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Everything posted by section122

  1. I think and emphasis on think.... They were debating going for it on 4th down and wanted to discuss it while still having time on the clock if they went for it and converted. The Ravens had no timeouts so I think the thought was kickoff with 25 seconds and they will likely kneel it down or at the very least not have time to make anything happen. I don't agree and thought a fg was a no brainer there but I imagine that was the line of thinking.
  2. I'm a season ticket holder and have been for 5 or so years at this point. You have all seen a lot of what I will post but here is my view from the nose bleeds. Sidibe has improved quite a bit this year. However he shouldn't be a starting 5. He is better around the basket but he is still too skinny to do any real damage down there. Would be a great big to have coming off the bench. Dolezaj hasn't improved since his Freshman year. What's worse is he now has so many boneheaded fouls. His trademark hustle seems to have disappeared. Of everyone he is probably the person I am most disappointed with this year. Eli Hughes is my favorite player on the team. However he isn't someone that will dominate a game or take one over. He is a good player and starter level in the ACC but he isn't a #1 option on a team. Buddy Boeheim should be at cornell with his brother. He is a good shooter but his athleticism leaves a lot to be desired. He could be a really nice 6th man of the bench however I fear he will be eaten alive once ACC play starts. JGIII plays with enthusiasm which is nice. He and Buddy play well with each other but having both of them on the court at the same time leaves the guards lacking elite athleticism. The moment doesn't seem to big for him which is nice and he is only a freshman so I won't be too hard but again I fear what will become of him once ACC play starts. Boeheim has a very short leash on Guerrier and Goodine which is frustrating to watch. They don't get any benefit of the doubt and immediately look to the sideline when they make a mistake. Buddy and JG have no such worries. I really like Jesse Edwards. He is very slight of frame but you can see the skill he has. Cuse is lacking elite players and has an entire team of guys that would be served moving down a peg. This is going to be a long year. Usually they are playing cream puffs right now and nobody sees how the season will shape up, this year they have kind of been thrown to the wolves. Hope it is good long term but this is going to be a long bumpy road. Iowa, Penn State, and Ok State are not even the tops of their conferences and they had their way with SU. This team might only make it to 12 or 13 wins. Seriously.
  3. I am with you. This week feels like a Bills win. Ravens are hot but last week they showed signs of cooling down. I trust the defense to do some of what SF did last week and contain Lamar. Lost in all of his hoopla is the fact that he only threw for 105 and ran for another 101. 206 total yards of offense. Now I know the weather played a factor but so did SF defense. I think the Bills pull this one out. I also think the Chiefs win in NE. I'm also drunk on the Kool aid but that's what being a fan is all about. The Bills control their own destiny for once. Let's. Go. Buffalo!!!
  4. For the last week I avoided making a lamp post but I had something funny happen on Thanksgiving. I am a Bills fan because of my mom and her family as she is from Olean. Thanksgiving I watched the game at my parents house and my Mom and I celebrated a lot. My wife doesn't care anything about football, however she respects the Sunday game day and I get to watch the games uninterrupted (no small feat with 2 small children). After watching the Bills destroy the Cowboys she asked the next day about the super bowl, where it was, and if the Bills had a chance. I told her it was in Miami and she asked if I would like to go. I jokingly said if you let me go to the Super Bowl you guys can go to Disney for the week and I will drive to Miami for the game. Without batting an eye she said deal. Now my wife has been asking about the Bills, Josh Allen, if they can beat the Ravens this weekend (I didn't even know she knew the Ravens were a team!), and what they need to have happen to clinch the playoffs. 9+ years later she finally cares. All it took was promising to spend thousands of dollars on a vacation! Hopefully she doesn't learn the disappointment we have felt too many times lol.
  5. This was posted before the draft about 3 weeks ahead if iirc. The trade written down is confirmed to be the trade that was in place with denver after the draft. I won't die on a hill saying this is for sure true but there is a lot of smoke there.
  6. Yeah I missed it originally but someone mentioned it in passing previously and I remembered finding it on Reddit. Googled Reddit Bills QB Draft Board Leak and found it. The proposed trade with Denver was confirmed as the deal that was in place if Chubb didn't fall which lends even more credence to the rumor. Given how the draft played out (confirmation bias I know) I think even more that it was true. I am shocked this wasn't a bigger story pre-draft as it could have wrecked their plans!
  7. I posted it at one point in time I'll try to dig it up... Hope this works:
  8. Yeah give me 100% all by itself. I'd still pick it. I'm not putting 5k down but I will be betting Bills money line more money than I want my wife to know about (although even a dollar is more than she likes lol)
  9. Why are you so quick to say the Ravens have more talent? The Bills defense is 3rd in yards Ravens are 9th Pass Defense Bills are 3rd Ravens are 13th Run Defense Ravens are 6th Bills are 14th Bills are 3rd in ppg and Ravens are 5th Bills have a higher ranked passing offense in ypg Ravens lead in points per game and rushing yards per game for offense and rushing yards per game for the defense. So of the 8 major statistics (total ypg, pass ypg, run ypg, ppg for both offense and defense) the Ravens are better in 4 and the Bills are better in 4. Ravens are the media darling right now and deservedly so. Buffalo is going to smack them in the mouth and take that mantle. 100% Did I say that yet?
  10. 100 mother*****ing percent!!! The Bills are going to take another step towards the national spotlight! Ravens played a tough niners game that they eked out a win on a last second field goal. They won't be as up for this game as Buffalo will! Bills had a longer rest period and are at home! The Cap will be electric after Thanksgiving! Nobody Circles the Wagons!!!
  11. “I felt like our first year, you try to get away from the ‘here we go again’ moments in the game when you’re trying to build a foundation,” McDermott said. “And at some point, once you establish that, it’s, ‘O.K., we can win close games and come back from some of those moments.’” Best part of the article (I know nobody actually reads them but they should...) This is what some Bills fans are still working through this year. The Bills have done a lot of things this year: Beat Cowboys, Giants, and Redskins (Super Bowl revenge tour) Beat the Titans on an illegal forward pass call Won a nationally televised game These aren't the same old Bills. I think that is what made the Cowboys game so big. In the past they would get embarrassed on that stage. Cowboys on the road, on Thanksgiving, after the league had to apologize for poor calls against the Patriots, Jerry Jones chirping, short week, #1 offense, #6 defense. You could feel the broadcast was set up for an easy Cowboys win over the over rated Buffalo Bills. So many shots of smug Jerry Jones, Tony Romo talking them up, Emmit visiting in the booth. Then something happened. The Bills won but they didn't just win, they dominated. No comeback, no sweating out the final possession, and a shot of Jerry Jones with head buried in his hands. These aren't the Bills we watched bumble through season after season. They aren't an automatic w on the schedule. They are a team that the good teams don't want to face. Shed the BBFS. Let's go Buffalo!!!
  12. Im not doing the math myself just using the numbers you gave. Does that mean 32 super bowls have been won by guys outside of the top 20 for 300 yard games?
  13. He obstructs the receiver without making a play on the ball. That's pi imo. I don't want to argue minutia though on such a great day so I will bow out here. Go Bills!
  14. Agreed you could hear the disappointment. He did catch himself a few times but it almost made it more noticeable to me. Still best in the business but today, in a dominating win, i expected better from him.
  15. I disagree with the rest of your post but this part the most strongly. Defender never turned his head around and impeded Knox's attempt at a catch. Clear pi by rule.
  16. Since we played miami twice them winning would increase our strength of victory by more wouldnt it? Or does it still only count once?
  17. I am with you on all of this. As you state none of it can happen without them losing to Houston first so that is what I am rooting for. I don't think they will but I will be rooting for it! Only one I disagree with is Browns over Steelers. Browns are hot right now records be damned. The Steelers and their third string qb are more likely to fall apart imo.
  18. For the red: I'm rooting for Pittsburgh. Cleveland is hot right now and to me the better team. A loss pretty much ends them so that is what I am rooting for. I'm rooting for Tennessee. We own the tie breaker over them. I'm rooting for Baltimore. I would like to see them keep pace with the Patriots this week so when they lose to the Bills it doesn't end their hopes for a bye. I disagree with a couple of your bolded. I'm rooting for Houston. The division is in play if the Patriots drop this game and the Bills can beat them in foxboro. Plus I will never root for the Patriots unless it has some huge benefit for the Bills. This game doesn't meet this criteria. I'm rooting for Tampa Bay. End Jacksonville's season. For the non bolded: I'm rooting for Miami. Ruin the tank and help our strength of victory I'm rooting for Washington. Help the strength of victory I'm rooting for Giants. I bet you can guess why lol. All this said just win baby!!! Still rooting for the division. Beat Dallas when they are reeling, beat the Ravens after having extra prep time, beat the Steelers and Duck Dodge, end the dynasty, beat the running for the buses Jets! Let's Go Buffalo!!!
  19. You know I probably should just let them slide but are we really complaining about the 3rd ranked defense? 3rd in ppg, 3rd in ypg, 3rd in passing yards per game, and gasp 14th in rushing yards per game. They are top 5 in 3 categories and top half of the league in the other category. With 90 million in cap space there is no need to move on from Star or Trent. There is money to spend on Shaq and Jordan Phillips and others who need to be re-signed. There is still money to add players as well. No reason to cut players and create holes in a very good defense.
  20. It looks like I am in the minority but I love the red on red color rush!
  21. Perhaps but I have brought up missteps before and told they were no big deal. I hate to beat this drum but the go back to where you came from tweet got way more defense here than I expected. To the blatant hit jobs I think that is the cost of being president. Especially with the 24 hour news cycles and social media now it is easier than ever to spark (faux) outrage. The right did it to Clinton, then the left did it to GW, then the right did it to Obama, and now the left does it to Trump. I did some research on this previously and the research showed that Trump gets the most negative coverage. I think that has to do with him being a celebrity beforehand and someone who made enemies prior to becoming POTUS. Trump had a lot of negative press prior to becoming president and many people already had an opinion on him. Prior to their presidential runs very few people knew who Obama or Clinton were. GW was only known for being the owner of the Rangers and the son of Bush I. You and me both. Seriously the coronation of Clinton was something I was very happy not to see. The DNC showed how corrupt they were and it still wasn't enough. Media on both sides showed their true colors more than ever before. To be a fly on the wall when she realized she hadn't won...
  22. I really appreciate you taking the time to write all of that out. I'm with you all the way up to thinking that Trump won this election is spite of all of this going on and played fairly. I buy everything except the idea that he and the Repubs would operate above board if as you say it has gone back to at least GW. I'm not saying the impeachment is necessary or warranted but at what time does the lid get blown off of this so it no longer happens? That's what I was trying to get at. I don't want to excuse Obama's actions anymore than I want Obama's actions used to excuse Trump's actions (if he did the same). I have no problem with him being investigated. If he did no wrong I will be relieved. I fear I am rambling at this point so I apologize for not being as well written as you but hopefully I got my point across lol.
  23. Obama at this point doesn't really matter. He won't be holding any office in the future. I am not saying it doesn't matter what he did as I stated earlier neither of them should have done it. I'm saying it is a moot point now. Or better put it doesn't make it better for Trump that Obama did it. I'm really (probably naively) hoping that it isn't the cost of running for President now.
  24. I'm trying to figure out if we are on the same page here. Obama shouldn't have done it and neither should Trump. Are we all in agreement here? Or is it that since Obama did it it is okay that Trump is doing it? Isn't this a textbook definition of whataboutism?
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