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Everything posted by section122

  1. Even easier people missed the line or think they heard the line. What is more likely? False memories implanted in minds (for what gain especially movie quotes) or people remembered wrong? Experiencing a different reality (philosophically we all experience our own reality but a different discussion for a different day) or remembering 5 seconds of our life from 10 years ago wrong? The brain is incredibly interesting so I won't say I am 100% right here and you are wrong I'm just at peace with the fact that I will never know if we are living in a multi-verse so I don't explore it as a possibility.
  2. One of life's great mysteries for sure but as I posited earlier, even if it is happening but we can't tell that it is happening, does it matter? Kind of like "if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?" I always struggled with these because I always defaulted to "does it matter?" Knowing how faulty every single person's memory is, and knowing that there are 7 billion plus people, tells me that a few thousand people remembering something one way is a statistically very small number. It leads me to believe that confabulation or straight mis-remembering (thanks Roger Clemens) is what causes the supposed mandela effect and that people's brains being similar make similar connections. It blew my young mind when a teacher told me even if you were 1 in a million that means there are 330 people like you in America. "Thousands of people" even tens of thousands is still a statistically small amount of our population. It isn't hard to imagine 10% of people getting something wrong imo.
  3. The Agent Smith line? No I don't remember that The Morpheus one? Eh something like that but I haven't watched the movie in so long I wouldn't pretend to have it memorized. I don't remember the movie verbatim. I don't really give the Mandela effect much credence. What I do find fascinating is that people think it is more likely that there are multiple realities than it is that they simply remember incorrectly. That is the real mind boggling thing here.
  4. Okay I don't tell this story often but... I watched the matrix a lot in college. Like a lot a lot. I had a VCR and would put that tape on to fall asleep. At one point I thought hmmm what if the matrix is real and this is the way of them communicating it. What is more likely? The matrix is real or I got way too high that night? Earlier you even listed out possible reasons, get to #5 (the actual real reason) and immediately discount it. Why do thousands of people remember it that way? Confabulation for many and dismembering for others. Remember the old Carlin joke. Think of how stupid the average person is then realize that half the population is dumber than that.
  5. I agree that CNN is dumb and has made a mockery of themselves but they are not alone imo and that is all I was speaking on. Trump isn't the devil. I'm aware of that. To me his actions are embarrassing from a sitting president but he has done a lot of things that have benefited the people that he represents and that voted him in. He has made the rich richer and I would imagine they are pleased with the job he has done. After the 2016 election I became extremely jaded towards news outlets for exactly the reasons you state. Either the news slants the information or straight omits it. I'm just saying that there are networks on both sides that do this. When the next dem goes into office I would expect your percentages to flip. Fox News will go all negative all the time and CNN will do the 55/45. It is frustrating as it is hard to stay in the know. It is why I venture here a lot. I lean left but I like to see the other sides ideas. I come here to see the discussion from the other side because I can't support networks that are biased. To me that is CNN and Fox News. They are 2 sides of the same coin. Biased and agenda driven.
  6. Woof the ignorance is astounding. boyst what pothead hurt you? Pot isn't the devil and people that use it aren't either. Many many many people in human services use weed as a nice way to relax after a long day of helping people. Lots of veterans are using it for a multitude of reasons. There are many functional, respectable, caring people that use marijuana. I'm sure you love when people generalize gun owners right? I wonder what the world would be like if gun owners cared as much about keeping guns away from the wrong people as they do about keeping their own guns. See how this works? No the single biggest argument against legalization is the fact that it is illegal. That's it. The government says its bad so it must be bad. That is the argument that gets trotted out whenever I have this discussion and it is asinine. You know as well as I do that the gov't has no idea what is best and makes many dumb decisions regularly. Sure though, lets just say stoners are dopey and be done with it
  7. So should there be one of these for Fox News or are they something besides propaganda for the right? No ***** CNN sucks. So does Fox News. The 2016 election exposed this to all of us. Almost every single major news outlet showed their bias. It was most noticeable after debates if you clicked around to see who had "won."
  8. This team is just maddening. Relying on Howard to run the point with his questionable ball handling skills and poor shooting. No backup on the roster, hell we were yelling for Buddy to get some run as an alternative to Frank and Jalen. Jalen is playing better but he is clearly not a pg. Brissett playing hero ball and clearly auditioning for the league. He's playing well so I don't want to be too hard but dammit man hit some free throws. He and Hughes look to be the only guys on the team that try for the entire game and hustle. I liked Battle coming into this year but he just vanishes from the action for so long I forget he is on the floor until he takes one of those long 2s (worst shot in bball) Chukwu, Dolezaj both look to have regressed this year. Chukwu is SOFT and Dolezaj doesn't have that hustle that made him a fan favorite. Sidibe hustles but clearly is lacking skill. Crazy thing is I think they can get this turned around but I am not banking on it. They need to gel and do some serious self reflection. This wasn't a bad loss as UB has a good team but ODU was a bad loss. Back to back losses left a really bad taste in my mouth.
  9. No, dude, that is the weed. Seriously lay off of it.
  10. I know you are trolling but I will entertain it.... There's never been any off-field drama or issues. did you forget about spygate? deflategate? Aaron Hernandez? Rodney Harrison? I stand by my assertion that Brady and Belichick are everything that is wrong with football. I respect the hell out of what they have accomplished. That said they are the reason each and every rule has to be so complex it can't be understood by a layman. Rules should be applied following the spirit of the rule. What is the intention of having the rule and what are you trying to stop. The Pats work by the letter of the law. What is and isn't written. Think back to the Ravens playoff game a couple of years ago. Think of the Seahawks strategy of hold every play and make them call it. These are styles of play that while within the letter of the law, are outside of the spirit of it. So they aren't technically cheating but they are playing cheaply. They are both great and in the conversation of best to ever do it but my level of respect for their "style" is not as high as it would be if they just dominated and didn't have to skirt the rules to do so. That said I do actually agree with their cheat, win, deal with punishment strategy. They have multiple super bowls and that is all anyone cares about at the end of the day. I think if we were all honest with ourselves we would take the accusations of cheating and hatred that comes along with 5 Super Bowls and 15+ years of dominance. Even if they were won using questionable at best tactics.
  11. The bolded is something that I feel strongly about. Once the organization isn't trying to win it seeps into everything. Turnarounds can't happen with the same crew that led the tank. The Browns needed to move on from their GM and HC, even the 76ers in basketball had to do the same thing and that is a sport where tanking works. The most important thing for 2018 is Josh Allen continuing to progress. Wins are better than loses draft pick be damned if the wins come from Josh playing better, more consistent, etc.
  12. Soccer for a few years both rec and travel. Loved it but now i ref. Get paid, no parents, less politics, less responsibility, and i get paid.
  13. That would be a dream. The nightmare would be John Harbaugh going to the Jets.
  14. Yeah the chemistry is what i was thinking of. Similar to deonte Thompson and tyrod or fitz and stevie johnson. Gentry made some nice catches in the college highlight reels of Allen and the Bills are officially in a youth movement it seems to make sense to me.
  15. Wanted to bump this up. With the release of Holmes and Benjamin I would love to see him signed off of the Bears practice squad. I know we have a few Wyoming fans here that could speak on him but when I watched Allen highlights from College a lot of the throws were to Gentry. He also played very well for them this preseason (16 catches for 144 and a td). How about it Beane?
  16. Conditioner conditioner conditioner. Shower routine: shampoo/rinse put conditioner in beard and leave it - really scrub it in wash body brush teeth (hell yeah I brush my teeth in the shower!) wash out conditioner Itchiness won't last past 2 weeks and you will have a kickass soft beard. Get one of those beard brushes too. I can be put to sleep by someone brushing my beard and it helps train it.
  17. well played! That is easily one of the most annoying thought processes on this board to me.
  18. It seems like a lot of people are forgetting the spread aspect of it and just going to heads up. In a football game weird bounces happen and when it gets to 3 or 4 scores it doesn't matter anymore. That said the 28.5 isn't even what Vegas thinks WILL happen they just think that is the number that would get bets on both sides. They have the Pats at 49.5 but would never install the Pats as a 21 point favorite over the Bills. The number isn't what they think will happen (as you know) but what they think the public will bet on happening. From this thread it looks like 28.5 is the right number to do that. I have 2 exceptions to your argument and I want to point out the first here. This thread came out when Peterman was starting and the Bills offense was historically bad. Now that they are just bad and Allen is leading the charge, your number doesn't change at all? This is my second exception. Players talk all the time about their welcome to the NFL moment where they got rocked, or they realized everyone was as fast or as big or as strong as they were. I know Bama has world class well everything but we are still talking about some 19 and 20 year olds competing against fully grown men. The 3 year rule is in place imo to protect the players because at 18,19, or 20 most (not all and Bama certainly has some that can) kids can't compete with the functional strength of grown ass men. Imo it would be a blow out for the Bills. Final score prediction? None Bills would win handily which I don't think anyone denies but I don't see the Bills caring whether that was by 21 or 40.
  19. First playoff season in 17 years has you unimpressed? I know he isn't perfect but jeez.... So according to various people on this board Tyrod gets no credit for the Bills playoffs last year and neither does McDermott. Who gets credit for last year's 9-7 record and playoff berth?
  20. I don't lol. Seriously though the last 2 games I have been very impressed with Allen. The best part of his game is that he just makes plays. It may be running but it could also be passing. The last play would have been dead before the throw for a majority of qbs in the league imo. He started slow yesterday but was lights out in the 4th quarter. I'm excited and hopeful we have our guy. In a personal anecdote that means nothing I watched the end of the game with my wife (not a big sports fan). When they lost she said she was surprised I wasn't mad. I told her that this year is all about finding out whether or not Allen can be a qb in this league. She said he is really good but the offensive line is terrible. So there you have it. Josh Allen will be a franchise qb because my wife is never wrong (at least that's what she tells me!).
  21. Thanks for this! I would be interested in seeing Josh's numbers after sitting as opposed to the start of the season to see if the eye test improvement I've seen is matched in the box score.
  22. Are you doing your qb rankings on the spreadsheet again this year? Are these yours or QBR? I would be interested to see what your sheet put out!
  23. Chuck Pagano? Dick Jauron? Jeff Fisher? Hue Jackson? I didn't try that hard Talk to any Packers fan and see what they think of McCarthy. They have been pining for his firing for a couple of years now. He routinely makes completely boneheaded decisions that cost his team. No thanks.
  24. Ouch! I pay $1100 for 2 season tickets! That team last night was much more representative of the team i had seen at the games in the dome. I don't know what was up in nyc but they were completely disjointed. Elijah continues to impress and be my favorite player on the team. He, brissett, and battle make a formidable trio that can actually also hit foul shots. I stand by my assertion that this is a top 15 team once they gel.
  25. A lot of you guys will get to see Cuse for the first time tonight. Here is what I've seen so far (I'm in my seats so some of what I've seen might not match stats - just one guy sitting at the dome) Brissett is an animal this year. He is the go to player for the team. He is much more aggressive this year and it is nice to see. I thought coming into the year it would be Battle's team but it is clearly Brissett's. Tyus Battle looks like he is still trying to find his place. First half of last game he was nowhere to be found. Second half it looked like he started finding himself andexploded. Jalen Carey is really frustrating to watch. He makes freshman mistakes but then looks aloof. Him "learning" from Franklin is a scary idea. I couldn't believe Boeheim let him stay in after some of his bonehead plays that were frustrating on their own being followed with not hustling back. Elijah Hughes is already my favorite player on the team. He "isn't afraid of the moment" and has looked like he belongs. He is a highlight reel and it looks like the team feeds off of his energy. We've already got some timely charges, chase down blocks, and all around exciting play. For some reason I keep calling him Elijah Strong even though I know it isn't his name lol. Dolezaj is Doleazaj. Cuse fans love their scrappy white guy. Chukwu is still Chukwu and can frustrate with his hands and then pull a monster rebound/putback. Sidibe is back and I honestly forgot about him but the ability for them to spell each other is huge. The depth along the front line is something that will greatly benefit the team come February/March. The depth on this team in general is the best it has been in a long while. I didn't even mention Buddy or Franklin. Brissett and Battle returning make this team one that will be in the top 15 if not top 10 all year and that is without seeing what Frank brings to the team this year. They won't beat Duke imo but they will compete with every other team on the schedule this year. Should be an exciting year!
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