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Everything posted by section122

  1. Looked good again tonight you might be on to something! Lol
  2. I don't think Joe Q Public wants that unfortunately. People want to think they are right so they watch/listen to news that agrees with them. Then they can laugh at how dumb the other side is. I hope so but it is hard to think that way. The federal govt just lost an appeal on the merger between Time Warner and AT&T. What happened to stopping monopolies? Disney is its own giant. 5 companies decide what information the world receives. That is a scary number. Ultimately I don't share your optimism which sucks lol. As they grow larger the barrier for entry becomes much more difficult. Then say you do own a non bias website and Disney offers you 100 million for it. Drop in the bucket for them a cool billion for you. I like to think I'm a principled guy but I'm cashing that check! https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/democracyondeadline/mediaownership.html The trend of media conglomeration has been steady. In 1983, 50 corporations controlled most of the American media, including magazines, books, music, news feeds, newspapers, movies, radio and television. By 1992 that number had dropped by half. By 2000, six corporations had ownership of most media, and today five dominate the industry: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom. With markets branching rapidly into international territories, these few companies are increasingly responsible for deciding what information is shared around the world.
  3. CNN sucks. Sorry to not be clear! lol They are the DNC mouthpiece much like fox news use to operate as the RNC mouthpiece. I only phrase that they used to be as I don't watch them anymore to know if they have changed their ways. 2016 was eye opening to me and showed just how biased all the networks were. After watching debates it was interesting to watch different channels talk about how great their candidate did. It was clear who was backing HRC and who backed Trump. It would be so nice to see non-biased reporting but that can't happen now. Media conglomerates are part of the problem but so is the fact that news channels aren't beholden to the truth. They are entertainment pitched as news.
  4. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/01/15/cnn-truly-terrible-influence-country-democratic-debate-moderators-pilloried-centrist Critics of the corporate media as well as supporters and staffers of Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign blasted the moderators of the CNN/Des Moines Register Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night for employing centrist talking points and demonstrating a bias against Sanders in how they framed questions. It is everywhere today how slanted that debate was by CNN. Here is the best example imo: https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-elizabeth-warren-bernie-sanders "Senator Sanders, I do want to be clear here. You're saying that you never told Senator Warren that a woman could not win the election," Phillip followed. "That is correct," Sanders answered. "Senator Warren, what did you think when Senator Sanders told you a woman could not win an election?" Phillip then asked the progressive rival, which sparked audible laughs in the auditorium and a shake of the head from Sanders. This is the clear bias that exists. It isn't that even CNN sees it, it is grasping at Biden or in a pinch Warren as the status quo candidate. I firmly believe that the DNC would rather lose with anyone rather than see Bernie win https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1217280001218895872?s=20
  5. Yes very much so. They are going to screw Bernie again. I called it a long time ago. Trump vs Biden and Trump gets the nod. Then 2024 will be the dems turn. DNC is not anyone's party just like the RNC isn't. Just rich people trading power under the illusion of free and open elections. Gonna have to join in the chorus of wait now CNN matters? CNN is DNC propganda. Shoot there is a whole thread on PPP about it but because they put up something you agree with, they now get posted here by you? So the post I quoted above and this one go hand in hand. Going even futher, the media loves Trump as president including CNN. Negativity sells and ratings are never better than when you can pitch the sky is falling.
  6. This notion needs to be put to bed. The Bills did not have a bad run defense this year. The Bills finished with the #10 ranked run defense in ypg. They were a top 10 defense in almost every metric that matters. I don't think you can say a top 10 performance sucks. Yeah begrudgingly I am here. I don't see Buffalo breaking the bank for him. Maybe the market won't be what he thought it was and he will be back but I doubt it. His numbers are eye popping for the position. He finished 11th in the league in sacks for any position, 2nd at his position behind Aaron Donald playing way less snaps, someone is going to pay for that. I hope it isn't a rival or really anyone in the AFC lol.
  7. so much hate for this dude and I don't get it. Not only was he productive but he was clearly an emotional leader of the d-line. And we are all set because we have Harrison Phillips?!?!?!? I don't mind him but he has proven nothing in this league. He had a so-so rookie year and then got hurt in the 3rd game this year. I would like to see him grown and get better and hopefully be the answer but he is far from certain.
  8. That's the thing though, Clowney isn't a top flight pass rusher. He is a disruptor for sure but as for sacking the QB he has 32 over 75 games or just under a half sack a game. Jordan Phillips put up more sacks this year than Clowney ever has, Shaq had more sack than him this year. I don't want it to seem like I don't think Clowney is a very good player but he is about to get a top of the market contract and I don't know that he is worth that.
  9. Yup very valid concern. I know Clowney is a good player but to me, to get that giant contract you have to have both ability and availability. I don't know that he checks that second box enough to make me comfortable to give him the big bucks. If Beane decides to though I will get it especially with the Gaine connection and the facilities. Hopefully the Bills can become like the early 2000s Suns where injury prone players go and resurrect their career due to the excellent staff/facilities.
  10. Looking at spotrac they have Clowney expected market value at 20 million. They have Jordan Phillips at 6.1 and Shaq at 7.6. Is Clowney worth those 2 and another solid piece? I think both of those numbers are low for Phillips and Shaq but still something to think about... Chris Jones is projected at 19.2 and is better at rushing the passer imo.
  11. I think the Gaine point is a huge one. He knows Clowney and his actual demeanor not just his trying to sign a lucrative deal demeanor. The other point is the new facilities. For someone who often has lingering injuries that would imo be a huge selling point. I like Clowney but I am a little weary of how much he will cost. I'm in full on trust the process mode though. If they pay him I will be happy, if they decide he isn't worth the price tag I will be happy. Such a strange offseason going in feeling this way...
  12. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo It sure sounds like they are gonna let him walk. I would imagine they have had conversations and it must not be close. He took a long time to re-sign last year iirc. I hope he is back but I guess I have to settle for hoping he doesn't go to a team I hate so I can keep rooting for him. I won't be mad about it but I will be sad. He was the heart and soul of that dline imo. He was constantly pumping team mates and the crowd up AND he showed up on the stat sheet. Hoping it can be worked out!!!
  13. Absolutely teach it. I used to coach select soccer teams. I taught how to dive and when. I also taught how to grab the opposing player and not get caught. Gamesmanship is certainly part of the game. Kind of like the seahawks hold on every play and make then call it strategy, playing the refs is as important as playing the game.
  14. Yes and since it was a penalty in the endzone it should have been a safety. Not a touchback. I vowed not to let myself get so upset about football anymore a few years ago (atlanta game in toronto where they kept fumbling the stupid ball). This game made me break that rule. Never has intent governed the game only actions.
  15. I voted yes. Yes he can hit wide open receivers. Yes he piled up really nice numbers. I don't know how good since the talent level is far an away better than any of his competition. Alabama has what 3 first round picks playing wr for them right now? His injury history has to be concerning as well. Multiple injuries specifically lower body injuries make me question how long he will last. Defenses are bigger and hit a lot harder than they do in college. Windows are a lot smaller in the NFL. If he didn't have the injury history I would be a lot more concerned about Miami taking him.
  16. Both of my parents were teachers as well. They didn't vote for money but for who would take education seriously and that they thought cared about the youth of America. Most teachers i know do not like Betsy DeVos. She does not align with them. Both of my parents are republican. Pay is still an issue at many schools and for many teachers. The hours the work outside of the classroom, the lack of funding, and the need to deal with zany parents are also issues. I think its funny you chose a 30 year demarcation line. The last 30 years include 3 republican presidents and 2 democrats. 16 years to 14 years dem to republican control. Surely if education is such a mess then the blame is split? Lastly, is it a surprise that people who dedicate their lives to bettering others support a candidate with similar ideals? Bernie isnt a perfect candidate but his track record on equal rights for minorities and lgtb is better and longer than any other candidate. He has an authenticity that the Bidens, Clintons, and Warrens of the world lack.
  17. Stephon Gilmore "DPOY" Stephon Gilmore "Devante Parker Owns You" Stolen not my own but i got a good laugh.
  18. I disagree. Patriots are employing the same exact strategy this year and did at the end of last year. Until Wilson came into his own, the Seahawks won a superbowl playing that way. Broncos won one with a limp armed Manning. Even the Steelers with baby big ben employed the same strategy. It can be a super bowl winning strategy as history has shown repeatedly. So you have total offensive rankings but that isn't what this is about. You have been railing about passing. Do you want to go back through and look at passing offense ranks? Nah probably not but I will for you: 09 2v4 10 5v14 11 2v5 12 15v23 (!!!!!) 13 1v26 14 9v27 15 14v24 16 3v4 17 2v13 18 5v8 So lets see out of the last 20 super bowl participants; 7 haven't been in the top 10 and 4 were in the bottom 10 of the league. If you want to use stats at least stay true to your argument and post the correct stats.
  19. The bolded is one of the first things they teach you NOT to do. However I won't disagree especially with the speed of the NFL that is what happens. The facemask on Edmunds is a perfect example of this. The ref saw the lunge and reaction and figured there must have been a facemask. Refs should only be calling things they specifically see but I get, again because of the speed, why they don't. Doesn't make it any less infuriating when it happens though.
  20. Thank you! The process will grow stale real quick if they don't reward the guys that earn it. Shaq and Jordan are on that list. Yannick Ngakoue has exactly 1.5 more sacks than Shaq this year (8 to 6.5) while playing 695 snaps to Shaq's 464 snaps. That means that on average Yannick gets a sack every 87 snaps and Shaq gets one every 71 snaps. We have a guy on our team that has bought in, produced, and will be cheaper while being a known commodity. No reason to spend more money on Ngakoue for less production.
  21. Every de gets those. Strahan set the record on favre diving. Shaq has the production of guys who are thought of much higher and have signed some big money deals. Calais campbell signed for 4/60. Frank clark was traded for a 1st and more and got 5/105. Shaq matches their production this season playing less snaps.
  22. Bills will be active again in FA this year. Comp picks are still a year away imo. Yeah the Bills should add a stud pass rusher like a Frank Clark or a Dee Ford. Maybe a Carlos Dunlap or Calais Campbell. Oh wait they have equal to or as many sacks as Shaq. I have been preaching this!!! Why make holes when they have so much money. Time to stack talent not just replace talent. As for you worried about them getting paid and taking it easy, you haven't been paying attention. That is not the type of players the Bills have on the team. They have guys that go to work, embrace the team idea, and work not only for themselves but each other. If they were money focused players they would have already been jettisoned. Lawson and Phillips have not only been productive but they have brought an attitude to this defense. These dudes are playing with fire and intensity and producing. You don't let that go. I loved the Shaq pick and now he is ballin. Jordan is on the sidelines pumping the crowd up going crazy. How can you not want these guys to stay Buffalo Bills. My name is section122 and I would like your vote for Jordan Phillips fan club president.
  23. I love it. I originally wanted to springboard this post into a thread about the Bills and where they actually fall in the NFL grand scheme of things but you started the work here. I do want to point out that the Bills have exceeded expectations each of McDermott's 3 years here. His first year when they jettisoned Watkins and Darby in the preseason I and a lot of fans thought the tank was on. Nope 9-7 and playoffs. Then last year there were posts about how Alabama could beat the Bills and they were the worst team in the NFL talent wise. Nope 6-10 and 9th overall pick. This year people thought maybe just maybe if everything broke right they could be 9-7 or 10-6. Well they did that with 2 games to go. Anywho.... Here is the list of teams that have made the playoffs 2 of the last 3 years: Patriots, Chiefs, Seahawks, Saints, Rams, and Bills. Texans and Steelers could join this club as well. Look at that list and think of the reputations of all of those teams. Pats Goat coach and qb, Chiefs with Reid, Mahomes, and their weapons, Saints with Brees and Sean Payton, Wonderboy McVay, and the amazing history of the black and yellow. Then you have the Texans who get knocked for their HC and lack of gm and the Bills who people are just now coming around on. It occured to me during the Ravens game that respect won't be given to the Bills it will have to be taken. When they lost to the hottest team in football and the favorites for the SB it was covered as the Bills can't beat anyone good. Nevermind the Cowboys. Since they lost to the Bills they must be bad. The Steelers game really started to change people's minds. It was the second time a lot of people got to see the Bills in 3 weeks after not seeing them for a long time (1 MNF last year with Derek Anderson) and they beat 2 darling franchises of the NFL. I guarantee when they win on Saturday they will get even more publicity and respect. tl;dr respect is coming but it will have to be earned from media that will do so begrudgingly when forced to. The Bills can do that with this team. I'm a Billiever.
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