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Everything posted by section122

  1. some random thoughts about last night and I guess the season so far... They were out of sync last night for a good chunk of the first half which continues a trend of just being ice cold to start. Hughes tripped himself on a break away, people couldn't dribble, bad passes, etc.. The pick and roll with Chukwu is a broken play. They NEVER pass him the ball so the ball handler is just left double teamed as Chukwu rolls. I don't even blame them not passing to him since he can't catch but please stop running that play. Jalen Carey continues to frustrate the hell out of me. This team that has so much experience lacks leadership. Brissett is playing hero ball trying to improve his draft stock, Battle disappears for stretches/ sometimes entire games, Howard's lack of ball handling skills and rbf aren't helping. Other than Hughes and Battle how can these guys not make free throws? How is this always an issue with Cuse? The crowd last night was one of the best all season. Even down 20 they stayed loud and during the comeback the place was rocking. It was a nice change from the refusal to stand up/be engaged that usually happens. I think Cuse ran out of gas. FSU was hot but you can't spot a team in the ACC a 20 point lead and hope to win. There were a lot of poor closeouts by the top of the zone that led to some open looks. This team should be so much better than they are. I hope they have a lot of pg and c help coming....
  2. Trae Young is playing really well too though. He has won rookie of the month twice. I like Luca but comparing that to passing on Jordan is a stretch. Maybe compare it to trading Tractor Traylor for Dirk?
  3. C'mon man. It's dummies like you that they do it for. You get to be a persecuted republican and laugh at all the libtards. If you are paying attention most of us on both sides land somewhere in the middle but that doesn't sell. However people love to snap up that the other side is the devil so the media shows you the extremes and people (apparently like you) believe that represents everyone. If he's lying he's an idiot. His political affiliation has nothing to do with it. Why do we have to group people? A dumbass is a dumbass on either side and the further to the extreme the more likely someone is to be a dumbass.
  4. I think the most enlightening thing for me is how 26cb has lived rent free in these guys head for over a month now I think? There are a lot of posters that come and go. There are some I even miss. There are more that I am glad don't post anymore. 7 pages though for a guy so many claim to not like. This is like a break up where the posters here are the one who was left and now saying it was mutual and happy that it happened.
  5. Yeah I expected that one as that pass was pinpoint and the fake worked to perfection. It was everything we hope he can do regularly and consistently going forward. The run against the Fins where he made Kiko look really bad and kept twisting him around is another one that I thought belonged. That play really showed his athleticism as he had a spy and made that spy look silly.
  6. I'm sorry I'm trying but I just don't understand how you can type these 2 paragraphs back to back. For YOU sure YOU didn't judge him on his color and just plain old thought he sucked. That doesn't mean it doesn't and didn't happen from other people. See the McNabb issue from Limbaugh.
  7. I wasn't going to post because everyone has already dug their heels in on this issue but I'm a card carrying member of the COT so here I am. Tyrod won a competition and was given an opportunity in Buffalo- fact Tyrod was the best qb we have had in a long time - opinion but man he has to be at least top 3 since Kelly Tyrod was the QB of the team that broke the drought - fact QB is the most important position on a football team - fact Somehow Tyrod gets no credit though for leading the Bills to the playoffs. Somehow it was in spite of him. Tyrod was given a shot to start by the team because he earned it. Tyrod was traded because, after 3 years, the team thought they had seen enough and that they wanted to go in a different direction. He should be loved in Buffalo for breaking that drought. Black QBs ARE judged harsher than their white counterparts I provide example number 1 of Joe Flacco. Mr. Elite. Tyrod outperformed him while they were both starters. Flacco though won a super bowl on a stacked team. Same thing everyone said Tyrod would need to win one. I use Joe Flacco because he was just benched for a black qb. You know the one that Bill Polian said should be a wr. The same one that went 6-1 as a starter while Joe had led the team to 4-5 record and talks of Harbaugh being let go. Example 2 is Rush Limbaugh's comments on Donovan McNabb. Donovan McNabb has been to three straight Pro Bowls and two consecutive NFC championship games, and was runner-up for NFL MVP in his first full season as a starter. Still, commentator Rush Limbaugh saw fit to question the quarterback's credentials. Before McNabb led the Philadelphia Eagles to a 23-13 victory over the Buffalo Bills, Limbaugh said on ESPN's "Sunday NFL Countdown" that McNabb is overrated. However, Limbaugh injected his comment with racial overtones that have set off a controversy. "Sorry to say this, I don't think he's been that good from the get-go," Limbaugh said. "I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. There is a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team." Lastly, @Gugny you seem to think that Tyrod's comments were made to all people. They weren't. Tell me that Buffalo NY is completely racism free. Tell me the USA is free from racism. If you can't than you are admitting that there are people that judge him more harshly because he is black. He didn't say the Bills did. He didn't say any of the coaches did. This thread is literally about how much love he has for Buffalo however you made it about him being racist. Should we all now hate you for making Tyrod's Buffal stint all about race?
  8. No problem. Maintaining a good blood sugar involves eating and balancing carbs. While you are right she could just give me insulin think of it like a scale. The more items you put on it the harder it is to balance. Add in that soda is empty carbs it makes it harder still. It was long told to diabetics that they could eat whatever they want and just give insulin for it. That completely ignores the effects different things have on you. Before the allergies, pizza always caused a problem for her for example. She would always wake up in the middle of the night with a high sugar. It probably was her allergies that she hadn't figured out yet though. Each food effects each diabetic differently and it changes. She's pregnant and regularly fighting low sugars no matter what she eats now. It's a difficult disease to manage but she's a trooper. @The Real Buffalo Joe is right though, you should never assume what someone can or can't have as it's different person to person.
  9. My wife has the same exact allergies and she is also a type 1 diabetic. The 2 of us could probably trade stories all day! This story is from our honeymoon. We picked our "all inclusive" location specifically because of conversations with the staff including "the chef" before we booked as it can be difficult for her to find foods that won't cause an issue. We got to our destination on Sunday. Sunday night we had dinner and they didn't have much selection for her. No big deal chef comes back to work on Monday. Chef comes back to work on Monday, calls our room to find out what my wife can eat and to work with her. We are really impressed as he hangs up. He calls us back and says proudly that he put in a special order with his food rep and it will all be delivered Wednesday! We asked what we should do until then and he tells us to just make due! Now we are a little mad but it is our honeymoon so we try to make the best of it. Wednesday arrives and my wife is pumped to go crazy on some food at Dinner. Except the food truck came in late and they didn't have time to prepare food for her. So the place comps us 2 tickets to a show that night as an apology. We go to the show and my wife asks for a diet soda. The waitress explains that they have no diet soda at the theater only in the restaurants and bars. The girl recommended regular soda and my wife explained that she is diabetic. The girl said "so what does that mean? You can still have soda just don't drink too much." My wife is beyond upset now and not one to let things slide. When we went to check out she brought up everything that went wrong. The girl behind the counter said I'm sorry about the food but how was everything else? Fireworks. My wife asked to speak to the manager who decided that she would comp us a free weekend at this place. My wife kindly (I'm lying I was scared lol) explained that we would never set foot in that place again. To shorten this story, the place stupidly sent a survey and my wife destroyed them on it. Corporate called and refunded all but Thursday and Friday of our stay. They also offered us a free weekend at the end of the phone call which we didn't and haven't (and won't knowing my wife lol) use. So many bad stories from our honeymoon it is amazing we are still married! Our room had a pool in it and when we went to get in it we stopped as there was a lot of white "substance" floating in it. It looked like someone had nutted in the pool and nobody cleaned it. There was a champagne hot tub in the room as well which had green algae underneath it and what looked to be a crack in it. They told us that the algae was mold because there was probably a leak at one time but not to worry about it as it was safe. Just a really bad experience and a bunch of people we know went to the same place and had recommended it to us. I don't recommend it lol.
  10. Strangely I am most interested to see if Trump gets the de facto nomination that sitting presidents usually do or if republicans try to put someone up against him. He destroyed a lot of repubs last primary season. I wonder if people will run against him to unseat him, avoid it because they don't want him to go in on them, or what will happen. For the dems like I said Biden has it locked up imo. Bernie is 4 years older and started a movement but he is seen as too radical. I'm left leaning and some of his ideas even make me leery. I would have voted for him in 16 due to the him being the best of a bad bunch of candidates but don't know if that will hold true in 20. Bernie did do some good for me personally at least. He exposed the DNC corruption and he exposed corporate media as much more bias than I had realized. I was one of those idiots that voted for a 3rd party candidate to try and get another party involved. I just couldn't support Trump or Clinton as President.
  11. Yeah I agree his best shot was riding the Obama wave but I won't count him out yet. I think he is a lock for the Dem nomination though. His running partner will be interesting and hopefully it isn't a pandering pick like Palin was. It will be interesting though. Trump takes these politicians out of their element and trolls them which gets an emotional response. Joe has the "Biden Bro" persona which should motivate the young people. However he also has the "creepy uncle Joe" persona to battle too. I've said it before but I'm prepared for Trump again in 2020. First because as I said America loves to re-elect but secondly, once that curtain closes, you can vote for whomever you'd like. People might not admit in public to liking Trump but I think many more actually do than say they do. 2016 was an incredible year where both parties put up terrible candidates but 1 party underestimated how terrible their candidate was.
  12. Ouch. This isn't groundbreaking. If Biden had run in 16 he would be president right now. The Dems thought they could force Hillary on people without regard for just how many Dems didn't like her. Biden is pretty well liked by all Dems and would have crushed Trump imo. I feel that Bernie would have beat him as well but we will never know... Now that Trump is office though I will say Biden is probably the best bet to unseat him but no longer a guarantee. Americans love to re-elect.
  13. Tanner Gentry should become our new great white hope. At least that's who gets my vote!!!
  14. Yeah i always figured he posted all those links as a job. Some sort of social media position. I'm figured he got paid per click on the links he shared. Now that its slow bills news season he moved on.
  15. Co-worker who eats and breathes Michigan swears by this guy. Says he will be a beast for whomever gets him. He says that about every Michigan player though lol
  16. Thank you for all of this including the relevant sources. I am a drive by poster every where on this board lol. I have been a member for almost 10 years and am here everyday but I lurk. I like to get ideas on both sides but don't care for the arguing that discussion generally leads to so again I thank you for your detailed answer and for doing it neutrally. There is a ton to chew on here so again thank you. I enjoy challenging my beliefs and growing my knowledge. It has become very difficult to get any information that hasn't been spun or is clearly slanted. 5.7 billion is a lot of money for a tool that might have a benefit. I would prefer government expenditures to have a concrete benefit. I don't see the wall as an answer but understand better how others do. Hasn't Trump also drawn a line in the sand though? He wants a wall and the gov't won't open until he gets it. Last I saw the Dems had offered 1.3 billion for the wall and he countered with 2.1 billion.
  17. I appreciate the answer I was sure I was just going to be shouted down lol. Sorry to respond the way I did but I'm not great with the quote boxes so I had to put my answers in a different color. I used red because no other color showed well not because I'm angry lol.
  18. Wow this is an incredible spin on the current events. It would be admirable if even part of this was true. Couple of questions though: 1. If our border is one of the "global hubs of human trafficking" doesn't that mean that the issue is America? If we are the hub that means there is demand here for this. Shouldn't we work on stopping that? Perhaps finding the individuals who do this? Or why they feel so safe operating in America? 2. When it comes to gun control I keep hearing that making guns illegal won't do anything because criminals will still get their hands on guns (I agree with this thought process). Why then, would building a wall do anything? Won't the criminals still find a way around it? 3. A wall really? I have to imagine if, as you say, this is all being done purely to stop human trafficking, that they are using many means of transport. Container ships, airplanes, etc... all won't be affected by a wall. It is 2019 what the hell is a wall going to do? You can dig under a wall, climb over a wall, or go to where the wall stops. Unless we are going to put a wall around the entire border it makes no sense (even that idea wouldn't work). On a side note, doesn't this strike anyone as a temper tantrum? Not getting his way so he shuts down the government. I don't care to call Trump names, I get people who think the office should be respected regardless of who is in there, I don't pretend to have all the answers but your spin above strikes me. Is there anything he has done that you disagree with? People here like to pretend that PPP is all about the truth and you guys are smarter than every one else but reading through these threads it appears that anything left/progressive/dem is wrong and anything right/conservative/republican is right. I would think that you guys would not blindly follow everything repub but I haven't found something yet that you as an echo chamber (yes that is what is happening here) disagree with. I would love to have my mind changed on that so if there are examples that I missed I'm all ears.
  19. Bryan Stork was tipping snaps though as well. Scar is a great o-line coach but he missed the 2 years Stork was in the NFL. How about the action of McDaniels hiring him on to be his o-line coach?
  20. I have already accepted that the Patriots will win the super bowl and you should too... Andy Reid has a long history of coming up short when it matters most while Brady and Belichick have a long history of doing exactly the opposite. The Saints have a good defense and a team that will excel in the dome but they are always good for a stinker at the most random times. The Rams have a bunch of head cases and struggled greatly down the stretch. Whichever NFC team they face (yes KC is a formality) BB will have 2 weeks to dissect film on. I actually think talent wise the Patriots are the 4th best team. However they find ways to win and I won't bet against them. They even get some motivation by being an under dog for the first time in 69 games. Extra fuel for the fire. Brady is the best ever. There I said it... can the pain and suffering end now please?
  21. Yeah 18 year old me had no problem with it. I didn't actually realize it until I had a "hard time" when I got home lol. I have a friend that works at the base so I said I would go again if it was there because I wouldn't have to stay there. Watkins Glen isn't too far away from me so I could actually do day trips but I've got a kid on the way late June/early July and I don't think my wife would be to keen on the idea. Last time around I needed to get my parents to say yes. Now I need to get permission from my wife. The more things change the more they stay the same!
  22. We got up there Thursday night and I got home Monday morning around 6 am. I didn't poop the entire time lol. Then again with the food and drink prices I didn't spend my money on that and spent it elsewhere... It was a fun weekend and have some really good memories but I'm almost 40 and can't spend the entire weekend partying anymore. My body and more importantly my brain won't allow that to happen anymore lol.
  23. The bills weren't even the worst team ppg wise in the league. They ended ahead of jax and Arizona.
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