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Everything posted by section122

  1. I'm not your target here as I don't hate Trump. I'm not a fan of the way he represents the country but hate is not at all a word I would use for my feelings. I will take a crack as I think the answer is very simple. It lines up with their beliefs. Same reason everyone here is quick to believe Trump and everything the right pumps out. Trump is a proven liar and manipulator. However he gets the benefit of the doubt all the time on this board. People want to believe what fits their narrative. It is really that simple. Confirmation bias runs rampant on both sides. You think Trump was brought in as some outsider to bring down the cabal that really runs this country. I think Trump who was born rich and profits greatly from his position as the president is more of the same. In 5 years a Dem will get elected and this board will go crazy about how evil the new president is, and 8 years later a repub will go in and on and on and on and on. Before people ask for proven liar proof: https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/ or if you prefer the ap: https://apnews.com/f3073b1291e94d3289c9404c5936db3e
  2. I just re watched it and #71 (Matt Feilir) was within a couple of yards the entire time as well as an official. I would imagine those would be the 2 who were asked if they heard anything. Feiler could maybe protect a teammate but the official would have no reason to lie. Even thinking further into it, I would imagine if the official heard it, he would have immediately reported it to the league office. I have to imagine these guys are required to fill out an after game report especially when an ejection happens.
  3. Cowboys in a knock down drag out game that goes to OT and is remembered as one of the most physical games ever played. That way the Boys can be exhausted on Thursday!!!
  4. Omar Kelly = Mannish Mehta = Mike Rodak They troll their own fans as much or more so than anything else. The new ESPN reporter is such a breath of fresh air. Marcel Louis Jacques actually has me going to ESPN for Bills news instead of avoiding it.
  5. I'm waffling. I could see it Sunday but the way they didn't take their foot off the gas against Miami means we might not see him grinding at the end of the game. Dallas would be a nationally televised game and a great story. Neither team is terrible against the run with Denver being 11th and Dallas being 15th. I'm hoping for this Sunday but voted for Thursday. Short weeks are tough for defenses and someone who runs using a punishing style should do well.
  6. They met last Thursday https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/28086474/source-antonio-brown-meeting-nfl-lasted-8-hours
  7. If she has an android, you can sign in from another device and have it turn the ringer on. I have misplaced my phone several times and just use my wife's phone to turn on the ringer. No app necessary.
  8. Only 3 of those are DTs however 3 of the next 4 are also DTs and make more than 15. He is in line for quite a payday and imo has earned it. Front load it while they have extra cap space or push the big hit to year 2 when they move on from Star. Either way they can and should pay this man his money!
  9. Way late to this but honestly I forget this forum exists. Perhaps it could be pinned on the main page with the college football board? Maybe do it as a test run and if it doesn't take off then remove it completely.
  10. Just for fun I looked back. The last time a Buffalo receiver finished in the top 10 for yards was Lee Evans in 2006! Brown has been playing way above my personal expectations. Hearkening back to the Stevie Johnson days, I don't care whether he is a #1 or not. He produces. The Bills certainly need another receiver across from him to take their attack to the next level and it would be nice to see it be a larger target with a large catch radius. He can be 1a and 1b with the other guy because Beasely is pure slot. None of the other guys on the roster have shown they are a consistent threat. I'm looking forward to the draft this year as I think that is where the answer will be found. Put me in the Ceedee Lamb camp as well. He is electric!
  11. Thank you!!! Everyone here is talking wild card and not division. Patriots are not as strong as they were and Brady is looking looonnnnggg in the tooth. Bills are 7-3 I'm rooting for the AFC East title! 13-3 Baby!!!
  12. The patriots run of extended success has skewed a lot of these though. Did you know 4 of the last 6 super bowls have been won by QBs drafted in the 3rd round or later (in jest). I don't think it is a secret that you need to have a top quality qb over any other position. I think DE is as big a need as WR but it doesn't mean that WR isn't a need. If Allen was a Brady/Rodgers/P Manning level talent then sure but he isn't... yet.
  13. Seriously I love this dude. He plays with joy and fire. That is a defensive guy celebrating not just with the offense but with the QB. That (to me anyway) says what his team and teammates think of him.
  14. Jordan Phillips is maybe my favorite player on the defense so I am probably a bit biased here. This dude is an energizer and their roles can't be discounted. He is constantly pumping up the crowd and defense. To me he fully embodies the process. I get worrying about when he gets paid as it seems that is an issue with dt over any other position but if he was that type of guy I don't think he would have come back this year. He is tied for 10th overall in the entire NFL in sacks. He is 2nd at his position for sacks. He has production, he has the attitude, and he already loves the City. He is must re-sign imo.
  15. I think 1 and 3 for sure show that it isn't all Daboll and I would even put 5 in there. At the pro level you shouldn't need coaching to avoid penalties. For a team that preaches accountability Lee Smith continuing to get PT is a head scratcher. I agree with you about 2 but that goes to my point that the QB is what drives people's opinions about a team. Have a good one and people think you can win any game. #4 for me is certainly on play calling but I have seen elsewhere that the Browns stacked the box and forced Josh to beat them with his arm and he couldn't. Now some of that is drops, some of that is lack of talent, and some of that is play calling. He tested Denzel Ward a ton for some reason and he is their best cb. I would have loved to see them pound the rock but Gore is showing his age. I don't know why they are handling Singletary the way they are. He should be the starting rb and get runs early and often, that we agree on. If I am going to question the coordinator Singletary's lack of pt and Lee Smith's amount of pt are the 2 places I am most sore about! Bills added talent but they still are not one of the more talented teams. That is the biggest problem with this team imo. Apparently last week talent trumped culture . The phrase he took that from is hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. When talent works hard they are unstoppable and that's what the offense needs. Not just process guys but tops of the league talent process guys. Tre White is a great example of that and the Bills need more of that imo.
  16. No the 4 teams you mentioned (KC, Seattle, GB, and NO) all have elite play at the QB position. The Bills don't have that (yet). QBs are sexy and teams with those qbs will always be favored or thought higher of because of it. I really don't think Daboll's play calling is as bad as people think. I think the execution is poor. I think Frank Gore is washed so not getting Singletary more involved is a sore spot for me. However I think the Bills need a #1 WR to bump everyone down a spot. John Brown has played great and exceeded my expectations outside of him though there are no threats at the position. Beasley is a dink and dunk guy, there is no "big WR", and they need to improve their RB room. I keep going back to the Bills have no game breakers. The Browns have OBJ, Landry, Hunt, and Chubb at the skill position who are all better than their Bills counterpart. Eagles got Wentz Alshon Jeffery and spent a first on wr (agholor), Rams got Goff Cooks and Robert Woods, KC has an obscene plethora of weapons for Mahomes. The Bills need to get Josh some talent to take some of the pressure off of him. They need to get Daboll some better talent to work with. Hopefully this off season those things happen. On a side note if Daboll is fired I will be hoping and praying for Jay Gruden but fear we will see Ken Whisenhunt.
  17. They have crappier defenses but better offenses. I opined this in another thread but it is because winning with defense is not sexy that people think the Bills are bad. The Bills have a very good defense and as the numbers show a below average offense. I was just talking yesterday that if the Bills scored 21 points in each game they would only have 1 loss. That is what they need to improve on and it really isn't that far from where they are now. It works out to be an extra field goal per game. They haven't arrived yet but they are not as far away as some people think. I don't know if this is the place for it but the defense isn't getting enough love imo. Last year they were the #2 defense by yards but people were mad that they were 18th in ppg against and that was the stat that really mattered. Now they are 21st in rush defense and 3rd in ppg against and people are still blaming them for the loss against Cleveland. In my mind if the offense doesn't score 24 they aren't doing their jobs. If the defense gives up more than 21 they aren't doing theirs. Are we still doing heat maps? Win against Jets - Defense Win against Giants - Team Win against Bengals - Defense Loss against Patriots - Offense Win against Titans - Defense Win against Fins - Team Loss against the Eagles - Team Win against Redskins - Team Loss against Browns - Offense So I have the defense responsible for 3 wins on their own, 4 more games where they did their job, and 1 game they didn't The Offense I have responsible for 0 wins on their own, 2 losses on their own, 4 games where they did their job. Defensively we are a 7-1 team. Offensively we are a 4-4 team. Sounds about right to me.
  18. I heard a stat the 7 times a team with .750 win percentage has been a dog to a team with a .250 win precentage and the .250 team has covered every time. Now I'm even more nervous about this game lol. The Bills always seem to be the team to fix whatever ails a team when they are struggling. Hopefully that is a thing of the past!
  19. Strange you skipped over quoting all of the socialist programs that already exist in the US. To your bolded Currently, the Nordic countries have been described as being highly democratic. Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries, they all have some common traits. These include support for a universalist welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labour and employers negotiate wages and labour market policy mediated by the government;[8] and a commitment to private ownership (with some caveats), a mixed economy[9] and free trade.[10] The Social-Democratic welfare state model is based on the principle of Universalism, granting access to benefits and services based on citizenship. Such a welfare state is said to provide a relatively high degree of citizen autonomy, limiting reliance on family and market.[91]:584 In this context, social policies are perceived as "politics against the market".[93] Social Democratic: Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden links: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_state# https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model Social Democrat. Hmmm where have I heard that before...
  20. Roseanne Barr supports Donald Trump. She of the racist ambien tweeting. Mike Tyson the convicted rapist supports Donald Trump Ted Nugent and his subhuman mongrel quote support Donald Trump. Tila Tequila and her craziness supports Donald Trump. None of it means jack!
  21. So you won't be taking medicarewhen you come of age right? That is socialist programs! We should do away with farming subsidies. Those are socialist!!! Hope you or a loved one are never permanently disabled. That's a socialist program! I thought it was only dems that were afraid of the commies? America isn't looking at full socialism. With all the examples of failing countries why aren't Norway, Sweden, or Denmark mentioned? They combine socialism and capitalism and are thriving. I posted upthread about how 8 of the top 10 gdp countries have socialized medicine. Somehow they all make it work but it is the end of the US if we implement it. It isn't a bad thing to help out your fellow Americans especially when almost every would benefit from it themselves as well. I would much rather have my tax dollars go to healthcare than never ending conflicts. "We have spent $7 trillion, trillion with a T, $7 trillion in the Middle East." — Donald Trump on Saturday, April 28th, 2018 in a speech in Washington, Mich.
  22. I had a thought so I did some digging. Top 6 teams in AFC are Patriots, Ravens, Chiefs, Bills, Colts. The Patriots, Chiefs, Texans, and Bills don't have a "bad loss" between them losing only to teams with winning records. The Chiefs (will be the first to admit they are much different with Mahomes) and Patriots were thought of as the cream of the crop in the conference and I think that thought still stands. Any way you slice it this is a good group to be in. The Ravens have lost to the 2-6 Browns and the Colts have struggled with bad teams before ultimately winning (sound familiar) as well losing to the 4-5 Chargers. Top 6 teams in the NFC are Niners, Saints, Packers, Cowboys, Seahawks, and Vikings. Niners, Saints, and Seahawks don't have a bad loss. The Packers lost to the 4-5 Chargers, Cowboys to the 1-7 Jets, and Vikings to the 3-5 Bears. What does all this mean? Absolutely nothing. However if we polled our resident "realists" I would bet they would say that the Packers, Cowboys, Ravens, and Colts were all better teams than the Bills. That may be true (I for one think heads up the Packers and Ravens are better). However all of those teams I listed have shown that they can be beat even by middling if not bad teams.
  23. I think we are actually a lot closer than you think in what we believe. to the bolded my point is that it is any given week. Any team can beat any team. That is what I was pointing out. For as good as the Seahawks look they had the exact struggle we did against the 0-8 Bengals. As Micah Hyde said they shouldn't apologize for winning ugly. I think fans only consider it ugly because it is the defense leading the way instead of the offense. The 7-2 Seahawks have a point differential of +18 they have played a lot of close games too. They have a better offense but a worse defense that is just how the NFL works. To the second bolded I absolutely agree. I thought at the start of the year and still think they are a few pieces away from truly being championship caliber. They need a #1 WR that is a dominant force and a better pash rush. They are still on the rise but that is my point they are on the rise. I'm enjoying the ride because every Monday after a win is a little bit brighter. I like the progress of Josh Allen, like the culture McDermott is building, and like that they are 6-2. If the wheels fall off I'll be disappointed and re-evaluate my opinions then. I'm not going to not enjoy what is happening now waiting for that to happen though. I read in this very thread that every team is on equal footing when it comes to getting FA. I agree with you though and think that the Bills will be targeting WR in the draft as it is a very deep position. There is a lot of talent and depth at the position and a clear hole in the Bills offense. I think every year every team has a hole somewhere and the era of complete teams is over. Even the Patriots have struggled with run defense because their pass d is so amazing. They have an issue with their offensive line and Brady is having an off year because of it but that has more to do with injury. They are beatable and the Bills played them very close. To me this isn't like years past where it is an automatic loss.
  24. That is my point. Imagine not having to make concessions on your wage or your working conditions (the bigger wow to me) to get health care coverage that almost every other developed nation offers to their citizens. Taking it back to trickle down economic theory (remember this is why we do corporate tax cuts) the less employers have to pay for insuring their employees the more they can pay them in salary correct? The total cost of health care, including premiums and out-of-pocket costs for employees and dependents, is estimated to average $14,800 per employee in 2019, up from $14,099 this year. Large employers will cover roughly 70 percent of those costs, leaving $4,400 on average for employees to pick up in premium contributions and out-of-pocket expenses. So here is some fun with math: Employers could give each employee a $10,000 a year raise and still come out $400 ahead on each employee. Average wage in the US is $47,060 - $4400 equals $42660 pre tax income NYS tax (single person) on $42660 is $1881. Federal tax (at 8.11%) is approx $3461, social security tax is approx $2645 (gasp a socialist tax!) medicare tax (socialist!) approx 618. Take home wage is approx $34054 and you are responsible for co-pays, prescriptions, etc... If you received a $5000 raise since your employer no longer had to foot insurance costs they would come out $5400 on each employee on average I'll spare you the math but bring home on is approx $40,973 (8.89% federal tax) if your federal tax was raised to say 20% your bring home is approx $35,188 and your medical costs are minimal to nonexistent. Here is the tax calculator I used if you are so inclined When you avoid the talking points and look at the hard data it is easy to see how this should be in place. I raised everyone's taxes by 11.89% and they still came out ahead. Think about that, I more than doubled the federal tax rate and both employees and companies still come out ahead.
  25. This is behind a paywall. So I did a little digging on the Kaiser poll and here is what I found: That seems to be the case across parties. Overall, 71 percent of Democrats, 51 percent of independents, and 28 percent of Republicans favor “Medicare for All,” according to Kaiser. But support is down across all three, while opposition is up. It’s a little tricky to read the trends, because Kaiser’s polling results have a pretty high margin of error when broken down by party (6 percent in the latest survey). Pure partisanship has probably kicked in a bit as well; as the primary campaign has worn on, Republicans and Republican-leaning independents may have come to associate the idea with Democratic candidates, leading them to reject it. I find it funny that Americans are still favoring according to this and they want to say people don't want it. I will admit 51% is certainly within the margin for error but you shouldn't pretend this is a wildly unpopular idea. Repubs love the idea of trickle down economics, universal health care would erase one of the largest costs to employers and they could pass the savings down to their employees right? This line sticks out to me from you article: employees have compromised on wages and working conditions in return for more-generous health-insurance benefits Imagine not having to compromise on working conditions to get health care! That is an argument against. It amazes me what people will buy to go against their own self interests.
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