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Everything posted by section122

  1. The Lions D-Line is amazing. They are going to give people a lot of problems. They are my surprise team pick of the year. They signed Trey Flowers and Mike Daniels to the d-line adding to Romeo Okwara who had his best season yet last year, Damon Harrison who is one of if not the best run stuffing nt in the game, and a couple of Alabama d-lineman in Hand and Robinson. They've got pass rush and run stopping strength. If Kerryon Johnson can stay healthy they should have a good offense and (finally) be able to run the ball to help Stafford out.
  2. 1. Awesome news loved the Matrix universe. The first movie is still to this day my favorite action movie and one of the best movie experiences I have ever had. The animatrix and the video game added a ton to the story. I'm a believer that Zion was still in the Matrix and never actually free. 2. The Wachovski brothers are now the Wachovski sisters? No judgement but that is incredibly interesting. I knew the one brother was trans but was confused when I saw a Lilly Wachovski. 3. Glad to see the Wachovski sisters will get to continue the story. 2 and 3 weren't as good as 1 but I still enjoyed them. The world that was created was such an interesting concept. I watched that first movie so many times and think I will again tonight!
  3. Huge Beth Hart fan. If you like Blues she is a must listen. Her stuff with Joe Bonamassa is absolutely amazing. Check out I'd rather go Blind, I'll take care of you , and I Love you more that you'll ever know are good places to start. Really the whole live in Amsterdam record is phenomenal. For her solo stuff, sister heroine, i'll leave the light on, ugliest house on the block, and Caught out in the rain are good places to start. I didn't get a chance to see her last year and was bummed about it but I listen to her a lot at work during the day. Give any of the songs I mentioned a try. She has some that I'm not a huge fan of (nutbush city) but pretty much every artist has those.
  4. Tommy Shaw is an underrated guitarist. He is never brought up when people talk about great rock guitarists and he has some kick ass solos!
  5. OP needs to put in his post not to actually click. I read the story and it is just as bad as you imagine. Every thing that was bad for Murray happened to him not because of him and everything good that happened for Allen was in spite of him not because of him. Clear clickbait garbage. I'm mad at myself for clicking on the link. At least I had my adblock on
  6. I agree that o-lineman aren't perfect especially going against someone as talented as Short. I was just surmising what op was thinking. Regardless of it happening to everyone that was not a good look for Spain. He was tossed like a small child lol! It wasn't every play but I doubt Spain was happy with his performance in that game. The 2 bolded are what I thought I saw. When he tried to shove him Spain had his right arm hooked around and went for the ride. Not a big deal just thought it was a weird play to highlight since it looked like holding to me. He got the job done though and didn't get flagged so no matter what my eyes thought they saw it was a good block
  7. The play where he gets tossed is a really bad look. Short is very good but Spain was manhandled which you don't expect to see happen to a 300+ pounder. How strong is Short!?!?! This probably colored op's opinion as they showed the replay and in slow motion it looks even worse. As for the second tweet, am I crazy or did he hold him when he tried again. Spain has Short hooked pretty good so he can't be thrown and got away with it so it is a positive but I don't know that I would be crowing about how he adjusted.
  8. I would say Micah Hyde, Tre White, and maybe even Poyer have probably the best argument of everyone on the team to be in the top 100. Other than that nobody can really have a beef. To me this is a star driven league so it is a bit concerning that we are lacking in the "game changer" category. I do believe Josh Allen could elevate himself into that category as well as Ed Oliver and Edmunds. All of it is predicated on players taking that next step. As fans we believe it will happen. The media not so much. Not just these teams. Chiefs went out and got Watkins (say what you will but they invested in skill positions), Rams went out and got Goff Watkins, then Cooks to add to a revamped o-line, Eagles went out and got Alshon Jeffrey and a 1st round pick WR (agholor - again at least admire the attempt). I do believe that the Bills plan on drafting WR in the first round next year but that is year 3. The other teams listed did much more to help their young QBs have a supporting cast that could help carry the load. I do think that is why the Bills were in on Antonio Brown though it just didn't work out. A lot to chew on so I numbered to help my responses - sorry for cutting up your post. 1. They did get shredded and it is concerning that it seems to happen to them from time to time (happened the year before as well). However they got shredded by Baltimore, Chicago, and Indy. Baltimore was aided by Nathan Peterman and Indy/Chicago were both top 10 offenses in ppg. 3 games is too many to be considered elite so they definitely have something to improve/correct as you state. I hate using yards to measure defenses. PPG should be the measuring stick and for that the Bills finished 18th. That needs to improve if the Bills record is going to improve. 2. Gotta disagree with you here. 9 wins is not a fluke to make the playoffs. 2 9-7 teams from the AFC made it that year. If that Bengals play happens week 5 nobody remembers or calls that playoff season a fluke. Talent wise? certainly a fluke but not record wise. You have to go back to 2012 to find a year that didn't have a team at 9-7 qualify. That includes multiple teams as division winners at 9-7 (or 7-8-1 but that was certainly a fluke). 3. He may have been polarizing for fans but not for Front offices. Even the day of the draft there was speculation HE would be the #1 pick instead of Mayfield. Arizona was also trying to trade up for him as well. I don't think Allen was making it out of the top 10 if the Bills weren't there to grab him. 4. I also don't think drafting a rb when your 2 lead guys are over 30 is a waste. It seems that is more you don't like the player so you think it is a waste. The 3rd round is a great place to draft a rb. Alvin Kamara, David Johsnon, Kareem Hunt, DeMarco Murray, and James Conner among others have been 3rd round rbs that have had a ton of success in the league. 5. Lastly, they gave up 2 4th round picks to move into the 3rd round to draft Knox. I have not seen 1 pundit say that was an overpay but I may be wrong. Where I don't think I am wrong is saying trading 2 4th round picks for a 3rd is definitely NOT giving up a ton.
  9. Really weird example to use in the Lakers. They were consistently great. In the 80s, 90s, and 00s, they won multiple championships. It is only recently where they commited to a full rebuild that they haven't been competing for a championship. That is until last year when they grabbed LeBron and now AD to again compete for championships. The Lakers have won more championships since 1970 than any other team in the NBA. The Lakers also made the playoffs every year but 2 between 1976 and 2012.
  10. Here is my solution to this and I admit that it probably won't totally solve the issue but would help imo. The media is a bigger culprit in this than probably any other issue. There is so much race baiting and hatred towards anyone who dares to think different spun by "news" networks. Until the media stops creating boogeymen this issue will never go away. 1. Medicare for All. People that are mentally well do not go on mass shooting sprees. Medicare for all would allow people that can't get treatment to do so. It would help parents that can't afford to pay for psych help for their troubled children to provide it. 2. More stringent background checks on all gun purchases. We can never ban guns, it won't happen. I'm left leaning and I admit it just would never work. What we can do though is pay attention to who is getting guns. The issue with this is relying on the background checks to be thorough and actually completed which I don't really trust the government to do. If you buy a gun, you should have to pass a background check period. 3. Ban mentioning the name of the shooter. Stop giving them fame. That is a huge motivator for some of these idiots. It should be illegal to report who is responsible for these acts. Let them be nameless and faceless and forgotten. Report on the incident, report any heroic acts, leave the murderer out of it. These 3 things to me would be a step in the right direction. Unfortunately I agree that this can't be solved. If you ban guns, bombs can be made easily and readily. Addressing the weapon treats the symptom and not the cause. Mental health needs to be taken much more seriously in this country!
  11. I still don't think this is the full roster they want. I think this years signings were about creating depth which is why the number of fa signed was so high. The cupboard was incredibly bare last year (yes of there own doing). IIRC a lot of the contracts were prove it deals so I expect some more churning next year as well. I also think after this year they will push all their chips in and I expect at least 1 big fa splash. This isn't quite a put up or shut up year but there needs to be improvement in their record and offensive prowess. This team should be competitive but I don't think it is a contending team yet. Unless Allen pulls a Mahomes that is...
  12. I'm with you 100%. You are paid millions to know what you put in your body. As for this sentence, I don't know if anyone caught Taylor Lewan's video apology but it was hilariously bad. Watch at 46 seconds where he can't maintain eye contact while lying followed up by a pause for "tears" because he is so emotional
  13. Gonna echo that Arians will work wonders with Jameis and the Bucs will be a much improved team because of it. I love Arians as a coach so I might be a bit biased but the Cards absolutely fell off a cliff when he left. The Lions will win the NFC North on the backs of an amazing defensive effort. The NFC North is the best division in football. Marcus Mariota doesn't improve and the Titans are in a pickle about whether or not he is the guy and worth re-signing. Foles sucks and so do the Jags. Dwayne Haskins is the best rookie QB and wins ROTY. Goff and the Rams return to earth. Luckily they play in a bad division. The Cards and Niner will still struggle and the Seahawks lost too much (although they could win the division still - Wilson is that good). So they may still have a good record (not a lock) but there will be more questions about Goff and how good he actually is. Patriots win the division. I really hate typing that but maybe some reverse juju will happen for once lol. They have built that team to run the ball and Brady is still deadly accurate. Belichick is still the best coach in the game and the best at adjusting to his teams strengths. I won't believe it is over for them until it actually is. Even then it will take a few days to sink in lol.
  14. He said before the failed test was confirmed. That could easily he read as he failed the a, sample was notified, and then he told them about the fertility treatment. I used to administer drug tests. If someone fails the first question asked is "would there be a reason for this to be in your system?" For most people it would be a prescription. I won't guarantee that's what happened here but due to the careful wording I wouldn't be surprised.
  15. Talking about physical violence from a senator to the president with cheers from the crowd. What the ***** is going on?!?!?! This is all so embarrassing America. This right here.
  16. I had a whole response and got a notification which deleted it all so I'm going to give a much briefer response (my apologies!) Short answer the media. This isn't either/or to me though they are both divisive. Obama went through this with the birther movement, the Muslim claims (as if it mattered), etc. Please don't think I agree with the media's handling of Trump because I don't. They only care about generating clicks, ad revenue, and outrage. They don't care who is sitting in office.
  17. Well I agreed with the premise of one poll that she provided a bump but showed that naming a vp candidate usually causes a bump. I did look into the messenger however to see if it should be believed. Everyone should do that and I think @Deranged Rhino would agree that instead of accepting what the media is telling us we investigate for ourselves... Anyway here is more: Jonathan Chait of the New Republic said that Rasmussen is perceived in the "conservative world" as "the gold standard"[82] and suggested the polling company asks the questions specifically to show public support for the conservative position. They cited an example when Rasmussen asked "Should the government set limits on how much salt Americans can eat?" when the issue was whether to limit the amount of salt in pre-processed food.[83] A December 2018 article by political writer and analyst Harry Enten called Rasmussen the least accurate pollster in the 2018 midterm elections after stating Rasmussen had projected the Republicans to come ahead nationally by one point, while at the time Democrats were actually winning the national House vote by 8.6 points - an error of nearly 10 points.[94]
  18. You quotes 2 rasmussen polls unfortunately I can't read them as you have to be a member. Here is some info I found on Rasmussen polls though from their wiki: After the 2010 midterm elections, Silver concluded that Rasmussen's polls were the least accurate of the major pollsters in 2010, having an average error of 5.8 points and a pro-Republican bias of 3.9 points according to Silver's model.[69] FiveThirtyEight currently rates Rasmussen Reports with a C+ grade and notes a simple average error of 5.3 percent across 657 polls analyzed.[81] Most candidates receive a bump after naming their vp candidate. (An average of 5 points) and Palin was viewed very favorably when she was first named: John McCain had gained huge support among white women voters since the announcement;[14] he had not only surpassed the Democratic Party candidate Senator Barack Obama in white women voters, but also amassed a lead of five percentage points in the Gallup polls. John Zogby found that the effects of Palin's selection were helping the McCain ticket since "She has high favorability numbers, and has unified the Republican Party." However she had limited media access and bombed an interview with Katie Couric. A growing number of Republicans are expressing concern about Sarah Palin’s uneven — and sometimes downright awkward — performances in her limited media appearances. Conservative columnists Kathleen Parker, a former Palin supporter, says the vice presidential nominee should step aside. Kathryn Jean Lopez, writing on the conservative National Review, says “that’s not a crazy suggestion” and that “something’s gotta change.” Tony Fabrizio, a GOP strategist, says Palin’s recent CBS appearance isn’t disqualifying but is certainly alarming. “You can’t continue to have interviews like that and not take on water.” “I have not been blown away by the interviews from her, but at the same time I haven’t come away from them thinking she doesn’t know s—t,” said Chris Lacivita, a GOP strategist. “But she ain’t Dick Cheney, nor Joe Biden and definitely not Hillary Clinton.” I will agree (concede perhaps?) that the financial meltdown played a huge part as well as overall republican fatigue from Bush. Palin to me though was a clear grab at the female vote and she wasn't ready to be a vp candidate. (again I voted McCain because I felt Obama wasn't prepared to be president).
  19. This is so important. A $15 minimum wage causes many problems. I work for a company that bills NYS medicaid. We pay our staff between 11.60 (min wage) and 13.10 an hour. We already can't compete with fast food who has a current min wage of $12.75. Right now in NYS you can make more flipping burgers than you can taking care of the elderly/sick. Which job is more important? Small businesses can't stay afloat paying competitive wages while charging prices to compete with Amazon, Wal Mart, etc. Further, this wage is putting a lot of people out of work. McDs and a lot of fast food places have started using kiosks for ordering, when you go to the store you now check yourself out. The answer isn't less people more money which is what raising the min wage does. Further it creates a crunch in the middle. Someone currently making 15/hour is almost 4 dollars above min wage and lives that lifestyle. When everyone makes 15/hr they fall to the poverty line. Fast food jobs shouldn't be counted on to make a living wage. There are jobs that are meant to be held by teens/people just entering the work force to gain experience. If you are 40 and working at McD's you have made some poor life choices. I support and approve of social welfare programs to help people get on their feet or get through a tough time. Raising min wage will push a lot more people down than it will lift up.
  20. I see where you are coming from but I see it a bit differently. The media is absolutely biased but it is on both sides. Fox News spent 8 years screaming about Obama being Kenyan and how he was the Antichrist. Now that it is a republican it is CNN's turn to do the same. The outrage machine exists because people eat it up and I feel that Trump not only feeds it but uses it his benefit which in turn creates more divisiveness in our country. It does indeed energize his base and I get it. It was a masterclass watching him dismantle first the republican primary then Hillary during debates. He used soundbites (wrong!) and personal attacks to take them down one by one. His debates with Hillary were hilarious because she was the "consummate" politician using canned answers and talking points while he came in like a bulldozer. She had no idea how to handle it. We differ in the opinion that it increases awareness. I think it only serves to increase divisiveness. People bury their head and only read what they want. Look at @B-Man. God bless him for sharing so many articles but have you ever seen one shared that isn't completely slanted against dems? Snowflake, libtard, etc. are names casually thrown about. I guess it is a bit pollyanna-ish of me but to me Trump fans the flames more than anything else constructive he is doing.
  21. The republicans would have won in 08 with McCain if they didn't have Palin as his running mate. As much as the DNC screwed the pooch in 16 the repubs did the same in 08. They tried to capitalize on the womens vote and grab Hillary supporters by adding Palin. They underestimated how dumb she was and I firmly believe she cost them the election. Just like the DNC underestimated how much people disliked Hillary. I'm a dem and wanted to vote McCain and still did even with Palin dragging him down. Who better to lead us out of an unwinnable war than a decorated war veteran? See what I did there? I was objective about both parties. Those Trump tweets were dumb. You don't have to defend everything he does just because you are Republican. He has done some good and he has done some bad. These tweets were a bad look from him and it is okay to admit it. I know it is politics but "go back to where you came from" to elected representatives let alone just regular people shouldn't be an acceptable way to talk to people. It is just so embarrassing to watch our President get into twitter beefs with people. Twitter beefs. A 73 year old man. Twitter beefs.
  22. I say that as a registered Dem. Bernie should have been the nominee in 16 and likely would have if it wasn't her turn... I know it isn't popular on this board to be left leaning but I will never be convinced it wasn't rigged and he didn't get screwed. It will happen again, Biden will get the nom and lose to Trump. book it, mark it, whatever you want to say. It will be Trump vs Biden and Trump will win. Does anyone know where I can place a bet? lol
  23. I'm dumbfounded that immigration is the #1 issue for registered voters. Politicians have really done a bang up job creating this immigrant boogeyman. I live in an area that uses migrant workers and the conditions they live in along with the work they do for the pay they receive are not high demand jobs. Couple that with a low unemployment rate and it boggles my mind that it is the #1 issue for voters. Not the endless war/conflicts we embroil ourselves in other countries Not medicare for all (my #1) Nope some immigrant coming to take ma job Also some information about the poll: The NBC News|SurveyMonkey national poll was conducted July 2-16 among 13,553 registered voters with an error estimate of plus or minus 1.2 percentage points. Among the 5,548 Democrat and Democratic-leaning registered voters, the margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points. So any of the 3 (immigration, health care, or jobs) could be the top as they are within the error margin, and only 41% of the respondents were democrat or democrat leaning, is it surprising the poll results didn't line up with democratic ideologies? (hint no). The DNCs worst enemy is the DNC.
  24. My TO jersey is always a hit my trent edwards, cj spiller, and willis mcgahee not so much.
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