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Everything posted by section122

  1. Not by any definition of the word but I have no idea what you're driving at here. RG3 is not in this draft. There aren't any qbs in this draft that are a lock to go #1 even. How often does that happen?
  2. This is a team I co-manage and I had the same exact thought. I told my other manager this exact thing. Now reality sets in for kc. After what will be a long week for Charles (his wife's sister was the victim) I can't imagine him playing well. It is sick to think of a game within a game this way but it is reality. I'm still very undecided tho - damn Bills have me optimistic! I actually picked up Baltimore's D right after Big Ben got hurt. They were playing 2 out of the next 3 weeks and 1 of them Atl had New Orleans (cost me a lot of points after he threw 5 picks ). They are the D I will be dropping to pick up whoever I go with bc you are correct their next 3 weeks are not good matchups.
  3. Buftex I understand your point I just strongly disagree with it. To me racism is a negative thing (obviously) this picture does not seem to be mean spirited or mean in nature. It looks like a party. Is it poor taste? I guess so. These are college kids having a party. This is not something that should be front page top 10 searches of Yahoo. This is what bothers me. There was/is no controversy until the media made one. Was this something that needed national attention? Was this something that Mexicans see and think these stupid white girls? I have no idea bc in a story about how upsetting there was not one Mexican person who was offended listed. So it comes off as oh no people MIGHT get upset about this. It's annoying. I'm Italian and grew up with all of the guinea, whop, dego comments and they were jokes. Were they racist? I don't think so because they weren't said with ill intentions. I am left leaning and liberal in many of my thoughts but this is to far for me. I also believe strongly that racism is still very prevalent in our society. I also think that people shouldn't get their panties in a bunch over something as harmless as this pic. I feel it discounts actual racism. I understand everyone has their own scale. On the majority of people's scale (at least in this small sample size) this doesn't register. Does it make them(us) right or wrong? I have no idea. I just feel this pic shouldn't hurt peoples feelings. What happened to sticks and stones may break my bones... My complaint is the wussification of America. Where everyone's feelings are constantly hurt by someone else. What happened to us? This is what bothered me. Lastly, I get the mowing the lawn but is it really a Mexican stereotype that they all smoke weed?
  4. South Park did a great parody of the History Channel for this reason.
  5. This is exactly what I was going to say before I saw this post so I'll just give you one of these
  6. Yikes. I would rule out Stevie bc Corner is actually a strength on the Rams. Add in weather and his injury and I would sit him. As for Fitzgerald it is important to see what the weather will be like as well as if there starting cbs are suspended yet or still appealing. For Jones you have to see what Jennings status as well as Nelson. If either are out this may be your play if both are out it is your play. Sorry for the non answer but I hope these are at least things to help you make your decision. Good Luck!
  7. Another thing to do if you can hold out is wait until Sunday morning and check the weather forecasts. Bad rain/weather generally equals low points/good fantasy d games. As for the Bills they have the 2nd ranked D over the last 3 weeks so that is something to keep in mind. How about some help for my situation: Atlanta D @ Carolina Baltimore D @ Washington I'm feeling strongly Atlanta vs Carolina is the play however Cam has turned it on lately and Atl D only got 4 points last time they played. I'd like to avoid Baltimore with Suggs injury and the rg3 factor. I have a ton of options too: Buffalo vs. Rams, Jets @ Jags, Tampa Bay vs. Philly, Cleveland vs. KC, and Cincy vs. Dallas. Out of these I don't really care for Tampa Bay or Cincy as I don't like playing bad d's (tampa) or against hot teams (cowboys ). So what do you guys think?
  8. so bad it's.... bad. It may be funny or clever but I couldn't tolerate his singing to find out.
  9. You should just change your name to ypa is the end all be all stat I've been thinking about this stat though and I refuse to believe that ypa has nothing to do with surrounding talent. Quality rbs force the other d to put more in the box opening up passing lanes. Quality wrs clearly have an effect on this stat, the ability to get open, run after catch, and catching ability all have a great impact. Quality o-lines have an impact on giving time for a qb to go through progressions, allow for deeper routes, increase qb comfort levels. All of these things have to raise the qbs ypa. I would sincerely like to hear your feelings on these factors. I know the study blah blah blah but do the things I listed in your opinion have any effect on ypa? As for Alex Smith - I put him right on par with Fitz. Talk to any niners fan and they will tell you all the same things Bills fans bemoan about Fitz. I would also add that he is a bit of an injury risk. Including this year he has only played a full season 2 out of his 7 years in the league.
  10. Did anyone's vote swing after the win this weekend? Now that the sample size is only 4 games and the worst they can do is 5-11? I would imagine as the sample size changes it would have to swing some of the people that voted to lose out over to the win out side but I don't have any clue what goes on in people's head anymore. The Bills are currently drafting 11th and due to a weak s.o.s are actually the first 5-7 team drafting right now. Some numbers I found interesting though for the "the Bills only beat crap teams" crowd The Falcons are 11-1 s.o.s .389. Bengals and the almighty Andy Dalton s.o.s .431. The amazing Steelers s.o.s. .472. My only point is other teams beat/play bad teams too - winning is all that matters. YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME HELLO!
  11. I was always upset that some black guy kept stealing all of Jim Kelly's lines in Enter the Dragon!
  12. Lot of hotties there. That was my only takeaway. That and people need to stop being such p*ssies
  13. I'd take Hindsight to the Canadian Ballet. Maybe then he could move on although not until after Christmas and Valentine's Day bc he'll have a gf until then
  14. So I was on Yahoo for fantasy football and the #1 trending topic is racist sorority pic. Needless to say I had to click on that link. What I came across was appalling. here is the link since I can't embed the pic. I am appalled people got upset over this. It's a freaking party. This is what America gets upset about now? A bunch of college kids having fun? What in the world is so upsetting about this? Oh no it perpetuates stereotypes of Mexicans mowing lawns and smoking weed (?!) Is that even a stereotype? Worse yet is it is Penn St. Are they going to overreact to everything now to try and prove how they have changed? Child molestation is abhorrent. This is not child molestation. It isn't in the same neighborhood, zip code, area code, or even map. What happened to our society?
  15. He'll be on the Jets by the end of the week. They are desperate for wr help and I hear Sanchez is a beast!
  16. it has to be bryce brown. Word is McCoy will be out another week and Foles is now the starter so they will ride the rb hard. As for the D is there no better options on the waiver wire? Not to be a homer but the Bills D may be worth a look as with the forecast there won't be much passing and the Rams O isn't that great either. Other D's I may look for are Cleveland (don't laugh they are playing KC and I think the hangover will be great this weekend), and Jets D (vs Jags who are terrible at home). All of them are lower tier D's that I think will have a good week and should be available. Good Luck!
  17. I give the Lakers and Jazz a pass bc the team existed before the location but your point stands. I hadn't really thought about it but you are correct there are many sports names are terrible. Funny enough New York is host two that stand out to me - the Metropolitans and knickerbockers namely. Or how about naming the team after a movie (mighty ducks). Pelicans though maybe because it is new stands out as terrible. It might even be the sport that it is. Can you imagine inner city kids wanting to grow up to play for the Pelicans. Hip hop stars wearing Pelican clothes? Since you're from the area NoSaint is the Pelican prominent in Louisiana to the point of this being regionally acceptable. I know about the nickname and designation of state bird but is the culture aware of these things? Is the Pelican held up like the bald eagle for America? I'm not saying these in jest I'm being sincere as if they are it would make more sense, maybe not nationally but regionally.
  18. I had it dvr'ed and didn't get to watch until last night but here is my reaction: Start of the show had new black characters so I knew the guy from the prison was dying. It seems like they only keep 1 black guy around. When the prisoner joined the group T died, new black people - prisoner dies. Not insinuating racism just funny that the black guy always dies stereotype is perpetuated Seriously Andrea? I don't hate her though I know many do but she couldn't speak up when she saw Daryl? She knows who he is and that they aren't "terrorists." I also don't understand why Merle didn't blow the lid off the whole thing. All he had to do was bring up any of the terrible things the Governor has ordered including the national guard killings, keeping his daughter, and the wall of heads which leads me to my next point. She has no issue with a wall of heads? She relied on Michone who got her to safety after season 2 and was protected by her only to pull a gun on her because the governor was about to be killed? Did she fall that fast and not even question what was happening or why? The talk the governor gave her to smooth things over was not very convincing but for her it was okay? Good episode with a good cliffhanger for the winter break but dammit some of these people are infuriating.
  19. After finding out that the Pelican is the state bird and that Louisiana is the pelican I think the name is still dumb. I thought it was a joke at first and laughed, then found out they were serious and was sad for their fans, then I remembered the name Pelicans and laughed again. Pistol Pete is rolling in his grave because you know the mascot will be Pelican Pete.
  20. From the article: While she may not ever want to film a sex scene again, Hudgens is set to star as a stripper and a prostitute in the film Frozen Ground later this year opposite Nicolas Cage and John Cusack.
  21. Just sayin' It is incredibly obnoxious both in it's tone and what it stands for. It has replaced "I'm not trying to be rude but." Even worse is the misuse of it where someone just mentions a simple statement followed by just sayin'. Yeah no your just sayin' I heard you. #anything # was originally meant to be used for a search function. That way groups of people such as Bills Mafia could see all the tweets and search for them. Now it has somehow crossed over to facebook even though it has no relevance. I just ate an awesome spaghetti dinner #yum #lovemesomeitalianfood drives me insane when I see either of these 2.
  22. KC over Indy week 16 is the only game I think couldn't happen, but thanks for doing this. I have printed out this sheet and will root accordingly!
  23. how much "inventory" is left for this game? Any chance it won't be blacked out?
  24. Alright here we go: Batch's career completion % - 56.6 Fitz - 59.5% Batch's highest yard passing 2489 Fitz - 3832 Batch most tds in a season 13 Fitz 24 Batch Yds/game 135.2!!!!!!!!!! Fitz 191.5 would you really take a qb who throws for about 135 yards a game and less than 1 td a game? Can we put this to bed now?
  25. For all the Charlie Batch lovers I leave you this link. The Ravens mighty D that was "destroyed" by Charlie Batch is ranked worse than Buffalo's! Pitt's D? well that is #1 and may have had a small say in the w.
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