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Everything posted by section122

  1. I had the exact same thought! She looks like evil incarnate! So no no I wouldn't - I value my soul over a piece of a**
  2. I may have misunderstood but calling someone a whiner is not exactly the best fan support. Things are voiced in the media all the time. It may be a different sport but Phil Jackson was masterful at setting tones with referees through the media. Do you think that his complaints fell on deaf ears? Or do you think the tape was reviewed and officials were spoken to about it? This is his quote: Williams was furious after the game about the officials’ lack of penalty calls against Jets right tackle Austin Howard for hands to the face. “You tell somebody from the very beginning of the game,” he said in the locker room, referring to the replacement officials, led by referee Robert Frazer. “And it happens. One time, that’s on me. But when it’s multiple times and I tell you and you honestly act like you don’t even hear me throughout the whole game, I think that’s a real big problem. “It’s not something that’s really going to dictate something, but what are you going to do about it? You’re getting off the ball and getting punched in the face, literally, not an accident, just about every other time. That’s a penalty. Unless they changed it with the new C.B.A. or something, but last time I checked it was a penalty.” He did talk to the officials during the game and it fell on deaf ears, so he went to the press. This doesn't come off as whining to me it comes off as being p*ssed off. This thread is literally titled was Mario being a crybaby and is on page 7! There was no context to the op (although I think he was actually defending Mario) and others took him to task.... without reading the quote! (Check page 1 if you don't believe me)
  3. Nassib has a certain trentative feel to him. Many of his passes are of the short check down variety. Up until this year he averaged about 6.5 ypa and this year has bumped it up to 7.2. I'm thinking he is more of a 4th-5th round guy if even that high. He has experience in the spread which may be a fit for the Bills but he's not the impact guy that I would like to see come to Buffalo. I think krt88 was onto something as we should be looking at who may draft a qb (as of right now anyway) Teams that are set at qb (franchise guy, 1st or 2nd year high pick, entrenched starter): Ravens (flacco), Steelers (Big Ben), Bears (Cutler), Lions (Stafford), Vikings (Ponder), Packers (Rodgers), Colts (Luck), Titans (Locker), Falcons (Ryan), Panthers (Cam), Saints (Brees), Dolphins (Tanny), Pats* (Brady), Jets (Sancez/Tebow), Giants (Eli), Skins (RG3), Broncos (Manning/Osweiller), Chargers (Rivers), 49ers (Smith/Kaepernick), Seahawks (Wilson/Flynn), Rams (Bradford). That's 21 teams right there. I also think there are some fence sitting teams I would be surprised and at the same time not surprised if they took a qb early: Bengals (Dalton), Browns (Weeden), Texans (Schaub), Jags (Gabbert - looks a lot better this year), Bucs (Freeman), Cowboys (Romo), Eagles (Vick), Raiders (Palmer/mr. tattoo) That removes another 8 teams right there. Which leaves my list at 3 teams that should be considering 1st round qbs: Chiefs (cassel) - may actually stick with him if he proves to be worthy but at this point I doubt it. Cardinals (Kolb/Skelton) - see Chiefs and I'll add that Larry Fitzgerald may go ape if they don't draft a qb to get him the ball! Bills - This horse is dead and beaten but I'll pile on anyway Fitz isn't the answer unless the question is who shouldn't be starting for the Bills on opening day next year. So there it is my not so expert analysis. You may agree/disagree and I'm sure at least 1 more team will be looking qb this draft but still with the number being 4 teams the Bills should have a shot at a difference maker (Barkley clear #1 I don't see what you guys see with this noodle arm thing I see a 4 year starter who has gotten better every year and even outclassed Luck last year head to head), and Geno Smith a nice consolation prize that may not even require moving up to #2. With Bray, Pachall (not sold on this kid Barbarian sorry but red flags everywhere), and Landry Jones prob going in the 1st 2 rounds, this is the year a move HAS to be made imo.
  4. I'm so disappointed in Bills fans. Now Justin Tuck, Jared Allen, and Aaron Rodgers have come out and complained about the officials it's not just Mario. The Bills can never sign big name free agents, finally do, and many of you turn your back on him after one game?!?!? WTF?!?! Your solution is that he do something dirty to retaliate?! No you voice your concern to the officials and let them handle it. It's done and taken care of. He's not a crybaby he spoke up for himself. All of you all pro de's need to get off of your couch and high horse. Here's the link for Rodgers and Allen.
  5. Eugene Parker is his agent. No way the Bills make this move. Would be a great player to have but all things considered it isn't the right move (age, salary demands)
  6. 13 Stevie. I won it after tc last year. I entered one of the drawings (where you spun the wheel) put my name in and actually won! It was supposed to be a Freddie but I wasn't mad. I thought it would just continue the streak of me getting a jersey and said player leaving the team so I was ecstatic when he resigned. I've been through a McGahee, Edwards, Owens (knew it was a one off but loved the novelty of it), Evans, and Lynch. They collect dust now. On a slightly related topic - I am buying my new wife a Bills jersey (her first!) and was wondering for those that have done this, do you buy women's jerseys for them or just the guys in smaller sizes?
  7. 30 and share my birthday with Ralph. My first season as a fan was Ronnie freakin Harmon. Much like Mead107 I didn't want to be like my best friend. He was a Mets, Giants, and Bulls fan. I went Yankees, Bills, Lakers. What can I say 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Also, my dad doesn't care much about sports. My mother however is from Olean and her parents (my grandparents) and her brother (my uncle obv) are all Bills fans. I always laughed though as they were the most negative fans in the world. Every offseason I would be optimistic and my uncle would remind me that they weren't that good (then he would be right). Watching games with my grandparents was a trip. Ahh you stupid as my grandfather waved his hand at the tv or boy i'll tell ya from my grandma. Little did I know how right they were at the time 50+years as a fan has made them very "wise" Edit: I would like to add that I'm a bandwagon Bills fan! How many of us are there? Seriously the entire time they've been a team there has been what a 6 year window?! I got on right as the glory years started... now if only I could find my way off this damn thing!
  8. wow looks wise I would but this is one crazy b*tch!!! Who am I kidding? I'm starting to feel like poojer
  9. Yeah I didn't even mean to watch it. I generally don't like reliving terrible events but I couldn't stop. Seeing the shots from hotel rooms and just the sheer panic that ensued. I can't imagine being in that situation or what I would do. The clock added to the effect too as it felt like real time. I hate to admit this as everyone has a I remember where I was moment but I was passed out drunk. I was in college and one of my friends turned 21 on Sept. 10th. My gf at the time called me and woke me up around 10 to tell me to turn on the tv. The first image I saw was the first plane hitting and I yelled out holy **** they just flew a plane into the wt center! She told me both buildings were already on the ground and I couldn't believe it. Tbh I still don't believe it. What a day. What a horrible tragic awful day.
  10. and that sir is a perfect display of life as a Bills fan.
  11. Definitely recommended viewing. The amateur videos were so chilling.
  12. I think this chart just drives home the point that trading up and grabbing your guy is more important than having a boatload of 5th, 6th, and 7th rounders. The players at the top seem to stick more and now that there is (supposedly) some depth on the team it really seems like the way to go. Really hoping they make a move to go up and get a qb (it's to early for me to hope they are draft pick wise in the right spot - not giving up on the season after one week) The rest of the draft - and I mean the rest of it wrs and lbs. Throw enough sh*t at the wall and a few will hopefully stick.
  13. Without a doubt... She's 23 and looks at least 10-15 years older than that. Yeah I would and I'd imagine it would be pretty cheap too :bag
  14. Ahhhh It's all your fault!!!! Go dig that coffe pot up and give it a proper burial! But. But. But your such a ray of sunshine on this board I can't imagine anyone ever divorcing you! (I Keed I keed) Myself: I was just returning from Italy. 18 years old on winter break from my sophomore year of college. Since then I've graduated with an associates, got my bachelor's, drank too much, smoked too much, wasted too much time on fast loose women (although it wasn't all wasted ), bought a house and got married.
  15. Pretty funny clip here. http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/clip-board/201209/hilarious-parody-nfl-fans Patriots: We're just the worst Bills: F*ck Scott Norwood
  16. I think we are more like the cousin that spends the night and pees the bed, pisses everyone off but hey they're family so we love them.
  17. People were responsible for this not Penn St. (an institution) They have all been removed. Those left behind are not guilty of anything, they are just there picking up the pieces. I don't care anything about PSU, I do care and feel terrible for the kids that had their lives ruined, and I do respect those that chose to stay and pick up the pieces.
  18. wow she looks so innocent in these pics... The story doesn't match up to my preconceived notions about her. That said of course I would - with a fake alias and her place not mine because they are "fumigating"
  19. I've been thinking lately that maybe Jauron wasn't as bad as we all thought. His teams were 7-9,7-9,6-10 and unfortunately since he was let go 6-10 is our high mark. I think this is what angers me the most about Gailey - he is tricking me into feeling bad for Jauron. I also have had some time to cool off and am over the doom and gloom I felt Sunday, and here are my feelings. We don't have very good coaching. Both Gailey and Wanny were severely out coached. Last year at least it felt like there were half time adjustments this time it didn't feel like they made any. This is a passing league yet we don't have a passer. Gailey gets credit for being a qb guru but his results are extremely limited and long ago. He never developed a qb in his time at gtech and got some production out of kordell and fiedler. People are happy because he made them decent he has never made a qb great which to me is what a guru would do (Andy Reid anyone?) Intensity is sorely lacking. I won't go as far as the ND announcer about how we need felons but we do need an attitude. The Jets D punked the Bills O and their o-line punked our vaunted d-line. I would have accepted a personal foul penalty for any player that would stand up for himself on either side of the ball. Our Offense. People can talk all they want about how our O finished 14th but much of that was accomplished in the beginning of the year and during garbage time. The wr's are not doing a good job of getting separation because the scheme has been figured out around the league. There is plenty of blame to go around after this beating and most of it lies with the coaching. Vanilla preseason plan? Led to the team not being prepared when the bullets started flying. Practice doesn't make perfect - perfect practice makes perfect. Vanilla parcatice? That leads to vanilla performances. All of this said I'm not ready to write this season off. Some of these things are correctable and the schedule is pretty forgiving. Wins in the next 2 weeks are more than possible (KC and Cle should be winnable games) and the tenor around here will change considerably.
  20. Hell no! There has to be a worse player on your team than Floyd. He should be the #1 wr on the chargers who still will sling it... If he can stay healthy that is
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