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Everything posted by section122

  1. My wife and daughter have gluten/dairy issues. Mind sharing this recipe please? Can't ever get these to turn out right lol. Care to share your recipe please?
  2. I think the bolded is a really good idea. Some here take the laissez-faire moderation as a cue to get incredibly rude and disrespectful. I like to come here to challenge my beliefs but the mud slinging is something I can't abide. There are a lot of smart people here who sound really dumb once the insults start flying. It makes taking any point serious very difficult when the person making it starts acting like a child. Just because you can do those things doesn't mean you should. This place would be a lot better (imo) if the insults didn't happen. All conservatives aren't racists just like all liberals aren't leftists, marxists, commies, etc, etc... I often wonder how many times some posters actually interact with real people and if they talk to them the same way. Some of my close friends are Trump supporters and I was a Bernie supporter. I can count on 0 fingers how many times we treated each other the way some people treat others here. It's okay to disagree. At the end of the day none of us have any idea how to run an entire country especially one the with 300+ million people and that is as large as the US and a melting pot of cultures to boot. We are all just making an educated guess. (I will admit some are more educated than others lol).
  3. Shouldn't every candidate be judged on their own? Saying you will never vote a party is a very dangerous thought process imo. Here is mine: 2000: Gore - Bush was a legacy and I liked Gore. Bush seems like a great guy to have a beer with but not someone I would want running the country. 2004: Kerry - I really did not like the handling of 9/11 and the war machine ramping up. It became clear that Cheney was running the country and we were making a lot of international gaffes in the name of money. WMDs and the destabilization of the middle east directly at our hands while being in bed with Saudi Arabia was the first time I really started to be weary of the direction of the country. 2008: McCain - Lost some friends to the war/conflict/whatever and McCain's status as a POW/veteran made me feel like he would be the best person to handle detangling ourselves from the middle east. 2012: Obama - I bought into the idea that he would be able to be more successful implementing his goals not having to worry about getting re-elected. I was wrong lol. 2016: Third Party - both Trump and Clinton were disgusting choices imo. Trump is a con man and Clinton is a con-woman. She felt that she deserved the nod and the DNC did everything in their power (including screwing Bernie) to get her the bid. As much as I dislike Trump, knowing she didn't get to rig an election was a small benefit. 2020: Biden - not the best candidate I will admit but Trump is embarrassing. His twitter beefs, mocking of the disabled reporter, race baiting, and the way he carries himself has made me turn to the lesser of 2 evils. Reading through this made me kind of sad and reminded how terrible the 2 party system is. This November will be my 6th election that I am eligible to vote in. I have voted FOR someone three times (Gore, McCain, Obama). The rest of my votes have been of the well I guess type.
  4. I tried to put one together but couldn't get enough interest. I had it pretty much together as far as planning. Hosted on yahoo. Regular snake draft 12 teams. Short bench (4 or 5). Weeks 1-3 were pool play. Week 4 started the guillotine with 3 division winners and highest point total left getting the byes. Teams 5-12 play each other. Losers cut and manually remove all players from their teams. Week 5 the 8 teams left play each other, week 6 quarterfinals, week 7 semis, week 8 finals. This would have allowed us to play the season out twice and still finish in week 16. Teams would could either be completely reset to week 1 or redrafted. Faab for waivers (I think this is the only fair way to do waivers period but different conversation). Unfortunately everything had to be done manually on yahoo. I believe fleaflicker has it for free but I've never used them.
  5. Disciplinary action against an employee is private as it should be. At your place of work, if you got written up, should everyone in the office know what happened and why?
  6. John Thompson was a GIANT. I saw him a few years ago (maybe more than a few they all kind of run together lol) at the dome and I couldn't believe how big he was. When I was a kid those Georgetown SU games were amazing. The intensity, the talent, the rivalry. As much as I disliked Georgetown this is all time trash talk! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dc-sports-bog/wp/2015/02/12/throwback-thursday-manley-field-house-is-officially-closed/
  7. During one of the lakers games there was a fan who realized he was "sitting" next to a very attractive woman. He put his arm up like he was putting it around her and you could see him smugly smiling while doing it. I laughed harder at that then I should have.
  8. I love Chris Thompson in PPR. Until he gets hurt. Which is every year. I don't think Armstead is someone to draft incredibly high but in that mid round sweet spot where I start taking flyers he will be a target.
  9. This just opens up so many more questions. So videos are the end all be all? Nothing could have happened to provoke the crowd into attacking him? You trust the cops but not the DA, aren't they all a part of the US judicial system? If you recognize there are flaws in the judicial system, can't you recognize that people of color might also feel the same way? If you get to pick and choose what part of the judicial system you don't trust couldn't you see a scenario isn't it only fair that other people get to as well? I'm sorry to pepper all of these questions at you but I am just trying to open my mind to your pov.
  10. What's "interesting" is how Blake is a not given due process over his sexual assault arrest but this kid should be given every benefit of the doubt. I wonder why that is.
  11. Poorly phrased question that I reworded. Person A has a gun and threatens person B with gun. Person B chases after person A. Person A shoots person B. Can person A claim self defense? I don't think they should but I was wondering about it.
  12. Does one lose the right to claim self defense if they start the situation? Any of our resident LEO that can answer that question? Seems like an easily exploitable loophole if so! I think we can agree that in this instance it would be a plausible scenario. So why would the kid being arrested be a tragedy? Why are you so sure that he is innocent and only acting in self defense? Do we trust law enforcement or don't we? If he was arrested shouldn't we believe that there is reasonable cause for the arrest? If they charged him with murder 1 shouldn't we believe that they have evidence that would help support that charge?
  13. I didn't say he did. I am asking what the law would say about a situation like that.
  14. I'm asking this honestly because I have no idea what the answer is... If I show up someplace with a gun and threaten people who in turn respond to that threat by chasing me and acting in self defense, do I then get to start shooting and claim self defense? I guess another way to ask it is if I am the instigator of a situation and threaten people who defend themselves do I then get to shoot them and claim self defense?
  15. Looks like Monday is the day.... https://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/SB-Blogs/Breaking-News/2020/07/Redskins-Name-Change.aspx
  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/1033fmESPN/status/1282042829813043209 i don't know how to get the tweet to show sorry im no @YoloinOhio
  17. Tommy Shaw is a ***** american treasure! He does not get the credit he deserves as an amazing guitarist!
  18. To add to the further discrediting of @Rob's House anecdotal evidence... There is absolutely no way another Professor was brought in and simply told to grade the paper without that Prof asking why he needed to do so. The "new" Prof would have worked in the same department as the old one and would have been very aware of why he was doing it.
  19. I know this is a Ringo thread but I know you love music so I won't pass up this opportunity to make sure you are familiar with Oysterhead. Stewart Copeland, Les Claypool, and Trey Anastasio. Absolute monster lineup that I hadn't thought of in a few years. Time to pull up Grand Pecking Order and if you aren't familiar with it, I hope you enjoy too!
  20. I know the irony of your posts have already been pointed out but look at your top 2 lines. First stop with the hyperbole it will help your argument out. Everyone did not decide we are living in the 1800s and everything under the sun didn't become racist. That is not the conversation. The conversation is that black people are still not receiving the same treatment and opportunities that white people are. That black people are not receiving equal treatment from LEO's. It isn't every opportunity that isn't equal nor is it every LEO. I will give you some very quick examples that happen so much you might not even blink an eye (which IS the issue): Whenever a black athlete is "surprisingly well spoken" Someone making a racist joke in front of you. A lady clutching her purse when a black man gets on the elevator with her because she is scared. When talking about someone saying the black guy or girl as the differentiation. Have you ever used the inverse? These aren't "major things" but when enough of them pile up you can see that an issue exists and should be addressed. That's what is meant by systemic racism. It isn't that everyone is racist. It is that racism exists in forms many of us don't notice because we have never really paid attention. I'm not afraid to engage in this discussion with you. I am trying to understand your argument. I do wonder if you are being honest about challenging your beliefs as poster after poster has engaged you and been dismissed. To me (I won't assume the rests motives) people are asking to be treated fairly. It forced me to answer some of the questions I posed above and make me wonder why my answers were what they were. I have been challenging my beliefs and ideas and have come to the conclusion that they have a valid point. While I am not racist nor do I consider myself racist, I have allowed racist jokes to be made or racist language to be used and not spoken up. That has changed and that is the progress this movement is about. I grew up in a small town believe me racism still exists in the US. You have been very staunch in your position but have you ever thought to listen. I mean truly listen. Black comedians have been talking about run ins with the cops forever, why is that? Is it something they created? Or is there a kernel of truth? Have you ever spent any amount of time in an inner city setting (the projects if your will)? Have you talked to people about what it is like to grow up in that environment? That is the answer to your last question (how to fix). Instead of thinking that you as a white man know what the black experience is like, listen. Time and effort will fix this. The further we get from segregation the better. Both the sitting president and the dem nominee have some skeletons in their closet when it comes to racism. As younger generations come into positions of power this will get better. Right now we have a president who tweeted a video of a guy saying white power and a challenger who said if you don't vote for me your not black. That is a giant waving red flag that racism is still an issue in this country. In the mean time all we can do right now is try to be better. Challenge ourselves to learn and grow each and every day. Progress and growth is something we should all strive for each and every day.
  21. DC Redskins has a nice name. Changes out the offensive and leaves the history! On a more serious note if they are worried about the history they could go back to their original name of the Washington Braves. From the wiki: RedskinsReport.com revealed on July 4, 2020 that if there were a renaming, team owner Dan Snyder would still prefer to use a Native American name and keep the current Redskins emblem and uniform color.
  22. I have officially lost count of how many times I have started to type a reply to this thread and then thought better of it. The pearl clutching about a team name change is incredible. Did anyone get this upset when the Washington Bullets became the Washington Wizards?
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