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Everything posted by section122

  1. KD I gotta disagree with you on this. I understand that it might not be right but I don't see it as wrong either. I remember being 15 and wanting badly to bang one of my teachers. If she said yes it would have been awesome - not traumatic. Every case is different though and 15 is too young so I'll agree with you that it shouldn't be happening but not every 15 year old is a victim simply due to their age.
  2. Always a band I wished I had gotten to see live. When we were teenagers and just introduced to Mary Jane we came across one of my friends parents greatest hits album that and Wayne's world (yeah what about it!) made me a fan. Under Pressure being the hook for ice ice baby didn't hurt either and they were way better than Rush!
  3. All correct here... anyone that plays Madden knows this!
  4. defer and break their spirit by forcing a 3 and out after potter causes a touchback
  5. man your logic is right on with mine bufforange! Glad we don't share leagues as we'd be battling!
  6. That's some good statistical analysis and logic there Qb's just throw so much these days and throw for so many tds. Even in a standard scoring league 30 tds for a qb equals 120 points - you would need a rb to score 20 tds to equal that production and it doesn't happen often especially with the rb by committee these days. The hard part is because of those rbbc it's important to get a good one early eschewing a higher scorer (read elite qb). As for the bolded - man I hope so! Rivers was available so late I snatched him in the 9th round as our starter. 6 qbs went in the first 2 rounds so I knew I could wait but didn't expect to be able to wait that long. I got Peyton in the 9th round as well in another league (as my backup Stafford in the 3rd was to good to pass on). I got burned bad by Rivers last year but I too think he'll have a bounce back.
  7. the numbers I pit by the qbs are the tiers I would place them in. In Jim's heyday for elite there were Montana, Young, Marino, Himself, Aikman, and Moon. I would say it's very comparable not the gap he implied. edit: just saw your post above and think you framed it very well but don't forget about Warren Moon he def has to be in your elite category.
  8. No they're lucky. The only planning that goes into the schedule is how best to screw the Bills. The rest is just gravy.
  9. If I win I'm going to buy tbd and lock this thread... with myself as the winner of course!
  10. as long as the top of her head is cute it doesn't matter.
  11. already sent to my jet fan friends! Absolutely Awesome!
  12. how many people kept qbs? Buftex did a pretty good job of summing up what I'm about to say but... Look at the other teams around you and what there needs are. If all of them kept a qb then you should be good. However I would still take Brady. Fantasy Football is not a rb driven game anymore. It's all about the qbs and having an elite one is important. Brady is great to own. As someone else mentioned when he does well so does your team - when he doesn't you get to enjoy Brady sucking. I took him 5th overall the year he blew out his knee and I still was excited when it happened (sick bastard that I am) bc i thought the Bills had a shot at the playoffs. Fantasy Football is fun but real football trumps what I root for.
  13. Jackson was a stud last year before going down and the value he presents around the 4th round is excellent. Stevie can also be had around there and for a #1 receiver without much else to throw to it's also good value. D on the other hand should almost always be played matchup style. There are always a ton of defenses on waivers and a good matchup usually is sitting there... Which is why I have the Bills D for week 1. Yes Sir! That's what I'm hoping for too! I've got them in 3 of my 4 leagues and am hoping for the same thing. C.j. can be had pretty late (after the 10th round) in most drafts. If something happens to Freddie he'll end up being a steal - esp in a ppr league (all of this is an I hope it never happens scenario of course). That said there are so many other options he's not someone to bet your hopes and dreams on.
  14. Yup i've been behind this idea for a while. Funny thing is picture being the qb of a team playing in this game with a stud coming out. Wouldn't you be tempted in the least to throw the game and give your team the #2 pick and miss out on the guy who is going to take your job?
  15. I'm not so sure. You guys are treating it as if it were meaningless game. Is the bronze medal game in the Olympics meaningless? This would be much different than the pro bowl as it would actually mean something to the players. Add in the extra incentive of more money to the winning team and I don't think it would be an issue for players to sign off. The probowl doesn't work and isn't taken seriously because it is a known exhibition. This game wouldn't be an exhibition. It would be part of the season and involve 2 teams that are still in game shape and playing. When the probowl rolls around some guys haven't been playing for weeks or a month - injury risk is much greater. On top of that it isn't your team your representing it's the conference and well who really cares about that. Look at Tannehill he might not even know what team he's supposed to be on!
  16. and I would have gotten away with it too... if it wasn't for those meddling kids! Ralph was already in his 60s by the time I came around though this is the first time i'd seen it and it was pretty sweet. Not much of a country guy but exceptions can be made for the Bills
  17. I'm sure some motivation (read money) could change that. If it was incentivized (just wanted to use that word once in my life ) I could see the players getting behind it. I actually think this would be a great idea. America is football obsessed it would have no problems pulling in huge ratings.
  18. Yup I'm from Auburn... now it's more of a secret society where we nod at each other to silently recognize each others suffering I don't mind it though. I think the Bills sucking has actually helped create some fans. When they were great then couldn't finish the job there were so many jokes. Since they have been bad for so long the jokes have stopped and people did start to get behind them last year. You know what I say to those people though? Nothing I'm just glad to have more Bills fans SU football has been wretched but it does take a ton of fans. Another reason why I think regionalization efforts should include a preseason game in the dome. dang and I thought I was a lurker what a great 3 days that was... I couldn't wait to get to work everyday - to sit on tbd and the shoutbox to see what the latest news was! Thanks dude great stories! It sounds like our fandom has followed a very similar path indeed. I am right around your age (31 soon) and agree with all of your thoughts. My nephews regularly get Bills gear from me to make sure they become fans. I loved the tunnel end zone(obvious by my sn)! The yelling, cheering, stomping you talk about is such an amazing feeling - you don't get to cause false starts in your living room that's for sure. I still hold out that those 3rd string steelers everyone mentions were the basis for a few sb teams so in hindsight it wasn't as bad of a loss as it felt/looked like that day. Kevin Everett was a scary day for sure every time I see a player go down I fear the worst now. That Monday Nighter against the Cowboys is the most electric atmosphere I've ever been in... until the end. My friends and I had a hotel room booked and planned on partying/casino/etc instead we just drove home in a stupor. Lastly, I love standing and cheering. I even do it in my living room. There is no room for sitting at a professional football (or even college really) game. Sitting is for baseball! :beer:
  19. 1000th post so I figured I'd make it specail... Why do I love the Buffalo Bills? My grandparents are Bills fans, which made my uncle and Mom Bills fans, which made me a Bills fan. Ralph Wilson and I share the same birth date (not year), which always made me feel a certain kindredness (is that a word?) with him - every year on my birthday I think about him. Jim Kelly, Thurman, Bruuuuccceee, Andre, and (prob my favorite) Lofton. These guys were unbelievable. For a kid just starting out it was incredible to take for granted that the Bills would win and couldn't be stopped. Freakin Ronnie Harmon. First year being a Bills fan - I still remember where I was when I watched him not make that catch. What stuck out to me though was how invested I was. One of my first I love sports moments. The Bills are my bandwagon beard. I'm a Lakers and Yankees fan which generally leads to being called a bandwagoner - unti they find out i'm a Bills fan which ties into my next point... The brotherhood of Bills fans. We are a dying breed in cny. Every one it seems has moved on picked a different team. So when I see someone in a shirt, hat, jacket or even zubaz I always give them a nice whatever article they have on and a let's go bills! The feeling Sunday morning... doesn't matter how bad the Bills are when I wake up Sunday I'm convinced they will win. I feed off this adrenaline all morning long. So excited to watch and see what happens. (say what you will but the games are generally interesting - heart breakingly punched in the nuts interesting but interesting) Monday morning at work after a win. Everyone I work with knows I'm a Bills fan so I spend Monday morning reveling in glory (and on tsw/tbd) The Mario Williams saga. The banding together, collective breath holding, f5, ground up in the freezer, the ecstasy when he signed, and my fiancee (now wife) pretending to care enough so that I thought she actually did. The stadium wall/tbd. I remember stumbling on this site, lurking, and then finally needing to join in. I don't post as much as others but love to read the discussion. Some of you are absolutely nuts, some unabashed homers, others I couldn't imagine how much it would suck to hang out with your miserable a$$, and others still who I wonder whether they actually watch football or not, the invaluable contributions of journalists (jw and tim graham before him, the insight of ngu, and all of you other lovable goofs that come here as well. These are some of the many reasons I love this team. What are some reasons you love them?
  20. Ryan Nassib (cuse) looked pretty good saturday as did #4 on the defense for cuse. Geno Smith looked phenomenal (still think he's a rb barbarian?). I thought Taj Boyd (clemson qb) looked pretty good as well - def raw but looked pretty good none the less.
  21. Careful you can't play with people's emotions around here like that. Mr. Jasper is to be respected around here!
  22. Both the Jets and Giants cut a Matt McCants It really was only the Giants and prob a typo but I'm kind of surprised by the amount of 2012 draft picks we're already seeing released There are 32 teams trying to cut down their rosters today, often making very tough decisions on the last few spots. Where are these "guys that will get snatched up quick" be put? How many teams cut to 52 so they can sign other people's trash? Every preseason there is the concern of we can't cut this guy someone else might snatch him! I wonder if anyone even remembers this ever playing out...
  23. I would say on any given week even with regular officials 1 or 2 are directly impacted by referee decisions. Did you by chance catch the vandy game last night? Really bad no call at the end of the game. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/missed-pass-interference-call-creates-controversy-south-carolina-031800880--ncaaf.html The funny thing about all of this is people are talking about regular refs as if they are infallible when quite the opposite is actually the truth.
  24. works for me now reply and lock it please
  25. I found it interesting that after all this time it was finally corrected. His real declaration when landing on the moon was "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." It does change the tenor a bit. http://www.vancouversun.com/life/Remembering+Neil+Armstrong+most+famous+quote+correctly/7165867/story.html
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