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Everything posted by section122

  1. Pats* select Chris Polk rb washington
  2. my favorite is "10 year starter" with all of the 10 year starters in every draft it surprises me that they keep having them. I would think all roster spots would be taken by now.
  3. Saints select Brandon Washington G Miami (FLA)
  4. MERCILUSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no not really but I would love it, I think he's going to be a monster! Anyways the wawrow thread is implying it would be Barron fwiw.
  5. I can't find anything as google just spits out endless links to mock drafts when I tried searching for it. I would agree that this is probably the answer to the question and where I ended up falling in my discussion. lol I can see it now: Boomer at 5 am "and were still waiting on confirmation of the Giants plans for pick #32. Our draft coverage will stay with this situation until something develops"
  6. man i hate these last few days before the draft! but I would lean (hope) the surprise is Johnathan Martin if anyone.
  7. did mosley go already? I looked through the mocks and didnt see him anywhere.
  8. Brandon Mosley LT Auburn (who I believe is still on the board!)
  9. I still don't know the answer though! I'm going to see if I can find anything on end of round declarations on the web.
  10. I can't believe your the only one to mention this and not one person has agreed. Unitl now that is, I agree 100% with the bolded statement. If Sherman passes on Tannehill that would be a major indictment of his skill level/ability to be a savior. The Dolphins need a qb badly so seeing them pass would not make me comfortable that RT would be any better than Fitz. I'll also add that I agree with the psoters who say it would put a damper on the offseason. Having the 10th pick presents a great opportunity to get an impact player this year! Not a future maybe. I will add this caveat though - If they draft him I will immediately become a supporter of the pick. Well maybe not immediately but I'll get on board and hope he turns out not just better than Fitz but better than Kelly!
  11. I will agree with this, however I feel that Blackmon would win that discussion as well. I know it was a bowl game but he took that game over. He also did it many other times over his career. I do see the Crabtree comparisons but he seems less like a diva to me than crabtree was.
  12. What if the Redskins make the playoffs each of the next 2 years what if those picks aren't top 10 picks but mid 20's? They would already miss on those "all time great players." All I'm saying is it to early to judge the trade because we don't know the value of RG3 or who the picks they traded away will end up being. The old draft chart was created before free agency and before rookie salary wages so is it really that shocking that the chart may need to be updated? We will see in the future what picks the Rams end up even getting and it may change your tune a bit or it may change mine I'm just saying it is to early to tell.
  13. I thought that was the case but its what brought me into the next line of since the second round doesn't start until friday night can the second round teams start running up to the podium until the Giants make their picks? Imagine how mad the NFL and ESPN would be Or do the Giants not get to make their pick until the second round starts up on Friday night once the time expires? That would be the most logical but also give them the advantage of trying to work a trade out all day Friday. SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS haha
  14. You mean the thread created on the premise that the old chart was no longer relevant and a new one needed to be created? What is so hard for you to understand about that? If you have a ratty old couch and need to get rid of it (throw it out) does that mean then that you can no longer have a couch? Or does it mean that you can go buy a new one and therefore still have a couch just not the one you used to have?
  15. Is this true?!?!?! It just doesn't seem right. Any other pick would just bleed into the next teams time (remember it happening with the Vikings a few years ago). It would seem unfair to punish the Giants in this manner.
  16. What you don't do? Throw out your entire model and replace it with nothing, as has been suggested here, so that the jackass opinion that Jackass Trade #1 can't be challenged. That makes no sense, because like all models, the need to interpret data quickly, and turn it into actionable information, drives their creation. This is not what was said again here is my post from the last topic: I think you guys are taking to literally the statement of throwing out the old draft value chart. I took it as the numbers were useless not so much that the tool was useless if that makes sense. All picks still have value but the number value of those picks are not the same, therefore the picks to trade would be different, therefore the old chart doesn't mean much. A trade value chart has a use just not the old one with the old numbers. it is post 22 in the thread and not edited so please stop with the witch hunt or at least spew facts while on it. You definitely seem to be on a rampage, maybe your lonely? Peter Pan has offered to be company maybe that'll calm you down a bit!
  17. It was going to be my pick for the pats but McClellan was to good of value to pass up!
  18. In a conversation with a buddy we got to discussing the draft being broken down over 3 days which led me to this question: What happens if the Giants are late with their pick at the end of the first round? Can they be late? Do they have until the 2nd round starts on friday to make their pick? Or could the Rams jump the Giants when their time expires? I know it probably won't happen but it was interesting and intriguing to me so what do you guys think would happen?
  19. Jeez man your vendetta is kind of ridiculous. The thread (which I started) was based off of a link to Peter King's monday morning qb article. The person who said the trade chart was irrelevant was a club official. Which sparked the conversation. For those interested it can be found here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/144884-throw-out-the-trade-value-chart/ The trade chart was made over 20 years ago! The fact that it needs to be updated or has been updated should not be surprising. In the original thread Icansleepwhenimdead posted an excellent link/article that talks about trade value. Is it possible that some teams prefer to look at it from that point of view rather than something Jimmy Johnson had one of his lackeys come up with? I also will question (since you keep referring to it) who says this? Understand, the trade/draft value chart doesn't exist to destroy your dopey "we could have, therefore, should have, traded up/down because I heard it on internet, therefore, Ralph is cheap/Buddy asleep/the team is moving to LA" threads. It does a fine job of that, but that is not it's primary purpose. It certainly isn't me hasn't, been me, and I don't think it has been anyone else who was having the civil discussion about it in that thread. Lastly, no one (including you) knows whether or not the trade for RG3 was a bad one yet. We know the trade for sanchez was a bad one because he's not a good player. QB remains the most important position in the game. If he turns out to be a stud it changes the discussion of how much was to much. Jay Cutler not that long ago went for 2 #1 picks if RG3 turns out better does it still make it a bad trade? Your discussion of needing to be 3x beeter than rodgers and manning made no sense to me so please explain that further until then... lay off the coffee man sheesh
  20. Tannehill-Miami Floyd-cardinals Upshaw-bengals Decastro-chiefs Kuechly-Seahawks
  21. I think it's going to be Kirkpatrick. It's where I started and I've come full circle on it. I think the top 6 falling would change that like you said, but I'm thinking dr dre is our man!
  22. Nice pick r rich you got my guy anyway Pats* select Shea McClellan olb/de Boise st
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