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Everything posted by section122

  1. you sir are among the few lucky ones. Dedicated servers takes the hosting out of the gameplayers hands and puts it on a server hosted by the game company (treyarch in this case). This solves many issues not the least of which is lag and lag switching. The current format is p2p hosting where someone randomly gets assigned as host of the game. Depending on their connection this can be a great benefit to them (move faster, see players earlier, shoot more truer to the aim) or be a great detriment (basically the opposite of the benefits listed). Lag is a huge problem with these games and one that would be improved (not solved unfortunately but still) with dedicated servers. With all of the money they have made from this franchise it would just be them throwing the players a bone. A much deserved but more importantly needed bone.
  2. Shhhh get your logic out of here! Let me go with my pipe dream! Nah kidding. Maybe payroll would work. I just want something anything for the money. Baseball stadiums are so sport specific it's hard to host 2 teams there but the opportunity should be given some way for the municipality to make their money back/guarantee on their investment. Hosting other events, concerts, etc.. I just don't know what the answer is now that you've blown my idea out of the water
  3. Mike and Mike is alright for me. However Greeny's Jets fandom is obnoxious at times I actually don't mind when they have bias and are open about it. SVP show is also quality - he also doesn't hide his bias for all things Maryland/Orioles. That segment with Cuban was fantastic. I just wish it had gone somewhere. Instead this article pinpointed exactly what I couldn't put my finger on - they are entertainment and not news now. They have officially gone the way of fox news
  4. I don't know about that.... It took the mighty T.J. Yates to take the Texans to the playoffs last year
  5. Got me amped! It also helped me come up with a stadium finance solution. The money should be in line with the wins of the organization. These tax payers put up a lot of money for a team they thought was going to try and be competitive only to have the rug pulled out from under them. Loria should have to give some money back if they become uncompetitive. For the Bills I think money should be given directly proportionate to the number of wins. This could be a retroactive thing built into contracts where a certain percentage of wins equals a certain percentage of money given. I think it should be done to all teams where if they want our money then they need to give us what we want. A winning team. It would change the incentive for teams to actually try and win instead of just profiting (I'm looking at you Ralph)
  6. Very good read and echos exactly how I feel. ESPN has become unwatchable. Sportscenter used to be the best show on tv. 90 second highlights of every game and they wouldn't give up who had won until the end. Made me feel like I watched all of the games with the suspense that built. I still enjoy PTI mainly bc of Kornheiser and Wilbon but find my self dvring it and fast forwarding through much of the show. If you watch ESPN in the morning there is no point to watchit later bc it is the same points across all shows. I think I turned during the Favre saga when the anchors started complaining about him and all the coverage he received and I thought then stop covering it! ESPN is starting to ruin sports!
  7. I'm with you on this one. I was hoping against hope that Luck came out when Cam did. I felt like we would end up with one of the 2 and be set up for the future. I'm not against drafting a qb in the 1st this year. I do worry a bit about this class as it seems every player has some warts on them. My main point is Flacco and Schaub have been put in much better situations than Fitz. When I look at that list of playoff teams I see D being the main contributing factor. Of course having an elite qb helps (see my first post in this thread) but think that our D is the #1 thing holding the Bills back. As for the offensive players you've listed. I would say our rbs are on par with the Texans and Ravens (Rice and Foster are spectacular), the receiving corps for both teams are better (Stevie or Andre? Stevie and Nelson or Torrey Smith and Anquan Boldin?), Te's I don't know what to think as Pitta has had flashes, Daniels is excellent when healthy, and Chandler has had flashes (as well as disappearing acts) so I would say it is a wash. The o-line for the Bills is excellent but the Ravens and Texans are good as well. The difference between all of these teams? The D! That's what I meant when I said had nothing to work with (prob a poor choice of words on my part). Average points allowed in the 2012 season Texans 15.9, Ravens 21.8, and Bills dead last at 31.7. Right of the bat Fitz is being asked to score 16 more points than Schaub and 10 more points than Flacco. That is a ton of extra pressure on the qb. Which leads to forcing things and more turnovers.
  8. There is a tranzit mode which appears to be a storyline mode and then the classic mode. Not sure about the third as I generally stick to multi player. It seems good so far too. As usual it's a bit tough to adjust to the graphics and the +100 for kills comes up smaller than I'd like so I find myself shooting dead bodies or stop shooting early as I feel I have put enough in to kill them. I swore I wouldn't buy this unless they had dedicated servers but I'm a sheep. It's really the only game I play anymore and do it more to be social with friends that have moved away. That's a lie I'm at work and can't wait to get home to play!
  9. Of all the things for people to get their panties in a bunch over this can't be one. Miami does have hotter women than Buffalo. Also Reggie just agreed with the hosts. He didn't make some wild declaration.
  10. Have to disagree here. The Jets game was out of hand quickly, Fitz threw some picks so I won't absolve him of blame but I also won't say he was a major contributor. The Tennessee game the D let Chris Johnson explode after being terrible, 1 bad throw does not make him a major factor. As for Houston and SF how many qbs have those defenses made look bad? Again I'm not a Fitz supporter but I won't ignore he is given nothing to work with. The defense is a major facotr in all of the games you listed. Do I want better than Fitz? Yes. Is he the biggest problem on this team? Not even close. How can people say it is his fault when in the 4 games you listed the D gave up a combined 149 points?! edit: because I feel that I'm being taken out of context I will say that yes I think Flacco and Schaub are better than Fitz. I just don't think they are the game changing qbs that some are making them out to be. I thought Flacco turned the corner this year and then I noticed a trend - his home/road performances are in stark contrast to each other. On the road he is very mediocre. That is all. I'm not saying Fitz is great just that he doesn't have nearly the benefits that these 2 have. The most useless stat in SPORTS is qb win/loss. So much more goes into a game - there are 2 other complete phases of the game where the qb doesn't even get to effect the outcome of the game to decide who wins and loses.
  11. Schaub has 23 300+ yard passing games since becoming a starter (64 starts). His "breakout years" of 08-10 where he threw for a combined 12183 yards? Well 4360 (over 1/3) of them went to Andre Johnson who is one of the best wrs in the game. So lets see he has the best rb in the game (which I don't think I need to tell you but it does make passing much easier), one of the best receiver's in the game, and a top 2 defense. So when teams play the Texans they need 7-8 in the box and 2 to cover Johnson leaving 1-2 players to cover other passing options. He is asked to hand the ball off and not turn it over. This is why I consider him a caretaker. His role is to not mess up the teams chances to win. Very different than what is asked of Fitz (not that this is a Fitz vs. Schaub debate).
  12. I read this differently. To me it says if your qb is Manning, Brady, or Roethlisberger you've got a pretty good shot of making the playoffs. I guess Flacco too but he strikes me as that average qb you are talking about. Average qbs have accounted for 1/2 of the playoff slots each year so it is a crapshoot. Also look at the teams: Pats, Steelers, Ravens every year. Pats* it is the qb and receiving corp, Colts all about the qb Jets (2x), Bengals, Texans, Steelers and Ravens it's all about the D Chiefs/Chargers it's all about playing in a sh**ty division. Flacco is excellent at home and average at best (I'd even say worse than average) on the road. Schaub is the definition of a care taker qb. Have either of these qbs been asked to win a game for their team? Could either of these qbs win a game for their team? If you put Schaub or Flacco on the Bills would they better appreciably better?
  13. She unfortunately is perpetuating the cycle of being in an abusive relationship. Sad really as she is gorgeous. Getting married after 2 months of dating?! Maybe not that sad bc she must be CRAZY!
  14. I can't be the only nerd on here. Anyone else get this? I'm on ps3. Mad there is no dedicated servers but even madder that it takes forever between matches. Oh well I'm sure it will be fixed soon . What are thoughts on the game so far? The campaign visually is incredible but I've only gone through 2 missions. Edit: If interested I'll share my psn name... bo1 2.38 k/d (told you I was a nerd)
  15. Stop yelling at hindsight!
  16. I'm holding out hope that they fire him after tomorrows game. I honestly don't get why/how he hasn't been axed yet.
  17. Well he was traded in 2007 so I don't know if that is before or after these "rule" change. I don't know how you come to your conclusion about Schaub though. He is borderline top 10 at best and falls just outside it for me when I listed qbs. As for Fitz I think (at least for me) it isn't so much that I think he is good, as much as I think the mess around him has made him worse. If he were to switch places with Schaub or Alex Smith do you think the Texans or Niners would suffer? Better yet do you think the Bills would be better? The Defense has not given the Offense any chance to shine. Believe me I was mad about the picks against Tenn and against the Pats, but both of those came in games where Fitz led the team to 30+ points. This to some of us puts the blame squarely on the D. I am still for drafting a qb in the first but have cooled on the idea of giving up the farm to move up. I don't think Barkley is as bad as people are making him out to be but he may be at our pick in the middle of the round. After the circus that is the predraft process I doubt it though. Smith scares me bc I watched him live and a.) wasn't impressed (although it was last year) and b.) he has an aloofness that scares me. The no brainer qb pick isn't there this year so I think I am good staying put and getting a guy to develop behind/push Fitz/take over in this draft. The D is just such a mess that giving up picks is dangerous. By my estimation they need 3 lbs, at least 1 cb, and some d line depth. That is 5 picks plus qb makes 6 plus the one given up for tjax and that is our draft. I just hope I remember in the off season how far away I know they are and don't get drunk on the kool aid (again )
  18. Thank you! The receiving corps is actually fairly decent. Not the huge need we (or at least I) thought coming into this year. Some depth still wouldn't be a bad thing but they are very solid at the top. Nelson has been spectacular!
  19. I really hope this is the case. Is there a way to set up the rankings to select 2 qbs but just not consecutively? If the team did go lb then qb in rounds 1 and 2 maybe get another qb in 5 or 6.
  20. Because they got to play against THE WORST DEFENSE in the NFL! I'm with the OP. Fitz has been playing good enough to win in the majority of our games. The Defense has played good enough to win in 3 of them. Surprise surprise our record is 3-6. I have been a Fitz basher, and believe me I don't think he is a savior by any means, but he is not the glaring problem right now. The lbs and the scheme are!
  21. P2 LB - the single biggest need is some help for the front 7. 3 new lbs wouldn't bother me at this point P2 QB - I swear I have been as against Fitz as the next guy but he has played well for long stretches this year. Yesterday he played great. QB is a need but not a must have with the first pick to me if a stud lb is there (T'eo). P3 - CB sad but we still need some WR I actually think the corps is decent but you can never have to many P4 - all other positions. While we have some good players in spots depth is still not quite where it needs to be. P4 -
  22. The second one was within the 5 yards allowed. Wow bring bag the replacement refs :bag
  23. Today will be the day we look back at and think that's when they started to turn it around. That was the game that started the magical run. When all hope was lost and despair was all around veterans day weekend 2012 the bills were warriors! Let's go bills!
  24. That's awesome! I'm going to have to try that one haha. Good luck out there today!
  25. Yea they can and I'll be rooting for it!
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