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Everything posted by section122

  1. I agree and thought it would be unanimous... It's close to it though
  2. It shouldn't drop him if like the article says he can throw before the draft
  3. Are you the same Chris in Syracuse that calls the Dan Patrick show every day?
  4. Much better results than I thought would happen. Broncos in the AFC championship game would also give me hope with the beat down the Bills put on them that maybe there aren't THAT far away.
  5. I agree and I agree... no way someone would do that which also means the Bills would be crazy not to if someone would
  6. Favorite team/players growing up... I just read Woodley is his favorite current player but I'm interested in who players model themselves after Also where he was told he is projected to go in the draft(most interested in this) Tons of others but those are prob the ones I'm most interested in name and location B. Tomasso Auburn NY
  7. They added: “The leagues are at the root of the problem because they currently charge exorbitant prices for tickets, which in turn results in lower attendance. The leagues then punish fans by blacking out games from television because a few seats remain unsold.” Couldn't have said it better myself. I live in the Syracuse market and get Bills games blacked out even though its about 150 mile drive to the stadium... and I live on the west side of the syracuse market!
  8. My thoughts exactly but i've seen mention of people wanting Brady to win. It was like last year when it was jets vs pats. I was hoping a meteor would hit the field lol
  9. Interested to see where people fall on this. Does people's hate of all things Tebow outweigh (what should be) their utter disdain for the golden boy and Cheatriots? I'm Tebow all the way this weekend!
  10. Well admit that you just brought serious football discussion to a crayonz thread then
  11. Found her... He's not doing to bad for himself! http://www.footballgfs.com/bgabbert
  12. I question many people on this boards football knowledge daily. However I think SJ dropping passes and more importantly the thought that he does it ALL the time has more to do with the fact that the drops are memorable. The Pitt and NYJ game stick in peoples mind bc they were at the end of the game. Maybe the conversation should be whether or not people think he is clutch. SJ doesn't drop every pass thrown his way. He does drop some and isn't perfect. Who is? All WRs in the league have dropped at least one pass. Too many people on here watch the Bills and the Bills only or the Bills and ESPN. If you watched other games you would see receivers dropping passes bc it happens multiple times a game.
  13. Did anyone else find it odd that they only had these for Pats* victories? I was hoping to see the breakdown of the Bills win but its not on there.
  14. I hear ya just wanted to mess with you a bit. I agree we don't have a shot at Luck or RG3. I disagree that Tannehill is better than Barkley who imo is going to be a star in the league. Tannehill just doesn't do it for me. Next years qbs also include Tyler Bray from Tenn, D Thomas from Oregon, Barkley, Jones, as well as Aaron Murray from Georgia. Next year is very deep at QB which is good bc although I don't necessarily want to be, I believe we've got Fitz for another year. http://youtu.be/GIcSuyZjjIM
  15. Dude your man crush for Tannehill is slightly disturbing haha. Last year I was almost down on my knees praying that they would take Dareus and not Gabbert. I can only imagine what you'll be on your knees doing this year I kid I kid. Personally not a big fan of Tannehill but I don't mind your backing of him. If the Bills draft him I hope he turns out better than Kelly. If someone else drafts him I hope he turns out worse than Russell lol btw the comments in the article crush Tannehill. Not saying they mean much lord knows there are many posters here who have little to know football sense but they are almost exclusively negative from aggie fans
  16. Yup my votes and reasoning exactly. Jones may be a bit divaish but aren't all receivers?
  17. Just saw on espn he will be meeting with Alabama about their open OC spot.
  18. Somewhere in here is a Stevie Johnson joke I just can't find it
  19. Well thats good news Now can we have something like this happen to the Patriots
  20. hmm interesting. I did read the story but had a way different takeaway. I guess being a Yankee fan jaded me into thinking it was just another NY media story creation.
  21. I think the post-racial society you mention is coming. As society moves further away from segregation and an age where racism was tolerated this should improve. Jim Crow laws were only repealed in 1964. Brown v Board of Education was 1954. A good majority if not all nfl owners were born before this and lived in a time that racism was socially acceptable. So a nice kick in the pants doesn't hurt. My generation (born in 81) does not know a time when it was socially acceptable to discriminate. Mixed relationships are common place now and more importantly more accepted. However I think it is still something that some in the baby boomer generation struggle with. Sadly there will always be hate and discrimination but the more people are aware of it and the less socially acceptable it becomes the less powerful it is. Yes you are correct too it was Frazier who refused an interview.
  22. Richardson! Tannehill! actually any qb not named luck or rg3
  23. malarkey or malarky — n slang nonsense; rubbish I loved when he was the coach simply for the reason I could complain about "the mularkey play calling". Seriously when your name is a homonym for one that means nonsense or rubbish it does not inspire confidence lol.
  24. Although I agree with the spirit of the Rooney Rule I'm not a huge fan of it. It seems many times teams know who they want and they have to give token interviews to satisfy the rule. It seems a waste of time for some black coaches to interview for all of these jobs they know they have no shot of getting. I hope they do as someone stated earlier use it as a learning experience. It would be nice to not need this rule and know that the best man for the job gets it regardless of race. That is when it won't be debatable whether or not racism exists in the nfl. I'm asking this question for real and not sarcastically - Since the Chiefs hired Crennel and did so after he was the interim does that change things? If you hire a black coach do you need to interview a white one? If you hire your interim regardless of race do you have to follow the Rooney rule? edit: I found the answers The rule does not apply if an assistant coach has language in his contract guaranteeing him the head coaching job in case of an opening.[5] For example, this was the case when Mike Martz took over as head coach of the St. Louis Rams before the 2000 season. Also, the rule does not apply if the assistant coach taking over the head position is a minority, as was the case with Mike Singletary and the San Francisco 49ers in late 2008.[6] As of June 15, 2009, Rooney Rule requirements now apply to all searches for senior football operations positions within the NFL, regardless of a team's title for that position. It now also includes all ethnic minorities, not just African Americans. Again back to the spirit of the rule shouldn't a white person have to be interviewed as well to promote fairness?
  25. He had almost 1000 yards this season without Manning. Comparing the 2 teams and you called the Cowboys the inferior team?! You do realize the Colts finished with 2 wins and the #1 overall pick right?
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