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Everything posted by section122

  1. Yeah I did my best evaluation of the rest of the season and figured anywhere from 7-10th pick was attainable losing the rest of the games (it's not Sunday so that's what I'm rooting for - on Sundays I can't help but root for the w) and I really would be pleased with the results of my mock...
  2. Funny I would rank joe buck in my bottom five his baseball broadcasts are painful as he completely lacks objectivity. Add Troy aikman to that list of my bottom five as well. I like tirico I thinks he steers conversation without trying to be the color man and does well with play by play.
  3. I did a little calculation and had some fun with the drafttek big board. I projected the Bills to have the 10th pick and did not reach for any players currently rated above that and this is what I came up with. (pick is overall number) 10 - Courtney Upshaw Alablama 3-4 OLB 42 - Zebrie Sanders FSU Left OT 74 - Cliff Harris Oregon CB (rated 73rd but RG3 is 74 no way is he still there) 106 - Kellen Moore Boise QB 127 - Matt Conrath UVA 3-4 DE (Ravens Pick) 138 - Ryan Broyles Oklahoma WR 170 - N. Jean-Baptiste Baylor NT 202 - Julian Miller WVU 3-4 OLB 234 - Landon Walker Clemson Left OT This would be a pretty good draft and would fill a couple of Buddy requirements. I have a db, a middle round wr, and a clemson player. On a serious note this would address our pass rush, our secondary, our front 7 (4 picks), give us a qb of the future (I think Moore is going to be a stud - great decision making and accuracy only question is his height), speed at the wr position (and Broyles is a monster as anyone who watches OU will tell you), o-line depth (two left tackles I know but many college tackles move inside to play guard and it is a very important position so why not have a bit of depth!) So what do you guys think? Should I submit my application to 1 Bills Drive and clear the last weekend of April - Or not quit my day job haha
  4. I'm pretty sure raji went 9th and we drafted mckelvin that year at 11. Then I believe Matthews was in the maybin draft when ppl were split between Matthews Cushing and orakpo NOT maybin. I know it's a dead horse but the draft is one of my favorite football events of the year (prob bc I'm a bills fan and it gives me hope... Sometimes I'm dumb) and I follow very closely watching highlights and studying player info. So when they took whitner I remember hanging my head very low and got the same sick to my stomach feeling as when jauron and to a lesser extent malarkey were hired.
  5. I'm glad he won it over luck. Although I was impressed with luck rg3had a much better season. I actually thought Barkley also had a better season as well. I thought the luck hype machine was going to win it for him anyway and am glad it didn't. That being said there is still no way luck is not the number 1 pick. Also Barkley more than likely will be the second qb taken which may entice rg3 to actually continue on to law school. Think about what life will be like on that campus for him next year ala Matt leinhart. Luck just did it last year Bradford did as well. Im still thinking he comes out but would be less surprised than I was when luck decided to stay if he does that.
  6. This. He is higher rated than Hightower, should be available when we pick ( prob top 12 ), and fits a huge need (olb). would love for them to find a way to get Hightower in the second/late first but that would prob involve a trade up which buddy won't do.
  7. Disagree with the first part as I feel it's a game and he had a little fun it doesn't make him immature to do so... However I can't disagree with the second part. I wonder what if any would have been the fallout had he caught the game winning td. Btw did anyone realize it was 1 day short of a year from when he dropped the Pitt game winner. Wonder what he doesn't like about week 12 :-p
  8. Maybe... Until Ray Lewis put a hit on him. He'd be back to basketball real quick after that haha
  9. I guess I'm not the only one who thought it was hilarious. Side note - this celebration did not cost LeBron the game they won 70-63. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3FgksrxzM0&feature=player_embedded *disclaimer - I don't think Stevie cost us the game with his dance and if you do well... your an idiot
  10. First week all year I sat Stevie in fantasy lol I don't mind lookin like a fool... Keep crashing those jets Stevie!!!
  11. Sanchez looks beaten down lot of hanging his head this early in the game...
  12. Is it possible to fire Edwards at half time? The bills have officially taken the fun out of football...
  13. I share my birthday with this man and love the bills for many reasons this being one of them. I was really hoping for a Monday nighter at the Ralph so I could celebrate my 30th at the Ralph with Ralph... Oh well here's hoping you make it many more years so we can pull that off!!! Happy birthday and long live mr. Wilson!
  14. It sucks that we are considered the Blackout market for the Bills yet wont be getting the game televised locally. However one of my buddies lives on literally the second road from the break in games so I will be able to catch the Bills game on tv no cpu feed for me! edit: btw thanks for posting this each week. The group I get together with lives all over the borders of this map and it really helps decide where we are able to watch the game.
  15. I've been saying all week and still feel that the jest and pats* will lose this week. Oak and balt are too physical for both of these teams. I think 2-2 is reasonable for the jest 9-7 last 2 years but ppl are blinded by trips to the afc champ game. However 2-2 for the pats* will induce chicken little like sky is falling concerns from espn (although greatly exaggerated as I still consider them an elite team I will enjoy it for a week). I actually feel more confident in oak beating the pats* than I do about balt beating the jest as balt has laid an egg already (game after pitt I believe tenn) And finally I spelled jest like that on purpose as I enjoy treating them like a joke as much as I. Enjoy remembering the pats* are cheaters*!
  16. An analyst this week (maybe pti but not sure) said what's happened to the pats is tom brady went from a we guy to a me guy. When he first started doing commercials he did them with his o line and was an everyman. Then he became a superstar and players in the locker room aren't responding to him the same way. Long hair, supermodels, uggz and its not hard to see how your average football player could relate. As for ms gish, I have no issue with females as sports fan or ananlysts. My sister knows more about baseball than anyone I know. That said she pulled a simple publicity stunt. Badmouth ppl, allow response on the internet(which we all know is always civil), publish the worst of the worst responses, then cry whoa is me. I didn't know her name 2 weeks ago and hope in 2 weeks I won't remember her name but the more ppl post her link, mention her name, or reference anything about it (I know I'm doing it) the longer her 15 minutes lasts. The best thing and best way to respond to journalism like this is to completely ignore it and the journalist themselves.
  17. Very near I'm from auburn actually... I guess we will tastefully disagree but zweigles are nowhere near as good! As for the hebrew nats reference I always laugh I believe there slogan is a hot dog from a higher authority.
  18. Hoffmans anyone? By far the best hot dog imo and I prefer reds to whites but whites are good early in the morning as I've always likened them to breakfast sausage tasting.
  19. I must be part of the problem but I stand all the time. I stand on first down and on third down. I stand on 4th down the only time I sit on 2nd down is if nothing is going on... then again I stand while watching the game in my living room. Call it nerves excitement whatever I stand the entire game while watching at home why wouldn't I in the stands. Something that's always frustrated me slightly off topic is when everyone is yelling attempting to disrupt a team on third down then stop cheering as soon as the ball is hiked instead of cheering through the play.
  20. With all the cap space they can front load these contracts and pay a majority of the signing bonuses up front (dreaded cash to the cap) which will sctually help the team resign the players they need in the years going forward. In this case having cap room is actually a good thing!
  21. Ill add trent, evans, t.o., and mcgahee - to go with my freshly minted stevie johnson jersey... and I laughed at my friends who bought a roscoe and moorman jerseys!
  22. Blitz please! And for chrissakes cover welker and gronk!
  23. No joke I posted this and at 5:11 it arrived at my door lol. Not stitched like I had hoped but a stevie j like I had originally hoped. Time to officially retire the owens jersey! Let's go lucky number 13s gonna help us break the streak against the pats* And yes I am incredibly superstitous when it comes to the bills so I do actually think it will help lol.
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