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Everything posted by section122

  1. I actually am refusing to watch this show for this exact reason. Flash Forward was the last straw for me. If any of these shows make it a few seasons I will get invested - if not I won't waste my time.
  2. One of my buddies always used to say "punting to danger" whenever Roscoe would be back there. This year he looked at me and said "punting to new danger?" and Leodis returned it 88 yards. Also he had an excellent pass break up this Sunday. Lovin me some McKelvin lately. I really like the swagger he brings to the field as I feel it is something that has been missing/needed more from Buffalo.
  3. Whoa dude we already talked about this. My point and the post you referenced had nothing to do with you but the pervasive thought that he was a puss for not fighting. Who's panties are in a bunch?!
  4. What are Yankee fans doing?!?! Don't they know if they don't show up the team might move to Los Angeles?!?!
  5. Yeah not to rehash but I thought it was ridiculous at the time and still do. Just amazes me how people spin things to fit their perceptions. Many didn't like jones and the story fit for their point, everyone loves silva so he won't get any flack.
  6. Baseball in April may June July or August? Me.. Playoff baseball is extremely exciting every pitch matters so much but the 162 game season? Not so much... As for your hatred of soccer I wonder have you ever watched with a rooting interest in a team? Did you follow the women's us national team when they scored a game tier in the 120th minute? It was every bit as exciting. Watching soccer without a rooting interest is boring but so is a lot of sports baseball included. So if you want to say does anyone find world cup/champions league soccer as exciting as playoff baseball then yes I do.
  7. Just want to add this into the topic as I don't think it merits it's own thread: Silva says 'no way' to fighting Jones So is Silva "soft"? He is fighting this weekend at 205 so it wouldn't be out of the question to fight in this weight class... (Of course I don't think Silva is soft but I've noticed a severe lack of people taking aim at Silva for this in the media)
  8. I approach the draft without paying attention to bye weeks and actually prefer to have one bad week of a lot of byes (while relying on depth) and others with no byes. I look at it like this - I'll take one "bad week" over a bunch of mediocre ones (different byes, sitting a player each week). As for the original question I think I answered it but I wouldn't make major roster moves. If there are quality pick ups to be made then by all means but don't sacrifice your team structure for one week.
  9. I think it got vetoed because I'm at the top of my division and thought if I made the trade it must be unfair. I thought it was fair as I was giving him my 2nd round pick for his 11th and a waiver pick up. Good news is he dropped Brown this week as he is hurt (so I have a waiver claim in to get him for free) and RG3 got banged up and I would have lost had I started him. I made sure to thank everyone for vetoing the trade - which no one liked
  10. Yeah I thought that which is why I put the defending in my op in quotes. It is a sad state of affairs. Maybe Kevin Costner will help though!
  11. None of these coaches you are "defending" were any good. Just because they got it wrong again doesn't make Chan better or worse than those you mentioned. He is the same - not a good HC. You can do the same thing for the QB situation. They have failed repeatedly finding either one. This buying another 3 years you speak of - do you honestly think Chan can be or is a quality hc? He was average in his stop in Dallas and again at G Tech - I don't see any correlation between him being bad and the others being bad. Why does holding on to Chan somehow accelerate that timetable if his record shows otherwise.
  12. get the papers. the papers.
  13. Just Jack nailed it on the head. Add to the fact that she thought you would just stick around and this piece of advice... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYHL6AYAwQU If it was implied It is all a lie it's not what they say it's what they don't say
  14. wow. Not a single person on this board can be called a fair weather fan. To still be here after 12 years of futility is a testament. Being fed up is a fan's right. I would say the bad fans are the ones that aren't mad right now. Not caring about this product that is put on the field is what has allowed the team to be so poor for so long. Unfortunately they (think they ) have us by the balls and most fans do to. If we don't buy tickets/merchandise then sure they might move. However continuing to support this mickey mouse team means they will continue to not care about w's - because we don't. Fans want a team - Fans should be demanding a competitive team. Of all the blame to go around some of it does fall on the fans for continuing to support such a poorly run franchise (not from a business standpoint from a competition standpoint) It was proven the last 2 weeks how far the Bills are from being a championship contender. Those 2 teams are the class of the nfl and ran the Bills out of the stadium. It's not just that they were bad losses it's that the Bills were supposed to fight and put up a fight against these teams. Not lay down and die. I left your score in their as an indication that you too are feeling it. Each week your score gets lower and lower. I do agree with your relocation comment. I think it is just hostage taking at its finest. Float the idea and fans will come out bc they are scared to lose their team. You know what usually I do. Every Sunday when I wake up I'm convinced the Bills will somehow pull it off. Yesterday? I couldn't have cared less. When I woke up and called to put in my bets I almost bet against the Bills (smart money lately). Couldn't bring myself to do it of course, but I also couldn't get excited for the game. I knew all week and yesterday that they would lose and lose bad. The Bills have sapped the fun out of Sundays for me . I'm a very big Polyanna for this team and I'm over it.
  15. It got vetoed by the league in under 3 hours lol
  16. I thought the same thing! After seeing the comments and the article headline I gotta say I was disappointed. Not bad but not even the top 10 of teachers that have done this. Yes I would btw lol
  17. This whole thing annoys me. It was one guy. Chick fil a didn't send out a press release saying of your gay you can't eat here. One guy gave his opinion - one he is allowed to have.
  18. Wow I came here to start a playoffs thread just for this reason. My sister is a huge braves fan and all I could text her was "now you know what it's like to be a bills fan". Indefensibly bad call. Edit: kd that was a perfectly legit response by those fans IMO.
  19. If/when they win it I'll change my tune. I also said in the post that you quoted that they needed to build an all time d. While the niners isn't all time I think most would agree it is tops or #2 (depending on how you feel about the Texans). The Bills don't have that. For the record I would take Alex Smith over Fitz as well. Ponder has been excellent this year. 68% completion and 0 picks on the year (only qb in NFL with 0 picks). I agree with your last statement but counter with does the number actually matter? He is lower tier regardless of what trivial number ends up on him.
  20. Just Jack the Weedsport Raceway is a great place to catch a race. Very small with a chance to meet drivers (if you have kids). I didn't realize they were closed and think it may only be closed for that race series.
  21. That was awesome!!! Multiple out loud laughs! Thanks for posting
  22. This is definitely the bane of our existence. The bottom never quite falls out or doesn't fall out enough to let us get lucky with one of the players that would help. Sweet all we need to do now is build an all time great d! I know it wasn't that long ago but it is a completely different era in the NFL. The league is more qb driven than ever before.
  23. Who would you put higher?! As Mark Twain said "There are 3 kinds of lies; lies, damn lies, and statitstics. What do your eyeballs tell you? Mine tell me that Fitz is very limited and not improving. I haven't seen much of Tanny but he has received glowing reviews from more than just Jaws. Check out this link if you want stats to backup what Jaws is saying. He had them competitive against the Jets (should have won the game twice but Carpenter missed fgs each time) and Cards with a team that many projected to have the worst record in football this year. Damn you for making me defend a Fins player , but come on man how much of Tannehill have you seen? And what have you seen from Fitz (besides some stats) that makes you think he's good?
  24. I voted not sure because quite frankly I'm not sure. Could be Fitz has lost the confidence of the D to help them out or worse yet his o team mates to get them the ball where they can either catch it or catch it and not get killed. Could be Wanny who has lost the D. His lack of presence on the sidelines bugs me to no end as well as his lack of adjustments/ poor scheming. Could be Gailey, lets face it his record as hc is abysmal and was outdone by the immortal Dickless Jauron, his teams are physically dominated to the point that the Jets let it be known through the media that their goal is to physically intimidate the Bills or Brady being seen calling them b*tches. Could be any or all of these things. It will be interesting to see how they handle this stretch coming up and more importantly how they handle the whooping they just took as they head into face a very tough and physical niners team.
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