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Everything posted by section122

  1. Mr. Weo? What have you to say about this? Is the crazy meter at 12 now?!?!
  2. Mr. Straw man. Wow no that's not what I said. What I said was he was keenly aware every play where Ed Reed was. An opportunity presented itself and he took it. No I don't think he was looking to cart off reed every play. Just wondering are you ever happy? Every post every thread is condescending. Sheesh man get off your high horse.
  3. Even though a gif of the play is in THIS THREAD multiple times it still appears you haven't seen the play. That said the most comical thing is "the body style of Brady" he is 6'4" and 225 pounds! Ed Reed is 5'11" and 205. He has 5 inches and 20 pounds but needs to cover up and protect himself?!? He could've snapped his ankle because it was so high! If he slid normally his ankle/foot would have been nowhere in the line of fire... As soon as I saw this play I thought of the wristband Brady wore with the phrase "find #20 (Reed) on every play," there is no assumption to make other than it was intentional. How beneficial would it have been for the Pats* if Reed missed the second half?
  4. I agree completely with both of these statements. I came here to mention that even though Cincy always plays Cuse tough and the emotions were probably empty, SU still pulled through. Cooney still looks like the game is to big for him. Grant on the other hand is an exceptional freshman. I have done a 180 on this team. I think they look like a contender now. The things I have noticed that lead me to that conclusion (disagree if you will) are; Triche is exactly what a senior guard should be - the leader and one that keeps everyone level headed. He is calm cool and collected, that aloofness that was worrisome has morphed into ice water in his veins. Kind of reminds me of Manny Ramirez. Just goes about his business wether there are 40 minutes or 4 seconds left. He also is the go to player in big games/situations. Put the ball in his hand and he'll make the pass or shot. MCW is excellent off the ball. He struggled a bit against Louisville and needed to find his place. Against Cincy he made a huge 3 and is starting to round into shape. It's fun to watch his potential transform into excellence. Jerami Grant. Somehow I missed this guy and had no idea who he was until he was subbed in during an early season game. He has done nothing but impress and is the single reason Southerland's absence hasn't been felt. Strong guard play is the key to March success. I heard an interesting stat yesterday and have no idea what to make of it. SU leads the country in second chance points. This stat is mind boggling because they struggle to rebound the basketball. This stat would seem to make up for that though.
  5. Tell me you see the irony in this. You haven't researched the case then make a bunch of assumptions then conclude that he must be at fault. Let me ask: If you were in a car and two people approached your vehicle, broke a bottle over a friends head, and pulled a friend out of the car, what would you do? That was THE scenario. These "victims" appear to have been the perpetrators. The actions of lewis and company, while you may not agree with them, are very plausible. Add to the fact that this situation was the wake up call for Lewis and I really don't know what more people expect. This situation made him get his life in order and become a better person. So many errors: 1. Wasn't murder or accessory he was convicted of obstruction. 2. 3 guys involved were acquitted bc it was deemed to be self defense. Many people get "off" murder charges this way. 3. It was Rae carruth so your ray theory is out... 4. So is it evey time someone is acquitted it was because the prosecution failed not because oh I don't know they were innocent?!?! Or are you sure he was guilty bc the "evidence" is so overwhelming? 5. "Obvious cover up". I'm a conspiracy guy sometimes but what did the ATLANTA da have to gain from helping ray out? Seems the better career move would be to nail the nfl star on murder. Or at least present trumped charges ahem*duke lacrosse*ahem.
  6. I think you unfairly paint that quote.... Here is the beginning for context: "The first night I was in jail, a whisper came to me, and it said, 'Can you hear me now?' " Lewis said. "That's when I knew that no matter where I was, by any means necessary, I had to prove to myself, to my family, to my fans. … I gotta get something done. If y'all [that accused him of murder] are that bold to put my reputation on the line, I'm that bold to fight for it."
  7. I don't think either of them need to apologize for their beliefs. There faith is strong and they want to share it. You can agree or disagree with them. I'm Christian and happy that they have such strong beliefs and don't hide from them regardless of persecution for their beliefs.
  8. I think this could have gone in the other threads and have a feeling the mods will put it there.... As for what she said - not one bit of what she said was incorrect except for the role model part. He is a role model and a great one at that. He made mistake, learned from them, changed his life. I can hope my kids would learn from this example....
  9. When your wrong and others follow suit in your wrongness your post is exactly what happens....
  10. Apparently yes you did miss something. All of the details are available IN THIS THREAD! You don't even need to use google. He was guilty of obstruction of justice. Nobody involved thinks Ray did the stabbing, encouraged the stabbing, started the fight, or really anything. The people that were killed instigated the melee. Ray and his crew were in the car already when it broke out. What justice did those 2 "kids" deserve? The real people who stabbed the "kids" were acquitted with self defense as the reasoning. That is justice. He also made a commitment to turn his life around after the incident. So lets see; he knew he made errors in judgement, he paid for those errors, and made a commitment to learn and never put himself in the same situation again. Sounds like that is the reason he is viewed differently than OJ and why people have moved on from the incident. I think a better example is the Kobe Bryant rape case. How many in here that are vilifying Lewis think that Kobe was guilty of rape? I think what is happening in this thread (and america in general-sorry DrD for the PPP spin) is that people get a soundbite make a judgement then refuse to change said judgement irregardless ( ) of the facts.
  11. SO murdering dogs is the same as being around when people get murdered. I plead with you to look at the actual details of the story and then form an opinion bc yours couldn't be farther from the truth. Actually just keep reading the thread... Ryan your ignorance has been shown on the whole situation. RK_Bills Fan thank you for typing out what happened as many in this thread have been to lazy to look it up themselves. Just be careful using logic and facts around here....
  12. I don't get how you point out that he wasn't the murderer but that it is still Ray's fault. Do you know why the people were acquitted? It wasn't lack of evidence it was deemed self defense. Does he owe it to any of us? Would many people believe him if he did? No people have already made up their mind that he is gulity and a scumbag. No amount of explanation will change that. wow wow wow. Not a murderer. Not sure what is fake - do you think he gets himself and his team mates hyped up for attention? Do you think he has been spoken highly of by his team mates bc he is fake? Wow. Not one bit of this post is factual. Every team in every sport has a leader. They generally are the outspoken rah rah guys. Many athletes do need that extra kick in the butt to stay focused and motivated. Your right thought they are grown men with millions of dollars who can question there motivation.... How many times do we need to see an Albert Haynesworth situation to be reminded that not everyone cares about winning?
  13. The first Super Bowl Big Ben won he was the statistically worst qb in all of the Super Bowls to win. On my phone so I can't link the stats. Second Super Bowl however he want the game manager and led the game winning drive including the td throw to Holmes.
  14. I apologize for not hanging around the website yesterday afternoon and this morning. You've made your point and I've made mine. I have nothing to add to what I have already said. You won't convince me that your right to own something is worth killing other people and I can't convince you that it isn't. I hope that it never comes to the day where you are forced to make the decision to fight or not. As I have repeated several times I am for gun ownership in this country I see no issue with it. I don't think guns are the issue. People are the issue. Society as a whole always needs to blame something to make themselves feel better, I don't. Sh*t happens. If Adam Lanza had it in his head that he was going to kill a bunch of kids he would have accomplished it with gun or without. The only thing I will ask is that you understand why people are reaching in the way that they are. They are searching for answers, an explanation, when there really isn't an easy one. Your guns are safe, they will not be taken away. If they are I hope that you come up with a better solution to show your dissatisfaction then killing people to do it.
  15. I think your sarcasm meter is malfunctioning. As for the undersized comment you made earlier, 6'2" 255 is undersized?
  16. Arrogant? What in the world......
  17. Perfect example of this op and something that drives me crazy... Lay out for the ball!!!!! I know Fitz is inaccurate, help him out by diving to make a catch please. This is directed towards the ENTIRE receiving crew. I pointed this out to the guys I watch the games with at the beggining of the year and it was mind boggling how many more balls could have been caught if they would simply sell out and try to make a catch. That said - losing takes a huge toll on people. When you lose 1 it's okay, 2 it's not okay, 3 it's bad, 4 it sucks, 5 you're pissed, 6 self doubt creeps in, 7 doubt in your teammates, 8 apathy. When your team routinely finishes with a losing record it becomes a mindset. Which is why I was okay with the complete cleanout of the coaching staff and hope to see a lot players removed. Mike Ditka had a great quote when he took over the Bears something along the lines of - We are going to be champions unfortunately most of you won't be here when that happens.
  18. To be completely honest I would freely give up my right to own a gun. I just don't care to own a gun. As you stated below At present, the federal government is the most powerful in the history of mankind, growing ever bigger, and increasingly involved in our day to day lives. It can easily be argued that the case for gun ownership as counter measure for tyranny has never been stronger. To me it makes it even more pointless. It is not a fight that will be won, especially by me. To say I would give up my rights at the whims of the government tell me that you think it is easy to change the Bill of Rights (see below for more on this). That said my whole issue with this thread was never gun ownership. I fully support people wishing to own a gun - it is legal and their right. My issue is with the idea that people were ready and willing to MURDER there fellow citizens. Thanks for the homework assignment teach... link In 2008 and 2010, the Supreme Court issued two landmark decisions officially establishing this interpretation. In District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia[1][2] and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. In dicta, the Court listed many longstanding prohibitions and restrictions on firearms possession as being consistent with the Second Amendment.[3] In McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 3025 (2010), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment limits state and local governments to the same extent that it limits the federal government.[4] So to answer your question yes, they can. Also your rights can be changed. Not nearly as easily as a law but they can be changed: An entrenched bill of rights cannot be modified or repealed by a country's legislature through normal procedure, instead requiring a supermajority or referendum; often it is part of a country's constitution and therefore subject to special procedures applicable to constitutional amendments. I know it is uncomfortable to hear but our rights are our rights because the government says so. Not because they were god given and irrevocable. The government would never be able to change the bill of rights as it now stands which is why I don't get the whole take up arms against our police/government idea. That is the most extreme circumstance imaginable and one that a few people with "illegal" guns would have a non-existent chance at winning. The thing is though - IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. There are enough good reasons for guns to be legal that any bill outright banning guns would be shot down in a heartbeat it certainly wouldn't get the supermajority vote it would need.
  19. That's the thing thought - they aren't revoking them. You can still own guns in NYS. They have just made modifications to what guns, ammo, attachments are allowed. When this right was given people owned muskets not ak's.
  20. Have you ever benefited from socialized medicine? Beyond the "dregs that don't want to work or have someone else cover their ass" everyone benefits. I have been sick to the point of being intubated because I couldn't breathe on my own. Went to my physician who wouldn't take a walk in, scheduled an appt only to have him have a nurse see me, called me back in (another co pay) to say there was nothing wrong with me and I would be fine with Tylenol and Aspirin, I explained to him that it wasn't working and he rudely suggested I go to the er if it was that serious, I did and spent 3 days in the hospital. With insurance it cost me over $4,000 for just the hospital part. I didn't appreciate the private health care or paying my premiums. I also had a medical issue while on vacation in Italy. Called the doctor, got in the same day, got treatment and a couple extra vials of the medicine in case of another issue, total cost $0. My sister lives in Italy and comes home for a month in the summer, the entire time she is extremely nervous about her kids and their safety bc she doesn't have health insurance - it is unnecessary with socialized medicine. I've seen all sides of it. Have you? In my experience many (not all) doctors care about seeing as many patients as they can to bill as much as they can - not the quality of care they give. When the idea of being a "patient factory" is removed the care improves. Instead of racing patient to patient they spend time. People that are doctors are so because they want to help not because it will make them rich. Wouldn't you be happier not paying excellus, mvp, etc, it seems like my rates keep going up while the quality of coverage is going down.
  21. As for the bolded section: OP:Perhaps it is time to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of those who deny us our 2nd amendment rights? You: I promise to make a few of your children fatherless as a reward for your reckless tyranny. Sodbuster: it gives the public the teeth to ensure that their leaders keep their end of the bargain. when they fail to keep their end of the bargain... Fingon: If they come door to door taking guns then people will do it. Have you ever heard the expression "from my cold dead hands"? Tim: (who likened this to the wars on Afghanistan) you don't have to win an all out head to head rebellion, you just need to make a point, scramble a few eggs and you'll be eating your omlet in no time. You again: All of these rights we hold dear, every last solitary one of them, are defended by guns and the men and women willing to use them in that defense, who value the concept of freedom for their children more than they value their own lives. You again: when you come knocking on it to take away their guns, they'll give you all of their bullets first. It sure sounds like you are mentioning a war on police officers. Owning a gun is your right, when it becomes illegal it is no longer your right. At times in this country cocaine and lsd were legal. They aren't anymore. The sad part of this whole exchange is I support gun ownership. I don't support gun ownership to the point that I am willing to MURDER other people. If the government comes for your weapons and you respond by getting into a shootout with them you are a lunatic. Plain and simple. Good for you that you were able to take a few with you, now your children and their children are fatherless, that is an okay outcome for you? The thing is - they aren't coming for your weapons. Yes now certain things are illegal, that doesn't mean they are going to go door to door doing ammunition checks.
  22. I don't think we should go the rookie route at all... I think we should try for Skelton! On a serious note: I'm firmly in the Matt Barkley camp. His junior year was absolutely amazing. He has good numbers for td:int ratio, completion %, and ypa. The teams he played on also weren't the typical USC "better talent than anyone else" squads.
  23. Whoooosh A tyrant 5 miles away? Who in the world are you referring to? My point was those that don't remember history are doomed to repeat it doesn't apply in this case.
  24. Do you really think that this is how they will enforce the law? Is this how they enforce any law?! Being a police officer means you serve and protect the people. Honestly I feel the need to be protected from people like you. Not gun enthusiasts but gun nuts. You are willing to kill police officers! You are willing to leave children parent less! All because their job has told them what they need to do. Police officers enforce the laws but they certainly don't make them. They also won't bring the swat team to your house because you have 8 bullets instead of 7 in your clip. Your paranoia is concerning. Yes in 1775 when faced against a king who was thousands of miles away. The second amendment does not offer up the right to kill police officers because you disagree with a law. Thoughts like this are why people can justify in their head murdering abortion doctors. If the us military had the stomach for armed assault on the american people it wouldn't last to long. People would surrender very quickly. No matter how many people had their own guns. As for Afghanistan I have no idea how a COUNTRY is relevant to a person or group fighting against the US. They have an army/armies, gun nuts don't. Again I have no issue with gun ownership in America but some of the lengths people are willing to go to protect the right to own something is disturbing to me. Yes 1775. Some interesting laws that have been on the books in the u.s.: Incestuous Marriage was legal It is considered an offense to open an umbrella on a street, for fear of spooking horses It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church. Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death. It is legal to drive the wrong way down a one-way street if you have a lantern attached to the front of your automobile. A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket. My point? Sometimes laws outlive their usefulness. Well good to know if we are ever overseen by an imperial nation in Europe we will be all set. This quote gets so misused We won't be running... we don't have these guns so the big scary tigers aren't going to be chasing after us.
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