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Everything posted by section122

  1. 1 for 2 and unfortunately it was the friendly league I was victorious in. Chicago d put up huge points and tony Gonzalez mile Wallace and Bradshaw didn't. On to next year hope you all won today!
  2. Going with Bradshaw as he should play today. If he doesn't I've got Boldin to plug in, I just can't trust Deangelo. Hope it doesn't burn me! Good Luck everyone!
  3. After seeing your passion about rush making the rnr hof I knew you would be here to relish.... And I don't blame ya! It's to bad the beacon of clarity is banned I enjoy watching people eat crow.
  4. The idea of an outright ban is a moronic one. See the "war on drugs" for an example. What needs to happen is more education about guns and as many have mentioned sensible gun laws. There are 2 main reasons to carry a gun to me hunting or protection. Neither of these situations should require military grade weaponry. Simple pistols for protection and rifles/shotguns for hunting. Even semi automatic seems unnecessary to me.
  5. I just don't know about Williams. He has burned me the last 2 years whenever I needed to count on him. I'm back and forth but leaning Smith for right now. Until Sunday morning that is....
  6. This is the second time you've posted this comment. What records has he set? I see 13 school records but no national ones. I understand you like him so maybe you can tell me more about this report from cbssports: Jones has NFL height and good body flexibility with the mobility to use his legs to extend the play. Jones has good arm strength and average accuracy, but his ball placement is too erratic at each level and he tends to make highly questionable decisions every game. He stares down targets and his accuracy dips when forced to go away from his first read, showing poor footwork when rattled as he struggles to reset and step into his throws. Jones has put up big numbers as part of a pass-happy offense, lining up in a hybrid pistol/shotgun formation, and is reminiscent of Jay Cutler ? frustrating passer and it doesn't always look pretty, but the tools are there and he gets results. He still has room to improve and needs to show more of a clutch gene and improve his ball placement before he'll be a first round pick. I'm not completely against him either I just don't know who is the best prospect for the Bills yet FWIW.
  7. QB: P. Manning or M. Stafford - gonna ride Manning as I have all year RB: Forte and Sproles (could start 3 if I had one worth starting in my flex) - PPr league and my only other backs are Bradshaw (likely out) and Bush (handcuff for forte) WR: My tough decision is at wr. Since I am down on rbs (injuried hit me hard here) I have to start at least 2 and up to 3 wrs my list: M. Wallace and Megatron - get the starting nod but my choice for #3 is muddy at best Steve Smith Car vs. Oak Josh Gordon Cle vs. Pitt TY Hilton Ind vs. KC J. Jones GB vs Indy A. Boldin Balt vs. NYG so many good options. I'm ruling out Hilton and Gordon bc I don't care for the matchup with Gordon and Hilton is #3. So Smith, Jones or Boldin? edit: Apparently Deangelo Williams is available and although I hate him if Stewart is out I may want to go that route. What do you say?
  8. Qb: Cam - he's the top scoring qb over the last few weeks and although Big Ben is due for a break out game I'd roll with Cam. RB: Woodhead is out immediately, he's to far down the depth chart to start. Bradshaw is a gametime decision but with a late game so I don't know if I'd trust that. Which leaves my choices : Ballard and Richardson WR: really tough and interesting group here. Talent alone would dictate Colston, Moore, and Boldin. Moore and Colston on the same team is scary to me. Hartline is an injury risk and Streeter is well a guy that shouldn't even be on your team. I would go with the talent and not worry (to much) that colston and moore are on the same team (although Dallas dbs are tough)
  9. That's awesome kinda.... I hope they don't even try to find the person responsible for killing him. Situations like this suck and I'm sorry for your loss.
  10. No I don't. He was passed over multiple times by every team in the league. I would prefer someone without off field baggage and a 1st/2nd rounder. As for your second paragraph forcing them to overspend is not a bad idea - giving them draft picks to reload with is - which is what is suggested in the op. It doesn't deplete them of anything.
  11. The self defense or murder thread caught my interest and I continued to follow it after it got moved to PPP, after coming back multiple times I am left with this thought... Do people care more about who's fault it is that problems exist within this country or that they exist and need to be solved? It seems to me that every economic issue is blamed on bush/obama, every human rights issue is blamed on the left or right, sandy hook is it guns fault or mental health? The country is in deep financial trouble and people can't wait to say it's Bush's fault, did you see what he did for 8 years? Or it's Obama's fault, I can't believe he bailed out banks and the auto industry! Why not use this board to brainstorm solutions? Gay Marriage/Abortion/Marijuana.... The right? Hates everyone and it is there fault the country is so filled with hate. The left? Stupid hippies want everything legal and want the government to pay for it! Shouldn't compromises be sought out on the issue? Guns? Take them all away they are the reason these murderers can kill so many people vs. guns don't kill people, people do! Isn't there a middle ground somewhere? Mental health? They are a criminal just like any other vs oh he/she has (insert mental illness here) it isn't their fault. Doesn't the answer fall somewhere more towards the middle? I think too many people are to quick to place blame for what is wrong without looking at every aspect. If you identify as a liberal or conservative it shouldn't mean that you hate everything republican or democrat. People should evaluate each and every issue independently and if you find yourself hard lining a stance ask yourself why? Shouldn't our opinions be flexible and maleable as we learn more information? Beliefs set in stone are a very dangerous thing and something that seems to be pervasive on this board. Am I wrong in that thought or these thoughts in general? btw: I fall in favor of gay marriage, woman's right to choose, legalization, against gun laws (with the exception of high capacity clips/automatic weaponry), the economy - cutbacks as well as less tax breaks for the rich and mental health is to long to get into in this topic. So for those keeping score that's left, left, left, right, middle, and middle.
  12. I don't get this thread... We are going to make the Pats* weaker by taking their depth, and then trade a 2nd and 3rd round pick for their backup qb?!?!?!?! Wouldn't that give them the ammunition to refill their depth? What am I missing here?
  13. It's looking like Smith would be the preference. I am surprised by some still wanting T'eo but think it may be due to Smith not selling everyone on his talent.
  14. never ever play Deangelo williams!!!! You look pretty set but it sucks to have your rb against your d. Good Luck! I'm also in the championship of my keeper league and offered a split to the other team but one manager didn't want it. He's a notorious whiner so I hope I destroy him to be able to rub it in his face. Reality is though he was the points leader and his team is sick. I hope Gronk comes back for you bc Hernandez has been killin it for him with Gronk out.
  15. While I get (I think) what you are saying think about this game from a players perspective. It isn't a home game so it is an extra day of travel. Many time the number of "road fans" is equal to or outweighing the home teams. The place is a cavern with very little crowd noise which doesn't help the home team. It is a clear money grab by management which tells the players where the priority lies. All around the game is big f.u. to the players and fans.
  16. Tannehill isn't doing great in my estimation unless 10 tds to 12 ints is great. I am impressed by your ability to identify Luck though as nobody had him being good in the pros. I don't remember your crush on Kaep. As I qualified I'm not sold on Nassib completely but am not ready to write him off either. My comment was more tongue in cheek than anything. As for Nassib again I ask did you get a chance to see the Louisville game? Many NFL type throws in that game. I am comparing all QBs in this draft. I just wonder if Jones is "amazing" why is he being grouped in the second tier in an already admittedly weak class. I didn't bash Jones just mentioned that he has his warts too. I'm sorry I was disrespectful to your son Mrs. Jones.
  17. I'm sorry due to your multiple man crushes on terrible qbs I'm actually okay with the fact that you don't like Nassib On a serious note I'm not sold on him being an elite game changer at the next level. That can be said however for all of the qbs in this draft. Your flavor of the month Jones has many a question mark as well. I just see Nassib as someone who could be developed and he is definitely in the mix for next qb up after Smith. I love your Fitz jr comment bc you say nothing to back it up, just a random insult. So please do tell why is he Fitz jr?
  18. I don't but this link has it and they update it every Tuesday including s.o.s. just click on draft order.
  19. Not sure where you are reading but according to this: Nassib has a powerful arm, reads coverages effectively and has demonstrated poise in high-pressure situations. Nassib's stock is rising, he's now ranked No. 43 overall and the No. 4 quarterback in CBSSports.com's latest player rankings. Nassib is currently projected to be selected in the second round. At the start of the season, Nassib was projected to be taken in round 3-4. or this: Nassib has good-enough arm strength to make throws at all levels of the field with the mechanics and beautiful ball fakes that scouts love to see. Nassib tends to make poor reads under pressure and force throws, but is a smart player and does a nice job using his eyes to hold defenders and work through his progressions. He isn't a statue in the pocket and is very accurate throwing on the run, flashing impressive toughness for the position. Nassib is a gamer with a live arm FWIW his deep ball accuracy is a bit lacking but he was very impressive this year. Check out the highlights of him vs. Louisville and you will see some very impressive quarterbacking.
  20. Mods could we perhaps merge this thread with the Bills could draft #3 thread?
  21. not according to this. Not sure who is right but this site has sos listed and seems accurate.
  22. This is my biggest beef with Gailey. He lacks passion on the sideline. I don't need a blowhard but I need someone who will call the refs when they screw up and get a handle on both sides of the ball. Defensive players on this team aren't accountable to the HC! That is crazy to me!
  23. That is a great deal for both sides. For Urbik he went from PS to 15 mill for the Bills they ensured they don't have 1 less thing to worry about this off season and got a very favorable deal. Urbik isn't my favorite player on the line but this is low end starter money for someone who I think is better than a low end starter.
  24. Yeah I don't like the idea of blowing everything up but I have lost any confidence in Chan to right this ship. I want a HC in the HC position not a glorified OC.
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