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Everything posted by section122

  1. There is racism is the nfl! http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/11/19/teammates-say-jordy-nelson-is-underestimated-because-hes-white/
  2. I don't know about this story. The quote begins "that's a no brainer, who wouldn't want a healthy Peyton Manning?" Which leads me to believe this story is a classic out of proportion out of context story. Think about if any player on any team save for maybe NO, NE, GB, and a couple of others was asked if they wanted Peyton to be their QB. If the Bills were asked I would hope our players could recognize that a healthy Peyton is better than Fitz. Much ado about nothing imo. This story boils down to Jets player thinks Peyton is better than Sanchez which is not earth shattering.
  3. http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nfl/story/_/id/7442525/san-diego-chargers-commit-2012-season-san-diego Looks like SD is having commitment issues I seriously think this will be the team to move though as it is the easiest and most sensible move for the league. Jags, Bills, Vikings, etc would all require realignment to happen.
  4. Not for nothing but you do realize Hue Jackson was fired by a black GM right?
  5. I agree that he will probably join Marty wherever he ends up. That being said I don't like that they made this move. Sparano as their OC is a definite upgrade and I hate anytime the Jets get better. Sanchez at least still blows and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Sparano is an o-line coach so they may be preparing to go to more of a run based offense which would suit Sanchez better and make him appear better. I hope they ride this bum as long as possible.
  6. He has moved up to 22 on drafttek. Also in their mock he is slotted to go higher than upshaw. He's a player for sure
  7. I thought it was interesting in the presser Buddy was asked about stipulations in Stevie's contract and he answered by saying if he does it again we will address it. It seemed to me he assumed Stevie would be back next year.
  8. Not me. I dont really think Tebow is an excellent qb but he does win. I will be rooting hard for him to beat the Patriots. I have no idea how one guy can make you root against the Pats*. I hate Tom Brady way more than any other player and the pats* more than any other team. It could be satan playing against the pats* and I would root for satan. Then again the deal Kraft struck with him may not allow for a fair game lol.
  9. I prefer offense too as Tds are exciting however I don't mind watching these defenses battle it out. Big play and horrific looking injury by Alabamas d! Upshaw def looks like the real deal. I came into this game thinking Hightower might be the better player but this is a solid game by Upshaw.
  10. I don't get why people bash the first game so much. To me it was like a pitchers duel. Do playoff baseball games bore you if they are 0-0 in the 7th? One play literally can change this game around. As for winning your conference I think the fault lies at the secs feet. Georgia was not as good as alabama but plays in the other division so they got to play in the sec joke of a championship game. These are by far the two best defenses in colleges! Whether or not they are the best two teams is moot. Even in a playoff system rarely do the top 2 teams make it in. The super bowl representatives are not always the 2 best teams. I think the bcs severely overestimated how much people would like to see this rematch. All that being said I still woul prefer a playoff purely for the excitement factor it would bring.
  11. I didn't ever say it was easy to find someone that could do it consistently. I'm not even saying that we should replace moorman. What I am saying is its not the worst thing to improve a position or more specifically look to improve one regardless of who is currently there. Also saying they requested film doesn't say much other than this kid has nfl talent. The bills always bring in a second kicker for Tc. Looks like due diligence to me and nothing for people to be upset about.
  12. I like to give my friend who wears his moorman jersey with pride a hard time. Moorman is quite possibly the worst coffin corner punter in the nfl! I remember 1 kick this year where he was successful at it and that's all. Normally I would not want the bills to kick a field goal from the 40 or go for it on 4th and 5 from the same distance but with moormans ability I regularly want that to happen. It may only be my perception but this is how I feel and I've seen it many many times. I'm also apparently not the only one who's noticed this. We should be looking to improve every position. I understand the point your making but would it be bad if we got better at a position?
  13. You haven't heard anyone say lucky?!?!? Marion barber staying inbounds and then fumbling? Dude they defined luck this season. That being said I don't know if it was lucky for them that Ryan Clark couldn't play or that rapelisburger and pouncey were injured but those all contributed heavily yesterday. The steelers literally limped into the playoffs. How about some credit to the broncos d who IMO had a lot to do with how good Denver has been this year without getting any of the credit.
  14. I agree and think most do that we need a qb I was just wondering if anything specific has been mentioned by the front office or ngu even.
  15. They're all hacks. I'm on my phone so I can't post the link but there is speculation kiper takes money to rank players higher on his big board. He has friendships with several agents that have been called into question. I do wonder though to all of the "I don't watch college football" fans: do u get upset draft day about who is or isn't picked?
  16. It's funny that all of the fans want a qb. That they seem to be split into three camps: trade up for rg3, tannehill, and kellen Moore. Has anyone seen anything indicating the bills will be looking for a qb? It seems they have the same qbs going into next year as they had this year all still signed. Btw put me in the Moore camp lol
  17. Stevie by a long shot. He brings less drama than vjax. Stevie has 3 penalties in the last 2 years that everyone is up in arms about - imagine if he skipped 10 games for a new contract like vjax did last year. As for Stevie's not a number 1 but vjax is here are the numbers for the last 2 years: VJax Games Receptions Yards TDs 2010 5 14 248 3 2011 16 60 1106 9 Stevie 2010 16 82 1073 10 2011 16 76 1004 7 Who would you rather have? A guy who plays hurt and wears his emotion on his sleeve or a guy who plays when the money is right? If VJax is a number 1 (he is) so is Stevie! People need to give up the argument of he's not a number 1 or find some facts to back it up. VJax has a better offense and better qb but not better numbers!
  18. OK I was nervous there Seems to me though if the umpire feels there is intent that pitcher would get ejected from the game. Doesn't that and wouldn't that hurt the team as well? Also isn't getting your feelings hurt because someone is taunting you to the point you react with violence also a bit childish? I understand these are men being paid. There is no running up the score in pro sports. Therefore it should be handled on the field. The Pats* could have "scoreboarded" him at the end of the game and got the better of it. Or for your way a lb could have laid him out on a crossing route. Either way the message would have been delivered by the other team like it should be. Not by the refs not by his coach but by the competitors. As for the penalty he received it seems Chan put to harsh of a penalty out there then had to follow through even though he didn't really want to. I address that in my post above. A simple conversation at half time with Stevie could have rectified the entire thing and they could have moved on. Instead he was stuck holding himself to a blanket punishment and imo hurting the team more than stevie's 15 yards.
  19. wow 22 pages for a happy new years wish. This is where I'm at after reading this entire thread... There is definitely a generation gap here. I wouldn't be surprised if the younger posters on here are the ones defending Stevie with the older one bashing him (generalizing I'm sure there are exceptions). Seeing as I fall in the younger category - not for much longer but i still do I will see if I can't change some perceptions. For those of you who have been parents: Have you ever laid out a threat that was unreasonable only to have your child do it and be forced to follow through? e.g. If you do that you'll be grounded for a month! How many times does that actually work? What happens (again generalizing) is that your child shows contrition and you shorten the penalty. Stevie cheering on the sidelines for his team showing he is still involved and cares should have imo done that. as an aside to the guy who's 9 year old listens to him and had no problem with the stevie benching - that's awesome... until you talk about taunting players getting a fastball in the ribs - dude they're kids playing a kids game holy crap! For those of you that have been coaches: You know that problem player that is to good to sit but you wish you could? Players are on board when you penalize that player to a point. In the higher levels of competition winning becomes the important factor. A lesson can be taught until it starts to affect the teams production. That is when you have to reconsider what you are doing. Stevie is a contributor and our top one at wr. He has 3 penalties on 18 td grabs. Thats 45 yards! People want to run him out of town for that?! All I ask is for people to step down from their pedestal and think about this, if the team was better around him (better d, better coaching, better qb, etc...) would you care as much. I feel very strongly that he is taking the brunt of fans frustration. This thread has carried on longer than any thread about the actual loss to the Pats yesterday, or the fact that our d gave up 49 points, or the ralph preaching patience yet again, or wanny being promoted, or edwards being fired. 15 yards = 22 pages = how easy it is for fans to be distracted from the real problems of this team = Ralph continuing to sell and profit from an inferior product!
  20. This is madness I cannot believe people are hating on Stevie this much. It was 15 yards 2 quarters ago! There is teaching someone by benching and being over the top with your punishment. Stop complaining about Stevie I want to talk/read about the game not harp on one act 2 quarters ago!
  21. Alright now that they stopped him will you all stop crying about his shirt?!
  22. Actually I think it makes a huge difference. If we drafted 4th instead of 3rd last year we may have gabbert on our team right now! Also remember that modrak is no longer with the team.
  23. Farthest they can fall with a win is 13. Highest they can move up is 9. Ill take a sweep of the cheatriots for two spots (they are at 11 right now).
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