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Everything posted by section122

  1. I attended tc this year and entered a couple raffles that they had in the tent you had to walk through. I got a call on sept 8th saying I had won a jersey (fred jackson!). Which was awesome except here it is the 23rd and I haven't received it yet. I tried to call and the woman who called me Is on vacation so it goes straight to vm. My question - did anyone else win anything? And did you receive it yet? Any info would be appreciated the companies name is I believe paytech(sp?) Since I'm not from the area I'm not even sure what this company does or is. Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. So glad someone else feels this way. I honestly don't know a single person that likes his show bc of this. The nonstop repetition and dead air annoy me to no end. His tv show is much better imo and he is an excellent interviewer but I still prefer dan patrick and jon ditulio over him.
  3. I disagree with this. Raiders beat sd twice last year as well as the fact that sd under norv traditionally struggles at the start of the year. Kc looks to be the worst team in football however mia was 1-7 at home last year as well as having no dbs healthy for the game or its entirety at least. At least the teams were equal in how good they were if the bills competition wasn't better.
  4. Its running joke that brady is questionable. Hell be there for the bills win!
  5. David nelson was on first take and said it now will happen as a way to give back to the fans bc that's who this team plays for which was awesome to hear.
  6. After the ref made the ruling all of my friends were jumping up and down and I was frozen. One of my friends asked what I was doing. I said its the bills tell me the nfl won't overturn this and call it a td for the raiders. I didn't move until I had confirmed all the players were leaving the field... pavlovs dog has nothing on me lol I would like to add though this is a new bills team. Down 18 at half? Game would have been over... 2 4th down conversions? There was a thread last week about greatest moment as a bills fan - this game ranks right up there for me!
  7. This. Joe the six pack can we get a little spiller love? Even his biggest critics have to give him credit today. While one good game a career does not make he def played the best game of his YOUNG career.
  8. I had 2 options and dled the one with the bills helmet after reading the reviews. As for android radio iheartradio will more than likely have something on it that is broadcasting the game. I use it to listen to whtk (rochester) when I'm not in the car and it works well.
  9. With the lots opening @ 9 and it being opening day I would try to get there as close to that as possible. The parking lot atmosphere (again if its your first spend the money) is something not to be missed. Grill and plenty of food as well as alcohol are neccessities. However so is non alcoholic drinks to rehydrate after the game (trust me you'll thank me). The last thing is to make sure you come ready to stand and yell for a majority of the game. Gameday at the ralph is amazing! Enjoy your in for a great time but again get there as early as possible you won't be dissapointed.
  10. I have 2 for 2 different reasons... Wide right crushed me as I was I believe 9 at the time with my face about 3 inches from the screen knelt down ready to jump up in excitement. I knew he missed it as soon as he kicked it and it broke my heart. Dallas Monday nighter is #2. I worked with a ton of cowboys fans and never had a game get me so pumped throughout. I was at the stadium and it was the best atmosphere id ever witnessed for any event. (Still wish towels were given out every game or brought by fans it was quite a site). The dallas fan I went with left after they missed the 2 point conversion and I sent a text to a boss who was a dallas fan. The next day when I got to work it was printed and posted everywhere with a copy of an internet article about how they had blew it.... that was a rough few days.
  11. I swear every time I've said or even thought wow he's not to bad he's done something bad lol. That said they still have a shot in this game... And right on cue I'm mad at myself for even saying something as they get a blocked punt for a td....
  12. How are ppl taking anything negative from this game? I don't care who they beat they dominated this game! Enjoy a win against a team that made the playoffs last year. 41-7 and people are still talking bad... enjoy the effing win! Every Sunday I will hope/expect the bills to win and if they do ill be nothing but happy. Freakin negative nancies it was 41-7 I don't care who they beat! Where's the senator with a 19-0 baby?!
  13. I thought the first post should've and would've been... Go eff yourselves!!!
  14. Thank you! I plan on dancing a ton when the bills blow out the chiefs Sunday! Let's go bills!
  15. I think bills are better than last year and chiefs are worse 17-10 bills!
  16. Yep the pats fan I used to mess with was trouble I should've left then but the dolphins fan now that girl was trouble lol.
  17. My friends and I do a drinking game during that's not nearly as crazy as that but it goes: Shot at start of game Bills win coin toss take a drink Any bills first down take a drink Any 3rd down stop take a drink Bills fg take a drink Bills td take a shot Some games were inebriated and happy however over the last few years were more often than not sober and angry haha
  18. Saw it and immediately thought the same thing... wonder if dhgate has it lol
  19. Being a bama fan I was ecstatic when he was the bills pick. After reading that article ill be cheering even harder for him. Wow what a simultaneously terrible and amazing story!
  20. Eh I don't hate the packers... if it was the pats* she would have gotten the boot! Haha
  21. My girlfriend (who doesn't know much about football) said to me tonight if the packers are so good and the bills are so bad why don't you just root for the packers.... Ah if it were just that easy... I said to her well when I started liking football the bills were that good to which she replied well how long ago was that I thought they were always bad. Man that hurt and the worst part was I couldn't even argue with her bc at 26 they have sucked almost her whole life. And on Sunday ill still be convinced the bills will win. Standing for every play in my living room and cheering like hell. Man I love football and the bills. Can't wait!
  22. Was barry sanders run against the bears on mnf on the list? Can't find a youtube video anywhere of it...
  23. You do know he played on the o-line in college right?
  24. It was the nfc west with the losing record seahawks. Chiefs won afc west at 10-6. Not sure about chargers as they are slow starters and I've never been big on norv turner as a hc.
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