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Everything posted by section122

  1. Quinnen Williams went #3 and Oliver has outplayed him 2018 Bills Rush D finished #16 giving up 114.9 ypg. 2019 Bills Rush D is #8 giving up 87.7 ypg. The only noticeable change on the dline is the addition of Oliver replacing Kyle Williams. This is a thread about him being #4 in the entire NFL at pass rush wins. What hype are you looking for him to live up to? He hasn't been getting blown up and certainly looks like he belongs in the NFL what more do you want besides the stats I put in my previous post?
  2. Your expectation for a rookie is 8 sacks from the DT position? Last year there were 6 DTs that got to that number in the entire NFL. So you want Ed Oliver to be top 6 right out of the gate? I can see why you are disappointed lol. You want him to be unstoppable in the pass rush and this stat has him at #4 in the entire league? So you are disappointed he isn't top 3? I don't know what you watch when you watch the games but I usually focus on the lines first and he is very disruptive. Ok now I wonder if you are just trolling... if so excellent job if not .
  3. You should really look up week 2. He does a piece on Josh Allen's stiff arm of a lb that is hilarious.
  4. I officiate HS sports and unfortunately there are several guys that I work with that take themselves entirely too serious. There is the letter of the rule and the spirit of the rule. Refs should enforce the spirit of the rule but too many people get off on being in a position of power. Some of you want this to be a "snowflake" issue but this guy shouldn't have been reffing in the first place. From the story: The Courier-Post reported in 2016 that a black referee accused Maloney of calling him the N-word. Maloney told the local paper at the time that he didn’t remember using the racial slur but said he believed witnesses who backed up the other ref’s story. “You know, people do make mistakes and I apologized,” Maloney told The Courier-Post at the time. “I really don’t think this should go any further than it’s gone anyhow.” He should have been banned right then and there. He went with the I don't remember but if other people say so defense then doubled down with the I apologized let it go strategy. I'm in the middle of soccer season and there is a rule where a player with jewelry is discovered during game play it is a yellow card for the coach. Most of us use common sense and send the kid to the sideline to remove it. The guys on power trips stop the game and make a production out of carding the coach. I worked with a guy who tried to do it with a couple minutes left in a blowout game. I won't say this guy is racist but I will call him an idiot. He brought this attention on himself by taking himself waaayyyy too seriously. He wants to be the center of attention? Careful what you wish for...
  5. 2 personal foul penalties equals ejection. Late hit on qbs are personal fouls. Therefore 2 late hits on QBs would equal ejection if I'm reading the rule right.
  6. He was benched for the start of a game in 2010 for breaking an unspecified team rule, and the next year he was suspended a game for arriving late and hungover to practice. The media labeled him immature and problematic, which bothered Davis. "I'm 23 years old," he says today. "Who's never shown up to work hungover once? Only difference is I'm in the public eye." I think a bigger difference is we aren't paid for our athletic prowess. Taking care of our body isn't a pre-requisite for performance sitting at my desk. In a weird way this article made me like his decision less. I'm sure it was supposed to show him as a sympathetic character but I don't really see that. "There's this perception that there's brotherhood in the NFL and we're all fighting for each other and the same things," Megan says. "And then you embarrass one of your first-round draft picks on national television without him knowing there's a camera in the room?" I can easily change that second sentence to "and then you quit on your team at halftime?" "I feel like I was demoted because of my health instead of my ability," he told reporters by his locker, explaining that he felt disrespected by how Pagano handled the situation. Almost like your health affected your ability? I don't even get why he is pulling the martyr card here... bleh. I really didn't care that he did what he did. I would rather have someone quit than give half effort but own it. Don't make excuses for it. Say I was washed and I was a liability out there, sit on the sideline or even in the locker room until the end of the game, and talk to your team mates to explain yourself. Seeing this article actually made me think much worse of his decision than before...
  7. His rushes yesterday: 4,4,1,8,9,4,8,2,4 this is into the 3rd quarter 0,1,1 all 3 of these carries were at the goal line 3,3,9,3,6,-2 all when the giants knew we were trying to kill clock At the start of the game he went 9 carries for 44 yards or 4.88 ypc. For the game when you add in the clock killing runs and the goal line runs his average goes way down to 3.77. 3 carries for 2 yards will really bring down an average but none of us should care since it got a td. Down and short scenarios: He got 8 yards on 2nd and 7 first down He got 9 yards on first and 10, 4 yards on 2nd and 1 first down 8 yards on first and 15 4 yards on 2nd and 1, first down 9 yards on 2nd and 8, first down 6 yards on 2nd and 7 That is 7 of his rushes either getting a first down or creating very manageable down and distance. I even left of the first down rushes for 4 yards which created 2nd and 6 which I would count as a productive run. I stand by my original assertion that ypc won't be a good indicator for him in a lot of games. He was successful at the start of the game and in the middle of the field.
  8. You really didn't go with horsing around? It was right there for you!!! I don't think we can go by Gore's YPC to judge his effectiveness. He is here simply to get the tough yards. He will be in at the goal line, 3rd and 1, 4th and 1 etc. The defense will likely know it is a run play and it will be up to Gore to get that yard or 2. For that role I love him.
  9. Every single time. I actually celebrated that penalty. This team feels different and part of that is toughness. I wonder what Aaron Williams thought about that penalty? Exactly this. I get that there is never a great time to take a penalty but on 4th down when you are punting anyway? The sack already happened, the series was ending, and oh by the way Bojo bombed a 63 yard punt to their 7. It also sent a message to the Giants that ***** wouldn't be tolerated. Sent a clear "we aren't the same pushover Buffalo Bills" "Don't mess with our QB" and "hey refs if you don't handle it, we will" message. It also rallies the team. I'm not surprised about Josh's post game comments and I'm sure McD will have something to say about not taking the penalty in a wink wink nudge nudge kind of way. Where did you find this? This is amazing all around!!! Look at Terry! That's an awesome "yeah ***** ***** with me now we got a ***** squad" smile!!!
  10. Poyer had an interview last week I will try to dig up where he was very complimentary of Josh Allen. He stated something along the lines of I hope that is my QB the rest of my career. If Josh can be what we all want him to be some guys will stay for the opportunity to win. Poyer and Hyde are excellent in this system and I hope both stay until the end of their careers. That said I fully trust McD to find and coach secondary players. He did it in Carolina and is continuing that here in Buffalo. Found it: Qoute is about 10 minutes but his whole interview was good (it is from week 1 fyi)
  11. No i was dead in water with those after the skins didn't cover. Raiders looked good for a minute! Back to the drawing board lol
  12. I took a flyer on the raiders today for fun. Small bet for +255, actual bet redskins +205 both on the moneyline. Parlayed both games with the spreads to hedge a bit. Good luck all you degenerates!
  13. Here it is and my fault I thought you were on the Pats. It's up to 19.5 I will be betting the fins as well. Covering 14.5 on the road hasn't been an easy thing to do for NFL teams. If we include all 32 teams, there have only been 11 instances where a team was favored by 14 or more points on the road over the past 10 years. In those 11 games, the favored team has gone 10-1 straight-up, but just 4-7 ATS.
  14. When the Bills and Vikes had that crazy spread there was a stat that teams almost never cover spreads larger than 2 TDs. If ever a team could be counted on to do it, that would be the Pats but still sticks in my head from last year.
  15. Steelers are a different team at home than on the road and seahawks just struggled with a Bengals team many expect to be terrible. I don't like this game. Cardinals are who they thought we were Matt Patricia called an all time bonehead time out however the Cards are up to +600!!! Still don't like this game All road teams? I like Redskins +220 vs the Cowboys. I like home dogs, NFC East is always crazy, and the Redskins played the Eagles tough last week on the road.
  16. Best idea I have heard is to take the money and move it to a high interest bearing account. Whenever they come back for their money give them their money and keep your earnings. The longer they take the better.
  17. I thought week 17 last year was a complete game from him but agree with you. It is easy to see the 4 turnovers without context and think that it is the same pre-draft Allen. What we saw watching the game was much improved accuracy and overall grasp of the game and what the defense was throwing at him. If we were doing heat maps though... This win is one for the defense to hang their hat on. They kept the team in the game until the 4th quarter. They only gave up 8 points on the road to a division rival. Josh is getting a lot of credit for the comeback but that defense should be getting more play this week.
  18. Pay attention to the vote count though. 16,221 audience members voted and 9 on the tomato meter. A few negative votes will really skew that poll.
  19. Are you seriously arguing with someone about the fact that they were surprised about something? I'm surprised they could get a 6th for bodine and nothing for mccoy. Why are you choosing this battle to engage in?
  20. Jameis Winston? I wouldn't mind hearing your reasoning for liking him more than Cam...
  21. He was injured all last year. They rested him and (imo) wanted to give him some game action while it didn't count and see how he responded. If he sat all preseason and got hurt week 1 it would be that he was rusty and should have played some this preseason.
  22. I don't do it for baseball as the action can be slow at times but I stand at Bills games. I also stand anytime possible at the dome (have SU basketball seasons). I also stand in my living room when I watch games at home. They are exciting and anxiety inducing, I can't help myself . As for the bolded, the social aspect is what makes going to games so much better than watching them at home. The Dallas Monday Nighter was one of the most awesome experiences I have ever had. The Ralph was electric until well you know. I always sell going to a Bills game to people as me and 70 thousand of my closest friends having a 4 hour party before kickoff and a 3 hour party in the stadium. I didn't sit down once that entire night...
  23. Tom Brady sits when he pees is one of my all time favorite sports related insults. So simple yet somehow so elegant.
  24. Yeah it will be a nice test all around since Patricia is the coach and used to seeing the ep system we use. Their secondary is a a little suspect though so quick passing might be very effective against them. I'm definitely excited to see how it goes. I agree and think the NFC might be the best divison in football. That said I think the Bears regress a little with a tougher schedule, Rodgers is getting older and more dinged up, and the Vikings have Cousins who still has to prove he is more than just a stats guy and can elevate his team. As good as the division is I just think it is the Lions turn to surprise (watch them go 4-12 now lol). I wasn't saying that to knock the Bills. I'm really excited for this season my post was more to defend the Lions. I think they will surprise people this year.
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