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Everything posted by section122

  1. The Chicago Bears select John Simpson OG Clemson. Replacement for Kyle Long and more beef up front for Montgomery and Trubisky. @GunnerBill and Dallas are on the clock
  2. With the 43rd pick the Bears select Trey Adams OT Washington. Can't look for Trubisky's replacement just yet so I am going to get him some protection. @BuffaloHokie13 and the Colts are on the clock Please do yourself a favor and google pictures of this meat head lol
  3. I don't hate Trump. I think it is embarrassing that our president engages in twitter beefs with people, doesn't know simple geography, etc and I think we can do better. He isn't this evil dictator that people want to make him out to be. He is however a troll (in the internet sense of the word) and I will admit that at times it makes me chuckle. However I don't think that is a role our leader should be playing. As for Health Insurance I appreciate your views. I work directly every day with benefits in my role as an HR Director and just simply see things a bit differently. I have watched premiums sky rocket while adding deductibles to plans that didn't have them with worse coverage. Insurance companies were forced to offer coverage to everyone and pretended that it caused a tremendous burden for them financially. Meanwhile Excellus made 99.5 million profit in 2016, 182.3 in 2017, and 150 million in 2018. That is a non-profit company making 432 million dollars in profits in 2 years. Their CEO received a 23% raise from 2.3 million a year to 2.9. As I work in a smallish company (about 115 employees) I also see the cost to the employer. Minimum wage hikes are going to push a lot of businesses out as they struggle to maintain competitiveness while labor costs skyrocket. If employers weren't on the hook for premiums they would become more sustainable and profitable. I posted in a separate thread about why Medicare is so expensive. Part of that is due to the population served and the risk associated with them. The other part is that the govt is forbidden from negotiating medication prices. I have family living abroad with socialized medicine and they have no issues with wait times, providers, etc. All the boogeyman talking points being pushed are exaggerated. Funny thing is we currently have to go where our insurance says we can go so we already have issues with providers (in network vs out of network), we have to wait sometimes months for specialists as it is, and most PCPs don't accept walk in appointments anymore. The talking points are current issues!
  4. Sorry for the delay in responding. I like to post on PPP from a computer as it is easier to be a windbag than it is with my phone Yes I am a Sanders supporter. I was last go around as well. He has a tremendous track record of being on the right side of issues from segregation to gay marriage to conflicts that we have engaged in. I don't agree with all of his policies namely the college loan forgiveness but I am a big believer in single payer or universal health care. Being the greatest nation on earth means we should take care of our people. Health care in America is less than ideal to put it mildly. Insurance companies have made bank off of the ACA because it is a half measure. We dipped a toe in and all it did was allow insurance companies to raise their rates astronomically while offering worse coverage. People have to make decisions on whether food or medicine is more important, stay at terrible jobs because they need insurance, and go broke trying to pay hospital bills. I would like to see health care fixed in this country above all else. That is my most important issue in this election. All that said I am on record saying Trump gets re-elected and this cluster does nothing to change that prediction. All of this is exactly what we were talking about. It is almost set up to be overly represented by young people with no responsibilities (who are generally apathetic) and older people (who generally participate). That would skew results with an unrepresentative (is that a word? lol) total of the state. Voting is less than 5 minutes generally from the time I park until the time I am back in my car. 2 hours? Can't do that. As you said unfortunately that is probably the point. From your link: The latest Emerson College tracking poll, however, shows Buttigieg has gotten a large bump in support thanks to his surprise success in Iowa. The delay in reporting the results of the Iowa caucuses has led some to speculate that the entire debacle was a calculated move by the Democratic National Committee to let Buttigieg soak up the spotlight ahead of New Hampshire.
  5. I had the patriots who don't have a 2nd round pick so I can pick up an extra team if needed @Virgil
  6. Yannick is part 2 of the guys I don't want the Bills to sign (Amari Cooper thread was part 1). I have posted the stats elsewhere but on a per play basis Shaq had more sacks than Yannick. Shaq finished with 6.5 sacks and Yannick had 8. The difference in their contracts will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 million a year apart. I don't think 1.5 sacks is worth 10 million.
  7. No way Mike Zimmer goes 2 years in a row without a cb especially after watching rhodes deterioration last year. The Vikings take Kristian Fulton, CB from LSU The Dolphins and @wppete are on the clock
  8. The New England Patriots select Leviska Shenault WR Colorado. No I'm just kidding. I think the Patriots will try to trade down from this spot and recoup the second they gave up for Sanu. That didn't work here and I would be really surprised to see them go wr back to back rounds. Offensive line was a huge issue last year but there was a run on ots. Bill loves drafting Georgia players. Therefore, with the 23rd pick the New England Patriots select Solomon Kindley, og, UGA. @CNYfan and the Saints are on the clock
  9. Patriots are open to trading down from their pick if anyone wants to jump up...
  10. Cooper (along with Yannick) are 2 incredibly over hyped guys for the production they bring. I'm glad he doesn't want Buffalo because I do not want them to blow tons of cash on him. Here are some interesting Cooper stats for you: 8 out of 16 games he had less than 5 catches 12 out of 16 games he failed to crack 100 yards receiving 7 out of 16 games he failed to crack 50 yards receiving When the Cowboys season was on the line 4th and 8 with 1:21 to go he was benched for Tavon Austin!!!! His own coaches in a do or die situation decided they would rather have Tavon freaking Austin out there. Here is a quote from him “It’s frustrating,” Cooper said. "You’ve got to look the ball all the way through before you run. That’s the main thing you want to do when it comes to catching the ball. And that’s just the challenge. It’s a challenge for some guys. I know it’s a challenge for me at times. "If this game was played to where you couldn't have run-after-the-catch, then you would catch everything because you wouldn't even think about running before you catch. And that's just a challenge for every receiver, I think. You're just so anxious to score a touchdown or get however many yards after the catch to where you don't look the ball all the way through every time." I am glad he doesn't want Buffalo...
  11. I think amused is the right answer. I watched last night because I knew Bernie would have a strong showing and I wanted to see how CNN spun it. I was surprised by how poorly Biden did and how well Buttigieg did. When I first turned it on around 9 expecting to see some results they were still showing different precincts and discussing candidates. Then the fun began. They showed Biden supporters that were not going to be viable, Warren supporters that wow had such huge numbers, then Sanders which was larger than Warren and they quickly moved past it. The night continued to get worse for Biden and then they started to get impatient waiting for results. I eventually had to turn it though, watching politics on tv is anxiety inducing. So much sky is falling, doom preaching, and arguing. Then I woke up to something glorious this morning. Straight out of the Trump playbook. Sanders wasn't going to let the DNC screw them so they had someone at each and every polling place. They were keeping their own numbers! Then it comes out that it is a discrepancy between their numbers and the DNC which caused the hold up and I couldn't wipe the smile from my face. Then it comes out that the poll that was scrapped showed him winning. DNC has been exposed and I enjoy when people that abuse their power get their comeuppance. Dummies don't understand how the world currently works. People will be outraged the more apparent it becomes they are screwing Sanders and only energize his base more. On a side not how terrible are caucuses? I was talking with my wife last night about this. You don't get to vote in private and it takes hours to complete. We have 2 small children and therefore would have to decide which 1 of the 2 of us got to vote. My house with 2 registered voters would only get 1 vote. I have to imagine this effects many people. Between childcare, working, and/or other responsibilities, how are people supposed to participate in this democratic process? Unless that is the point...
  12. Mock draft time! I will reprise my role as pats************ gm. If not I will take any open team. Saints, colts, bucs, vikings, whatever you need
  13. Alright here is what i put in today: Safety by either team +900 Darwin Thompson will score a td +600 Jimmy garropolo will score a td +700 Tevin Coleman most rushing yards +1100 Special teams td by either team +600 Both teams score every quarter +650 Took fliers on the highest odds i thought could actually happen. If I can hit on any 2 of these I will make all of my money back with a nice little profit. The safety I bet double on so that one on it's own will take care of that. Niners +1.5 and under 53.5 +250 Had to actually bet on the game. Moneyline was only 270 so I figured I would take the points. Good luck everyone! Just found mine out for 2 of my boards: 9,9 and sf 6 kc 3 come on field goal contest! Lol
  14. No I didnt vote for Hillary because the dnc rigged the primary for her. She didn't deserve my vote after that. She won ny so my vote didnt matter in the end anyway. I agree with you that healthcare is a huge problem in this country. I didn't and still don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth. I dont believe she would have done anything to fix healthcare. I also agree that a fractured dnc is bad and benefits the rnc. Perhaps the dnc should stop trying to force a candidate on us and actually let us decide. Perhaps they should stop embarrassing themselves. I refuse to be told who to vote for simply to follow political party lines. I have beliefs on both sides of the aisle and therefore vote for which candidate I think will align with my interests the best. 16 was schaudenfreude and it appears the dnc didnt learn their lesson. They are as much to blame for trump as anyone imo.
  15. Im in for under 54.5. 11 out of last 15 games have been under, under when spread is higher than 50 is 7-4, and I think the niners try to shorten the game and limit the amount of possessions. I haven't made it to the book yet to see what props they have. That will be this afternoon's adventure!
  16. I wonder what type of insurance you have and how you pay for it. Is it tied to your employment? If you lose your job do you lose your health insurance? I am very well versed in all of this. Yes I am married and yes I have kids. Both my wife and I have worked long enough that part A doesn't apply to us. Yes this system will be paid for by everyone in the form of taxes. I appreciate your concern over the costs but currently many people pay much more for this for insurance. The average person pays $5000 for health care each year. From the article: Yet it’s difficult to predict exactly how much Americans would pay with a Medicare for All plan. On the surface, the average person currently spends less on out-of-pocket costs when using a private, employer-based insurance than Medicare. But Medicare currently serves a predominantly elderly population who typically require more health care and therefore spend more. It currently is designed to help elderly people who have large health care costs. These would not be the prices going forward when you add in a larger pool of healthier people. Medicare for all would look much different than the current plan. My family health care costs are almost $1,000 per month due to the current price gouging that is going on with insulin.   My wife is a type 1 diabetic and even with insurance we pay more than $200 per month for her supplies. Nowhere else in the world does it cost that much.   From that last linked article: WHAT WE KNOW: Medicare is one of the biggest U.S. buyers of medicine. THE PROBLEM: U.S. law prohibits Medicare from negotiating prices directly with drug companies. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine says Congress should revise existing legislation to allow the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to directly negotiate prices with drug producers and suppliers. “Because prices tend to be lower when the purchaser has bargaining power that is at least comparable to that of the seller, the U.S. could achieve lower prices for prescription drugs by consolidating its bargaining power,” according to the report. WHAT WE KNOW: In the U.S., drugmakers set their own prices and have the ability to increase prices as much and as often as they wish. THE PROBLEM: Brand-name prescription drug prices in the U.S. have increased nearly 100 percent in the past six years. Although the FDA controls what drugs are available in the U.S., the federal agency has no legal authority to regulate drug prices. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: In Europe, government often sets drug prices, and prices drop over time as countries demand more and more price reductions. Although, there is no federal regulation of drug prices in the U.S., some states are taking action to control costs. California, Maryland, Nevada and Vermont, for example, have enacted drug-pricing legislation to limit unjust price increases. So medicare for all will not only be cheaper for most Americans but their prescription costs will be lowered. Employers will have a huge financial burden lifted from them. Further people won't have to decide between their health and their rent. Their health or their job. I have family that lives abroad and the system does work. Health care should not be a for profit business.
  17. Just a thought here.... I'm a Bernie supporter so let me get that out of the way. First because Medicare for all is the most important issue to me. I didn't vote Hillary (or Trump either went 3rd party hoping to get another party permanently on the ballot) because I didn't like her but I really didn't like how the DNC rigged the election for her. After the election Bernie supporters were blamed for not falling in line and voting blue no matter what. So what happens if Bernie wins the nomination? Does the DNC fall in line? Do all the blue no matter what people do as they said we should have done? Does the DNC work to remove the man they have trumpeted as the most evil president ever? I think we all know the answer to that. I really want Bernie to win because he is the candidate I like the best but I also get a bonus of either watching the DNC expose themselves as complete and total frauds or maybe (pie in the sky moment here) doing the right thing and supporting the candidate the people chose instead of the one they chose.
  18. Td run in the snow game to keep the playoff hopes alive!
  19. https://mobile.twitter.com/_ericblanc/status/1219356956734812160?s=21 @Deranged Rhino how do i get the twitter link to show as the tweet instead of the link?
  20. Yeah I'm trying not to get too excited but they looked good these last 2 games. If they look this good next game ill start trying to figure out how they make the tournament lol
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