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Everything posted by section122

  1. I immediately thought of Warner after your original post but now that you've clarified I did some more thinking. Warner did have his stint with the Giants where he was proclaimed washed up. Rich Gannon would work here. He played for 3 teams before ending up with the Raiders and having his MVP type season. Maybe Doug Flutie? NFL flunkie before starring for the Bills for a couple of seasons. It is certainly rare. Can anyone think of other examples? All of these go back to the 90s so not exactly relevant to Matt Barkley. Interesting point I initially disagreed with before thinking harder about it.
  2. I quit watching yesterday early for the first time since that SF game where they went 300/300 against us. They aren't trying to win this year and I understand it but that doesn't help me enjoy watching that nonsense for 3.5 hours on a weekend. I found myself wishing they would switch to the patriots game because at least that was entertaining. I found myself wondering if they aren't trying to win why am I watching hoping they will win? MNF should be a big deal and I know I will watch because I always watch MNF but I wish it were different teams. A long time ago @BADOLBILZ talked about apathy from fans being the worst thing for a sports team to recover from and I think apathetic is a great word for how I feel right now. I used to live for Sundays and Bills games. Now it just doesn't matter... sad state of affairs right now hopefully they work hard this off season to address the assortment of issues (many self created) to be at least competitive again.
  3. On the flip side Dabo kind of hurt his team a little to free up Kelly. He benched him which I'm sure hurts but he did it in a way that allows him to continue on and maintain some eligibility. So long run he helped him out but I get Kelly being hurt by the decision.
  4. I stand by my original prediction of the td mike signing was a bluff by bb trying to force the Bills to match a bad contract. The Bills called their bluff and got an extra 5th out of the deal.
  5. I have sat in the VIP areas a coupe of times and was there for the national MS society. I talked with the staff there on both occasions and the VIP sections are regularly used/utilized by groups that are non-profit or work with people with disabilities. It isn't (wasn't) common that they were just private groups. The best part was being shaded and being able to see both fields. The VIP parking was nice as it allowed me to only have to transfer my mom once instead of multiple times and on/off the bus. Just a little different perspective on them. Not saying it is always the case but again there may be more than meets the eye there.
  6. For me a game day experience is 2 parts. A giant party before the game then the actual game itself. Tailgating is one of the main draws for going to the game. Drinking, grilling, playing kan jam at 9 am on a Sunday? Awesome. Take away tailgating? I'm not going to drive 2.5 hours each way for a 3 hour football game. Combine the 2 and that is what I travel for! Chalk me up as another that has never actually seen a table smash. It isn't nearly as prevalent as it is made out to be.
  7. The same device you used to post this could be used to gather this information.... He's had some injury issues. If he can stay healthy, and it's a big if, thos would be a great addition for the Bills. Wheres @Kirby Jackson? Hes been advocating for this move all off season! Great call!
  8. Yeah I agree. I don't know how he felt pre-draft but just the 2 tweets 26 has put up has me guessing he thought bust.
  9. Whatchamacallit for candy bar Sour Patch Kids for non chocolate candy. Sour punch straws a very very close second.
  10. I have no history of concussions either but I can think of at least 2 times where I have gotten my bell rung and one of them knocked me out cold. I was never diagnosed with concussions but I'm pretty sure I've had a few. Personally I don't think it matters that it is CTE or anything else. These players quality of life is much poorer than after playing other sports. It is a violent game that will never be totally safe but that doesn't mean strides can't be taken each year to try and make it safer. It only makes sense to allow the game to continue to grow and be accepted. I'm a hypocrite though I love highlight hits lol. You got jacked up was one of my favorite segments for football highlights.
  11. I was too young for Lamonica but Pat Williams was dumb all around. He wanted to stay in Buffalo, was a great player, and went on to have so many more productive seasons. His leaving the team coincided with the drought lasting as long as it did imo. Looking up stats the Bills finished 04 as the second best defense, 7th in rush d, and went 9-7. In 05 they fell to 29th, 31st in rush d, and finished 5-11. Probably the dumbest mistake Donahoe made including the trade for Losman and drafting of Willis.
  12. Last night was an interesting one... Went to Canalside and watched Big Something. First the venue is beautiful, more family friendly than I expected, and a great atmosphere. I actually got to meet the band after the show which was really cool. Love listening to these guys. Umphrey's McGee came out after and we watched them play almost an entire set then we set out for Rochester's party in the park. Made it there about 8:40 in time to catch Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. They put on a fantastic show. Atmosphere there was incredible. 2 venues, an hour apart, 3 bands, what a great night of music!
  13. Yeah Kenny Wayne Shepard was a welcome surprise. I would drive 2 hours to only pay $5 to see Beth Hart lol. Her voice just hits a chord with me. Sister Heroine, I'll Leave the Light On, and Am I the One, and almost anything with her and Joe Bonamassa are those music experiences that I don't know how to describe. Raw. I can't wait! It's funny @Metal Man I'm about 20 minutes from Lakeview Amphitheater and I'm headed to Buffalo twice to see some shows at Canalside lol. It (Lakeview) is a great venue but if anyone goes pay the extra few dollars for VIP parking. You get your own exit and none of the ridiculous (and it is ridiculous there) traffic after the show. It's $10 for regular parking and $25-$30 for VIP. From experience spend the few dollars! Now I need the same kind of tips for Canalside lol. This will be my first venture out there. Does the music start right at 5 and end promptly at 10? How is parking close by? How is leaving after the show? Any help would be much appreciated! edit: Just saw that you are Liverpool lol I'm not telling you nothing you don't know
  14. I don't know that I've ever seen Gov't Mule be bad lol. Youtube Gov't Mule Soulshine and enjoy one of any of the links!
  15. Can't wait to see Beth Hart. I routinely check her tour schedule and Joe Bonamassa's to see if they are ever going to be anywhere together or close by to possibly see them together but I saw him last summer and will settle for her this summer. Are you going to Palace Theater? I'm gonna make the trip to Buffalo and see the show for $5 lol
  16. Thursday I'll be making the 2 hour trip to Buffalo Canalside for Umphrey's McGee and Big Something. If you love guitar work you should be there as well. It's only $5! Beth Hart will be playing in July and she is an amazing female blues singer. Any of you Buffalonians have any advice about parking/what to expect/ etc? It says it goes from 5 to 10 but what time do the bands usually go on?
  17. To get this out in front: I didn't care for Sullivan's articles and haven't read them in some time. That is mainly due to me despising the Skip Bayless school of journalism. As much as Tim Graham was a tool here and on twitter he wrote some incredible pieces. That said there are so many lies and stupid statements hidden in this article. Sullivan: The message at the end was that my voice had become tired, and he didn’t use the words ‘bad for business,’ but that was clearly the message.” “At one point, [Connelly] told me that even I seemed tired with my column, and I jumped on him for that,” Sullivan added. “Don’t ever put words in my mouth.” So to Sully he can put words in Connely's mouth but not the other way around? These lines are right next to each other! How does he not see the hypocrisy? DiCesare said he came to a similar conclusion. Gleason and Sullivan ranked among the best-read writers for the paper’s website each week, based on metrics that DiCesare could access. Note the caveat he put in at the end. Based on the metrics he could access. Perhaps there were more that showed that not to be the case? It is not uncommon for management to have numbers, info, etc... that rank and file or even middle management don't. Graham: For the first time in my career at The Buffalo News I thought to myself, ‘I’m not going to retire from here.’ Umm Mr. Graham this was your second stint with the news. You had previously left after 8 years and were gone for 3 years. Sullivan again: “I recall one specific major staff meeting, not just sports but the whole department, one of the advertising people joked in front of the whole room about Sully costing us that money. I think there was a general understanding that it as negative sports writing that caused the Pegulas to pull that.” “When there are only two teams in town, and they’ve already pulled accounts for negative sports writing; when there are only two columnists, whether it’s overt or otherwise, there’s at least a subliminal desire on the part of the people running the sports department to lighten the touch,” added Sullivan. “It’s a business. The biggest business is right across the street.” however earlier in the article: No one had told Gleason or Sullivan (or anyone else we spoke with) to lighten up their criticism or take it easier on the two big local sports teams. Management and the writers were all clear on that. So again Sully is either lying or putting words in other people's mouth which he was oh so upset about earlier. Sullivan echoed those comments, saying The News “absolutely” needs a dedicated sport columnist - ideally two, with different voices. Except the BN didn't have that they had 2 extremely negative type writers who only focused only on the bad. They didn't have good cop bad cop they had bad cop whiny cop. This again is where Tim Graham elevated himself above the other 2 columnists. He wrote human interest pieces, background pieces, etc... “The Athletic was truly not on my radar when I took the buyout. I knew that they were probably coming, but I was planning on taking the summer off,” says Vogl. So they weren't on his radar but he knew who they were and that they were probably "coming" what does that even mean? “Times are tough for newspapers, but they kept that band together for a long time,” said an anonymous Buffalo News contributor, who also noted that morale at the outlet has taken a hit. “Pound for pound, that was one of the best staffs in the country. But you’ve got to remember, many of the departures in the sports department weren’t forced. The News did not want to lose Bucky, Sully, Vogl and Tim. But they looked at how things were going, and decided it was an easy time to jump ship.” This entire article was painted as whoa is us from the writers perspective. Yet here it is from a remaining staffer that it was their decision. It very much reads to me that the sports department was being reigned in and that the old timers weren't a fan of change. Sullivan wouldn't change from extremely negative to balanced, Graham and Vogl were against the BN Blitz, Gleason didn't like the new direction they were headed in. I am interested though in what happens to the readership numbers now that the negativity has been removed. Will it increase viewers or will they find something new to be the excuse why they don't read?
  18. 1. Doesn't a 4 game suspension mean he has already popped at least once? 2. "unrecognizable substance" - look at Boston's dominance in sports lately that has been unrivaled for a city ever. Whenever in sports something happens so far out of the norm it has to be questioned. I've been saying for a few years that there is a Boston area BALCO type lab supplying teams. I wonder if this is the first crack in that case. 3. 32 years old coming off an acl injury the suspension might actually be good for him lol. This way he can be fresh for their inevitable long playoff run.
  19. Doncic on the mavs is a great fit. Not as much action tonight as i expected. Porter jr zero risk at 14 for denver. Good spot for him
  20. Some time ago when I was newish to the board Edward's Arm convinced me YPA is the best way to judge qbs and their chance of being successful. I like this yppp stat as well as the 74% is certainly an interesting correlation for team success. As much as I think TT is a lot better than people here think, 65 yards passing in a game is inexcusable. Some food for thought for sure here!
  21. Interesting analysis but I hate simplifying things like this. Many of Tyrod's sacks were him running ob frustratingly instead of throwing the ball away. In the same vein all ints are not created equal. Heaving it deep on 3rd down where an int is like a punt shouldn't count the same as a red zone int. It boils down to this for me. Tyrod is the ultimate game manager. He needs weapons around him and the Bills didn't provide him that. He is too expensive at 16 million to be the mentor qb for the Bills so he is no longer here. The Bills didn't set him up for success and he wasn't successful. It takes a truly special qb to excel with no weapons and Tyrod ain't that. I know everyone likes to use Brady as an example but he is an anomaly (even he has Gronk). Rodgers had Jordy and Cobb, Ryan has Julio and Sanu, Philly has Alshon, Ertz and others, etc... Tyrod never took that step forward but I also think the Bills never went all in on giving him a chance. I am interested to see what he does with the weapons in Cleveland this year.
  22. I don't want to foray fully into this argument as I think Sammy is a very good player. I don't think he is as good as he thinks he is but who cares about that. Sam Bradford repeatedly gets paid even though he has proven he is made of glass. I think Sammy got paid what he did just as much on who he was at the 4th overall pick as he did for how good he actually is. His lack of production last year should be concerning. Not enough to say he is terrible but he didn't produce and really hasn't produced much in the NFL yet consistently. He still has potential and is only 25 but the contract was given (imo) for what they think he will be not what he is or has been. His reputation as the 4th overall pick with a multitude of excuses for his lack of production led to his contract. I think KC is a great place for him though. He can't be doubled there as there are certifiable game breakers in Hill, Hunt, and Kelce already. Mahomes has been set up for success it will be interesting to see how he does. Watkins too no more excuses.
  23. Because baseball players are pussys. They embody the hold me back approach. Even when they straight rush to the mound they take a round about way there to insure that it gets broken up before it gets going. Then it is a bunch of pushing and pulling with few punches being thrown. Baseball "fights: get a huge eye roll from me as @Royale with Cheese said. They can't fight and are barely athletes (not discounting what they do as hitting in baseball is probably the hardest skill in pro sports). Very rarely does an actual brawl break out. https://www.foxsports.com/mlb/story/odor-bautista-rangers-blue-jays-brawls-bad-mlb-punches-thrown-051616 To the op question though, they should always be broken up. Some of these guys are 20+ million dollar investments. If they were allowed to fight you would get goons just to charge the mound and beat up the pitcher. What protection would a pitcher have if a guy just decided to charge for no good reason?
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