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Everything posted by section122

  1. What happened to your boy Casey Pachall?! 1- yes he is. If you saw the stanford usc games last year I'd wager that Barkley played/looked better than luck. His stats are certainly comparable. If you watched the usc/su game again you would see some spectacular throws where only the receiver could get it. 2. We'll say he still sucks because well he still sucks. Even the sun shines on the dogs ass some days. Your looking for Tyler Bray and Logan Thomas
  2. Fitz!!!!!!! Sucks... Where is the pass rush?! Hope it is like last year where theyre a second half team but this is ugllllllllllllllyyyyyyy
  3. Bengals might be my favorite great incorporation of the existing logo!
  4. Pick 3 of 4. Ppr league with .25 points per rushin attempt as well Percy harvin Roddy white Eric decker Wes welker
  5. My vote is driver of the car service for nfl players when they've been drinking. Then again it doesn't really matter what they do for a living it's just a good story. (emoticons don't work on my phone or I would put a thumbs up here)
  6. So last year they were in the top 10 most profitable franchises http://www.wgrz.com/sports/article/134157/4/Forbes-Mag-Bills-Among-NFLs-10-Most-Profitable-Teams This year they are in the most trouble yet there was one team last year that lost value and it was the bengals http://m.bizjournals.com/cincinnati/#/articles/view/page_9286532 3 teams lost money last year the steelers, lions, and raiders. http://www.forbes.com/nfl-valuations/list/ 12 teams that are carrying higher debt values and 3 more that carry the same (placing the bills exactly in the middle) - from same link above. All of these were pulled from Forbes lists/info. The same lists and info I would think the guy used to make his conclusion. I just don't think it was a very good one. For my money the rams are the most troubled. I feel very strongly they will be moving and doing it within 5 years. People are mad about Toronto?! Imagine if Ralph had made it London like the the new rams owner! They already have ties with l.a. and so does the owner. There worth less than bills and saw less of a profit than the bills. That's my bet.
  7. Alleged lol Man I can't win with this thread title lol
  8. C'mon Simon I took the title right from Dan Patrick's tease lol C'mon Simon I took the title right from Dan Patrick's tease lol
  9. I'll add All Day as someone who does this. He routinely gets nothing and then busts huge runs! This would be my guess as well. I think (read hope) he showed a bit last year and will explode this year.
  10. I agree with you but still marvel at this. Being a professional athlete you'd think he could plan a little better than this and have the due date be anywhere from February through August and not have to worry about this at all. Then again nobody has accused Big Ben of being a genius. What can I say I went to the yahoo/bleacher report school of how to generate views
  11. Big Ben says no matter what he will be there for the birth of his child. Can you imagine what would happen to this board if this were Fitz... http://sports.yahoo....52439--nfl.html
  12. I thought more about this topic last night... It's awfully easy to sit on your couch and have the mistakes of the referees pointed out to you by an announcer. You get the benefit of multiple replays in slow motion and then declare that they are incompetent. Have any of you that are bashing the refs ever actually tried to ref a game? It is an extremely difficult task that involves split second decision making with extremely large and fast moving parts. Sitting on your couch and having replay after replay of course magnifies flaws but in real time it usually isn't so heinous.
  13. Crabtree brown and Moore shouldn't even be in consideration. That makes it between Stewart and Hillis. Hillis may poach a td but Charles is the lead back. As much as I hate the Stewart/Williams split I would say stewart
  14. Had to share this as it looks like Finkle is Einhorn.
  15. Yup Madden on ps2 was pure perfection. I've never played a Madden on PS3 that felt right, the mechanics, graphics, and game play were never as good as they were on ps2. I always played offline and did the franchise mode as well and so I was curious about this year too. So what says you guys? Worth my 60 bucks?
  16. I don't think people are attacking you as much as the op. The title of the thread is....Replacement Refs Sucked Last Night. Pretty cut and dry and many people disagree with that notion. Also as stated you could pick any game and nitpick a few calls here and there. They didn't have an effect on the game (and I know you agree with that) which to me is their job and in turn means they didn't suck (not that you are saying that but the op most certainly is).
  17. It's set in Rhode Island but the resto of your post is spot on
  18. we have a poster on here who's sn is lifegetsbetterafterralph there are many people who are idiots (not saying that poster is) and most of them can be found on the internet. Hell even the comments in the ralph is in the hospital thread had some people happy/not upset he was there. I understand Cleveland's ill will towards him. If Ralph moved the team we would all hate him - most of us wouldn't celebrate his death but some would and many others would be indifferent to it, just don't act like this board is filled with angels
  19. If they didn't effect the outcome of the game why is it such a big deal? I actually thought to myself wow these guys are doing pretty good last night. They missed in your estimation 3-5 calls? That happens every single game - the old axiom of there is holding on every play it's just whether or not the officials call it that makes it a penalty. Put me in the camp of if people didn't know they were replacement officials we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  20. Jamaican Soccer team vs the u.s. and Jamaica's interesting strategy. I'm sure many a good joke can be made about this http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/jamaica-strategy-opponents-come-kingston-them-high-then-212052612--sow.html On a side note if you've never seen the ras trent video they link in the article it's worth the click
  21. I agree with everything you say but the internet isn't the best place to get a true representation of people's feelings. I think when Ralph passes some ppl will act like idiots and we will have to hope that they aren't the ones that the nation thinks represents us Bills fans/Buffalonians
  22. More a reference to the thread about the new rush album. I had to voice my hate for rush in that thread because it kept popping up at the top and I do hate Rush... a lot
  23. KD I gotta disagree with you on this. I understand that it might not be right but I don't see it as wrong either. I remember being 15 and wanting badly to bang one of my teachers. If she said yes it would have been awesome - not traumatic. Every case is different though and 15 is too young so I'll agree with you that it shouldn't be happening but not every 15 year old is a victim simply due to their age.
  24. Always a band I wished I had gotten to see live. When we were teenagers and just introduced to Mary Jane we came across one of my friends parents greatest hits album that and Wayne's world (yeah what about it!) made me a fan. Under Pressure being the hook for ice ice baby didn't hurt either and they were way better than Rush!
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