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Everything posted by section122

  1. No doubter he will be first ballot. What is the argument against that happening? I can't think of a reason to keep him out. He is at 2500 hits after a 12 year career - that's an average of over 200 hits a year, including a high of 262 which is obscene! The standard in baseball I believe is a 10 year career and to be one of the best of your era's. He clearly was and is that! He won an mvp and rookie of the year, all star game mvp, has led the league in hits multiple times as well as leading in batting average and steals on different occasions, is a 10 time all star, a 10 time gold glover, add it to all he did in Japan and I don't see an argument against him. Do tell what is the argument against it?
  2. A gag order on this case is ridiculous to begin with as far as the perps names go, after they were found guilty then their names should be out there. I totally understand not putting them out there during the trial but once their guilt was proven they should have nowhere to hide. The miscarriage would have been if she was locked up. What point would that have made? Not a good one imo... 50,000 signatures in under 24 hours is quite the amount of peer pressure. Yes it did. I hope these kids end up on a registry and have to suffer for the same amount of time she will - the rest of their lives.
  3. I found this quote interesting.. Respectability has been emphasized under Nix, who reckoned the Bills take prospects with character concerns off their draft board as quickly as any NFL club. Not that it was unknown but it speaks to passing on Floyd this last year. I'll have to remember this come draft time.
  4. yes! I swear by the slumpbuster. Nothing helps get your confidence back like this. I call it getting back on the horse - to my friends I call it getting back on the whores Yes again! confidence confidence confidence. Don't be a p*ssy. Girls don't want a sensitive guy they want a man! If you don't have confidence fake it til you make it. I swear this works pretend like your the man, trick a few dumb ones, you'll feel like the man. Wow I hope you're writing this stuff down mdp these are great tips. Treat them like any other person and you'll be amazed at how easy they are to talk to and how receptive they are to you treating them that way. They are used to guys slobbering all over them - they aren't used to guys talking to them like people. (caveat here you do need to make your intentions known by the end of the first night/time meeting them or you'll end up in the friend zone) Then you can comment on her personality and not her looks when you compliment her (they love that sh*t). If you're not trying to date and just looking to have some fun here are some tried and true rules that I lived by: (others can feel free to add) *over 22 and hot pink finger nail polish she's a slut (or at least horny) I swear by this rule more than any other and it is very easy to spot - guaranteed booty if you play it right *bigger the purse the more baggage she carries *In a group of girls find the loud one - this is the girl that acts/thinks most like a guy and therefore is willing to get busy first night *Never buy a girl a drink - I mean never. Then you just become another schmuck *Be nice to your targets friends. Crack jokes and include them - they will be less likely to talk your target out of going home with you. ....I'm sure I had more but I've been out of the game for a while (and make no mistake it is a game) and am a bit rusty
  5. wear the tie! A friend of mine coaches his daughter's team in boys and girls baseball. He is a huge Yankees fan and the team name is the Red Sox. He marched in the 4th of July parade proudly with his red sox shirt on. This (a death) is much larger than that. I'd wear a clown suit if it was what the deceased wanted and/or it would help the families suffering. of course not to say after it's all done and over I wouldn't have a nice pic of him with his osu tie on to show others and give him a hard time with
  6. While I know you don't think she was wrong I think she was very right. She only has one recourse after the fact and that is to let everyone know who did this to her. I'd take out an ad in the paper, post on fb, start a twitter, scream it from the mountains etc... She has to live with this forever- and so should they!
  7. Scrolling through yahoo I came across this article: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/savannah-dietrich-twitter-sexual-assault-louisville-174732753.html Long story short; girl was raped by 2 kids and due to their plea deal a gag order was placed. She tweeted out their names so people would know who they were and now she is possibly facing jail time/fines. It is so ridiculous for the courts to protect her attackers and even think of doing these things to her. There is an online petition linked at the bottom of the article but I'll also put it here. Please show your support for this victim! online petition
  8. Dang it that's what I was gonna do! Oh well I guess just a happy birthday will have to suffice!
  9. maybe he had some ribs? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFsEZ3PDSwo
  10. pay attention they've already been quoted twice in this thread 3243272627277243921928827 to 12848372384737384838748383833 Honestly though, we are all Bills fans. We all have been beaten down enough that I won't believe that none of you have had this thought. It may have been fleeting but come on we are conditioned to hope for the best and expect the worst.
  11. Vick got a 20. Not dumb by any measure but not prolific. while I will agree that win loss records are not end all be all in the qb argument, I believe that they do have some merit. Generally the good/great qbs show through on the win loss record and Dilfer's record was 58-55 which would indicate exactly what he was a middling qb. As for Ryan, he was the #3 pick in the draft, and has been an excellent qb so I'm not sure what your point is there. I think you are forgetting about the year gap from Vick to Ryan, as well as the fact that Ryan has had a better coach, d and rb.
  12. I really hate this logic. Eball mentioned fits for a tema and that is part of it, however an added aspect is he came on the cheap to those teams. When he performed and was a fa they couldn't afford to keep him (what happened with the pats* this year). He did get let go from Chicago for what appeared to be lack of production after his big rookie campaign. I don't know what happened with the Texans but 2 of the 3 are explained. This logic more bothers when there is a player available in fa and posters say if he is good why has no one signed him. Then when he is signed people bemoan the fact that the Bills missed out on him. If nothing else he provides good/great compliment to Mario. Out pass rush is much improved because he too will draw attention. It made our line much better and difficult to block as the double team decision is that much harder to make.
  13. I had the same exact thing happen to me!!! I was talking about how pumped for the season I was and he said "dude it's the Bills Williams will be on IR before week 3." I laughed (he was joking) then got that terrible feeling in my gut and told him if it happens I get one free punch in his face. He wouldn't go for it so I didn't and don't feel any better... I may have to punch him anyways if it happens
  14. career vick 56% completion 17,912 yards 161.4 yards/game 111 tds 72 ints rate 80.9 rushing stats yards 5219 yards/game 47 33 tds career Fitz 59.2% completion 10,936 yards 188.6 yards/game 68 tds 65 ints rate 75.0 rushing( ) yards 993 yards/game 17.1 tds 5 Fitz, although he got a great wonderlic score, is not a great decision maker with the ball. His td/int ratio is nearly 1:1, he doesn't have the elusiveness that vick has, and his completion % is not that much higher. Fitz gets an awful lot of benefit of the doubt for a not very long (or good) track record.
  15. :lol: :lol: oh wait... you were serious?! imo it has to be Ray Lewis. For 15 years now this guy has been a manimal. He is intense, big, fast, and strong. Then again any of these dudes in the nfl chasing me down is prob gonna cause me to sh*t a brick! (except for fitz )
  16. Mistake 1 - always go for the nice rack first Mistake 2 - sent her a message on fb?! Be a man and ask her for her number and call her! FB pickups are very very lame I talked about the fb being lame but you messaged for 6 months?! That is too long. You put yourself in the friend zone and your going out was her 2 friends hanging out. She hasn't responded bc she knows your trying to change the dynamic. Last bolded part - avoid these girls, unless you want to become vegetarian or get a guilt trip every time you want to order. My dating advice is this: never make a girl anything she's not. If she's easy let her be easy and have your fun don't think she will change for you. If she is a good girl then don't dog her out treat her like a good girl. Let your intentions be known asap. If you want to date let her know, if you want to get some let her know. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten some from the "good girl" because nobody ever told them they just wanted to get some. This technique also helps you avoid the friend zone. (I actually had a girl say can't we just be friends and I said I've got enough friends that's not why I'm here - and it worked but it's not recommended there was a lot of booze involved in that convo) As for how long to wait I am of the belief there is no set time frame. Tell them when you get their number when you will be calling. Something along the lines of I'll call you tomorrow (no it's not to soon but don't make plans to hang out that night) or whatever day works for you. After the first date send a text the next morning afternoon saying you had a great time and can't wait to do it again and leave it at that. Never leave a vm. Ever! There are more but this is a good start.
  17. because I think this article is a good example of people being more whiny I'll put it here: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/minnesota-man-accidentally-destroys-40-000-square-foot-180003749.html Guy destroyed his yard with chemicals trying to get rid of weeds and is mad at the manufacturer that it isn't clearly displayed on the bottle. It is on page 2 of the manual and that apparently is too much for him. Guy going public did nothing but make him look like an idiot.
  18. I was going to bet on the over but the money isn't there. They are -190 for 7.5 wins. So at 19 of my money to 10 of there's I'll bet game by game starting with the jets game at buf-6.5
  19. Tbh I think both sides have a valid argument which makes this difficult. I think I have a solution though, what if blacked out games were available ppv? I don't need the games for free but can't afford to make the trip. I would be willing to pay and have a chance to watch the game as opposed to my options now. People that pay for the ticket should not have the blackout rule even apply to them as they are already putting money in the nfls pocket. I think this would make everyone happy and even though it's a cash grab many fans would be happy to have the opportunity - which as of now is lacking.
  20. Not yet however today is her birthday and I am taking her to dinner and the comedy club which will give us a car ride to listen to more songs. A decision is looming though as we have a "short list" if she was into the bridesmaids (the non family ones you dirty old man )I would have already married her!
  21. Yes I most definitely do. I watch the preseason when the games are "meaningless." I only get 16 Sundays a year with Bills football and I enjoy each and every one.
  22. wow I am dumbfounded by how insensitive people are to others plights. While I am glad that some of you have been afforded the luxury of having tickets your entire life, or live close enough that going to games is not that big of a deal, that is not the case for some (most?) Bills fans. I live in auburn ny and am 120 miles from Buffalo, because of a cow pasture I am not allowed to watch the Bills if they are blacked out. Sure I could spend 60 on a ticket and 40 on gas and leave my house at 7 am and get back at 7 pm, but more realistically I'm going to watch a different team or not watch football at all (who are we kidding i'll illegally stream it but my point remains) - non diehards will be pushed away or to a different team. I'll add to the economic situations of many Bills fans don't make it as easy as just go buy a ticket. 85% is a low number but 90-95% or somewhere in there is fine with me. The last thing I'll add is that a competitive team will more than likely sell out (please don't spew the early 90's - it is a much different era for many reasons). The games that don't sell out are ones that aren't interesting or have no playoff implications. Fans shouldn't be punished for an inferior product they should be rewarded for wanting to still watch.
  23. Yep except I don't care much about the I was there it is the 80k people and that energy that can be felt nowhere else in the world. The owner's solution imo isn't the right one it just is the one that justifies there prices, and refusal to look at lowering them. Fans are such that when there isn't an increase in prices we are happy. Rarely are prices lowered, this year for the Bills being an exception, and lo and behold both of these sections sold out. At least with the saints it's been justified more often than not recently I got the chance to sit in the Jim Kelly club seats once and had the same reaction. I actually asked the people around me why all the seats were blank and they said that people rarely make it to their seats and spend most of the time socializing inside. The other thing I found strange was not one person was the actual regular ticket holder! It was their employer's or family members tickets. Lastly, a tanqueray and tonic cost as much in the club as a beer did in the stands, I love the idea of liquor at the games as I'm not to much of a beer guy but wow would it be unruly! I'd love to sit there again but definitely not at the price of admission, I can't even justify the cheap seats for the p.o.a.
  24. I actually said to my fiancee man next time I get married I want to elope. I didn't mean I thought it wasn't going to work just that all the details were annoying. I had a tough time talking my way out of that one . I ended up just saying I'm sorry I'm dumb Yeah a chub might be frowned upon but hey its a compliment! Exactly my worry. My grandfather always said to me you can make our last name famous and I'll be proud, you just can't make it infamous. This situation follows that theory. Thank you.
  25. Speaking of jeter he laid the moves on thick when he got interviewed by Erin Andrews last night and she ate it all up.
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