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Everything posted by section122

  1. I think you could easily debate that this ended up being true. His playoff record is not very impressive.
  2. Minor quibble but this last year West Virginia moved to the big 12.
  3. I just had a thought maybe this is "true". Buddy said you gotta take the qb you like a round earlier. Maybe they do like him in the second but will pick him in the first. Smokescreen!
  4. I know this is a difficult question and agree whole heartedly that much depends on the system. I do plan on revisiting this next year. I read a lot of people saying they were high on russel Wilson or kaepernick or any other surprise pick. I'd like to see who gets it right. People still crush mayock for gabbert, kiper for claussen, and barbarian for Skelton. People also love to claim that this board could draft better than the bills. I am interested to see what ends up being true without it being revisionist. So I guess I'd also like to see who gets it wrong. If Matt Scott ends up being great I will remember that 1billsfan saw it. Other than that though I'd like to see the rest of tbders fall.
  5. I agree but this thread is for exactly that. I'm sick of hearing nassib is for sure a bust or Barkley is a backup. Time to hold people accountable - it seems absolutely everyone knew Russell Wilson would be amazing. Time to find out who can sack up. Time to see who is actually right. Ill cheer for whoever they pick I just think Barkley will end up being the best.
  6. I wish I could just put 1Billsfan in for Matt Scott and dog for Nassib but we will have to wait and see if they put their rep where their mouth is
  7. What in the world? Why would that matter? Championships are won by grading draft classes immediately, by winning free agency, by spending the most money! Man are you even a fan? Everyone knows this! Sheesh! It already is or at least within the first few responses
  8. He also said he wanted to smell their breath, to know they eat, sleep, and breathe football but you know twist the words to fit your argument as you please. P.S. it is just the start - wait until she tries to get you to go to a bed bath and beyond sale on Sundays.
  9. With all of the indecisiveness with these prospects I thought it would be a fun exercise to see who knows what they are talking about. Vote above (yes it is a public poll - we will know who you are - don't be scared!) and go on record. Put it in stone. Who do you think will be the best qb out of the bunch? No false remembering this years class (I KNEW Wilson was going to be amazing - you know who you are). Put yourself out there! Stake your claim! Be a Man! (or woman cgf)
  10. It is almost like it was centered on the agent for Elway and his diary that he kept about the goings-on before during and after the draft. Seriously I know people hear 83 draft class and think Kelly. That is not what this doc was supposed to be about! Read through the thread (although it sounds like you watched it - so I don't know how you missed it) and you will see it was about Elway and Marino NOT THE 83 DRAFT CLASS!!!!!!!!!! I agree. The NFL and all major sports are very shady. They often blur the line between ethics and fairness. This was a shining example of that. Conlficts of interest, personal vendettas, changing history, good thing something like that could never happen in today's NFL!
  11. I agree. I respect Kelly's opinion as I know he isn't talking out of his blow hole like some (most?). However I just see Barkley as a stud. I'm hoping he ends up in Buffalo and is my favorite QB prospect in the draft. Only time will tell who is smarter!
  12. So please go on record and say who your prefered qb is. All of this Marrone/Nassib bashing will continue by some (not saying you) when quietly their pick will have bombed and be out of the league. Please go on record and state who will be the best qb out of this draft - the one the Bills should draft.
  13. I know this will sound way more like an attack than it is meant to so please don't take it that way... Why is the fact that he completes these passes being disregarded? Now it is the way he completes then that people have an issue with? I think people are looking for things to knock the guy on personally. He completes them, they're even pretty and not lobs (nassib) or wobblers. I understand the need to drive the ball but the need to complete the pass is much more important that how fast and hard he got it there. Yes DBs are better, which makes accuracy more important, which Barkley is.
  14. It's funny you request this: Geno - a stretch to say WV is cold weather but prob your best bet Barkley - socal Nassib - Dome Manuel - Florida Wilson - Arkansa Jones - Oklahoma Not one of the top guys fits your request - oh well there is always next year
  15. It is funny you mention seeing him play swaying your perspective. I wonder how many people are actually watching these prospects. In the Nassib thread someone mentioned "after watching the usc tape today I came away unimpressed and don't want him on the Bills" blows my mind people are making decisions quickly and concretely like that. However as for your perspective I fall exactly on the opposite end. I can't get the battle he had with Luck 2 years ago out of my head. He was amazing that day and outperformed (imo) Luck that day. I wanted him then and still want him to be the qb now. (like how I contradict myself there? ) As for the similarities - I think both paid the price for becoming known quantities and having sub par years. Potential plays huge in the draft and these guys are more you know what/who they are. It is why EJ Manuel, Matt Scott, etc get projected as early as they do. As for what the detractors are saying I hear over and over how bad his senior year was (36:15) along with the other weaknesses you mentioned. I personally feel they are over reactions to his year. As stated I'm not saying they are the same prospect just that their paths seem to be similar. He actually had to get permission because he was only 14! He was a starter as a freshman in hs and college I just see success all over this kid. Then again I liked Colt McCoy too.... I'm not so sure Kelly. I have seen this said a couple of times but can't imagine Barbarian's Boy going at 8 instead of Barkley. The college careers are nowhere close in terms of experience, production, results, etc... I think Barkley would have gone to the Fins leaving us in an interesting situation d/t the rumors of Bills interest in Talleywhacker.
  16. I had much the same thing to say in the 30 for 30 thread. The similarities were striking to me...
  17. I knew that story and then when I was reminded of it I cringed. WTF was she even thinking! I can't even express how dumb of a move this was!
  18. Saw a biopic when I was a kid about him. I became an instant fan. Then I researched his career and tragically his death. He stands out to me as the basketball player I wish I had gotten to see above all others. A little before my time unfortunately.
  19. I was wondering what his track record of success was. It wuld seem this would be a great final smokescreen to throw out there. Except for the fact that it seems of all the qbs this is the one I haven't yet heard tied to the team.... Maybe they are smokescreening me! The double reverse smoke screen! That crafty old coot!
  20. I loved this one but I'm a sucker for these 30 for 30s. The reason it was focused on elway and Marino is because they shared an agent and he kept a diary through the process. As for Marino, if you haven't watched it yet or plan on rewatching it - substitute the name Barkley for Marino and they are very similar stories. Prolific jr years where they were thought to be high picks, return have a sub par year, take all the blame, get crushed by every pundit around, watch stock fall. I'm not saying Barkley = Marino but the parallels were enough to stick out to me. ( yes I am in the I want Barkley camp)
  21. 1bills fan will be here in 3. 2. 1
  22. Any interesting news? Juicy tidbits?
  23. who is gm for atlanta? Browns would like to make a trade up to their spot offering both 3rd rounders for atl 2nd and 3rd
  24. Cheatriots select Logan Ryan CB Rutgers
  25. It's not a magic couch it's Matt Scott's couch!
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