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Everything posted by section122

  1. I stopped paying attention after this.... Spectactular, phenomenal, motorboateriffic, whatever you say about the rest of her - there is no knocking her knockers! We all looked better when we were 20. I don't care about when she becomes a tank by then there will be some other hottie that has my attention. Top 10% top 20% hell I be a little like pooj and say top 40% I'm prob gonna check out and wonder what she looks like naked! No need to knock her because she isn't as hot as whoever. She's hot and likes to show her body off. Makes her okay in my book!
  2. First - are you taking that girl with you? Second- GoPro cameras are worth checking out.
  3. Welcome back then. I'm glad Boston isn't in your handle bc then I would have had to be a jerk to you! (Bills, Lakers, and Yankees fan) Boston!
  4. This is what made me fall in love with him. He hits receivers so they can actually do something with the ball.
  5. It's not your homework to do but I would like to know how he fared in the other 50% that were over 5 yards from the line of scrimmage. Also is it a product of the offense or did he just take the trentative route?
  6. We are private and that is why we are taking such a big hit. State workers have a union therefore they hit the non-union workers because hey what are we going to do? State employees already make nearly double for the same job. I hate unions and I hate how over top great it is to have a state job - it should be just a job, with the same pay range, benfits, etc... That however is a different rant for a different day!
  7. I actually do have an example. The Redskins used there pick last year, this year, AND next year on QBs. It just happened to be the same guy.
  8. hmmmm.... a smart move by the Bills?! I like it!
  9. Interesting. I just checked the text and it just states that they have a private workout scheduled. No location listed. If he doesn't come to Buffalo does it count as 1 of the 30 pre-draft visits allowed? Or is it an "off the books" type thing? I do not want this to sound snarky so I want to get that out of the way first. I don't think anyone is maxed out at anything at age 22. Bodies still are developing and mass is still to be gained. Now whether or not that has an effect on his velocity is another story. Mechanics and accuracy are 2 things (to me) that you have or you don't. It appears to me that he does. Those are the things I want the most when looking at a qb. Arm strength is something that can be achieved through maturing and excercise (again imo). Accuracy and intellect not so much. The worry I would have is added bulk changing his mechanics and timing but posters smarter than I can comment on whether that is an issue. I still like Barkley but you have definitely given me food for thought on where his passes are going and the difficulty of them.
  10. 4.5% cut of funding to my agency which supports individuals with developmental disabilities. It will ( and already has) effected; services available to individuals, employment opportunities/positions (up to and including layoffs), and employee morale (everyone is afraid for their jobs). This is an agency where there hasn't been a rate increase (money given to help individuals pay for their service) in 3 years. It's really never financially rewarding to work in the human service field but these cuts are pushing that to the extreme. So devastated my life? Not quite. Felt every day (though admittedly much of this is because of the NYS budget) most definitely - and it will be getting worse I'm afraid.
  11. I appreciate your in depth analysis and what you would have done differently!
  12. I agree and actually all of the times she stopped to talk to him, freaking multitask! She had her feet free and 1 hand that should have been enough for her to fend off the resident nerd. Still great episode and I can't wait to see when the governor comes back around again.
  13. My thoughts as the bus emptied - well they just picked up everyone the governor chose not to fight so they just added a whole lot of mouths and not a lot of help. Also for Carl now it will be shoved in his face that he just shot the kid in cold blood as he may have to deal with family members. That said I thought the kid was going to make a move and he shouldn't be all that guilty about it. I know some of you are happy to see Andrea gone. I'm indifferent but her feet, with her perfectly manicured and painted toe nails bothered me. It is the freaking zombie apocalypse but there must be chinese nail salons somewhere!
  14. Good day to see how he perfoms in crappy conditions!
  15. I hate posting from my phone so I had to wait to be at work... I don't want to turn this into a kolb thread but it doesn't really. My feelings on the signing are that it makes them much less desperate. It doesn't change the fact that they still need a qb it just openee up some options depending on how the draft shakes out. I am concerned about Arizona "stealing" Barkley and believe the Bills might be too. If he is gone I can see them now waiting. Before the signing I think they would have been stuck taking a qb at 8 just to insure they got 1 of their guys. I keep asking and can't seem to get an answer. Is it really the injury? Is it that he played next to studs? Doing a bit more research and some rankings have him as a4th round prospect! If so my mock would have to be changed a bit. I'll have to ponder that. Is there any concerns about his ability that you are aware of though? I've railed enough against this faulty logic to not crusade again but here I am.... Leinhart, Palmer, and Sanchez all had the same coach. Barkley didn't. All of them played on stacked teams with multiple first round picks. Barkley didn't. He was at USC when players went elsewhere due to recruiting/bowl restrictions. He didn't get the chance to play on the absolutely stacked teams that others did. Here's another big difference - he was the first 4 year starter in school history! He didn't start for 1 season (Sanchez), He didn't only have 1 season above 60% completion (Palmer), and he didn't play on what some considered to be one of the greatest college teams of all time (Leinhart - and they lost that championship to Texas). He owns the single game mark for yards and tds (different games), and is the first ever 3 time captain at USC. Long story short - he isn't those players! Does Patterson scare the crap out of anyone else? This guy has bust potential all over him imo (I guess every player does but still...)
  16. Boy you MUST be new if your bar is set that low... stick around sometimes people will post things that will make your jaw drop... My long running favorite is the posters who don't watch the games because they have better things to do - and then make all sorts of analysis about what ails the team. Welcome to the Board!
  17. They touched on this I believe 2 episodes ago. I want to say it was 43 or so. After last weeks episode though I have no idea.
  18. Yeah a few players were ranked lower than I expect them to go by drafttek and I felt the same way. I would have to take these guys if they were indeed available at those picks. Hunt is very intriguing and huge! As I said he and Mario collapsing the pocket with Dareus and Williams coming from the middle would be exciting. As others have pointed out shamarko will also prob go earlier than his ranking. I wouldn't mind "over drafting" him as he can play the Bryan Scott role. All of my defensive picks I took with flexibility in mind. They all seemed to be pettine style players.
  19. I don't follow all 32 teams closely enough to even pretend like my analysis would be complete if I were to do a mock. That said I don't think Barkley being there at 8 is a stretch at all. He is all over the place from top 10 to late first. As for taking who I like thats what I did. I like Barkley and think the arm strength concerns are overblown. I also think Manuel at 8 is a stretch. I completely get your logic about grab who you like and I am in that same camp. I just prefer Barkley. I tried putting a question to astro earlier in the thread but I can pose it to you too. What are the knocks on jones? He was excellent every time I watched him. Iirc he only missed 6 assignments all year! I'm not trying to be a douche I honestly would like to know.
  20. This thread started out so uplifting and then got so out of hand once the PPP'ers showed up. I would be proud of a gay child because I would be proud of my child Jaybee c'mon man. As for Rob well I just keep getting reminded of your "want to punch gay people for kissing in public thread." Phil Hansen - HIV really? I mean really? I don't know what to even say. Yes this is a big deal. Do you know why gay people have to "come out"? If they don't it becomes a scandal that they may be gay. Then they have 2 choices come out on someone else's terms or deny what they truly are. Gay as a choice? My Aunt told me a story about knowing she was gay in Kindergarten. She had no idea that she was gay but that she did know that she had a crush on the cutest girl in her class - not the boys (and she was not sexually abused). I would ask any of you that think it is a choice to research transgender and Gender Indentity issues. There are several instances of it showing up as soon as the child can talk! Gay people want to procreate? Maybe maybe not. Is it wrong that they want to have a family but do not want to have sex with the opposite sex? To the poster that said it was a recent phenomenon - do you think that has anything to do with the socail acceptability? It wasn't okay to be gay and it certainly would not have been okay to be gay and raise children! In 2013 there are still people who believe that gay people raising children will make the children gay! Oh wait that is some of you that think it is a nurture issue. Much the way hindsight pointed out - I can't imagine a time when black people didn't have the same rights as me. I hope hope hope my kids feel the same way about gay people! People Are Gay Deal With It
  21. Get ready for 1 to happen. Barkley if available WILL be the pick imo. Jones in the 2nd is purely my pipe dream So many holes... so few picks Astro - what is your feeling for why Jones is rated so low? He was a beast in all of the games I watched this year, award winner, smart guy. What are the knocks causing him to be available in the 2nd? Is it devaluing of the C position? I would appreciate your insight into this.
  22. As I was doing it believe me I wanted to plug one in. I'm not big on Patterson, none of the others were "value" in round 1, and after that it becomes a crap shoot. I would like to see a few FA wr's brought in to plug that hole.
  23. Thanks. I kept looking around for Wr's to take and even checked out the Te's (if people are unfamiliar with Marrone - he isn't anti TE like we've seen in the past) but just never came to one I was in love with. As I said Woods to pair with Barkley would be intriguing as it may help both of there adjustments and a receiver/te is clearly a need on the team. As for the K, I think there are to many other issues with depth to go there. I wouldn't mind some camp legs being brought in though. Thank you sir. I agree about draft positions but was going off of Drafttek. I would be shocked if Thomas is there in 6th or Hunt in the 3rd but I would love it! Thomas I think will be on the team. Co-captain, Marrone has familiarity with him, SS is a need, and he seems like a character guy. Thank you! Drafttek has some funky rankings but it is a great site. I would love to see the last weekend in April go down like this
  24. As I put in my mock draft here what about this idea? Barrett Jones in the 2nd. Pundits be damned this guy is a stud. If he were available in the 2nd round he would serve 2 purposes. He would fill the hole that Levitre left (either he or wood could slide over as both have experience playing guard) and he would also guard against the potential loss of Wood next year. I see his pick as the way to go. QB in round 1 to me is all but a given at this point barring something wild (3 before their pick) and I think Jones would be the best solution to the issue. Sliding Glenn inside makes no sense to me as he has already proven he can play LT. Also it would be a morale issue as well. Top G's don't make them money that LT's do so I can't imagine he would be happy about it.
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