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Everything posted by section122

  1. My 4 year old wants to fight you Aladdin for me. I love Will Smith and wonder how he will do as the genie although Robin Williams IS the genie. I loved Aladdin as a kid so it will be really fun to go with my wife and kid.
  2. Man ***** this guy. I was at 99 and it was a mess because it was a clear cash grab. They didn't have enough port a pottys for everyone, water was $4.00 a bottle, all food was overpriced, there were very few atms to get enough cash to eat, etc. The fans of Insane Clown Posse and RHCP handing out candles had nothing to do with it. Musically the festival was awesome. Organizationally it was an absolute mess. Saturday was the heaviest night yet the trouble was Sunday night. People were pissed after a long weekend of being treated like garbage. The "riots" are overblown as there weren't huge fights too. Absolutely not forgiving sexual assault (those dirtbags have no excuse) however more security could have helped prevent it. This lineup is more pop than rock and disappointing to me. I'm too old to do 3 days of partying anymore but am close enough to drive to Watkins Glen for a day. I don't see a day worth my money. If they wanted to have "music for everyone" they should have separated the days. Something like Friday the bands from the original to kick it off, Saturday the big bands/acts, Sunday the up and comers. Past/present/future or separate out by type of music. Miley Cyrus on the same day as John Fogerty and Santana? How big of a cross section of fans like these acts together? Bleh. This bothers me more than it should lol.
  3. I wasted all my rep points on this thread. I love this signing. He played so well in this system and the depth in the secondary is fantastic! When i saw the thread title i thought please be with Buffalo. Happy Monday!
  4. of everything we saw last year this was the thing that gave me the most hope. Some people are just winners and it looks like Josh has that drive. You can see how much he wants it. Effort and heart are the things that you can't coach imo and he has both of them in spades. The rest of the guys will rally around that.
  5. I noticed this on a couple of the signings. Mid priced contracts hoping to find a gem like Poyer. I like it.
  6. I don't understand this thread but I'm always willing to learn... 2 guys very close to Trump and part of his election team are going to prison. So these guys were acting on their own? That's hard to buy. Seems like a lot of celebrating for Manafort "only getting 47 months." How is this not bad for Trump?
  7. With regards to varys i started thinking that because of the shaved head and his attachment to westeros. He's hiding something and there is more to him than we have seen so far imo. I have to agree that someone should have recognized him especially Tywin. Good call! I think he will be a major player with an important reveal this season tho. I think its Sam writing from his time in the citadel when he says the name of the story needs to be more poetic. He may even mention a song of ice and fire but i could be misremembering lol. Add in the whole history is written by the victors and it led me to think someone is narrating and the Lannister's do not prevail. Almost forgot one of my favorites... Bron of the blackwater is a Reyne. He is so focused on getting a castle, plays coy whenever asked about where he comes from, and sings reynes of castemere a decent amount. Probably none of what i think will come true but i can't wait! Euron and theon definitely die imo and are the surest deaths. This little bit here would be an incredible way for this to all play out!
  8. If we are ever at a game together of course I will share I can't shake Tyrion not being on the up and up. Every thing he "advised" Dany on blew up in his face. I think Cersei telling him she was pregnant got to him. You can also see the pain on his face when Jamie is charging Dany and the Dragon and again when he knows Dany and Jon are hooking up. This scene first put the thought in my head on my rewatch. he references the game of thrones which we know you either win the throne or die and then at the end talks about playing one game at a time. I'm going theory crazy though so it could absolutely mean nothing lol. I know a lot of people will die. I'm expecting then that they will be turned and people will have to "kill" them. I think it will happen with Dany and Jon will be the one to kill her. Maybe the 2 of them end up the night king and queen? Who knows but I'm pumped lol.
  9. That second watch through for me gave me so many theories and ideas. I also highly recommend watching with subtitles on. There is background chatter that sometimes gets put on there and will add to the story. I can't wait for this freaking show to come back! Condensed possible theories for discussion: Tyrion is still working with the Lannisters and will turn on Jon/Dany Jamie will also not redeem himself. He tried killing Dany in the middle of season 7 no way is he on a redemption arc imo. Varys may or may not be Rhaegar Targaryen (sp?) at the very least I think he is a bigger player in all of this than we have been led to believe. This entire story is Sam's written version of events (feel most confident about this) and the show will end with him either writing or reading it to little Sam. Since Jon is already dead - what if he becomes the new night king and marches them back up north? I feel like him being "dead" will come into play at some point this season. So many more but what are people's thoughts?
  10. While I will agree that he looks blanketed on these requiring the contested catches, I think he did show some excellent change of direction skills. His speed issues are a bit overblown imo. He pulled away from some guys from on play 5 but most importantly he runs well with the ball in his hands. So he might not be the fastest guy but he gets open enough to make catches and then runs well. At the heart of it though I like him because he can catch the ball. I hate when a receiver can do everything but has "concentration drops" or "needs to improve hands" or "is a body catcher." To me those guys should be avoided and it is why DK makes me nervous. Catching is the base of everything they do, so to my completely amateur evaluation eye, is the most important thing to me. I gave up a couple of years ago getting to hyped about each prospect or picking favorites. Harry is one of a few guys I would like but the Bills never seem to draft the guys I really like so I prefer to wait and see who they get. I stopped pounding the tables for any one player. A lot less disappointment that way
  11. Here everyone just do yourself a favor and watch this... Displays strength, agility, adjustment to the ball, and eye popping catches. This is a highlight video obviously but it shows a lot of NFL traits including those hands!
  12. This is the play where I started wanting him on the Bills lol.
  13. My point is that the guy has much more negative coverage than previous presidents regardless of party affiliation. Some of that is probably because he has been in the spotlight for so long and made some enemies along the way. His negative press could also be because he isn't an establishment politician and thus upsets the status quo. I'll leave those theories to @Deranged Rhino . That said there are currently 30+ national emergencies active. Your hyperbole is a bit much there and I am someone that thinks the wall is a really dumb idea. Your last paragraph though I agree with somewhat. If you want to look at the silver lining of this incident; perhaps it will get people to calm the ***** down and wait for the facts to come out. Covington followed by this are not a good look for the twitter mob "reporters." Creating this incident is idiotic and you are right it will create distrust from future victims which is a shame. At some point hopefully it also creates distrust in the knee jerk media. All it does is help Trump when he yells fake news about something that we might actually need to be concerned about.
  14. I did some looking into coverage as slanted coverage has grabbed my attention since the 16 POTUS election where every major media outlet showed that they were biased and I came across something interesting: Trump coverage is more negative than Obama I think we all have noticed that but here is the something interesting. Trump coverage is much more negative than Bush or Clinton too. Perhaps Trump himself has made many more enemies in the media? He has been a public figure much longer than any of the other 3 guys. Given his "personality" I could see him grating the wrong people and leading to the negative coverage without it being a left vs right thing. It boils down to this (and this thread is no exception) it is easier to say someone that disagrees with you is stupid than to listen to their point. It is easier to paint with a broad stroke and claim everyone on either side is this or that. It is easier to get your news from facebook or twitter than to actually do research. People want soundbites that match up with their worldview. Very few people are interested in personal growth and dismiss any opinion that doesn't align with theirs as libtard or snowflake or nazi or whatever insult they choose. Reality is the government is so large most of us would have no idea where to even begin leading it. Decisions that effect 330 million people and sometimes 7 billion people are unfathomable choices. That doesn't stop people from proclaiming entire ideaologies as stupid because of one point of contention. Trump isn't infallible, Obama wasn't infallible, neither Bush nor Clinton before them. We want to pretend though our particular party is the right one when reality is that it is just a bunch of millionaire/billionaires taking care of themselves no matter the party affiliation. People don't care about what is best for America they care what is best for themselves which is why the country is failing. We are a long way from "ask not what your country can do for you" and that speech was made when segregation was still legal! This country will progress when people stop talking dem vs republican and start talking point by point. We aren't beholden to voting a certain way if we disagree with a topic. We don't have to believe an ideology because most of our beliefs fall on one side or the other. We can make up our own mind. The only stupid people are the ones who fall entirely in line with their party without thinking for themselves. Unfortunately at this point most people in the country fall into that category. I rambled sorry...
  15. The NBA is interesting as there are certain guys that are very reliable for certain teams. As a lakers fan ramona shelbourne is the end all be all. Woj and lebron don't get along and woj has no lebron sources so he is always the last to know and he writes hit pieces. Then again schefter showed himself to be a glorified mouthpiece of agents too with the marrone to the jets thing.
  16. So why do we pay tax at all then? Why do you get to enjoy roads? Why do you get to enjoy any of the multitude of things that your tax bill affords you? To me access to health services should not be dependent on whether or not you can afford them. It isn't cable, it isn't a cell phone. It is people's lives. Doctor's will still be paid. You will still have money taken out of your check for taxes whether it is used to fund a wall or to fund your health and well being. I know what I would prefer to spend my tax dollars on and it isn't bombing some country halfway across the world. At the root of it though I have no problem helping the less fortunate. I am blessed. I have a good job and I have health insurance. I don't have the mine mine mine mindset. I have enough to be happy and hope it continues that way. However it is incredibly stressful knowing that if I lose my job my wife's health is in serious jeopardy as she has diabetes and insulin has skyrocketed in cost. If something, god forbid, were to happen to my job she couldn't get the care she needs. We would have to make decisions about either her health or us eating. That is mind boggling to me in what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. The greatest country in the world should take care of it's people and I am glad to pay my share to make it so. Yes there are lazy people who would benefit from this but guess what you are already subsidizing them with medicaid. There are many more people like you or I (assumption - apologies if I am wrong) who would benefit from this. I feel like the only people who don't support medicare for all either have incredibly low/no health insurance premiums or have no health concerns. However if and when that changes for them, it will be too late.
  17. I'm well aware of the seedy side of medical billing. I tell anyone who will listen to negotiate their medical bills. I think (and strong emphasis on think) that part of the price gouging from hospitals/doctors is because they know they are billing insurance companies and that there will be push back so they bill at outrageous numbers and settle for a percentage. Insurance companies can then trot out these outrageous figures and raise rates. I work for a company that provides medicaid services and therefore bills through medicaid. They have created a division solely to investigate fraud and fraudulent claims. If health care was run by the government I would imagine they would also implement a system like this which would help control costs. Our current model is based on for profit companies. If the government stepped in it would no longer be a for profit venture. Prices could then be bargained and fixed. It isn't perfect and would take a lot of people who are a lot smarter than me to figure out the minutia. That said again I come back to us being the only developed country that doesn't have this. Owning guns is a right in this country but receiving adequate medical treatment isn't. That is mind blowing to me. Single payer would help alleviate this though imo. Part of the hassle is figuring out what kind of insurance they have, what their copay and deductible is, and following all of the different steps each different company has. If it was one payer source it would streamline the billing process. We submit to medicaid, fidelis, and other mltc's for our company's billing. Want to wager a guess which one is the easiest to submit billing to and receiving payment from?
  18. Don't forget that their is, already in place, medicare for elderly and medicaid for the poor. The framework is already in place. The program just needs to be expanded. Social Security is already pushing retirement age back which I agree with. That is one step in the right direction. We could stop the military industrialization that has occurred in this country and shrink down our military budget. The federal debt? Nobody in power thinks about this. Hell the POTUS wants 5.7 billion for a wall does is he thinking about the debt or a campaign promise (that Mexico was going to pay for). How about the 70% tax plan where money over 10 million dollars is taxed at 70%? Somehow people have perverted that into everyone would be paying that. How about capping annual earnings at 1 billion dollars a year? Surely people could survive on that and it would open up more money. These are just me spit balling in 15 minutes and some of them admittedly wouldn't work but there are solutions to your problem without catastrophe. At the core of it though, how can every developed nation have it figured out but America can't? Another excellent point. If Florida charged income tax their coffers could be full come disaster time. It isn't like hurricanes catch them by surprise. I get a place like Louisiana needed FEMA funds when Katrina came through because it isn't a regular occurrence. I don't get Florida not being prepared.
  19. The office thread reminded me of one... Seinfeld is terrible. They are all so damn whiny and entitled I don't get why them being ***** people is funny. Another one: Anyone who is opposed to medicare for all is an idiot. That might be too strong. Anyone opposed to medicare for all has likely done no research on the subject and just buys the spin of higher taxes without thinking more about it. We are supposed to be the greatest country in the world but we can't even take care of ourselves. Lose your job? You have also lost your health insurance - hope you are lucky and don't get sick. Have a job, get an illness that takes you out longer than 12 weeks? No job and therefore no insurance sucks to be you. Baby boomers should be pushing hard for this as they will be the ones needing it very soon and yet they don't. Yes your taxes will go up but you won't have to pay insurance premiums anymore. People care more about their right to bear arms than people having the right to healthcare. This boggles my mind. Wait section122 The US is the leader in research for medicine. Cool, if we have universal healthcare they would no longer have to spend huge sums of money on advertising and could put that into R&D. Here is a quick article about how the US is the only country in the top 50 most developed nations to not offer it. http://factmyth.com/factoids/the-us-is-the-only-very-highly-developed-country-without-universal-healthcare/
  20. Brooklyn 99 and The Good Place were made by the same people and I prefer both of them to the office and parks and rec although I didn't hate either show. I am just not a fan of cringe comedy where people are very awkward and the laughs are drawn from that. I end up just being annoyed. The office has a lot of this comedy and Jim is kind of a dick but supposed to be the lovable guy. Parks and Rec started slow but I really enjoyed the growth of that show. Leslie Knope could be annoying at times though which also turned me off to the show. I won't say I didn't like them just wasn't a giant fan. Brooklyn 99 is probably my favorite tv show right now. What can I say I like dumb comedy!
  21. This is what I keep wondering. It's like 26cb pantsed these guys
  22. Spent pretty much my entire adult life in healthcare. Worked direct care at a children's psych hospital for 10 years, trainer for an arc for a couple of years, now I'm hr for a homecare company. Definitely a rewarding field. Not financially but knowing you made someone's life better is a much better reward imo. Hope your issue was resolved as painlessly as possible!
  23. This lineup would need more shooting imo. However it highlights the issue with Cuse. Battle, Brissett, and Hughes are a great 3 headed monster to lead a team. However there is no answer for the other positions. I like Dolezaj's willingness to take a charge. I wish he was that aggressive on offense though. Last year he was all hustle all the time this year it seems like he isn't going 1000 miles and hour. Buddy is much better than Trevor Cooney at this point in there careers and Cooney got a ton of run. I'm not saying Buddy needs to play 30+ minutes but he gives at least a deep threat you have to respect. I wondered last night at the game if he is harder on Buddy pt wise than other players. Imo Buddy has played better than Jalen Carey this year and should get all of those minutes but I understand they are trying Carey as more of a pg. I was really high on this team in the preseason and start of the season but the trip to MSG showed some serious flaws in the makeup of the team and I think we continue to see that. I thought by now they would have figured it out and they have at times but consistency is sorely lacking. I have a theory (completely unsubstantiated). Howard's terrible attitude has caused problems on this team. Watching the guys when Buddy is on the floor and they are high fiving each other. Not so much when Frank is out there. I also wonder if the early season struggles where everyone though "just wait for Frank" went to his head. Whatever it is this team will go as he goes as you said earlier but I would love to see Jimmy give more quick hooks and long benchings until guys decide to give 100% effort at all times.
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