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Everything posted by section122

  1. Holy sheet! I am both disgusted and scared by your p.o.v. on this topic. I don't think you have to worry about the cops kicking your door down to come get your guns. The fact that you think this concerns me. The right to bear arms was very very important in the Bill of Rights. It help insure protection from invading countries or our own government. This was the late 1700's. Since then the U.S. Military has become the world's best, if they want to come take over your house guess what they will. However why in the world would they ever do that? Do you think another country will invade us? Our military would handle that - not you with your mini arsenal. I'm not even anti gun but your reasoning is terrible. You want to say it is to protect your family from robbers etc. fine with me and I have no issue with you. Threaten and try to reason murdering police officers?!?! This line of thinking hurts your cause waaaayyyyy more than it helps... I let it slide the first time but if you're the smartest man in the room it's upon not apon
  2. I think this week's topped it! What an episode... is anyone watching this show?!?! The whole time Lana was walking out of Briarcliff I just kept saying (out loud) come on make it make it, and she did! Then with Thredson I thought for sure he was going to get the jump on her - glad she shot him too for some vindication. I can't believe she didn't follow through with the abortion but it looks like (for now) anyway mdbf is that child. The whole Kit thing got very confusing with ulma(sp?) sitting on the bed. Now he's got 2 "alien" babies, I honestly have no idea where they are going with this. Anyway, thoughts? Only 2 epsiodes left!
  3. 1st pass 45 yard completion (yes underthrown) 2nd pass - drop (he hit him in the numbers) 3rd pass - clear throw away This is a clip from the whole game/every pass this is not a highlight reel. This won't have him hitting every pass in just the right spot. Please tell me you watched further... edit: just noticed your sn and it all made sense
  4. He was a quality HC at Boston College. The way he was fired was ridiculous and he had a major hand (iirc) in Matt Ryan's development. I don't think this is a bad hire and I love the Norv hire. Hopefully Cleveland will be back along with the Bills!
  5. any updates on this?
  6. I'm not sure why you're vitriol is aimed at me seeing as my second post was my idea for modifying it as I see it also as something that should be run differently. I will point out that you PLAN to work for 15 more years. Disability or loss of job could affect that greatly. I am happy for you that you are so well off that you have no use for this program. However what happens if you outlive your savings? What happens if your significant other passes away after a lengthy battle with something that racks up medical bills? What happens if the money you thought would be enough, isn't? You will be very happy to fall back on SS. The reality is though that many people aren't as financially well off as you are. Many in your generation will rely on it to survive. The choice without SS would be death or a serious burden on their children. Why are you so against something that will help people out? I get hating programs and spending that is wasteful but to me helping people live quality lives isn't wasteful spending. You took that from what he said?!?!? I know I don't spend much time on PPP but it amazes me that people think one person and 1/3 of the branch of government can be to blame for everything! (here is where I will open a can of worms) I like your comrade barb, it was funny, however there are SOME socialist programs that can be good and beneficial to society. Socialized medicine being #1 on that list.
  7. I get the bias too I just don't agree with it at all. I could see if it was the same coach, I could see if all of the others were 4 year starters. This thought process has bothered me since people railed against orakpo bc he was from Texas and "Texas players are all lazy" bc mike Williams was. I give him a lot of credit for sticking through the sanction years as well and think the whole it's USC there talent is better than anyone else doesn't apply to him bc of this. The line at USC was horrendous this year. I personally think he will end up being the best of this years class but I don't know how good he will ultimately be. Last year I think he outplayed Andrew luck throughout the season. Time will tell.
  8. I knew the op was going to be exactly what it was so I came fully prepared to post these exact thoughts. As for Barkley, he started as a true freshman which none of the other guys did. He has more experience than all of the other guys you mentioned. I think that is very important as well as that whole except for the school name nothing else ties any of those guys to each other thing.
  9. I agree completely with both of your posts! I sat 122 (hence the user name) I believe row 32 and it was the best seats I've been in (with the exception of club seats). Even when the action is headed away from you if you spent any time playing madden it is the same view. You can see plays develop, holes open up, and pressure on the qb. Great great seats. Have to add as well that it is definitely a stand for the game and have 1 or 2 more drinks than you should have section. There were very few if any fights in our section though believe it or not
  10. Yahoo is my default home page and usually full of mindless drivel, however every so often there are things worth while and this video is certainly that. Watch and enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVrJ8DxECbg My favorite is the kid who does a triple take and the girl who asks "am I trippin'?"
  11. Not sure if you're just joking but the show is actually shot in LA.
  12. I'm assuming you haven't made it to my second post....
  13. I agree completely with your idea and feeling. The issue with it is that there would be a gap if the entire nation switched over. Older people would have no time to set up or begin saving. The system would fail (even though it more than likely will anyway) leaving many older American's without cash. This would either flood the welfare system or put a lot of stress on the next generation of these families. What needs to happen to allow the system to survive is pushing back the age of collection. Life expectancy has increased to 75 for men and 80 for women. Allowing people to begin collecting at 62 puts the expectation on the system for 13 and 18 years respectively. If that was pushed down to 10 years I think the system would be much more viable.
  14. How about the joke of a search that the Bears process has become. They have interviewed 13 candidates so far!
  15. Dareus played end in the 34 at Bama. Your friend is correct though the jets ran a lot of multiple fronts - as did SU this year.
  16. fwiw Kyle Williams had his best season in 2010 lined up as the nt for the first year of the 34. I read between the lines and came away that he wanted to distance himself from the circus that is the ny jets. (that's my cynical view) I read between the lines and think he saw an opportunity to not just be Ryan's lap dog and wanted to make a name for himself. (my optimist view)
  17. I wonder how many baby boomers are in this thread? How many will actually benefit from this because the program will stay afloat to help them as they age? I know it is easy to just hate everything that government or Obama does but look at the facts. Over the next 15 years 80 million people will become eligible for ss benefits. Joining the existing 60 million that already do. So what would the decision be for people? Continue to support social security or end the program altogether? It has been a known threat for a while that the baby boomer generation would wreak havoc on the system and we are seeing preparation for it. Am I happy about losing the extra money? Of course not. Do I understand why it is happening? Yes, and I think I just pointed it out to those of you that just want to piss and moan.
  18. Of all the things I know and have seen or read about Marrone this article has to be my favorite: Doug Marrone's impact resonated with All-Pro center Kevin Mawae favorite part: "He did a great job of teaching concepts," Mawae said. "As a young player, a lot of times you worry just about your assignment and who's in front of you. But Doug taught us concepts of, 'We're doing this slide protection because it's going to complement the running game in this way. We're going to run this protection and show this kind of front so we can get the defensive backfield to react certain ways.' "And he would be able to teach it to you in a way where you understood it, where it wasn't complicated physics. "He coached tight ends and he knows the passing game. When we would talk X's and O's about pass-protection schemes, he would be able to teach you about coverages, Cover 2, rolling coverages, what to expect. He opened the game up for a lot of the guys on the offensive line beyond the [line of scrimmage]."
  19. First off yes it does make a difference to kids who are leaving their home for the first time whether they travel 850 miles (distance from LA to Boise) or 3207 miles (Los Angeles to Syracuse). Home sickness is a big deal for 18 year old kids. Add in family and friends ability to travel to home games as well as road games being more local as well and it really isn't hard to understand. I know you like to be contrarian WEO but this isn't your best troll... Here's another reason as well: Bronco Facilities beautiful stadium, original field style, and most importantly a football school. SU recently has upgraded the dome and it's football facilities (in the last year - a lot of it can be contributed to Marrone's success) but it is first and foremost a basketball school. So if you are an 18 year old hot shot do you want to go to school where your friends can drive to the game, where the facilities are top notch, and where your sport is first priority? Or do you want to go where no one family/friend can make a short trip to see any games, in a dated facility, where your program is second fiddle? Yes because all football players come from rich families where a plane ticket or 4 is affordable.
  20. So after the dust has settled from this weekend I had this thought: If Marrone looked over tapes from all of the teams he would interview with and came away with the feeling that the Bills had the best talent, is it possible that Kelly did the same thing? Did he perhaps view the Bills as the job he wanted and when it closed he didn't want to force a move to the NFL? Just spitballin' but it was a thought that ran through my mind.
  21. The progression of Nassib was something to see this year. He really hit his stride around the missouri/ louisville games and I think that explains the improvement you saw from the first clip to the second. As for the draft I think if the Bills pass on him in the 2nd he won't be there in the 3rd. I know it's early to say that but just my feeling on it as things stand now.
  22. I like Lemon. Marcus Sales is okay but I was hoping for better.
  23. My ideal would actually be to take that pick at #8 and use it on a stud (Jones, T'eo, etc..). Then trade up into the top of 2nd back end of 1st for Nassib. He is a prospect that needs to be drafted correctly not a Ponder/Locker type reach imo, if someone else wants to reach for him then let them.
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