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Everything posted by section122

  1. Can I make y pick for the cheatriots? My time should have already been up and I have to get back to work at 1
  2. What teams you got? I may be interested
  3. Am hoping for dequan menzie in this draft
  4. Good picks so far r rich Cleveland would be very lucky to have the draft play out like this for them Btw can we fill In the missed ones I know it won't be 100% accurate but better than leaving blanks imo
  5. I think you guys are taking to literally the statement of throwing out the old draft value chart. I took it as the numbers were useless not so much that the tool was useless if that makes sense. All picks still have value but the number value of those picks are not the same, therefore the picks to trade would be different, therefore the old chart doesn't mean much. A trade value chart has a use just not the old one with the old numbers.
  6. Yep I feel I did well starting to rebuild the pats d with guys who are multiple front guys. As a bills fan I wouldn't be very happy if their draft went this way.
  7. Wouldn't the first part of your post confirm throwing out the old chart? Obviously the point values have changed which changes the chart. Also I'm not sure what trade I've put out that was turned down so I'm not sure where you came up with that. Im sure ive been called an idiot but not for that reason. This article came out Monday so I'm surprised you "only hear" the old chart is useless. Also I would like to add that if the stories are correct the browns were going to beat the redakins offer however the rams had set rules of 1 offer per team. I'm on my phone so it is kind of hard to post links.
  8. Who did sf pick? I'll take Andre branch de clemson
  9. Phew I was beginning to wonder if I had it right! Kelly your Jedi mind trick almost worked haha o:)
  10. again I will bring up the Bernie Fine situation.
  11. Yeah ummm Bernie Fine would like to disagree with you..............
  12. pick made. brockers and hill got taken right before me and they were 1 and 1a
  13. dont kno why it had me as a guest but that is the correct pick
  14. what happened with Cincy's second pick? There is a blank spot there...
  15. I do this every year myself for my mother who has had ms for close to 30 years. I'm glad someone on here is soliciting from fellow tbd'ers. Keep on rockin Rockpile! Attitude is half the battle (and where my mother being a 100% italian fireball helps for once ) and it sounds like you've got a great one. I will be participating in the syracuse walk which is the same weekend. Also for those interested the MS society does do fundraisers tied to the Bills. This last season there was an option to pay $7 a sack or $10 a td. The prizes were Eric Wood and Andy Levitre autographs on different memorabilia. I got 2 8x11's signed by each as well as a hat signed. Something to keep in mind for those that like to help out a great cause!
  16. where's your cousin captain foresight for the answer? Seriously though what did you see on rewind? Anything that stuck out? I don't have the option of that but do pay attention to the lines and thought Hairston did well for a rookie. Add in the whole no tc, no offseason activities, thrown to the wolves and I voted yes to this question. However I would like to hear what you have to say about it.
  17. It seems to me that Gillmore was Astro's pick for the Bills in the 2nd round many many times. Now all of a sudden he is geting top 10 consideration! I'm more than a little bit surprised/nervous about a jump that big this late.
  18. yeah I would agree and also add in Mercilus as a pick I would love. Also Poz signed a monster contract and played pretty well on a highly ranked d last year, along with the fact most posters wanted him back. Seems like being poz 2.0 wwouldn't be the worst thing in the world (for the record I think Kuechly will be better). FWIW to all gms Pats* (run by me) are looking to trade in the 20 range so if you pick anywhere around there pm me please if interested.
  19. I'm sorry but I feel like your answering your own question. Under the old system it was very crippling which drove up the risk for teams that may have wanted to trade up. Being less of a risk (under the new system) makes it much more valuable because if it works you get a contributor cheaply, conversely if it doesn't work it doesn't cost you as much. Supply and Demand would dictate that at a lower risk and lower price you would have more people willing to trade and therefore you could get more for your picks.
  20. Got it. All black qbs = Jamracus Russell All White lbs = Poz
  21. I actually feel the opposite. I think draft picks have become much MORE valuable. I feel that way because the risk monetarily isn't the same, so the contract you are paying out won't cripple your team in the future. That's why we have seen two trades in the top 10 the last 2 years and very few previously. The ability to get a good/great player on a reasonable contract (with little liability if they bust) is the perspective I'm looking at it from.
  22. Coples at 7! that would be s surprise but one I could see happening (and it would be great news for the Bills!)
  23. can we trade players for picks? Also interesting draft so far and I think one that is worst case scenario for the Rams. Blackmon being gone as well as Kalil hurts them as I dont see Richardson being a good pick for them. Given Jackson's injury history and workload it wouldn't be absolutely terrible but I can imagine it's not what they would want.
  24. hmmm that is a good one I wonder how that would play out. However the whole point of me posting this up there was the statement that the old trade chart is obsolete. I think we saw it last year with the Falcons/Browns trade and this year with the Redskins/Rams trade. I'm interested to see how long it takes for a new one to come out.
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