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Everything posted by section122

  1. Well at least some people got the point of the thread lol I'm not hiding it. I put it in this thread here. This is the part though that saves me. I have my opinions just like anyone else but I can be and am certainly wrong plenty. Shoot I was basically a founding member of the CoT! I understand that and think this place would be better if more people did.
  2. I like Oliver. I like N'Keal Harry in the 2nd but he prob won't be there. There are plenty of players that make me uneasy like Gary and Sweat. If they get drafted I will hope like hell they are better than I think they will be. Again I am okay with people having opinions. I just want them to realize they are just that. Opinions. Whatdrought posted about Allen pre-draft here is what I wrote: Allen SCREAMS bust to me. In the same vain of who the hell is Blaine Gabbert? Remember him? Played at Missouri and had subpar stats but went in the 1st round. I don't THINK Allen will work out in the NFL. If he is drafted by the Bills I will hope like hell I am wrong. I've been wrong plenty of times before. I just won't be as excited as I will be if the pick is Rosen or Mayfield. Choosing Allen OVER Rosen as this thread suggests and I will be very disappointed. After he was drafted I didn't add anything to it. I didn't come here and rail against the stupid Bills and I'm glad because 1 year later I would look really foolish. Even when I disagree with a pick I understand that some young man's dream has just come true. Imagine getting drafted by the Bills and seeing that the fan base hates you before you even play a down. What are the chances you re-sign?
  3. here is what I wrote: Except I can guarantee tonight there will be many people that mock the pick, explode because they don't like the pick, etc. Don't be that guy. Don't be an embarrassment to our fan base. Welcome the player as he achieves his life long dream. Don't be Eagles fans booing McNabb and don't be a wrongjosh poster. Be excited. Today is Christmas morning and the Bills get to add young talent to an already exciting young core. You don't have to like the pick. Just have actual reasons not to like the pick. Also understand that you could be wrong. There are several posters here that do a lot of work scouting these guys. There are also a lot of posters here who do no work but read 1 article and form a rock solid opinion. This place is for discussion and disagreement. A certain wrestling manager commentary is a perfect example of a poster who, no matter who is chosen, will speak about it as the dumbest pick ever with no reasoning.
  4. You laugh but this exact scenario played out last year lol.
  5. I'm all for opinions. I'm all for disagreement. This draft is cool for fans but a life changing moment for the players. For some reason though people think they know exactly how someone's career will turn out because they listened to Mel Kiper and watched a youtube video. You don't have to like the pick but the hyperbole that will be posted tonight will be ridiculous. We had a long time poster quit the board because they took the wrong Josh. We have a poster who's handle is wrong josh. Just a ***** way to be a fan imo.
  6. Annual reminder to not forget that whomever is selected will represent the city of Buffalo and the Bills. Sounds simple right? Except I can guarantee tonight there will be many people that mock the pick, explode because they don't like the pick, etc. Don't be that guy. Don't be an embarrassment to our fan base. Welcome the player as he achieves his life long dream. Don't be Eagles fans booing McNabb and don't be a wrongjosh poster. Be excited. Today is Christmas morning and the Bills get to add young talent to an already exciting young core. No you're not a realist. You don't know jack *****. The player could be good, could be terrible, but he is a Buffalo Bill. Don't chase him away before he even signs the contract. I get that you had a favorite and the Bills didn't pick them. For every JJ Watt I loved pre-draft there is also a Matt Barkley that I loved. For every CJ Spiller I hated there is also a Marshawn Lynch I hated. Enjoy the draft. Enjoy the Bills adding cheap young talent. Go Bills!
  7. fixed and updated the poll. This will be the last pick of the mock so we can all prepare for the real draft! 1st pick was TJ Hockenson, TE, Iowa at 15 after a trade down 2nd pick was Deebo Samuel, WR, USC at 40 If you want someone not on here please let me know and I will add them to the poll. Poll will be live until 6 pm. I will modify and pare it down as it gets closer.
  8. Went #20 to the Packers @whatdrought need a new pick @RyanC883 you will be coming up soon. Can someone create the poll for the next Bills pick? I have to go into orientation for an hour or 2 with new employees so I don't know when I will get back.
  9. I read (yeah yeah I know) that The Jets are actually locked on Allen even if Bosa is there. Not sure if true of course but was interesting to hear.
  10. trading up from 9. I think the players the Bills value outside of the top couple are all mid first round. Trading down or staying put is fine. I just don't want to waste a second or third rounder.
  11. There was a huge run on WR at the top of the 2nd round in this exercise and I think we will see something similar in the actual draft. Bills might be in this exact predicament if they don't trade up like they did for Zay.
  12. @whatdrought you are on the clock. The Buffalo Bills select Deebo Samuel, WR, USC. Continuing to get help for Josh Allen here. Broncos select Drew Lock, QB, Missouri. How do people feel about ending this after the Bills next pick? (#46) or do you all want to keep it rolling?
  13. Yes and yes. For exactly the reasons you state. People focus so much on round 1 they don't pay attention to the later rounds and what realistically will be there. narrowed it down to the top vote getter at each position. 13 minutes and I will close this down get your votes back in if your guy is gone!
  14. This is based on the mock that has been running this week. Bills 1st pick was TJ Hockenson at 15 after a trade down.
  15. I fixed it. I'm on prospect overload lol so many players so many schools! I removed 1 last player. Bills do have a selection coming up in a few picks. Let me know who you guys want to see in that poll. I'll use some of these guys and some of the names mentioned.
  16. absolutely to the rest of you planning on taking someone not on the poll feel free to make your pick. @whatdrought
  17. @MrEpsYtown you will be on the clock about 11:45am if you want to be ready. @whatdrought you are after that @wppete after that @Logic after that. Let's knock some of these out. I know you guys are floating around this morning
  18. I went with best available from Matt Miller and Daniel Jeremiah. He was too far down but I do have McGary as an option. Just noticed there is a second OL too. I just cut the list down again and will at 11:15. If the player you voted for gets removed feel free to vote again for a different one.
  19. Going to start narrowing this down. I removed all players with no votes. At 10:45 I will remove the next bunch
  20. I removed Hakeem Butler as he was just selected so 5 votes need to be redone! This poll will end approximately 11:45am est.
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