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Everything posted by section122

  1. Who would you put higher?! As Mark Twain said "There are 3 kinds of lies; lies, damn lies, and statitstics. What do your eyeballs tell you? Mine tell me that Fitz is very limited and not improving. I haven't seen much of Tanny but he has received glowing reviews from more than just Jaws. Check out this link if you want stats to backup what Jaws is saying. He had them competitive against the Jets (should have won the game twice but Carpenter missed fgs each time) and Cards with a team that many projected to have the worst record in football this year. Damn you for making me defend a Fins player , but come on man how much of Tannehill have you seen? And what have you seen from Fitz (besides some stats) that makes you think he's good?
  2. I voted not sure because quite frankly I'm not sure. Could be Fitz has lost the confidence of the D to help them out or worse yet his o team mates to get them the ball where they can either catch it or catch it and not get killed. Could be Wanny who has lost the D. His lack of presence on the sidelines bugs me to no end as well as his lack of adjustments/ poor scheming. Could be Gailey, lets face it his record as hc is abysmal and was outdone by the immortal Dickless Jauron, his teams are physically dominated to the point that the Jets let it be known through the media that their goal is to physically intimidate the Bills or Brady being seen calling them b*tches. Could be any or all of these things. It will be interesting to see how they handle this stretch coming up and more importantly how they handle the whooping they just took as they head into face a very tough and physical niners team.
  3. Every team gets the aerial shots of the schemes after each drive. The qb is handed a bunch of photos and that is what he is seeing - the defensive alignment. Also I wouldn't discount the effect getting into someone can have. A little bump/motivation/angering of a d that looks at times passionless would be a GREAT thing! Yes sir! I believe you have hit the nail on the head! At times we have seen K Williams and Dareus firing up the troops but it doesn't seem consistent. Against the Brown's K Williams was firing into the o-line hard. I didn't see that same thing against the Pats*. Strategizing and motivating are 2 things that can be accomplished on the field and not from the booth, and they are 2 HUGE roles of the D coordinator.
  4. But but but he leads the NFL in tds! Say what you will about Jaws on MNF but as an analyst (especially qbs) he is excellent. He watches and breaks down a ton of film. Not sure if the show is still on but Edge NFL Match up with him and Merril Hodge was a very good show with lots of tape breakdowns. As for the actual number attached it is meaningless. Where he has him ranked (bottom third) is what is important. Sure he feasted on Chiefs and Browns (without Haden) Defenses but when faced against a real one he struggled. Badly. You can argue a few spots here and there but the point is he is not good enough. To win in or even make the playoffs your qb needs to be at least adequate (read don't screw it up) against good d's.
  5. Never ever ever (extra one for emphasis) bench gronk!
  6. Hey I was 9 or 10 at the time and have 2 older sisters I'm lucky it wasn't New Kids on the Block . Your "first cd" story is much cooler than mine but I still get a kick out of hearing after the rain and show me the way. After doing much thinking it was the christmas right before the gulf war and super bowl 25 so I would have been 9 years old. After the Rain cd was heavy music to me then
  7. Not for nothing but at the start of last year RG3 was nowhere near a clear cut top prospect. I believe he was rated as a 3rd rounder with some "experts" predicting he would need to move to wr.
  8. The bolded is what is missing from this team. Anger or an emotion period is what helps teams be tough. Gailey had the nerve to question his player's mental toughness when I will question his. Wannstache in the box?! Get on the sideline and get in the player's *sses! Belicheat would not have stood for what happened to the Bills D in the second half he would have gone bananas and I respect him for that. One of my friends refers to our coach as Grandpa Gailey and I like the moniker. Care dammit! He does well on O - he really does especially if you look at the tools he is given, but being a hc he needs to care about the D not pass it off on Wanny and be hands off. Belicheat runs a tight ship where EVERYONE is accountable to him that is what we are lacking. As for the OP - turn him into a game manager while constantly looking for an upgrade. Pats* draft a qb regularly and either turn him into trade bait or wait out his usefulness while some other draft pick develops and takes their job. Why on earth anyone thought Thiggy was good or serviceable (he was the Phins 3rd string qb before Buffalo - think about that!) or better than taking a late flyer I will never understand. Yeah yeah he had limited (very limited) success with Gailey in KC but it was years before he came to B-lo and it had already been established he wasn't a starting qb. Man I got way more heated typing this than I thought I would
  9. I'd say: "hey mind if I give it a shot?" Few nuggets of what my moves would look like: Never in a million years would have let Pat Williams/Antoine Winfield walk Would have stayed away from Losman (loss is in the pronunciation of his name!) Gone Leinart over Whitner (hey we can't all be perfect!) Gone Orakpo over Maybin Kept Greer over McGee Of course hindsight is 20/20 (well minus the Leinart move) but I have to imagine I could do at least as well as the past few regimes - I can build a team that misses the playoffs for 12 straight years too (if not hopefully better)
  10. and yet we hardly knew ye... I remember my first 2 cds I got for christmas one year; Nelson - After the Rain and Styx - Edge of the Century Now it's music through my iphone and mp3 cds in my car.
  11. Completed the trade finally after much haggling what do you think? PPR/keeper league gave: forte got: rg3, Andre Brown (handcuff as I already have Bradshaw) I know preseason he got the best of me but in the league RG3 is the top point scorer and now I have a rb no matter if Bradshaw goes down or not. How do you think I did? Currently trying to package Stafford/Mendenhall to a qb needy team for LeSean McCoy
  12. Have to keep trying for the pure ad simple fact that it is known that fitz isn't the answer. It doesn't matter if they fail 100 times trying to find the right qb (already feels like that doesn't it ) if you hit on the 101st time you have an answer for 10 years. Not all qbs that come out in the draft are high risk either. In the last few years Matt Ryan and Andrew Luck were 2 that come to mind as having little to no bust potential. Add to the fact that any pick at any position can be a bust (Maybin). This is a position that can not and should not be ignored anymore in the draft. Scared money don't make money!
  13. Middle of year 1 as a starter to the start of year 2. 9-6 record. Got paid (or exposed as I prefer) and it's over for him.
  14. for your first statement I would agree but say that the number is much lower as other teams are actually trying to address the position not hand the reigns to a guy in his 8th year and hoping the light suddenly comes on. Yes of course there is more to building a team than just a qb, however having a great qb can mask some deficiencies. As for your last statement that is entirely laughable. Freddie, Spiller, Stevie, Dareus, K williams, M Williams, Wood, Levitre, Glenn (yup as a rook), lindell, barnett, byrd, and wilson are all better. The qb should not be this far down the list. Just because it is better than what we had doesn't make it good. Yes we've had some bad qbs and Fitz is clearly better than them but that doesn't make him a good qb. I think Bills fans have just become jaded and forgot what an actual stud at the position looks like. As for part 2 at his age and length in the league I don't think he can learn new tricks. To me he is what he is and that is not a very good qb. Okay yes good/great? Not even close
  15. Dammit man! you need to institute a no-fap sunday rule! (unless it's celebratory of course)
  16. Yeah basically Fitz sucks and some of us see and some don't. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut. No I wouldn't sign up for that. +20 would be great but I would take 28 tds and 8 picks over 48 and 28. That is a lot of pressure and time on the field for the d. Why is it that his garbage time ints get discounted because he was "pressing" but his garbage time tds don't get discounted when they don't mean a f***ing thing?! Wow. Excellent excellent comparison. Best I've heard honestly. Regardless of the semantics about "bottom5" it is clear that Fitz isn't good enough. Yeah he can win a few games but even the biggest Fitz supporters know that for this team to beat a good team he needs to play mistake free and above his normal ability. It is a position that needs an upgrade. Bottom 5, bottom 10 who cares? I just know he isn't good enough to win the super bowl - and that should always be the end goal and evaluation tool.
  17. After seeing the work load split I can't do this trade anymore. Spiller was def the 2nd back. Currently working on this one: giving: peyton, donald brown, mendenhall getting: rg3, michael bush, andre brown ( I have both forte and bradshaw so I would have both of my handcuffs) hoping he accepts it and I don't see why he wouldn't. Mendenhall and Brown are both clear starters and past their byes. The 2 backs he would give up are backups and still have their bye. Should make up for the gap between RG3 and peyton (esp after yesterday)
  18. This describes me perfectly today I had a great day yesterday with my wife and friends. What have you done to me Bills!?!?!?
  19. Can't stand coaches in the booth. It affects communication and motivation. Get down on the field you bum! Surprised nobody jumped on you for this. This hostage crap is ridiculous. It's a win-win for Ralph. Fans come support a subpar product - he profits, fans don't come out team moves and he is absolved of blame. Awesome. Thanks Ralph! Professional pride. Professional pride that is lacking sorely and the Bills all-time record reflects that. Thank you! Saying Fitz sucks doesn't mean anyone thinks the loss is all his fault. Hell if they won and he threw 4 ints I would still say he sucks, as I have been doing. He isn't a starting qb in this league! Excellent excellent backup but if you're defending him and realize that he is in the lower half of starting qbs in the league, then not looking to upgrade is terrible. This position drives a team sports team more than any other and the Bills don't have a very good one... The direct result doesn't matter. Every play the D has to be out on the field is tiring and matters more at the end of the game when the cumulative effects add up. The o is not without culpability in this loss. 6 turnovers is a loser every time, but let's not pretend that Fitz is a) blameless and b) anything more than a somewhat serviceable qb. This position needs an upgrade! Rob Ryan would be available for a hc job . For those that bashed the Rex idea - he has a horrible qb, no wrs (worse than the Bills collection even), and just had the most important player on the d tear an acl. Please don't let homerism get you to say that Wanny is anywhere near as good a dc as Rex.
  20. it was cold and rainy so while tailgating (in my driveway) I had on a Bills hoodie. The game had already started when I realized I wasn't wearing my jersey. Put it on and still wonder if I should have left it off. On a serious note while watching sports and the day of the game I literally remind myself "okay nothing I do will affect the outcome of the game, just have fun" and every game I get sucked into sitting a certain way, eating a certain food, having the remote a certain way. Damn you superstition!
  21. I don't think anyone can defend this performance by Fitz... He is not a starter in this league
  22. Fellow metal head myself. Although the last few years (I hate to admit this) screemo has been the majority of my listening time. Bullet for my valentine is incredible as well as kill switch engage. As for Metallica cliff was a part of my two favorite albums (master first then ride the lightning) and I still listen to both of them here and there. Kirk did a more than adequate job replacing him and I didn't even think when of them when I made my list. On a side note I have seen Metallica (at Woodstock 99) a didnt really think they put on a great show. May have been a hangover bc rage played right before them (best live show ever - seen them 4 times and each has been amazing) but none the less I was disappointed with Metallica.
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