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Everything posted by section122

  1. LeBron and Ad is a lethal combo IF and its a big IF they can stay healthy.
  2. Yeah no team in the NFL scares me which is a weird feeling that I haven't had since I was a kid. I think the Bills can compete with every single team in the NFL. They showed they can hang with the Ravens and Patriots. Their strong defense can keep them in any game especially in January. Time to shock the world. Why not us?!?!?!
  3. I don't disagree with either of these statements. However they include nuance which the poster I responded to either intentionally or not is ignoring. Lamar is lights out this year and he is still behind Tannehill in all of those categories I listed. Stats lie and there is so much more to them then the gross numbers his argument lacks that nuance. I swear I'm not stalking you I only am responding because I looked up Brady's numbers yesterday... In his second year Brady's numbers looked like this: 62.1 comp%, 3764 yards passing, 6.3 ypa, 28 tds, 14 ints, and a rating of 85.7 Josh's second year (some are projected): 59.3 comp%, 3287 yards passing, 6.7 ypa, 20 tds, 10 ints, and a rating of 84.6 if you include rushing 3820 yards, 30 tds Clearly still some room to grow as a passer but overall production is pretty close. In his 4th year starting Brady really came into his own backslid a little in his 6th and then became the Brady we all know is his 7th year starting. That was the 18-1 year where he had his best weapons.
  4. Lamar Jackson is passing for 206.4 ypg. 1 full yard per game than Josh Allen. Jackson hasn't had to play from behind and the Ravens lean on the run game and strong defense for success (sound familiar). The Ravens are #1 in the league in rush ypg by 55.1 ypg over the next closest team. To put that in perspective they are farther ahead of the #2 team than the #2 team is ahead of the 22nd team (Lions). Lamar is playing lights out this year no doubt but where does he project long term? Why is Josh Allen Blake Bortles but Lamar can't be Colin Kaepernick? Both of these guys have their whole careers in front of them. Both guys took tremendous leaps from year 1 to 2. It will be interesting to see where they go... As for stats... Ryan Tannehill is ahead of Lamar Jackson in almost every category (comp %, ypa, ay/a, y/c, ypg, QB rating, ny/a, any/a, 4th quarter comeback, and game winning drives). So by your "logic" you would take Tannehil over Lamar Jackson right? He is top 5 in a bunch of passing categories and ahead of Lamar in all the ones listed above.
  5. To your bolded we also get a little emotional watching the games. This year I have rewatched almost every single game (not the Eagles lol). It strikes me the second time around, knowing what will happen, how much different Josh's performance looks. Specifically the Browns game sticks out in my mind. He wasn't great at all but he wasn't nearly as terrible as I thought he was in real time. The Ravens games looked better as well. He had some really untimely drops against the Ravens that ended drives through no fault of his own. I'm not saying he is perfect or anything of the sort just that we are emotional when seeing the games because we live and die with each throw. When we watch other qbs their bad passes don't stick in our minds because we don't care. Interesting thought exercise here of how many teams would this apply to? At first I thought duh so would every team but I'm actually not sure that is true. Chiefs and Texans I think would stick with their guys, Ravens as well. However I think this year the Patriots, Steelers, and the Bills if trading would be the favorites because of their defenses. Some of the interesting teams though are on the outside looking in. The Colts and Browns I think would move into playoff territory but maybe not AFC favorites. It would be interesting to see Wilson with the talent at WR that Cleveland possesses.
  6. hmmmm I like numbers and don't think yours are accurate. Here is what I found: JAcoby Brisset is 16th in the league at 90.1 for Qb rating so using that as a bench mark, Josh has 7 games above that and 7 below. He doesn't have a 3 game stretch of bad anywhere this year although he could if he plays poorly this week. He has had 2 tough games in a row against 2 top 10 defenses which shouldn't be surprising. I found a neat little stat here that shows QB Rating against Josh has performed above the league average against Dallas, Denver, Miami, Miami, Washington, Tennessee, and the NYG. Again 7 games. The list of Qbs backed by a strong defense at the start of their careers is long. Russel Wilson which you didn't like so how about Ben Roethlisberger? Or *gasp* Tom Brady (less than 7ypa and less than 90 qb rating each of his first 3 years starting)? Why not choose them?
  7. The answer was part of the same tweet lol browns in 2007 https://twitter.com/ESPNStatsInfo/status/1206431477187203072
  8. I'm on record as saying he is my favorite player on the team so this is not an unbiased post but.... The Bills have so much cap space going into next year. I think they can keep Star, Murphy, etc for another year and still do what they want. There is no reason to create holes and swallow dead money when they have so much flexibility. Star and Murphy can play next year then the dead space for star drops considerably while Murphy's contract is off the books. I think they should only look at cutting players when they have cap troubles. I don't see a reason to create a hole just to need to pay someone else to fill it. For example Star's contract pays him 10.1 million next year which I agree is a lot. Dead money is 7.8 million. Can you find a better player for 2.3 million? I don't think so. Also cutting someone means signing someone which cuts into the comp formula. I think this year they won't be quite as active but still doing some fa signing. Comp picks are a year away still imo. Sign Philips to 15.5 if that is what it takes, keep Star and Murphy, sign shaq to 9 million and you still have 65 million dollars to work with. Draft a pass rusher to replace Murphy and Hughes after next year. Just spit balling but I hate the idea of cutting guys for minimal savings when they don't need the money
  9. Agree that Singletary and Knox will have to step up. Singletary needs to hold on to the football and so does Knox. I think though it really comes down to Josh taking care of the football moreso than anyone else. No back foot throws and no heave and hopes. I think he does it and I really think the Bills take this game.
  10. I was looking up stats for another thread and came across the fact that the much maligned Bills run defense has moved to #10. That means the Defense is top 10 in ypg, ppg, passing ypg, rush ypg, and turnovers. Didn't keep digging but they are every bit as good as advertised!
  11. Bills will play the team that finishes in the same spot division wise as them. Finish 2nd play the 2nd place team. When they win the division they will play the division winner of the AFC North (Ravens)
  12. Yeah he took a tremendous leap in growth after that first game. Time to see if the lessons stuck!
  13. Tommy Shaw is one of the most underappreciated guitarists imo. He is fantastic. You can definitely see the sideline bouncing and getting hyped up. On a side not did it bother anyone else that the hits on the video didn't line up to the music? If this is your thing do it right!
  14. Was just talking about this last night. Some of the teams we have played have been bad but had really good defenses. The Bills have played the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th ranked teams in points against The Bills have played the 1st, 2nd, 8th, and 9th defenses in takeaways The Bills have played the 1st, 4th ,6th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 12th in total ypg given up The Bills have played the 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 12th in passing ypg given up The Bills have played the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, 12th, and 13th in rush ypg given up That is a lot of tough defenses and they still sit at 10-4. A lot of trial by fire that will only help come January!
  15. I was just happy to see the hatchet buried! Regardless of the division (which I still want obviously) a win would almost certainly knock them out of a first round bye. I felt strongly about the Pitt game and I feel just as strongly about this Patriots game. It's gonna be another ugly slobber knocker but I see the Bills winning this one. They have been reeling and that offense looks worse than the Bills offense.
  16. This year feels different doesn't it? The Bills are a team of destiny this year and removing the same old Bills feeling while making up for past ills. All in the year 20-19. Beat the Giants (super bowl 25) Beat the Redskins (SB 26) Beat the Cowboys (SB 27 and 28) Beat the Titans on an illegal forward pass call (music city forward pass) Ended the curse of Flutie having him lead the Charge against the Ravens. Beat the Steelers to get into the playoffs (3rd stringer game) Clinched the playoffs with a score of 10-17 which happens to be Ralph Wilson's birthday. Last one left is to fix is the monkey that is the Patriots off their back. 31-0 0-31 ring a bell? Time to reverse it! Bills will win on Sunday 16-10! Book It!
  17. I'm trying to find video but I had a theory about Josh's accuracy and I think Sunday proved it correct. If anyone can find a video of every throw I would appreciate it I had no luck. Josh is very accurate when he completes his throwing motion fully. He gets in trouble when he tries to get too "cute." When he is trying to place the ball instead of just letting it rip it gets away from him. Much like when a golfer tries to slow their swing down or take a half swing and gets themselves in trouble. His full throwing motion comes down as he completes it. When he throws long many times he stops himself halfway and doesn't complete the motion. It is amazing that I can't find a highlight package of missed throws or really any highlights that include the missed throws.
  18. Absolutely cringe almost any time Peolsi opens her mouth. How are you that rich and can't afford properly fitting dentures? You gave Jon Adams 2 instances and I gave one back to you. I cringe that Trump tweets 30+ times in a day and our 70+ year old president gets into twitter beefs. I cringed when Obama was a Kenyan. I cringed when it came out that the DNC rigged the primary for HRC. I cringed when Clinton was impeached for getting a #### ###. I cringed when we went to war over WMDs. How about the obstructionism during Obama's tenure as president? Is that enough examples? Both sides are dirty. Neither side gets to pretend anymore that it is country over politics. That has been made clear by BOTH parties for at least the last 20 years.
  19. absolutely and continue to operate this way because it is beneficial. Since we are on a Bills board I can use the example of the Patriots. Lose a first round pick here and there, fined a half million dollars, suspend golden boy for 4 games. Worth it for 6 championships and the millions upon millions (if not billions) they made while winning them and being the face of the NFL.
  20. This is what I put in bold so yes I would say it does. You really truly think the Republican party does what is best for the country and not for the party itself? Really you truly believe that?
  21. I bet they still made money on this. From the report: The $192.35 million penalty against HSBC Switzerland has three parts. First, HSBC Switzerland has agreed to pay $60,600,000 in restitution to the IRS, which represents the unpaid taxes resulting from HSBC Switzerland’s participation in the conspiracy. Second, HSBC Switzerland agreed to forfeit $71,850,000 to the United States, which represents gross fees (not profits) that the bank earned on its undeclared accounts between 2000 and 2010. Finally, HSBC Switzerland agreed to pay a penalty of $59,900,000. notice that it goes out of it's way to say not profits. Looking further: In 2002, the bank had approximately 720 undeclared U.S. client relationships, with an aggregate value of more than $800 million. When the bank’s undeclared assets under management reached their peak in 2007, HSBC Switzerland held approximately $1.26 billion in undeclared assets for U.S. clients. 192 million seems like a lot until you see that they were handling almost 10 times that amount. I can almost guarantee the new year will see increases banking fees for all HSBC customers. Just like At&Ts fines were passed down to the same consumers they took advantage of. https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/5/20949850/att-fine-unlimited-data-plan-fake-throttling https://www.extremetech.com/mobile/301680-att-switches-customers-to-more-expensive-plans-without-permission it’s particularly noteworthy that AT&T is rolling out these new plans in the very same week it paid a $60M fine to the FTC for lying to customers about the nature of supposedly unlimited data plans. According to a new AT&T document, mobile users with old Mobile Share plans now enjoy 15GB more data than they previously had. Mobile Share Value 30GB plans are now Mobile Share Value 45GB plans. Mobile Share Value 60GB is now Mobile Share Value 75GB, etc, etc. Sounds like a nice bonus, right? Not so much. According to AT&T: “Enjoy more data. Starting with your October 2019 bill, you’ll get an additional 15GB of data on your Mobile Share plan. This bonus data comes with a $10 price increase.” By all means though lets not worry about corporations and 1%ers but instead the imaginary welfare queens that are spending all your hard earned tax dollars...
  22. You don't actually believe the bolded do you? The Republican position (just like the dems) is whatever will get them more power or allow them to hold on to power. Both sides do this. Perhaps you forgot about the supreme court appointment in 2016? https://www.npr.org/2018/06/29/624467256/what-happened-with-merrick-garland-in-2016-and-why-it-matters-now "Of course," said McConnell, "the American people should have a say in the court's direction. It is a president's constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate's constitutional right to act as a check on the president and withhold its consent." There was no precedent for such an action since the period around the Civil War and Reconstruction. In a speech that August in Kentucky, McConnell would say: "One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.' " McConnell was not alone. The 11 Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee signed a letter saying they had no intention of consenting to any nominee from Obama. No proceedings of any kind were held on Garland's appointment. Which was followed up by the sham Brett Kavanaugh witch hunt by the Dems.
  23. Massive and I usually like him. We want to believe in Buffalo but at some point in time you have to beat someone. That was almost an exact quote. Then from the highlights you would think the Ravens dominated and then a quick oh they missed on 4th and 8 with a minute to go. You don't hear about it for the Vikings or Steelers. Pitt has one win against a team with a winning record (Rams) and the Vikings have beaten the Cowboys for their best win (hmm sounds familiar). In fact of all the current playoff teams only the Ravens and Chiefs have a strength of victory (sov) over .500. Going deeper there is only 1 other team with a sov over .500 and that is the Falcons. Every single team beats the "bad" teams each year, that argument to me, is just an excuse to not cover the Bills.
  24. So what you are saying is this style of winning IS sustainable? I keed. I saw an interesting stat about turnovers: The 2016 Patriots became the first team to win a Super Bowl with less than 25 takeaways. They had 23, but were plus-12 and finished third overall. Only seven Super Bowl winners have ever finished with a negative number in the turnover category, with the 2015 Broncos (minus-4, ranked 19th) being the last one. Currently the Bills only have 16. The Niners, Patriots, Steelers, and Seahawks have already reached that threshold and all look to be playoff bound. There are 16 teams that have a positive to differential and only the Redskins, Cardinals, and Broncos have a losing record. I found that to be the most interesting stat looking around.
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