for the people that are there solely to take a selfie and say they were there. The last idea is fantastic and your later post covers exactly why. Having it be a monthly expense makes it much more tolerable especially with how cheap some tickets are. They could get away with bumping the price slightly even. I could probably even sell my wife on the idea of getting my tickets back if it was only $100/month! lol You should work in sports or something these are some great ideas!
  10. Story Time!!! In the stadium lot in one of the never moving lines. I look to my right and see a car pull out and cut a car off. (In standstill traffic it was pointless). Back car honks and front car driver gets out angrily. Starts walking to the car he just cut off and that driver got out. He was a large human being and proceeded to one punch knock out the guy who cut him off. It was amazing to see and something I have dreamt about but could never pull off. First car's friend gets out apologizing and drags the still woozy guy back to the car. Amazing instant karma he brought on himself!
  11. https://mmajunkie.com/2017/03/mma-fighter-chokes-referee-because-hes-so-disoriented-after-getting-destroyed-in-10-seconds I tried to find the clip but can't remember the fight but after it was called the fighter tried to latch onto the refs leg as well. Instinct takes over even if they are out. I would rather a fight get stopped too early rather than too late every single time.
  12. Seriously. If anything it only proves t.o.'s point. These voters play gatekeeper and think themselves to be far more important than they actually are. Jason Taylor is a first ballot hofer? I think thats the craziest thing I learned in this thread!
  13. I started a weight loss journey myself. To lose 10 lbs @YoloinOhio I think you can do it easily. No food after dinner is a simple rule that will help tremendously. It allows your body fasting time and time to digest everything you have given it. For me late night snacking was my biggest problem. I drink a ton of water in place of food so I stay hydrated and have lost 25 lbs. I didn't add exercise (I'm lazy) but changed my relationship with food. I no longer eat just because I am bored. As to the Keto we are gluten free in my house due to my wife and daughter's allergies but my wife is also type 1 diabetic so carbs are important. Personally, I feel like absolute garbage whenever I have low carbs. Therefore Keto is out for me. To me (jmo) it is another fad diet. The best diet (again imo) is paying attention to what you eat and when. Keep processed foods to a minimum, don't eat late, and snack during the day. Best of luck!!!
  14. Oh I agree wholeheartedly. I don't THINK he will be any good and I think people only cling to him because he fit the anyone but Taylor crowd's desire for a qb. It amazes me that people still defend him. If a rb came in and was a 5th rounder and had 5 fumbles in a half everyone would want him cut. Hell if any 5th rounder came in and had 5 penalties in a half let alone turnovers, everyone would want him cut. For some reason though Peterman is Teflon for some.
  15. As someone who has completely written off Nate Peterman I will not have a meltdown. I will hope all week that he is the franchise guy we have been waiting for. I'll have a knot in my stomach just like last year but I've been wrong before and will be wrong again. I don't wish for anyone's failure. I don't think he has what it takes but would love to be wrong!
  16. I'm not that young but I'll take it as a compliment. I'm a Lakers fan because of Showtime. Magic was my hero and 11 year old me cried when he retired because I thought he was dying. I'm also not all wrapped up in LeBron but he is incredible. Too many people are wrapped up in the "glory days." Jordan was a great player and the greatest shooting guard ever. Best player for me is too hard since each position requires such different things. I prefer to do greatest by position. Mine goes something like this: PG: Magic (did you expect anyone else ) SG: Jordan SF: LeBron PF: Center: I left the last 2 blank because there are so many options. For PF Duncan, Malone, Dirk has an argument, Bird if you call him a PF instead of SF, and I am sure there are more. Center is even more muddied. Wilt, Kareem, Shaq, Hakeem, Bill Russell, among others is too hard to clarify. All that said and LeBron is, to me, a hybrid of Jordan and Magic. He has an incredible BBIQ and makes so many amazing passes or the correct play. He can also score at will a la Jordan. I used to question his killer instinct but his game 7 track record is pretty incredible. He is 6-2 and before the Boston game he averaged 34.9 ppg, 8 boards, and 4.5 assists. In that game 7 he went for 35, 9, and 5. Consistently dominant in the most important game. I get your point about 3 hours for a regular season game. Life has taken away a lot of opportunities to follow sports as much as i used to but I sacrificed baseball viewing lol. I watch pretty much every NFL game on, Laker games when available or big matchups, Yankees when there is nothing else on. I just can't follow them all as closely but the NBA will always hold a special spot. When engaged NBA players play the sport at an incredible level. That was so much fun last night watching Kevin Durant. He is my favorite player in the league mostly because he is so smooth and everything he does he makes look so easy. That performance is exactly why I still love the NBA. Your point though is why I don't follow the league as closely as I used to. Well that and the NBA is the easiest sport to fix and many many questionable things happen but that is a different conversation for a different day
  17. 1. Josh Allen starts week 1 2. Bills Defense finishes top 10 overall 3. The offense finishes bottom 10 overall
  18. You hate the NBA so much You used Spree and Ewing as examples so this has been going on for a long time. It isn't new and it isn't going anywhere. 82 games is too long of a season. LeBron is tired BECAUSE of the effort he has put forth. I couldn't disagree more that he only tries if his team has a chance in the second half. He is almost punished for having been so good for so long in many fans eyes. He is still, at 33, the best player in the league bar none. I think we can cut him a break if he isn't the best player on the floor every night. He dragged this team to the finals and I'm sorry Celtic fans but that is partly because the East is still so terrible and partly because he is just that damn good. He has been to the Finals 8 straight times. That is incredible in this day and age. He has been in the spotlight since he was 16 and his only mis-step was the decision that raised 2 million dollars for charity. The Raptors didn't quit they suffer from plsd. Post LeBron Stress Disorder. The look on Derozan's face after game 1 told us all the series was over. Is LeBron really not supposed to get mad at JR Smith after an all time bonehead play where LeBron went off the entire game and has his chance at victory stolen from him by a team mate? LeBron is and has been playing at an incredible level for a loooonnnngggg time. He is in the discussion for the greatest player of all time. I wonder how many that wouldn't want him would have taken Jordan during his Wizard years. That was washed up Jordan. Next year teams are getting end of his prime LeBron.
  19. I don't disagree however there are still many match ups where both teams get up for the game. Can you really fault the teams though? Why do the Warriors need to try every night? They know they will be playing in June and need to be rested and ready to do so.
  20. Little late seeing this but congrats!!! I started at 225 and hit a wall at 210. Now I at about 201 and have hit another wall. The way my clothes fit has been an eye opener for how big I allowed myself to get. I wore a shirt to a job fair that used to be stretched over my gut and was almost too baggy. It's strange but even minus the almost 25 pounds I feel really big and gross lol. Congrats again and keep up the good work!!!
  21. Y'all are crazy. I'd take LeBron in a heartbeat!
  22. This irony of this post coming during work hours. This place is hopping during Monday - Friday 9a - 5p when most of us are working. During off hours this place is a ghost town. How many of us aren't allowed to post here during work hours? This whole topic is funny to me because the contracts are performance and incentive based. There are many incentives worked into current contracts and they are paid AFTER they accomplish something. The performance they are paid for already happened (see Dareus). Under the new CBA the hardest contract to get is the 2nd one. Players that have completed their rookie contract and are in line for a raise get squeezed by the rookies making peanuts. Further imagine playing DT and killing yourself, putting your body on the line every day, putting your future at risk, on a rookie deal. Kyle Williams made 468k and then 360k his first 2 years in the league. That second contract is the one that sets players up for life. I can very easily see the motivation to put yourself in harms way being greatly reduced once you sign a huge contract. Once that extra motivation is gone it isn't surprising to see players struggle imo.
  23. Football is obviously different than basketball but Steve Kerr runs the Warriors like this. He is the coach but also one voice among a sea of others. The players and assistant coaches are allowed to speak and offer up their ideas which are listened to. I know he caught grief for doing it but at one point had players running the huddle during timeouts. I thought it was unique but a great way to work with the younger generation. Well Beane and he got rid of Sammy and Darby when they still had value once it was determined that they weren't going to contribute to the team concept. I won't try to compare my select team coaching to professional athletes but I always preferred players that I knew would give it their all to players that were better but I might not get their best unless they feel like it (Dareus). Football by nature churns the bottom of the roster each year. That doesn't mean that players, during their tenure, can't feel or be valued. I think Marsh hit on the reason the Pats* are so successful while trying to bash them. "It wasn't fun there" I think BB thinks that football is work. Hard work and putting in that work every day is what separates the Pats*. To BB this is a job and hard work. That's how he runs his team and it is hard to argue his results. To Rex Ryan it is a game and his results are not unexpected. These guys talk about football being there job and the Pats* embrace that ideology. Not every team does. Someone like Marsh, a career backup, didn't shut up and do his job so it isn't surprising that he was cut.
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