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Everything posted by section122

  1. I posted this in another thread but I'll copy it here too I broke down this weeks games and what we should root for in each one and why. Strangely I couldn't find anything to help or hurt the Bills in the sunday night (GB vs. Chi) or Monday night (Atl vs. NO). So for our best drafting possibility this is what Bills fans should root for. *note this is only for draft position bc I def dont want to root for the cowboys for any reason! Thursday: Houston vs. Indy - Houston win would raise Mia S.O.S. (strength of schedule) Saturday: Mia vs N.E. - win would give Mia 6 moving them behind us Jax vs. Ten - Jax win would lower our S.O.S. and move Jax to 5 wins NYG vs. NYJ - Giants just bc its the Jets lol and a loss would all but end their sb hopes TB vs. Car - tough to pick but I say TB as it would move them behind us and raise Car S.O.S. Cle vs. Bal. - Cle win would raise them to 5 and drop them behind us due to S.O.S. and raise Mia S.O.S. Ari vs Cin. - Ari. win would lower our S.O.S Min vs Wash - Washington win would give them 6 w's Den vs Buff - ready to be flamed but since this is for draft pick gotta root for Den W St.L. vs Pit - Pitt win would raise Jax and Cle S.O.S Oak vs. KC - Oak win raises cle s.o.s plus puts pressure on the Jets lol SD vs. Det - Det win lowers our S.O.S. Phi vs Dal - Dallas win raises TB S.O.S. SF vs Sea - SF win raises Wash S.O.S I know its a lot to digest and I may have made some errors but this is what I believe would be the perfect storm for the Bills. This scenario would (I believe) move us all the way up to the 6th pick! This post has been edited by section122: 21 December 2011 - 11:11 AM
  2. Gotta agree with this. I love Moore and think he will be a stud. If he wins tonight it will be his 50th win of his college career! 50! If he were taken in round 3 or 4 we could draft some help for the d as well as appease the people who think Fitz falling apart has to do with everyone getting hurt. If that is the case we've got a qb of the future if he sucks (again) we have our qb already in the system. I wouldn't mind rg3 or Barkley but if they aren't available I would be ecstatic with Moore.
  3. I respectfully disagree. I have never wished him dead. What I have wished for is him to care even 1/10 of 1% about winning. His loyalty is not to WNY it is to his family which I am okay with. However I feel a sports team owner is not the same as owning any other business. People become emotionally invested in sports teams unlike in any other business. An attempt at winning not just profiting should be made. Many teams do win and profit as well. I am sick of hearing how he could have left many times and made so much more money in other locations because I don't believe it to be true. In Buffalo he competes with Hockey and minor league baseball for fan loyalty and support. He has all of upstate NY to draw from as well as Canada because there is no natural local team. Where else could he have all of this? Certainly not LA. So I ask you how has he proven his loyalty to this fan base? I feel he has taken advantage of our loyalty to his product. Including threats to move, leaving the future in doubt, and selling off one game a year to a location many people fear they will relocate to. That is loyalty to you?!
  4. 1- jets (and their fans) obnoxious sense of entitlement and haven't won anything in 40+ years 2- Pats* same as Jets but at least they won seriously 15 years ago how many pats fans did you know compared to now? 3- Cowboys I just hate them after that are a bunch of teams I am back and forth on. Some years I like them some I don't. Growing up I didn't like the 49ers but this year they've grown on me. Also have a soft spot for Giants (most of my family cheers for them), Eagles (McNabb since I live near Cuse), Steelers and Packers (just do things the right way), and Colts (Manning is absolutely amazing to watch). That said the Dolphins for a long time were #1 on this list but we have both been such sorry franchises since our qbs left. I now have the same begrudging respect for them and their fans that most people have for me being a bills fan.
  5. Im so glad people feel this way. Too long we most fans held hostage by the idea of them moving and bought tickets to a mediocre/inferior product. It is not the cold or weather that keeps people from buying tickets to this game, it is the total lack of effort to put a quality team on the field! I loved LOVED going to games in december and that was only a few years ago when all I had was hope. This game would be sold out if the Bills were playing for even a wild card spot. 12 years of no playoffs in a league where everyone makes a run every few years (except for us and the lions who might even make it this year) is unacceptable! You gotta spend money to make money. For the first Christmas ever I asked for no bills gear. I am the standard what to get him oh just buy something with the Bills on it guy but no more. They may be saving money on salaries but they are losing just as much if not more on tickets, parking, concession, and merchandise. How can they not see this?! Maybe they are killing the brand so it is easier to move the team and maybe they are just lining the Wilson family's pocket. Either way it sucks to be a Bills fan right now - we can't even call ourselves the Clippers of the NFL right now! Maybe we will have to revise it to the Pittsburgh Pirates or KC Royals of the NFL - so sick to even compare ourselves to those franchises...
  6. I can't stand some fans around here. It seems that every player has his warts pointed out and harped on until he is run out of town. What more can you ask of him. He shows up, plays hard, plays hurt, says great things about the town and team, and is exciting! Is he perfect? Of course not... But is his a great representative for this team and town as well as an above average wr? Most definitely! People seem to alternate between he sucks get rid of him (then complain we have no talent) or don't pay him so much money he's not worth it (then complain Ralph is cheap and he won't re-sign any of our talent) He deserves to be paid and if you don't think anyone will give him money I ask did you think poz would get that much money?
  7. No problem I've got a little extra time on my hands at work since its a short holiday week haha
  8. I'm hoping for another dolPhins win bc I think all 3 of these qbs will be good in the nfl and I don't want them to get one lol. Barkley had an excellent year (better than lucks IMO). This mock doesn't mean much to me though as 2 weeks and a bunch of shuffling in the draft order render this moot.
  9. I took this idea and ran with it. I broke down this weeks games and what we should root for in each one and why. Strangely I couldn't find anything to help or hurt the Bills in the sunday night (GB vs. Chi) or Monday night (Atl vs. NO). So for our best drafting possibility this is what Bills fans should root for. *note this is only for draft position bc I def dont want to root for the cowboys for any reason! Thursday: Houston vs. Indy - Houston win would raise Mia S.O.S. (strength of schedule) Saturday: Mia vs N.E. - win would give Mia 6 moving them behind us Jax vs. Ten - Jax win would lower our S.O.S. and move Jax to 5 wins NYG vs. NYJ - Giants just bc its the Jets lol and a loss would all but end their sb hopes TB vs. Car - tough to pick but I say TB as it would move them behind us and raise Car S.O.S. Cle vs. Bal. - Cle win would raise them to 5 and drop them behind us due to S.O.S. and raise Mia S.O.S. Ari vs Cin. - Ari. win would lower our S.O.S Min vs Wash - Washington win would give them 6 w's Den vs Buff - ready to be flamed but since this is for draft pick gotta root for Den W St.L. vs Pit - Pitt win would raise Jax and Cle S.O.S Oak vs. KC - Oak win raises cle s.o.s plus puts pressure on the Jets lol SD vs. Det - Det win lowers our S.O.S. Phi vs Dal - Dallas win raises TB S.O.S. SF vs Sea - SF win raises Wash S.O.S I know its a lot to digest and I may have made some errors but this is what I believe would be the perfect storm for the Bills. This scenario would (I believe) move us all the way up to the 6th pick!
  10. Thank you! Hopefully people will see this and realize how well he is playing. I think sometimes people are so used to busts being on this team they assume everyone is. Or you just cant make a Bills fan happy lol. Seriously what more could you expect from this guy?!
  11. Weeden is 28 which will hurt his value. I also feel Jeffery will be rated higher than weeden almost unanimously in draft projections. There are at least 5 qbs (luck, Barkley, rg3, jones, and tannehill) that will be rated above weeden. Jeffery will be rated second or third Wr ( betwee he and Floyd) That said I'd be upset with a wr pick in the 1st, or weeden with anything higher than our 3rd pick. Not our biggest need and not a prospect I'd draft for the future due to age.
  12. Never would belicheat do this. First they want revenge for the earlier loss (both he and Brady you know will want to crush the bills) and second they will more than likely be playing for either home field advantage or the number 1 seed. On top of that gailey and nix will not try to win that one. I remember comments last year about not knocking themselves out of drafting position for a meaningless game (brohm as our starter). Im thinking 7th is most likely 6th is possible and 4th pie in the sky dreaming. That being said nix (from san Diego days as well as Easley) has a track record of a mid round taller wide receivers. Not that it matters but I would prefer a few other positions over wr namely qb or olb at the very least
  13. I didn't but the draft site is up to date as of last night its http://www.nepatriotsdraft.com/2012-nfl-draft-order/ Looks like we have the last pick of all of the 5-9 teams so we need those teams to win a game in the next two weeks. Jacksonville currently is picking 4th at 4 wins so their is potential to move way up the board.
  14. To the op I hear you man... To root for this team is extremely tough not bc of the losing it's bc of the total lack of caring from the top. Being a bills fan is an abusive relationship to say the least. We all want more from this team and more emphasis on winning yet we don't get it. Blind fandom insures that this team will make money bc if we don't buy tickets/merchandise they might leave (again tying in to the abusive relationship). I have spent this year pondering my fan hood and don't feel it makes me less of a fan. I can't stand when ppl say if you leave you never were a fan at all and that is bs! I have spent a ton of money traveling hundreds of miles for 5 years with my season tickets and I couldn't justify it anymore. I have bought many jerseys and worn them with pride only to see the bills not pay them and let them leave. I can't support something that just steals my money. All I ask for is a genuine effort to be competitive not just to make money. Yesterday was a weird day for me. For the first time that a game was blamed out I didn't watch the Internet feed or even make an attempt to. When the game got out of hand I took a nap. Never could I fathom skipping a bills game and not caring about it. This is not what I want out of my favorite team. I love the bills. I love football. I think my disenchantment with both is disheartening to say the least. I can't leave I can't quit. But I have stopped caring so much and that is Ralph's fault. So when the ticket representative calls I will laugh at him again and be sad at the same time. Remember when every Sunday you knew the bills would win? That they had the better team and if they lost it would be an upset? How long ago was that and how terrible is that?
  15. As it stands now bills have 10th pick they would only need to move up to 6 or 7 to have a legitimate shot at rg3 so they won't have to give up as many picks to move up as you think. I do however disagree with trading Freddy away why take a strength and a position with depth an make that trade and weaken the position? Also with spiller showing flashes splitting time would help both of them stay healthy...
  16. what more would you like to see? He has 5.5 sacks at one of the hardest positions to transition into the league at. I think he has played well especially given the circumstances around him. Getting cam would have been great but I guess so would getting elway, rothlesburger, or any number of qbs we had no shot of bc they were taken before we drafted!
  17. Yes please Nolan might not be a good head coach (although one stint isn't enough to judge... Belicheat anyone?) he has proven over and over to be a great d coordinator! Sadly I think we're stuck with the stache if Edwards is dismissed which I'm not a fan of. He's has done little to nothing to improve this d and I've never been a fan of his whether it was dolphins or Pitt his teams always seemed to underachieve.
  18. Chiavettas?! You mean gods gift to chicken marinade? I make skewers with peppers and onions as well as Chiavettas chicken wrapped in bacon many times a year it's a family and tailgating staple!
  19. Graybeard thanks for letting them know but please dont give crayonz credit . Crayonz is not funny and doesnt add anything to a conversation Yet ppl here seem to enjoy her/him (whatever) . I cant tell if ppl just view it as our own "special" poster or severe stockholm syndrome but the schtick is old. Id rather have scooby posting on this board than crayonz. On second thought... maybe scooby is crayonz! btw crayonz I wont respond to you so please save your time in trying to bait me... and Graybeard I mean no disrespect to you in any way I'm glad you informed them so crayonz cant bait them anymore.
  20. Thanks for the props on the draft but I didn't use the simulator I just scrolled through and picked players in an acceptable range according to my estimated finish... I was intrigued by rg3 being ranked 74th does there simulator base on projected draft pick or overall ranking it seems he is thought to be a top 10 pick or have they not been updated recently? I would be very happy with that draft for my previously stated reasons!
  21. I agree. On Sunday morning from the time I wake up until game time I am hoping for a Bills win. During the game I am rooting for a win. Once its over (now that they are officially out of the playoffs) I will be happier with a loss. Monday through saturday I hope they lose the upcoming game. I dont think meaningless wins change the culture I do KNOW they give you a lower pick and less of a chance to get a stud with your first pick. Also it is no secret Miami needs a QB and they will probably actually do something about it and get one. Lets just hope its after the Bills have been given the option to take one if there is a good one (Barkley or RG3) available. 6 teams from each conference make the playoffs... once its not possible why would a team not want the best possible draft pick?
  22. Bills wont trade up Buddy says he likes to stay where he is and let the draft play itself out. Also even back to the san diego days (and easley here) the drafts he is involved in have wrs taken in the middle rounds. I feel pretty confident it wont be a wr in round one. I wouldnt mind a qb round one but only out of Barkley, RG3, and Luck. Im not sold on Jones as a qb (although he does have an alltime great football name - have to think he will end up on the cowboys with that name) as OU qbs have a spotty track record (even bradford is struggling mightily this year although admittedly with no weapons to speak of besides lloyd and sjax). Also I hate the idea of drafting the fourth best prospect at a position when there are so many holes on this team (Losman anyone). I would much prefer the number one olb or a top ranked player at a position of need. Top OTs will already be gone so maybe a DE or NT to really stack our dline. I really dont care who they take as long as its a stud, not a rb/wr, and actually pans out!
  23. Not a fan of tannehill seems to do not so well against elite competition. Would much prefer Moore who could prob be had in the 4th.
  24. I live in auburn and went to the bar to watch the game (I am 30) when we walked in the bar had about 20-30 people and 1 bills fan. There is a group of 6 of us that are bills fans and the rest of my friends are giants,eagles,steelers,packers, and niners fans with 1 or so jets fans. Regionalization should be done in Syracuse not Toronto as there is no local pro team allegiance based on location. But it would require a winning product! Most people my age were more than likely bills fans as kids and I know more than a few that became cowboys fans after the super bowl years. The worst is that people my age don't even joke about the 4 straight super bowls. No one even hates the bills (the mark of a good team-if you don't like the pats,yanks,sox, etc... You hate them). Now when people find out I'm a bills fan they simply feel bad for me. The bills have fallen so far among younger people that it is almost a badge of courage (or stupidity not sure) to be a bills fan...
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