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Everything posted by section122

  1. I think that is a perfect line. Before preseason/camp when my optimism was jammin I thought 10 or 11 wins were more than possible. After remembering that Fitz is our qb and seeing some not so spectacular performances I think 8 or 9 is where we end up. Since I'm an eternal optimist I'll take the over as well.
  2. Not saying anything about the site accuracy but the other tab named sim rank #1 has the Jets as the 7th best team in the NFL, the Dolphins at #17 and the Bills at #23! Questionable to say the least....
  3. Damn you got to the sb already?! What's your opine on the game? I'm hemming and hawing about the $60 (yeah I can be cheap sometimes )
  4. My only question as well is, is it safe for the other players? Can he get hit in the ribs and not cause injury to the player that hit him? If everyone is safe then cool game on. If it is a potential risk to defensive players then it shouldn't be allowed. If it is on the NFL approved list though, I would assume it's safe for everyone involved. .......He still won't make it through the entire season though
  5. Dude what is going on with you lately. Usually enjoy your posts (except for the whole steroids should be legal thing) but you have started to get a little schizo on your qb's as of late. It seems you like every qb in the nfl! I'd like to get your opinion - who do you prefer? Tannehill, Osweiller, or Pachall? Or is it just any qb that isn't Fitz (not that I altogether disagree with that sentiment)? Does Tannehill even know he has to play the Bills twice this year? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/ryan-tannehill-not-well-versed-nfl-division-conference-132215587--nfl.html On topic now - good I'm glad that Biermann got blown up. His stupid reality show is one of my wife's favorites and absolutely wretched. His wife is god awful ugly, clearly a gold digger, he named his kid Kash, and they had a million dollar wedding (he's a backup d-lineman for christs' sake - shouldn't he be saving some $ for retirement?). I was glad when the Bills claimed Incognito. I want some nasty on a football team. He is a good player, more than serviceable at g and seems to have cut down on the penalties. That said if he hurts a bills d-lineman I'll hate him forever!
  6. Total agreement. Especially Bones who truly does pinpoint a fighter's weakness and exploit it. He is such a well rounded fighter he can fight any style anyone wants. Add to the fact he is building quite a resume and could go down as one of the greatest of all time - it doesn't make sense for him to risk it.
  7. That article was clearly a ball washing. They talk about how great he was and how well he engineered 3 scoring drives. Dude went 10-20 one of the completions they give him credit for is one Branch had to scoop off of his shoestrings. Sounds an awful lot like they are going to try and trade him to some sucker team after they have sufficiently built the hype. See what I mean Senator. This guy is buying the hype and surprise the pats* are willing to deal him Barbarian Barbarian Barbarian you're better than this. Usually your arguments have some basis and knowledge in them. Teen Insight is dissapointed with your arguing style here.... Pachall may be better than Smith in the long run but the odds are against him. The stats certainly don't back it up. Add to the fact that Buddy is on record as avoiding character concern guys and there is no way Pachall ends up on the Bills. Admitted to smoking weed, doing cocaine and e?! How do you want this guy on your football team or start a crusade for him?! I'm sure he'd be cool to hang out/party with but come on man...........
  8. Quite the opposite actually. For a ppv it is generally made up of 4 free fights that air on one of the channels I listed, followed by the start of the ppv which is more middling fighters in the top 8-15 of their weight class, followed by 1 maybe 2 (if Dana White blesses us) of 2 top 5 fighters generally for a belt. Problem is not all divisons have a champ worth seeing. Lightweight/flyweight title matches shouldn't be main events bc they just aren't the style people want. It's a ton of lay and pray. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love UFC/MMA. I just don't like how they do their ppv. Yes it is hard to argue with their success but I think they could be so much more succesful. With boxing becoming a joke there is a void in the gladiator sport arena. Joining up with ESPN (blasphemy I know) would be an excellent strategic move on their part. My problem as alluded to earlier is they aren't growing their market share as succesfully as they could - they are just wringing every penny from those of us that follow it.
  9. UFC on Fox UFC on Fuel UFC on FX UFC on podunk channell that you have no idea what number it is
  10. ps3 btomasso81 Haven't got my copy of madden yet... what are your guys earls reviews?
  11. I think there is no way tjax gets cut a week after being acquired. Add him to your keeps list and it all looks decent except for sanders and asper. I could see them being cut with the hopes they will make it through waivers and end up on the ps.
  12. 3 years as a hc 2 afc championship games 0 seasons with a losing record Why is he considered mediocre?
  13. Awfully small sample size in this study isn't it? This thread was started on a study with exactly opposite results, man science is confusing... If only I still had those 8 iq points....
  14. What's the official word on compensation?
  15. It looked like he already tweaked it and went down. It just happened to be right in front of the d, I could be wrong (it has been know to happen). I think Keller and Harris are arguably their 2 most important players. Harris is the qb of that d and with the decline of scott prob their best defensive player. Keller is a safety blanket for either qb and a Bills killer. Now Santonio has NO ONE to take coverage away from him, as well as negating the underneath stuff. Jets fans better hope neither of these are serious but the silence on Harris generally isn't a good thing.
  16. Yep I will agree. Thigpen was/is clearly not the answer. He was 3rd string on the dolphins! Just because he had 1/2 of a good year with Chan (sound familiar?) everyone was happy he was signed. Young was a great move imo even if it isn't working out as it was actual effort. I wish they had taken a flier on Dennis Dixon as he has been intriguing to many (myself included) since he had a great last year in college before blowing his knee out. I like this move. It isn't desperation as much as necessity. On top of that they got him for a song. I don't care how much his salary is the Bills are sitting pretty right now in that regard. Hate to say this but I agree 100%. Even the wait and see Fitz homers have to be a little apprehensive. Other than his 1/2 a season last year he has done little to give confidence to the fan base/organization. I understand why people still back him and have hope for him but mine is waning. He just doesn't seem to have the necessary skills. The brain? most definitely. The moxie? sure. The accuracy, arm strength? not to sure about that. The decision making? really not sure about that. Fitz has never had the flash/continued success that even a vy has had in this league. I feel strongly the Bills will be all in on a first round qb next year. Good thing there appears to be a lot of depth in the draft!
  17. Yes a million times yes! This is the drum I have been banging since the news broke. Really Dos Santos/Mir was the last good ppv that was solid from top down. It seems that the strategy is: top fighters are such a draw they have weak undercards. Except pumping out a ppv every 3 weeks has made it so every championship fight is a main event. Barao/Faber is a co-main event at best as is maynard/henderson. They could have combined the 2 and had a much better show imo. Of course they would have made less money but that's not my concern
  18. Sorry it's over but that's the norm (which doesn't make it suck any less). I would have recommended letting go myself and having fun. If she is a keeper your paths will cross again (sometimes you may have to "make" that happen). Meanwhile your in your 20's!!! Go buck wild! Live it up as much as you can and when you find your keeper it'll all work itself out. Mean time have fun trying to find ms. Right(now)
  19. I thought he was scheduled for machida at 152? Did it switch to Belford or as a hypothetical? I think sonnen should be happy that bones didn't take the fight. Publicly he can pump up the next fight by inferring bones ducked him (which may or may not be true) also if sonnen got run by jones quickly his career would have been over. Losing to those 2 would have made him a lame duck in the 2 divisions he is best suited for. I just don't like Dana playing it that way. I don't know if his tone has shifted but when this first happened it was a pretty fierce flogging. The poster above me (phone won't let me multi quote) had a great idea. This event could have happened still, the UFC just couldn't have charged 54.95 for it (have you seen how bad the last 2-3 have been) without a uproar. Advertisers I'm sure could have been pulled together and huge numbers done with a "free ppv" would have been great for the sport. On a complete aside this has quite the funny wwe/wwf Vince McMahon vs. stone cold feel to it lol.
  20. Sonnen jones wouldn't be a bad fight but I don't see why bones had to fight him especially with only 3 days of prep. For the legend he is trying to build it wasn't a risk worth taking imo. I'm fully with bones on this one and again can't believe white threw him under the bus (although bones did cost him a bunch of money lol)
  21. No no no please don't buy Dana whites load of bs. Dana has been putting out substandard ppvs almost all year. Instead of charging fans 54.95 every 3 weeks he could space it and offer a better product. One that wouldn't require canceling an entire event bc of the loss of the main event. There were so many solutions that didn't involve scapegoating bones. He could have offered the ppv at a discount - nit paying the top 2 fighters certainly lowered the production cost. Or let the show go on. I am disgusted that Dana white did this and shocked that so many are buying this load of bs. He prepared to fight Henderson and 8 days before the fight (3 of training) that couldn't happen. Everyone is mad at bones but white won't mention the fighters that ducked jones choosing instead to ruin the rep of his second biggest star. Sonnen does not deserve the fight. Bones doesn't deserve the negative press/blame.
  22. He instantly becomes my vote for what bills player ends up on the jets roster.
  23. Yep and my radio apps won't get the feed!
  24. Maybe if Revis didn't demand so much $ they could have signed some playmakers.
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