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Everything posted by section122

  1. I'm deep in the game and also refuse to spend money. You can really go crazy with it. I believe the total is around 200$ to buy everything! That said I left a few open grassy areas so people can put eggs down. It seems to be the easiest way to do it. Be careful with this game though. It becomes very addicting and I have had more than 1 fight with the wife because I was playing "that stupid simpsons game." someone did this to a buddy of mine and honestly it is hilarious. Dick move for sure but he is a bit of an ocd guy so it pisses him off to no end. I didn't and wouldn't do it to him or anybody but I am laughing at the carnage caused
  2. I have an idea. Look at the draft visits. 3 receivers from Tennesee and another former Volunteer. All of them know the ins and outs of Tyler Bray. I think they liked the tape but were worried about his personality. I'm not a huge fan of Bray but I think he is higher on the Bills list than most. Past history indicates that predraft visits play a huge role in who is drafted.
  3. I wanted to leave this thread alone. People getting bent out of shape bc of a joke was maddening enough and then this guy shows up. Listen the joke that he made was still funny. The bombing unless it was done by Stevie himself has nothing NOTHING to do with his tweet. Boston isn't Foxboro. As for clueless humps (great insult btw I'll admit to chuckling - mostly at you but still...) I would love to know what enlightened area you live in that is clueless hump free. If I were to call over to Boston I would imagine a majority were unaware of his tweet and those that had would be smart enough to know it had nothing to do with yesterday. The last bolded section is entertainment for me as well. Trying to understand your next post made me immediately think of your insult. 1 person on twitter doesn't represent the whole of BIlls or Bills fans. The best is your tying of the Bills woes to twitter and fans responses on their. I'll admit I started out irritated but these posts were so funny I can longer be mad at you. Every village has an idiot and I am glad to have found ours So one person represents the whole group.... hmm interesting... Where is the next Klan meeting? Cat I was going to respond but Rob did well to summarize what I wanted to say. The Plaxico thing? Hilarious! The 15 yards it cost? Well if we had an NFL kicker it probably would have been less remembered. The happy new years? Never have I seen so many people up in arms over a congratulatory wish. The drop against Pitt? Show me an NFL receiver who hasn't dropped a pass. This tweet? I found it funny and not even remotely offensive. So no I don't think he is a "bozo." He is a young multimillionaire who isn't in trouble with the law, doesn't disrespect the team, is a positive role model for kids (no drug allegations, married, never in the news), and plays through whatever injury ails him. All while being the athlete who promotes Buffalo the most. His biggest flaw is *gasp* making jokes.
  4. I will agree with you about not knowing their thoughts on him going forward. I personally saw a light go on this year that made me pay attention to him more as a sunday prospect than a saturday player. Whether that light is all he has and he has peaked (I don't personally believe this) or if there is still room for continued improvement we won't know that answer until he has played in the league. As for my second point that is exactly what I was alluding to. I think Marrone's inner knowledge of a lot of the top qbs in this class helped him land the job. I just wonder if Nassib was well thought of and a potential target. If nothing else it would have landed Marrone an interview to pick his brain. From there who knows - maybe he blew there socks off. I still think Marrone likes Barkley (pure speculation) but that may be me just transferring my feelings onto him. Some random comments have led me to believe that but at this point it could literally be any qb taken by the Bills and I wouldn't be surprised. What would surprise me is if they made it out of the first round without a qb for the future.
  5. As long as that qb is Matt Scott! amirite? I live right outside of Syracuse and noticed a switch on Nassib that led me to believe he could be very succesful at the next level. I really blew him off until this year. He put up numbers but they were empty numbers. This year that changed. This year he was a LEADER. I know it is passe to say look at this film or look at this film. Watch his (almost) comeback against Northwestern. It was the start of him turning the corner. Watch the Louisville game and watch him throw it all over a (then ranked) top 10 team. I think him being from SU has actually worked against both for pundits and tbders. The Marrone connection only strengthens that love or hate (depending on where you fall on the negative nancy scale). It is nice personally to see pundits falling in line with what I thought I saw though. I actually wondered (pure speculation on my part) if Nix/Bills/et. al. really liked what they saw of Nassib and Marrone coming in was due to this factor. Please don't twist my words into saying that Marrone is here bc Nassib will be, it is just something I thought of in passing. He has intimate knowledge of Nassib as well as coaching against a few of the other top prospects. It may not have helped Marrone's cause in becoming coach but it certainly didn't hurt.
  6. I know Bray has been low on people's list of preferred qbs for the draft but I was struck looking at the predraft visit list. The bills worked out 4 wrs that Bray played with. It would seem they are getting first hand knowledge of just how much his "attitude" will be an issue. I could be reading into nothing here but it stuck out to me to say the least. Bray hasn't received nearly as much attention from the board as nassib, smith, Manuel, or Barkley but he has from obd.
  7. Even if they pass a law restricting it nothing will change. I'm a big believer of the law of diminishing laws. (My made up saying). It states that the more people there are the less laws that are enforced. When you're talking 70k the cops care about fights, underage drinking, etc.. They don't and can't care about adults having open containers.
  8. Well if its a correlation to human body part it is a shoulder muscle that makes up part of the rotator cuff. Not sure at all what it means in regards to cow though. Jboyst?
  9. Love these too. I don't know what they mean either other than to remind myself how far away I am from being a pro athlete! I'm starting to come around on Manuel. He has the size and athletic ability, he's got the smarts, and he's got just as good a shot as any to be the best qb in this draft.
  10. I love that Stevie's tweet thread got 7 pages today while actual football news gets 10 posts in 3.5 hours!
  11. You need to give up this site. Negative Nancy.
  12. 1st tweet: War is nothing to be played with. I apologize North Korea........but if y'all do bomb 1st... Bomb Foxboro, Mass. Sincerely,#BillsMafia— STVN (@StevieJohnson13) April 3, 2013 2nd obligatory people got their pantie's in a bunch tweet: i know some of yall took it too serious.. but i have Much Respect for The Pats along with Every other NFL Team. Gonna to be a Great #NFL2013— STVN (@StevieJohnson13) April 4, 2013
  13. This isn't a professional. He is a KID! At 22 years old if someone nationally assasinated my character with nothing but lies I'm not letting that slide. Hell at 31 I'm not letting that slide. His accusations were completely baseless and contrary to EVERY other report. Let alone the idea that this could cost him literally millions of dollars. How does it show weakness to stand up for yourself? He is in the middle of the biggest job interview of his life and some guy starts taking pot shots at him without ever meeting him. He should just let that slide. I don't follow your "logic" at all.
  14. Can anyone post what he said? The link is blocked by work filter.
  15. This. This is the most important thing to remember. He wasn't a blindside protector which is the normal role for the LT. If anyone beat Peters, Vick was able to see it and react to it. Therefore less qb hits, sacks, fumbles, and when you add in Vick's escapability, qb pressures. These are the statitstics that o-lineman are measured by and he was helped tremendously by essentially being a RT. I don't hate Peters. I don't have an agenda against him. I AM however very much in the good riddance camp. He sat out, came in out of shape, and admitted to not putting forth his best effort. I don't care who was making what (Dockery, Walker, or Peters) - that is unacceptable. The trade netted Eric Wood so it wasn't a terrible deal, Peters also still can't be counted on to be healthy and available at the end of the year, add it all up and it was nice knowin ya!
  16. A PM!!! c'mon after all the trouble you've been through with this girl I think we should all get to see a pic. To make an informed decision means we need to know how much b.s. you should be willing to put up with from her!
  17. I know some have stated their piece but every player should be reminded every day of why they suited up. Why they are going through those boring drills. Why they are there in April. This should be the goal and reminding yourself of your goal everyday does nothing but help. The self loathing that these posts potray is saddening to say the least...
  18. and will again Just kidding good luck! (sucker!)
  19. Palmer also led the Bengal's to the playoffs. His career was changed drastically on what many call a dirty shot to the knee.
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