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Everything posted by section122

  1. SHUT IT DOWN! TURN OFF THE LIGHTS WHEN YOU LEAVE!!! BEST COMMENT EVER!!! Think about the actual commentary and what he would be saying let alone the nicknames :w00t: I hope you don't mind but it's going in my sig.
  2. Thanks Rockpile. I'm hoping to only do this once but I know sometimes life has other plans. (If I do it again I'm eloping ) My mom is refusing to let her ms get in the way of memories and wants to do the mother-son dance out of her wheelchair! It'll be a very slow dance without much moving but I can wait to create/give her that memory!
  3. It depends.... are you willing to drink fat liposuctioned out of Marlon Brando's ass? If yes I'm in
  4. damn I came to this link to post that article! Best part was where he has a long time gf knows she's the one but he isn't ready. Yeah no sheet! The perks of being him would have me "not ready" too! On a side note is Upton becoming a Kardashian with white athletes? Seems she makes the rounds a bit. Quick what sport can we create and become stars in?!
  5. Holy crap this link makes me hate it even more that I have to vote for Obama this year! Is his campaign serious? Do you think this guy teaches marriage classes? Methinks the wife and I could learn a few things Seriously though I am amazed at times what people do to other human beings. They should chain him up and give the woman a hot frying pan as his punishment. We had talked about this unfortunately planning and time got in the way of it. A family friend did it for his wedding and I did thought it was awesome. My 2 left feet though put a major kink in those plans. I plan on spending the entire dance telling her how lucky I feel, how happy she makes me, etc.... Your last line strikes me. I was a little concerned about the man rules with my wedding. I know when I see her coming down the aisle, I'm going to tear up. During the first dance, I'm going to tear up. The one that has me the most though is the dance with my mom - those songs are killer emotionally. My mother struggles with walking and is in a wheelchair but wants to dance with me so I'm going to be overly emotional. I'm going to be a blathering idiot on multiple occasions and then have to deal with it later.
  6. I'll mention the year the Titans started 0-6 until he took over and they finished 8-2. Fisher was not very secretive about the fact that he didn't like or want vy - before vy even got on the team. He wanted Matt Leinhart. I'm excited because I've seen this guy tear up the Bills (albeit they weren't very good teams) and also be unstoppable moving the chains with his legs if the passing lanes aren't there. There is imo at least as much to be excited about with vy as there is with fitz. Except for the first few games last year what has he done to earn all of the excitement? He wasn't very good the last half of the year (injured I know) and was up and down to say the least the year before. Before last years 62% he had never cracked 60% completion either. Let alone leading the league in ints. This is a great question. Fitz's starting record with the Bills? Not very good. I'm still very much on the fence with Fitz. It is his job to lose and I'm okay with that. Not sure what he has done to earn that but I am okay with it, but come on can we stop hating on young? He is a member of the team, our team, and he has done nothing since being here to create a problem. If he were able to make the team better than why shouldn't he play? Are we really that concerned with "suicide watch" night that was blown out of proportion? Or maybe him answering a question with confidence (dream team) and the media killing him for it? Give him a chance he could turn out to be great and in all honesty has shown more over a longer period than Fitz has. I want the Bills to win I don't care who their qb is and vy is low risk high reward. If Fitz is good to great then their is nothing to worry about. If he sucks we have someone who can come in and give the Bills a chance. If VY was on the Bills last year do you think Fitz plays with broken ribs? Do you think they finish 1-8? If the answer to either of these is no then the answer to whether or not signing vy was a good idea is yes.
  7. dhgate has no jerseys for any sports. I don't know if they were sanctioned, only had reebok suppliers, or what happened, but there are no jerseys to be had.
  8. I agree completely with this. 3 Friends and myself had seasons for 5 years. Tickets cost about $50 a game, tolls and gas were $50, food and beer for tailgating, and beer inside the stadium worked out to about $100 a man. Now we do it at home and it costs less than $100 combined. I love the stadium experience. I am willing to pay extra for it. However, I can't justify the ticket and inside stadium costs. When it is cold outside and I need coffee or hot chocolate I don't want to pay 4 bucks for it. When it is hot outside I don't want to pay 4 bucks for a bottle of water. I don't need more technology - I need affordability!
  9. Hey come on that's not fair!!! Sometimes the crack dealer gets it!
  10. It amazes me how similar some stories are haha. A friend of mine who has been married for a little more than 5 years was mentioning something along these lines. He said just wait soon you won't even realize and an entire month will go by and you won't have gotten any. I laughed until I looked at him and he said no I'm serious Hey!!! IT TAKES ME MORE THAN 2 MINUTES..... to take my clothes off
  11. I used to make a team in Madden that at least DrDareustein and Alphadawg will appreciate. Greensborough, NC Nickname Dragons (mascot Puff the magic dragon) Played in the Glass Bowl (home stadium) Colors were Green, Gold, and White ........I know it was dorky but I thought it was cool yes it needs to be 22.3 years http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=612DEoTFH0o
  12. I agree with this as well FIFY I believe one of the reason's for Graham signing yesterday was it was the first day players under contract were allowed to work out at the Bill's facility. I don't know what this tweet says about Michael Floyd's work ethic but I do know what that says about Graham's.
  13. yeah steam and the smell of the first s don't mix well when she is in the shower and I'm droppin the kids off at the pool. The majority of time I'm annoying her trying to get some early morning action, because we get up around the same time, have to be to work about the same time, and it takes me less time to get ready, what else am I gonna do with the 20 minutes I've got to kill in the morning Needless to say she's not a fan From the stories I've been told by my friends who are already married I think I got the passing out drunk and exhausted before anything happens down cold (lots of practice). Seems to be the norm that "consummation" takes place the next morning! I am interested to know if you guys followed the wedding traditions. She is deathly afraid I will see the wedding dress before the day of and won't stay with me the night before (it's my house that we live in and I have to leave )
  14. I mentioned Paradise in the thread about signature songs. I can't stand that song . I would have expected you to recommend Rainbow Connection. #3 is good advice... especially the last part. She will be very happy the day we get that... I'm obnoxious in the morning
  15. I'll give you another one to add... I used to attend school in Syracuse and there was a bum at this particular intersection every day when I drove by. It was a busy intersection with a stoplight so you were forced to sit next to this guy. He had a sign about being a vietnam war vet and that he needed help. I also don't like giving money so I decided to make a care package. I put some fruit, fruit cups, juice, and hygiene supplies (soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc..) in a bag to give him. I figured it was a kind gesture and was worth more than I would have given him in money anyway (I got most of it for free). So I pulled up to him and held the bag out of the window and said here you go buddy hope it helps. His response? WTF is this?! I need money not this Sh*t! I was shocked but still being cordial said I don't have any money to give you but this is some things I thought would help. He replied I'm out here to make money not get free handouts! I wanted to laugh at his ridiculousness but instead opened the door and set it down and told him do with it what he pleased. I don't know if he took the stuff or not - Hell if he wanted money he could have probably sold it, but I was trying to do the right thing and got burned for it. So I generally don't do things like that anymore. I will give some money to people extremely down on their luck (by my judgement which I'm sure isn't perfect) because, as selfish as this sounds, it makes me feel good. On a side note, I almost always tip street musicians. There is a particular guy that plays outside of the carrier dome rain, snow, or sun, he is always there. I respect his game even if he does remind me of this guy (I think he only knows a few chords cause its generally what I hear ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfzDUpB88x4&feature=related
  16. I agree whole heartedly with this statement. I also add that this is why Arizona was a great landing spot for Floyd. If he were to go to a team where he was going to be the star (ala Blackmon in Jax) I don't think it would be as good of a situation. Having Fitzpatrick (see what I did there) as a teammate to guide and direct him can do nothing but help.
  17. Thanks I passed it to her as I liked it a lot. She gets final say though of course I was going to put /thread after I saw his post because it had me laughing so hard but I wanted to keep getting feedback
  18. That first link is some terrible "journalism." It might just be me but this doesn't seem like that bad of a statement. First Murray sucks... bad. There is a level with Djokovic, Nadal, and Federer and then everyone else. I was rooting for Murray because of the historical aspect but the way he struggled through his 2 previous matches I didn't think he had a shot. Secondly, I'm assuming none of you liked Andre Agassi much. He was the ultimate cocky tennis player to sampras' boring guy routine. When someone is the best in the world at something why is humility expected at all points in time. Federer is enjoying his accomplishments and there are many of them. Good for him for being able to enjoy them in the moment. Especially as his career winds down I am happy he is able to get the record for most weeks at #1 and am proud of him for working so hard for it. I think he should be able to be proud of it himself as well. They are all excellent but I like Nadal the least out of the 3... something about manpri's
  19. Was thinking about that some it will be easier with than others... On another note we are 2 pages deep and not one person requested a pic? Sheesh you guys are slippin! (that and poojer hasn't weighed in yet)
  20. I know it isn't their signature but elderly woman behind a counter in a small town is by far my favorite Pear Jam song. As for their signature to me it has to be Yellow Ledbetter (that riff!) Vedder muttering make me cry right before the solo is amazing. Guitar Solos and the feeling from them... man I love music
  21. It's a strange line betwenn not caring and making sure she doesn't pick something actually terrible. I am following somewhat along the lines of pushthepile's idea with a slght twist, while in the car we listen to them and decide what we like. My one rule though is no Michael Buble under any circumstance! I'm 30 and she will be 27 next week so we plan on waiting a bit (shooting for somewhere in 2014), but I am stressing this to her as well - now if I can just stop her sister/friends from popping these kids out and giving her baby fever! Flock of Seagulls will be nowhere near this wedding TBD will continue to be my escape as well. I tried explaining what this site was and she just called me a nerd Definitely want a classic for exactly the reason you stated. I'm glad there is hope that she will continue to be understanding after the vows. I won't have to wait long to see but just yesterday she was mentioning how she couldn't wait for football to see some of the girls. As for the kids like I stated earlier I'm okay with waiting I just have to catch the baby fever before it gets to bad. A friend of ours just had a baby and on the way to visit them I had to remind her that no matter how cute and adorable that baby is don't get any ideas. She agreed and said I had nothing to worry about.... until she held her in her arms and gave me that look
  22. wow I forgot all about that song! I think the varying definitions of signature song make this thread an interesting one. I have seen several songs listed that I disagree with, but then realize that is my perspective and not theirs. Here is some more 80s/90s power ballads that might not represent the bands style but that I think of when thinking about the band: Nelson - after the rain Skid Row - 18 and Life Meatloaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light (why do women love this horrible song so much?!) Poison - Every Rose has its Thorns The formula of releasing a power ballad as the second single really helped launch quite a few bands regardless of how close to their actual musical stylings it was. (as an aside how awesome was hair metal?!) Some more for me: Van Halen (Roth) - Hot for Teacher Van Halen (Haggar) - Right Now Kansas - Carry on My Wayward Son Zeppelin - Stairway Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side Foghat - Slow Ride Deep Purple - Smoke on the Water Frampton - Do you feel like we do Heart - Crazy on you Rush - Tom Sawyer Manfred Mann - Blinded by the Light (extended version is so much better) Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name
  23. This is a running joke between us how awesome that you quoted it lol I was hoping you would weigh in as I knew you would have great insight! I'll run Cherry Pie by her and try to keep a straight face her response should be a good one
  24. Interested to know the outcome of this post. What did you go with? I'm going the personal route myself and am going to buy each of them something a little different. *Jack feel free to merge if necessary but if you could leave my thread title it would be appreciated as I'd appreciate some help with song ideas
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