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Everything posted by section122

  1. Don't forget to turn to page 2. First result when googling Romney Lies btw. Yes! Politics for to long has been dominated by the "old rich white guys." The republicans run on a ticket of hate and it isn't tolerated anymore. They are pro-life which people take as against women (it isn't necessarily but people's perception is there reality - and it really doesn't help when rape or legitimate rape is "god's will"). They are anti affirmative action which people take as anti black. They are for stronger immigration protection which is against Mexicans/Hispanics. They are against gay marriage which is against well gay people. As the younger generation gains more voting power the Republicans are going to struggle to win elections. See the change in medical marijuana (or recreational) laws as well as the passage of gay marriage in more states. This election was about people who for to long have been treated as unimportant finally standing up for themselves and getting out to vote. Guess Romney needed that 47% after all. Maybe the question should be asked why 93% of black, 73% of hispanic (btw your take on immigration laws is borderline racist - not all hispanics are illegal immigrants) or people who don't attend church (Obama is religious as well as Romney) or women felt they could trust Romney or vote Republican. It really (and you can't think this) can't be because Obama is black.
  2. Crazy episode with the death of 2 main characters and you guys are circle jerking about which celeb zombie you would like to see?! I don't think Carol is dead and I like the suspense of Andrea and her unpredictably. This season is so much better than the farm. Lori's choice however led to a discussion between the wife and I - do you let the baby die or let the baby live and your wife die? To us it seemed like a no brainer that the baby goes and the wife stays but was just wondering what others thought?
  3. He was looking at Syracuse because he is friends with Carter Williams. I was at the game he attended and sat a row behind him (and his huge flat top). Boeheim went ballistic on Carter Williams who proceeded to yell back at him and Hopkins had to separate them. Talked to my friends who watched on TV and they never mentioned it as it was during a timeout and probably commercial. Anyway Noel left immediately after this happened (knew he wasn't coming as soon as I saw his reaction) and it also was when Carter Williams picked up his spot on the bench for the rest of the season.
  4. same site has most overrated player, coming in at #3 Mario Williams "Mario Williams. Just because a guy has a bunch of sacks doesn't excite me. I have a lot of respect for Justin Smith and the way he plays because he plays so physical. I have respect for DeMarcus Ware for the way he plays the run and the pass. Some guys, if they just play the pass, it's easy to get sacks." — NFC defensive player
  5. I did get caught by him once but I just don't care for his shtick. I have never understood why his/her trolling was allowed. I found it to be annoying and not funny but to each his own.
  6. I think they should bring in Tarvaris Jackson and see what he's... wait what? He's here already?
  7. My thought on the tea was that perhaps it is keeping the governor from changing. Perhaps he was bitten and the tea somehow is counteracting it. That or the boring old mind control tea. Either way this storyline is so much better than the original group. I honestly despise Lori and keep hoing she will die. As for Rick I think he is an idiot and don't care much for the acting. Actually hoping that the original group gets killed (hey a few can survive-not Rick or Lori) and move into the governor's territory.
  8. Does anyone know if he went home during the bye week? Maybe having some time with friends and family will help with the grieving process. I don't have a brother but could only imagine losing my mother/father or one of my sisters and what that would do to me. I would need at least a few weeks to grieve as well as months to accept it. That being said being away from home and not being able to help your family cope is another huge burden. I'm hoping he got to go home. I'm also hoping he comes back with some rage and takes it out on opponent's offenses! (hey I can't be Mr. Niceguy ALL the time )
  9. This to me says that after 12 or 13 games you evaluate if you're going to make a playoff push or tank. I really didn't think that happened and maybe I'm being extreme. Maybe it's nt lose on purpose but don't necessarily try hard to win. Maybe start Brian brohm for a game for example. I can't argue with the strategy but I haven't seen it said.
  10. So who are the early guesses for Bloody Face? Is it the Dr? The monseigneur? AN evil spirit? Aliens? I'm leaning towards the Dr. although I think it is to obvious. Love this show btw. Last season I thought was amazing and this one so far has been gripping. Jessica Lange is phenomenal!
  11. I've been back and forth on this show. It is pretty good but not great however last night's episode was excellent. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop! When they went off on the military guys I loved the twist (even though I saw it coming - more like hoped it would happen). At the end of the episode I though wow that was awesome why can't every episode be like that! Then I remembered why because Rick and Lori have to be in it.
  12. The bye week taught me that the gambling is bad for my health... and my marriage! I put in 2 if/comes and set it as Pats*/Chargers and Lions/Giants. Well the pats* came in and so did the lions but the chargers blew it (seriously giving 3 to the Browns and you couldn't cover that?!) so I had to stress through the entire Giants game as my friend who put the same bet in just a different order (pats*/Lions and Chargers/Giants) already knew he was good. I was so pissed thinking I was going to have to hear how I should have done it his way. The Giants jump out to a huge lead! sigh of relief... Cowboys come all the way back! absolutely pissed... Giants stop them with a minute left. Yes!!! Cowboys have all 3 time outs and get the ball back. Dex Bryant Touchdown!!! :censored: He was out! YES!!!! game over I win!!! What a roller coaster ride as the Giants were giving 2.5! The last 5 minutes of this happened at the restaurant after we had finished eating, and it took FOREVER! My wife said "you are making me hate sports." I made her wait a good 20 minutes after dinner at a restaurant yelling at the tv, and needless to say she was not happy . Which means I had to temper my happiness/excitedness/holy sheet can you believe what happenedness as well as the phone calls I got and say I'm sorry but thank you... and split my winnings with her so I can do it all again next week
  13. Holy crap dude. You ask for advice EVERYONE tells you the same thing (to the tune of a way longer than necessary thread) and you ignore it! You're not done playing the game because YOU'RE STILL PLAYING THE GAME! Move on please for the love of god move on.
  14. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/151967-change-is-coming-somewhere-in-the-nfl/
  15. That series was much more boring than soccer!
  16. Wow. Just wow. You went back 20 years and then found only 13 are still starting?! Shocking! How many players at any position are still in the league 20 years? Why would data from 20 years ago even be relevant?! I will agree that it used to be a crap shoot however if you look at the last 5 drafts there is only 1 bust (Sanchez - and that is up to debate due to the talent surrounding him) and he was on a team that went to 2 afc championship games! The science of drafting a qb (especially in the top 5) has been narrowed a bit. Even if you go back 12 years, I can count 12 qbs that are starting out of 16 - that is a 75% success rate. A highly rated/touted guy at the qb position has a tremendous success rate lately - one I would wager that is higher than most positions. The mid first round/early second round guys are the crap shoots, but don't confuse them with the premium guys. It still remains to be seen (imo) who if any are the premium picks in this draft. Add this to the fact that drafting a qb doesn't cripple a team the way it used to. The new salary structure really limits the negative impact of a poor decision and is why some feel Gabbert may be replaced this year in the draft (although he looked pretty good yesterday). All of this said, I don't think the Bills will be drafting in the top 5. Which does make their selection a crap shoot.
  17. Colts play much better at home. That game is nowhere near a gimme. Dolphins have had our number lately and it is a prime time game which the Bills traditionally struggle (in heartbreaking ways I might add) and I agree the loss to the Titans was terrible and hurt so bad.
  18. Played Doug Martin in my two money league teams of course - he put 43 points up in each league
  19. why do they have to be mutually exclusive? Everyone here realizes the D sucks. Many want wanny and Mario run out of town already. I don't know where you are getting that Fitz is the only one bearing the brunt of criticism. That said the beef with Fitz is the many poor throws and dumb decisions. Watching him does not inspire confidence. He has done okay and the O has put up points and put the team in position to win - however that has much more to do with Freddie and CJ than it does with Fitz. I don't think he is anything more than a time waster qb. Also in "clutch" times Fitz is woeful. The pick against the Giants last year and the pick last week both come to mind off the top of my head. Again no one thinks Fitz is the entire problem they just don't think he is part of the solution. I will agree that LB is a way bigger need than QB but that is because we don't have any lbs that would start anywhere else in the league.
  20. Currently the Bills have the 7th pick. Sitting in front of them are Jacksonville (1-5) Kansas City (1-5) Cleveland (1-6) Oakland (2-4) Carolina (1-5) Indianapolis (3-3) Out of this list only Carolina and Indy are "set" at qb. I would (and do) think that any of the teams picking 1-4 currently would invest in a qb. It is a possibility that Jax, Cleveland, and Oakland would stand pat with their qb situation but highly unlikely. However after the last couple of weeks the shine has come off of Geno Smith a bit so it is possible (although not probable) he could be there at 7. This should be the year for a qb I just don't know what the options are for the slot the Bills are currently in. It is certainly to high for the second tier of day 1 qbs and probably too low for the top 2 prospects.
  21. I've been looking for a place for this stat and I suppose this thread is as good as any. 13 skill position players have had their best game against the Bills this year!
  22. Virginia was hotter... But sure I would. Most of these I don't care if they get prosecuted but this one was 4 in a year. She's either dumb or wanted to get caught. Sounds like she was a math nerd in hs and was making up for it when she came back. Serial patterns are not good...
  23. Lakers - because of magic too Yankees - Italian and all of my extended family is yanks fans Bills - moms family is from olean Yeah I have enjoyed many a championship but I don't think any of them will compare to the bills winning the super bowl. As an aside I use to get called a bandwagon fan all the time - until people found out I was a bills fan.., and then they just felt bad for me lol
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