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Everything posted by section122

  1. All I want to know is.... Was the game plan vanilla? :bag
  2. At least he is getting a free education? Wow that's a tough beeak
  3. First the reason your hate for them has dropped is because they have been just as bad as we have. The pats and jets have given it to the bills while the fins have (save for 1 year) been mired in the same mediocrity the bills have. It's not much of a rivalry because both teams have been so bad I guess is what I mean. Now reasons to hate them: Their stupid colors. So many women and kids become fins fans bc of the color scheme. The seventies. The old timers hold near and dear to this reason and I can't really blame them. The wildcat. I don't personally hate it but many people do and you can blame them for bringing it to the nfl (although lee is now with the bills) The perfect season. Hey were human we can be jealous asses - especially when it comes to sports! Super bowl wins - see above lol Cameron wake. Although I don't know anything about him personality wise he scorned the bills for the fins and has been a monster. This is a start. I'm sure if you need more I can add some others for you :-)
  4. If I recall it was because it was a duty he performed as the backup and when he got elevated to starter they didn't want to mess with the kickers mojo. Edit: btw that "idiot coach" was bill parcells
  5. I'm kinda surprised we are this deep in the thread and nobody has mentioned that the play develops much faster on a direct snap. The mismatch and extra blocker are both excellent reasons but taking out the handoff and starting the "qb"(rb) a couple of yards closer increases the speed of the play development and decreases the defenses reaction time.
  6. Guess it IS bad luck to see the bride the day of the wedding!
  7. "guys like us"?! You mean the people who's opinion means little to nothing? What could be the misinterpretation? That Stevie wants them to expect to be a winner? Didn't chan say before last year that he expects to win every game? How did "guys like you" misinterpret this/that?
  8. Let's go buffalo! On my honeymoon until tomorrow so I can't watch the game... Anyone know if they are rebroadcasting in the Syracuse market tomorrow?
  9. So as an update... Tomorrow is the wedding and I've got bronchitis. I'm getting over it and hope I'll be in good shape tomorrow. We settled on I won't give up by Jason mraz which is an awesome song that I eventually (after we picked it) is about him fighting off suicidal thoughts lol. Went with liquor for the wedding party and got them all something they would like; some johnnie walker, some jack, a bottle of Hendricks gin, and a nice merlot for the non liquor drinker. As for the advice thanks all. Some good some bad and at this point I'm sick of others advice lol. Can't wait to do the wedding and be on the honeymoon!
  10. Man I can't wait for her career to tailspin so we can get a leaked sex tape
  11. One of my friends on fb made this same comment as well. Maybe the waves/splash from other swimmers slows them down? I'll ask and see if I get a response that will clear it up.
  12. I don't know it seems like they got the right apt to me
  13. A bit but I'm not sure I'll be heading to the theaters for it. Seems like a movie that will need to be watched a couple of times to figure it out - especially since the Wachowski brothers are involved. On an aside I think it's funny the trailer both before and after pushes the step up revolution trailer as epic I wonder how many times I would have to watch that one to figure it out
  14. Pretty good list... I'll go 1. Offense 2. Defense 3. Special teams
  15. :lol: well played sir. Indeed I am only 8 days away from that For you I'll go with a not anytime in the near future... or ever!
  16. I like to park on California Rd. It's a bit of a walk but saves on the getting out. It's also cheaper than the stadium lot. There are several options but the car wash and the lot right next to it are where I have had the most success. Getting out is a breeze as there is a cop directing traffic right next to where you pull out. I would say though that tailgating is an essential part of the game day experience. Consider it Act 1 of a 2 part day. Even if you did it simple with hot dogs and sodas while tossing a football around I feel it would increase your kids enjoyment immensely (and create some great memories). I don't get to the games as much as I used to but I still tailgate at my house with kan jam and grilling every week. If you want to convert them this will help a ton. Act 2 then is the game and hopefully they go 8-0 at home for ya!
  17. That's good news. It's funny that you were the first person I thought of when I read about it. Never met you, no idea who you are, just know that you know how to pick a good sports team . With the internet and the friendliness I don't doubt 27,000 will be very easy to come by. I'm kind of surprised by the mayor's stance on this as he seemed someone who was in touch with the people. Is this politically motivated for perhaps a larger office (governor or such)? Anyways, like I said I'll take a Bill's sb any way I can get it I guess for now I'll have to settle for it be a sonoma coma dream
  18. Congrats to you as well! I'm still working on us getting the season tickets. I keep lamenting how I miss going to the games and that my friends don't want to do it anymore. Planting the seeds and then taking her to a game this season. Hopefully she latches on! #1 I'm leaning towards leatherman tools as I think they are pretty handy and high quality. #2 I checked them out and can't believe I'm going to say this but I actually like the Adelle version better. We're leaning towards Jason Mraz (I know but at least it's not Michael Buble :sick: ) I Won't Give Up. Wanted an older song to begin with but heard this on the drive and it caught my attention, played it for her, and she teared up - which is what I was looking for. #3 Now that's some good advice! I'm just not sure I can follow it since you say to not follow other's
  19. Doesn't skittle and hoodies imply that you'll be killed by a guy with too much time on their hands? I know I've fallen victim to it on more than one occasion
  20. jeez people a little joke! I got a chuckle - besides would anybody really be mad that the Bills were sb champs no matter how they got it? *Alpha I hope the dispensaries getting shut down in la doesn't/hasn't effected you and your business.
  21. nah not a chance I'm a sucker for this girl She's admittedly not much of a sports fan (except UFC which she loves) so I mentioned to her that she needed to pick a favorite Bills player because I wanted to buy her a jersey (girl in Bills jersey = sexiest thing ever). She said "who was that guy you spent all that time stressing about and then he signed and you were so happy? Williams? That's who I'll pick." I don't know what it was about her remembering/knowing/caring but man I f*cking love this girl! ....and no she won't be ground up and in my freezer anytime soon
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