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Everything posted by section122

  1. Me either. Although this does make it a lot more likely that the ones left sign cheaper deals as well. To me Gurley immediately became the best available and then he signed for 5 million?!?!?! Gordon is kicking himself for not taking the 10 million in training camp last year.
  2. Really good deal for them! Also Gurley gets 7.55 from the Rams with 2.5 offset language. He will still make 10 million dollars this year! I expect him to run hard this year and play well.
  3. their 1. belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. I'll try one last time for you: It was not my intention to group all billionaires together. I had typed a longer response which I have now deleted. I don't wish to continue this back and forth any longer and will leave it at this: I apologize to any billionaires who feel that I have characterized them wrongly and appreciate 3rdnlng for valiantly stepping up to their defense. I hope that I have further clarified my point and that the good name of PPP is not sullied due to my "trying to get one over on people"
  4. I'm breaking it up into 2 parts to respond to 1. We already have a cluster***** of major proportions on our hands when it comes to healthcare imo. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs which means they will be losing their health insurance. Under M4A that wouldn't be a concern. The system works in many other countries and studies have shown it will work here too. https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/healthcare/484301-22-studies-agree-medicare-for-all-saves-money It is something that will benefit all Americans. The current system causes a lot of hardships for my family personally in many different ways. My family that lives out of the country comes each year to visit for a month in the summer. If anything were to happen to them while here they are screwed. Even though they are still an American citizen and still pay taxes, if she were to fall ill or get injured she is screwed. My wife is a type 1 diabetic and gets price gouged each month for insulin. I know my opinion is not the majority and I am okay with that. I will do what I can do and that is participate in the democratic process and hope a candidate that supports M4A gets elected. I won't pretend I am absolutely right and this is definitely the answer. However in my mind the current system is broken and we need an alternative. Seeing the success other countries are having leads me to believe America can enact it and have success as well. 2. No boogeymen just people whom I disagree with. Doesn't make me right or them wrong. I have said regularly through this that this is going to be revealing of people's true character and I still believe that. I don't expect small businesses to meet or match the same things billion dollar companies do. The capabilities simply aren't the same. The economic impact of having people stay home will be felt for a long time. Many businesses will close because of this and it is a terrible thing. However, anyone that is in a position to help should be imo. I know it is easy to say since I am not a billionaire but even being a thousandaire I am looking for ways to help out in any way I can. I work for a medium sized company and work directly with the owners every day planning and preparing for whatever may come next. It has been great to see their priority being the people that work for us and not the bottom line. It has reinforced why I work where I work. That said I know we have a business to run and can't put ourselves out of work. It is a fine line and again I get that. There are people who are in a position to help in this country and it would be nice to see them step up that's all. I don't use twitter (or any social media), if I see something in the news, I research it further. Then I do the only thing I can do in this situation and that is vote with my dollars. I'm not blackballing companies that I don't see did anything but I won't be supporting companies that are releasing policies I don't agree with. Whole foods got some grief for asking employees to share PTO which is a bad look. While I typed this post Jeff Bezos made another million dollars. Due to the bad publicity both Amazon and Whole foods responded by increasing wages temporarily while putting in other protections. Looking further into the players donating to arena workers many owners have responded by matching donations. All great to see. In a capitalist society the only way I can show approval/disapproval is with my shopping habits so that is what I will do going forward. This is an unprecedented event in my lifetime and I am an eternal optimist (susy ***** sunshine as my wife like to call me ). I'm hoping this situation brings out the greatness in humanity and we all work together to make sure people's lives aren't destroyed because of this. As an aside I hate communicating through text because something is lost imo which is why I both lurk way more than I post and am so wordy when I do chose to post. This conversation has so many intricacies that it is hard to convey my exact thoughts and feelings. tl;dr If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.... So let us begin anew — remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof... And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.
  5. I disagree completely. He is washed. No reaaon to bring him in at all.
  6. Read that again. I said some players while their team owners. I didn't say all owners. I didn't say all billionaires. I even went further into companies and how some are doing good and others are handling this poorly. I even went further about how I will use my dollars to support companies that are handling this the right way (imo). I purposely stay away from sweeping generalizations as they are always wrong. Perhaps reread things before spouting off? This is the Streisand effect though isn't it? I don't think anyone is watching Central China tv for news and likely never would have seen this clip without him retweeting it. Sometimes not reacting and responding to stupidity is the best action.
  7. As the regulars know I am in support of medicare for all. Just like I am in support of this financial help for the economy. In times of crisis the government must step in and help people. The reason I support M4A is because the american health system is in crisis imo. So many people out of work soon will be without health insurance as it is tied to employment. That is going to be one of the many problems resulting from the fallout of this pandemic. On a different note, this is showing people's true colors like nothing I have seen before. Some NBA players are stepping up to pay arena workers wage while their billionaire owners do nothing to help. Some billion dollar companies are asking workers to share pto with co-workers while others like McDonald's and Starbucks are paying employees 2 weeks pay if they are quarantined. I have been paying attention and will be speaking with my dollars to the companies that value their employees as human beings instead of cogs in a machine when this is all over. I am still working (healthcare industry) and have had conversations with my wife about what to do with a stimulus check. I want to donate it and am looking for appropriate ways to do so. I urge any of you in the same boat to do the same if possible. I hope there is a better cure than this for people's sake. My wife was on antimalarial drugs and they were horrible. The side effects were worse than the problem she was prescribed them for. There has been progress with rheumatoid arthritis drugs showing signs of being effective as well which were much less painful. With everyone working in lock step hopefully this is solved soon!
  8. You aren't wrong but you aren't exactly right either. Taxes are paid based on where games are played. So 8 games will be Florida taxes instead of 8 games being NY taxes. It is still a large difference so your point remains.
  9. True true. Although they could say both and still be right! ? They are even worse on septic systems!
  10. They aren't unfortunately and will lead to a clog. None of the "flushable wipes" actually are. Don't flush them ever!
  11. Snipped for brevity. Trump did a great job tonight. Dare I say he was very presidential! I was very glad to see him take it serious, introduce drastic but necessary measures, and reassure the American people. He also said exactly what I was trying to: We are all in this together. We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship, and unify together as one nation and one family. If I came across attacking one side over another I didn't mean to. Here on this forum I was speaking to the members discounting the severity as a political ploy. I was addressing certain talking points I had seen on this thread while trying not to call anyone out directly. The majority of people starting today really seemed to grasp the severity of the situation. I was more calling to task the last stragglers. Like I said in my previous post this is a bit personal and I got a little too impassioned. Anyone who cares more about the politics of this situation over the situation itself has their priorities out of whack. I hope everyone stays safe!
  12. The NBA just postponed their season. A billion dollar industry is on hold. Surely they must just be trolling Trump. Surely they are over reacting. Is it still something to laugh about and pin on the liberal media and chuck and Nancy? This is a serious situation and so many of you sound dumb trying to make this about politics or poo poo the seriousness of this.
  13. So much ignorance. I apologize as this topic is a bit personal so if I am a bit reactionary again I apologize. I hesitated as I will be sharing some personal messages but man some of you have your head buried in the sand. Cut it out with the liberal media nonsense. This is a worldwide issue. Just because people aren't dying in huge numbers doesn't make it a big deal. I have family that lives in Italy and these are some of the messages I got today. Not from the media. Not spin just a report from family that lives in a city of about 200k people. The whole country is a redzone so we are all on lockdown. There are strict rules about going out. One person from the family can go grocery shopping, being careful to follow all safety precautions, maintaining safe distances etc. All stores, shopping centers, grocery stores will be closed on weekends. We can be outside but no gathering in large groups. All masses or other church gatherings have been cancelled (my interjection - if you are familiar with Italy this is a giant deal). Funerals will be private services family only. Absolutely no activities including soccer so practice and games have been cancelled. Schools have set up for distance learning. This is life until April 3. We are hopeful that it will make a difference bc the city is critical and hospitals are past capacity. .... It's now critical hospitals may have to start making a selection of who gets ICU care if people continue to get sick. At this point I think if the US took these drastic measures now it would be preventative and proactive. .... All of us in Italy underestimated the virus bc it is low risk. The problem is it is highly contagious and the only thing we can do to fight it is to contain it. The US and other countries have the advantage of looking at the situation and acting accordingly. It's not a hoax it is serious. Just because people aren't dying doesn't mean that it isn't a serious issue. This is bigger than politics. Take safety precautions and it won't get to the point of tons of people dying. It is a GOOD thing to be cautious with this. Lastly, please cut it out with the persecution complex that this is being done to get Trump out of office. If he handles this right it could be a boon for him.
  14. Considering there are only 4 DTs on the roster currently and 1 was a practice squad signing while another was injured for the majority of last season I don't think this says anything at all about Star.
  15. You do play one pretty convincingly on this forum though... I couldn't decide whether to put this here or in the Biden thread but it made me laugh:
  16. This was going to be mine. I could see them trading down so a team like Indy could come up to get their qb of the future. Something like 22 for 34 and 75. Indy would still have a 2nd rounder from the Jets (44). Bills would have 2 2nds and 2 3rds.
  17. I was interested so I looked it up on spotrac. He is tied for 27th highest cb contract. I expect after fa that he will be just outside top 30. For a 1 year deal I can't be too mad about this. McD likes to have a vet in every room and Norman had tremendous success with him.
  18. How about Devante Parker taking Stephon Gilmore's lunch money in a week 17 game that cost ne a first round bye? Does he suck too?
  19. Im on mobile now so my quote is a little screwed up lol. I agree with you that Trump has an energy to him and would destroy Biden in debates just like he did Hillary. They are too proper and try to debate like politicians do. Trump doesn't play by the rules they are used to and I don't think Biden is good on his feet. Bernie challenged him to a 1 hour healthcare Debate which will be very interesting to me. I'm upstate NY. I'm on an island as a Bernie supporter lol. Many dems are relieved they can vote for Biden. The Bernie supporters I do know I think would support Biden. Again though only if there isn't a screw job. If i feel there is a screw job I won't vote Biden either. The second part we just have to agree to disagree. Sure he might have upset the Clinton dynasty but by the time he was the republican candidate and eventually the winner he had full support of the repubs. A lot of rich people made a lot more money during his presidency. They weren't mad to see the dem train stopped and derailed. It just feels like you are taking standard party politics and making it a grander conspiracy with Trump as some white knight here to save us and dismantle the cabal. I just don't see that. I see the dems throwing a fit bc they thought they had 16 in the bag. They had been planning it since 08 and couldn't believe it was foiled by Trump of all people! I wouldn't vote for a ticket with michele obama. Being first lady isn't a qualifier for the vp. I would actually hate it lol.
  20. I just don't understand how the billionaire who was born into money, rubbed elbows with the Clintons for how long, and has a global business is somehow considered an outsider to you. It just doesn't make sense that you accept him as some saving grace for the country when to me he is just more of the same. You keep claiming globalists head up this cabal but isn't Trump worldwide?
  21. I see this is the angle people are going to take to attack Biden. Hilariously people pretend that at 77 he is just soooo much older than Trump. Trump has so many incoherent rants couldn't you say the same thing? I googled Trump Dementia and Biden Dementia. Surprise! The left wing media claims Trump has it and the right wing media says Biden has it. This is my shocked face. Should have stuck with Creepy Uncle Joe that would be much more effective. Although grab em by the p*ssy didn't really do anything to Trump so perhaps not... Sanders supporter here. Bernie Bro I guess. I'm fully expecting a Trump win this year. There will be an absolute meltdown if the Dem candidate wins on this forum. People are so absolutely sure Trump has it in the bag they mock any thought that a Dem could win. Ahh the 25th amendment. Man it is hilarious how similar both sides are. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/458967-scaramucci-says-25th-amendment-should-be-considered-to-remove-trump https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-walsh-trump-25th-amendment_n_5d62990fe4b0b59d25763b59 https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2019-10-03/letters-to-the-editor-trump-unfit-use-25th-amendment As to the bolded the networks have made it clear they back anyone but Bernie. So yes they are saying people won't cross ideologies but they are wrong. Maybe not if Bernie wins the nomination but Bernie supporters will support Biden if the process plays out fairly. If the DNC pulls the screw job then all bets are off. For the record I don't consider Buttigieg and Klobuchar dropping out to prop up Joe as a screw job just old fashioned party politics.
  22. Jordan Phillips will be greatly missed if he doesn't come back and Harrison Phillips has done absolutely nothing to show he can be an adequate replacement. The Bills need a superstar on offense before they will be serious championship contenders. Hoping for Josh to develop further and giving him a rookie wr isn't enough. They need a game breaker before they can be true SB contenders.
  23. Amari Cooper will be a bust on his FA deal (hot take alert!). He's already said he isn't coming to Buffalo which is a relief to me.
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