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Everything posted by section122

  1. I know it happens but not generally a good thing when it does :-) ... I'm done with this team!
  2. I agree.... about the second part haha. Just don't want troupe forgotten about. Haven't heard much in the tc wrap ups but the reports in the off season were that he was working hard trying to gain strength/mass. I hope they both end up being monsters and that k williams can play end... to many good players is a problem I wish the bills had.
  3. Are we really hoping a 7th round rookie supplants a second year 2nd rounder? I hope he develops but if he leaps troupe even by the end of the year that is not a good thing. I would hope he can become a rotational depth player this year and of course a stud at some point (as I hope for every draft pick), however I haven't given up on troupe yet and hope others haven't either. Definately an intriguing prospect tho... I can't wait to see this guy in person. I'm always amazed at the size of some of these guys that are still athletic!
  4. I liked urbik a lot last year and look forward to seeing more of him. Also I wonder why is pears starting over wrotto who I also though did well in limited time. I wouldn't mind urbik wrotto on the right side at least in a preseason game to see what happens.
  5. This talk of a lb over a qb is imo effin crazy! Even if fitz works out would it be terrible to draft a franchise qb and let him sit and learn for 1-3 years and then take over. Lb is a position that can historicly be found in later rounds. Draftek has hightower ranked as a rnd 2 prospect so would anyone be upset with jones/barkley/ other qb and hightower? As an aside I believe d thomas from oregon is also draft eligible next year, not sure where he rates tho.
  6. Not sure if your agreeing with me but that was what I was trying to say as well... moss was above and beyond whatever chad thought he was.
  7. quote name='aristocrat' timestamp='1311892182' post='2197366'] how is ocho over the hill? 14 games, 12.4 aver, 67 catches with 831 yards on a bad bengals team...with welker and those te's ocho will put up huge numbers this year. they will win a lot of games but i'm not so sure about this being a "team" come january. Ill agree about january but not about him putting up huge numbers. T.o. put up better numbers across the board than him last year in the same amount of games. As well as all of those offensive options taking touches away from him... just not sure what he has left in the tank and imho its not much. I may be wrong but I thought it was his effort on the raiders that was questioned but def agree about co appearing to be close to the end.
  8. Actually no I was very worried about what moss would do to us and was incensed at how little they gave up to get him. Also cmon moss and chad are nowhere near in the same class nor have they ever been. Chad may still have some gas left and moss none now but since they came in the league its not even close! But thanks for knowing what I think/thought......
  9. Eh... the haynesworth signing scares me this does not. Johnson is over the hill and not altogether spectactular he maybe solid at best but I don't expect more than that.
  10. Oakland is a very real possibility as is seattle to be a starter. Then there are several teams that would be much better fits (phi, houston) to be a backup. As well as darkhorses mia, min, arizona, sf (to name a few). This nonsense that he won't be signed needs to stop. He will be highly sought after imo bc of his record, his collegiate record, and his athletic skill. The bills most likely will not make a play for him but they would be lucky to have him here.
  11. Boss will make much more many than this and it seems all of your contracts decrease from year to year. I like the players targeted but don't think the numbers add up.. I believe boss will command 5-6 mill in year one, also think florence will want more than a 2 year deal as he has stated this is his last chance for a big deal.
  12. http://www.whtk.com/pages/johnditullio.html The podcasts are under. The on demand tab... not sure if they are there as I'm doing this from my phone and can't click the link for them. We will all know the answers soon enough teams can negotiate with all players starting today and sign other teams unrestricted fas starting wed per espn. There is no way buddy can sleep for 3 days right? Haha
  13. Gotta say this is depressing but not unexpected statements. Same old bills. I can't believe they are ruling out the top 60 players! That means they are saying well here are the best players available... we don't need them. We'll sell our fan base on midlevel guys that everyone will hope improves from their previous stats/skills. I haven't gotten irritated once during the lockout knowing it would (more than likely) be done before anything would be missed. This however irks me quite a bit!
  14. I think the vikings and maybe the phins are much better fits as well as the titans. All offer a chance to legitemately compete for a starting position as none of these teams have an entrenched starter and the vikes/titans need a mentor for their rooks.
  15. I have long felt that the threat of the bills moving is simply a marketing strategy. It holds the fans hostage so no matter how poor the product we must continue to buy tickets. This is not to say that there is a real threat of them moving depending on who ends up buying the team.
  16. One of my favorites was that guy who was worth millions intercepting favre in the end zone to seal thewin against gb in the first game I saw him play. I was sure I was going to see favre magic and the bills crumble but they pulled through. The fact that it happened in the end zone right in front of me and I watched it develop prob were the sweetest part.
  17. Second story happened in the stands... 3 friends and I had season tix in section 122 (suprising right) and due to our pregame festivities 2 of my friends got up as the game started to use the bathroom and another went to get beer so I was in our seats by myself. I then heard someone behind me almost puke and I turned around in time to watch a guy projectile vomit on the ppl sitting in a row in front of me. As the guy who got vomitted on turned around and starting yelling the cops came down as well as my friends who thought I was getting taken out of the stadium. Turns out the guy who sits in front of us is brothers with the cop in the section and almost the entire row behind us got escorted out in the first quarter. Best timing ever by my friends as they would have been covered for the game and our 2.5 hour drive home.
  18. I've got 2 but ill save the best for last... We were in the parking lot stuck in traffic after a game (no idea which one) and a truck cut off a car trying to get into the main lanes. The driver of the car gets out and starts running his mouth as he walks up to the truck, and a huge guy gets out and punched the driver of the car in the face and knocks him down. All off the guy who was driving the cars friends got out and walked towards the truck when the passenger side of the the truck opened and an equally large guy got out. All of the friends got back in the car and locked the doors. Their friend who had gotten punched ran to his car and started yelling at his friends to unlock the doors. My car had emptied to watch the fight and we simultaneously got a thumbs up from the big guy in the truck and a middle finger from the guy driving the car! Edit: it was the christmas eve game against the titans when robert royal didn't get his feet in... and also my sisters husband who's italian first pro football game live or otherwise and he still brings it up whenever ppl talk about soccer hooligans haha
  19. This deal does actually make sense if you think about it... mckelvins replacement was drafted in round 2 and the broncos were so hard up for a cb there was talk @ draft time of them getting p. peterson. The bills do need a backup and were at the very least interested in tebow meanwhile they have stated (whether true or not) that orton is the number 1... I would be all for this as tebow would have at least a year behind fitz and has amazing intagibles as a leader def someone we all could root for and the players could rally behind!
  20. By my accounts I see oak, sea, ari, and wash as having a def qb need. Then cle, mia, and det (as well as buffalo) possibly needing a qb of the future. With kolb and mcnabb filling 2 of those slots it is looking better and better for the bills to have a shot at a qb early next year. 5 teams and landry jones, matt barkley, and of course luck slotted as first rounders as well as darron thomas and possibly kellen moore I am very hopeful the qb of the future will be drafted early next year. So in short the hype for kolb helps the bills but please just bc rob johnnson burned the bills years ago doesn't mean every qb that is up for trade will be a bust... steve young and brett favre also were traded as well as more recently matt schaub and turned out good to all time great.
  21. Eric decker was the wrs name and he had 9 catches for 183 and was an absolute stud (3rd round pick of den in 2010) and weber was 19-42 for 248 only 1 game I know but it was against a not so good cuse team. If they do sign him hope he's better than I thought/think!
  22. Saw weber play live and wasn't too impressed only 1 game but I did catch a few others and his only skill seemed to be throwing it to the same wr who set a bunch of records for them (name escapes me sorry). Not exactly the name I was hoping for when I opened the thread haha
  23. Okay ill bite... #9 matt barkley (although I don't think there's a chance hell be there @ 9 could see him going higher and could see him staying in school to be #1 in 2013. Then #44 hightower from bama (qb of the def and depth for our lb corp - again don't think he's there this late but hey the big board says so haha). I think 9 is reasonable for our pick range give or take 2 or 3 spots, and I think one of barkley or landry jones will be available, and seriously how many years can the bills neglect the qb position? Also if fitz works out they can understudy for a couple years before taking over if not we have our future.
  24. I like this idea allowing teams to play Thursday games the week after their bye which would guarantee no short weeks for anyone. I do not want an 18 game season bc of how difficult it is to make it through a season unharmed but could see the players agreeing if 3 things happen... 1. Expanded rosters allowing more rest as well as job opportunities 2. Two bye weeks per team also allowing rest and recovery and 3. A variation on ir where players can be placed much like the dl in baseball and come back later in the year without losing the entire year. I think this is feasible for all and wouldn't water the product down much but all things considered I like 16 games a year.
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