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Everything posted by section122

  1. has anyone been to rnr hof? I was thinking about a trip to hit up this and the nfl hof (never been there either). Is it a waste of time?
  2. She's going to drug McCartney, kill him, claim suicide, get undue fame from it, and continue the cycle.... duh!
  3. I think yes. Going to the NFL is seen (whether right or wrong) as a promotion. Going back to the college ranks? Seems like a demotion. I actually give Saban a pass on that though bc Bama is not a traditional college job it is one of the tops in the country. However his reputation preceded that move. He went from Michigan St. (4 years and resigned immediately after the last regular season game) to LSU (4 years left after bowl game) to Miami (2 years left at end of regular season) to Bama (6 seasons and counting). Again I want to state I don't view him as a quitter. He did not pull the same stunt as Petrino with the Falcons. He stayed until the end of the year with Miami and then moved to a great job. I can see how others would have issue with it though - his longest tenure is the current one at 6 years.
  4. I fully expected Grohl to be the singer. I actually think I would enjoy that more...
  5. the age old conundrum! I've got all of my work done for the day now just have to bide time until 4. I couldn't get through to your link but had no idea what the boxes meant so I just clicked your link - when I went to the first I was relieved barracuda took care of me.... and that I can use google from my iphone!
  6. since GoBills only posts links please label your post NSFW DR.D - almost got me in trouble! Barracuda had my back though
  7. Always loses at least 1 game a year he should win. I do think he did well having Georgia in position this year though. Georgia dodged, A&M, Florida, Bama, and LSU in the regular season (schedule was cake this year) and I thought they would get killed. I was wrong. Still not big on him as a candidate for the Bills though.
  8. yeah which is why I figured many of us are playing it. Thanks for the add.
  9. Since some of you are playing I figured I'd put up a post so we can collect names. I need more santa coins! (yeah I'm a dork) Please add me and list your name so others can add you, if you click on houses that are decorated when visiting their towns you get 1 coin for each. Any other tips and tricks would be appreciated as well. btomasso81
  10. I still don't know where I fall on this subject but I do know one thing: I can't stand the fact that when someone (in this case 2 people) is clearly not of right body and mind, is breaking the law, known to have broken the law in the past and dies they are evangelized. Man these kids may not have asked to be murdered (obviously) but they were clearly no saints. All of the pics are of happy smiling teens and a mug shot of the homeowner who looks like a lunatic. Nothing was learned from the Trayvon Martin case, just like nothing was learned from the Duke lacrosse case before that. Guy in my town gets stabbed to death. News story - expectant father killed on his own porch. Reality - he had 2 girls pregnant at the same time, had previously robbed the kid who killed him and had that kid by the throat when he was stabbed. He alo had recently been released from jail but the paper spun it as was about to enroll in classes at the local community college. Can't stand it.
  11. He would be much better served staying in another year. I think he is better than McElroy but I still don't see enough from him to be more than a mid/late round pick. If he goes back next year I think that would help both his stock and ability to succeed at the next level. He is a winner for sure but I don't think he is a strap the team on his back winner (yet). I like him as a player so please don't get me wrong just think another year would be beneficial all around. He has a great completion % and ypa (edwards arm will love that) I just see a team that relies heavily on defense and running. He rarely plays from behind so it is hard to knock him for not putting up gaudy stats, however it is hard to judge him due to the surrounding talent as well. *Funny side note if you google him the suggested searches have his mom listed 2nd. She shows A LOT of cleavage!
  12. Yeah I am still in it. Missed the playoffs in the tbd league bc the draft got changed and auto draft screwed me (excuses excuses), made the playoffs in my espn league and won this week to move on to the semis. Lost in my 1 pay league bc Brady and Adrian Peterson went bananas for him. Had a first round bye in the keeper league but am projected to lose a close one. I have a lot of tough matchups for my players in that league but it is the one that matters the most now. It's a keeper league I created and am commissioner of, it's the first year, and there is $200 to win!
  13. Fair enough. I'm so numb at this point. I don't really know wtf is going on I just know I don't like it. I feel like there is talent on this team but then games like yesterday happen and I'm at a loss. #$%king Bills! (they need a new emoticon so we can pass "it" on the left hand side )
  14. I don't think it is impossible for him to drive down the field just improbable. With the limitations of the line and the ferociousness of the pass rush there was going to be no time for the long throws that were necessary for the drive. It isn't the drives Fitz had as you stated it was the play calling Chan had. In the 4th quarter before the lead change the Bills had 3 drives that should have gone run run run. They didn't 1) run, run, run (pass play called), pass 2) run, pass, pass 3) run, run, pass. 3 times Chan didn't do what he should have and that is his fault. Do you know why he couldn't do what he was supposed to? 1) he was dumb and kept running Freddy leaving CJ on the sideline - his fault and 2) the o-line got no push and those runs went for 14, -1, 1, 3, 1, -1, and 2 yards. This was the time to grind out the victory and the o-line couldn't do it. The Bills should have won yesterday but the game should have never come down to a last second drive. There should have been urgency to score a td at the half, there should have been a fg attempt instead of a punt, and for the love of god the D needs a stop when it counts (not at all there fault - holding a team to 15 should get the w but still frustrating). There is so much that goes into losing it isn't just 1 drive.
  15. He was part of pti's 5 good minutes and they asked him about never being a hc. He looked genuinely sad and had no answer for why teams never looked his way. The light went on immediately and I thought I would love to see him here. I wonder if Whaley and he had a good relationship. He is a sb winning coordinator and one that Big Ben and now the Colts have had nothing but good things to say about. After the play calling debacle this year I would be happier to see him on the sidelines than Chan next year.
  16. No I'm not giving him a pass on this loss. I know I keep falling on the defens of Fitz side but it only bc the hatred is so far out of whack. He's average. The position could do with an improvement. He is not however the worst qb in the league. I think he outplayed Bradford yesterday. He put up 9 points as you state (should have been 10 the botched pat does not fall on him) behind an absolutely terrible o-line. I've stated before and stand by it an offense needs to score at least 17 points in any game (any team) to reasonably expect to win. However the play calling gets the lion share of the blame. Up to and including taking the 3 points away and punting. Did you see Lindell's reaction? The terrible line play gets the next blame. So I guess Fitz ends up in third for me.
  17. Yikes. I can tell this is a very sensitive subject for you. Yes we were at home. Our line was terrible yesterday. Why would it be hard to drive 60 yards in bad conditions behind a patchwork line in 50 seconds? Especially against a pass rush that had been getting to the qb all day? Jeez I have no idea. As much as you pan people for thinking they are in love with Fitz (we aren't he just isn't the worst player in the league at qb) I have to say that you are no longer thinking rationally when it comes to Fitz. To you he is THE problem and EVERYTHING is his fault. I don't get how you can't see any of the other much larger problems with this team. Namely Chan's play calling and the line. Chan decided to not kick a fg and what was the point differential? He had a pass/run ratio that was way out of whack for a game that the Bills led the majority of. When healthy the o-line plays well with Snow and Young it was horrendous. The Rams had 5 sacks and 11 hits on the qb! Any qb will be shaky behind that line.
  18. I'll add playing behind an offensive line with 2 starters making their first ever start on the o-line. Fitz played a very efficient game. Was it outstanding? No. I can't believe though that you don't care one bit about how bad Snow and Young played. This is all on Fitz? Hardly. This is on a line that couldn't protect worth a damn. This is on Chan who refused to run the ball and give it to his best play maker. It was heartbreaking to see the pass because I knew that nobody would give Fitz any credit today. The Bills had already lost that game. There was no way they would drive down the field in 50 seconds with 0 timeouts. I love how people say anyone can do it bc the instances are far and few between. He also was hit clearly right in the shoulder as he released the ball. I won't go so far as to say he was terrible but I won't lay the blame at his feet. How did you feel about the play of the o-line yesterday? Or does it not matter to you? Yeah I think he played well but outstanding is a bit much. Between the conditions, the playcalling, and the patchwork (read terrible) o-line I think he did very well yesterday. People just can't give Fitz any credit bc to some a loss is squarely on the shoulders of a qb.
  19. Yeah my issue had to do with other people speaking for them. In the day and age of everyone having an advocate group couldn't Yahoo at least have contacted one to get a quote about how people were offended? My other issue is what offends people. Just because something is offensive to a certain group of people does not mean it needs to make national news. Sometimes it is a neccesity to "speak up for the little guy" or protect against injustices. This to me doesn't fit those descriptions. Of all the discrimination that Mexicans I'm sure face, sorority girls at a Halloween party probably ranks low for them. Again I ask because I really want to know: is it an existing stereotype that mexicans smoke weed? I was unaware of this.
  20. I actually do (the following will completely be my opinion). I spent a lot of time working with Kids after college and have seen inappropriate relationships develop. Many of these start bc the woman struggled as a teenager/young adult with identity. Maybe due to low self esteem, bullying, etc... They are now in a position of power instead of being the shy/nerdy/uncool person, so they get attention from guys who when they were in school wouldn't have given them the time of day. This fills the void that the teenage version of them still feels. This by no means makes it okay so please don't feel like that is what I'm saying. I just have seen it happened and talked to multiple people that this has happened to (inappropriate relations but never fully sexual). It is immaturity to the fullest for some. Obviously this reasoning does not fit all people in this circumstance but whenever it is a younger teacher I lean towards this being the reason. Sometimes they are just sick though. (Sometimes they are sick that I would have liked to have as teachers while I was growing up - what can I say sometimes I'm a sick )
  21. All of this week has been devoted to qb talk and other "conversation." Forgotten is that there is a game on Sunday which could be huge for Buffalo. Can we please spend some time talking about this? My thoughts on the game: This is an interesting test for both teams. The Rams and Bills are still not mathematically eliminated from playoff positioning but they are long shots. A loss by either team ends there hopes. The Rams are 1-3-1 on the road and have given up 30 sacks this year. Both of these things bode well for the Bills. Conversely the Bills o-line has been depleted by injuries. Wood and Hairston will not be playing in this game or likely the rest of the season (Hairston already to IR). The Rams also are coming off a huge division win against the niners. Steven Jackson is getting healthy and the d-line/dbs have been very good for them this year. I'm seeing a slug fest this weekend because of the weather. The Rams are a dome team so weather may have a huge effect on them. Zeurlein has been relied on greatly for points this year and it will be interesting to see how he handles the wind in the Ralph. I'm hoping the Bills come out and run the ball straight down the Rams throat as mentioned earlier with the injuries to the line that will be difficult. I'm a homer and will be rooting for the Bills. My prediction is made with my heart and not my head but I see a 20-13 Buffalo win. Can we please discuss the game instead of Chan sucks, Fitz sucks, Wanny sucks, Ralph sucks, which retread qb should we go after? Only 2 days away and this is the first thread to talk about this game. Let's Go Buffalo!
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