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Everything posted by section122

  1. holy crap you ain't lying. The worst part is I will be even less productive tomorrow and have a mountain of work to get through
  2. especially at the tackle position. Mike Mamula and Robert Gallery are just 2 more examples off the top of my head.
  3. His attitude wasn't rumored stuff and I think the drug thing is a concern. At this point he is probably not doing drugs and hasn't caused problems. What happens when you make him the face of your franchise and give him millions? In Buffalo no less. I think attitude and partying (read not taking his responsibilities seriously) have to be a concern. Learning under BB and Brady is overblown as well. Name me one qb they have let go and then seen success. Hoyer - who some wanted to trade for? Cassell who went for a second? BB and Brady are phenomenal. It doesn't mean they are good at teaching Mallett how to be a QB. I'm not a fan and would be very concerned if they were willing to trade him within the division.
  4. I wouldn't even say the top 2 tackles are bust proof. Mike Williams and Bryant McKinnie anyone? 1 of them made it, the other? We all know...
  5. Honestly I don't think it was a value pick for them. He was a third round choice that has received no playing time. Essentially a wasted pick if you will. Even if they are able to turn it into a second this year. Would you trade a 2013 3rd pick for a 2015 2nd round pick? That is what they are looking at. Add in the fact that he is a Petrino QB (limited success) with drug (not just weed but hard stuff) and attitude problems and it doesn't seem so great does it?
  6. I love that NE is terrible at drafting but we should trade for one of their draft picks.
  7. Barret Jones if I am going to post on topic. Fluker, Warmack - they're good. Jones is the one I like best out of the group. He has played all over the line and would be a great insurance policy if Wood gets hurt this year or leaves in FA next year.
  8. I think this thought process doesn't get enough run. Marrone domnated Geno, knows the ins and outs of Nassib, and was dominated BY Barkley. Which of these do you think he is most enamored by? It wasn't a one time shot either Barkley carved up Marrone both times they played.
  9. Four Days?!?! I think everyone has heard that commercial enough times to know that isn't okay! Besides they couldn't think of Roseanne Barr naked or something?! Ice packs? Furious masturbation? Anything! That is insane!
  10. You may be right. I didn't read to much into it I got caught daydreaming about Marino being the qb for my beloved Bills and trying to figure out if that would have been better or worse than Kelly. I never made up my mind because I honestly couldn't. Marino was an amazing passer and giving him Thurman would have been incredible. I just don't know if it would have been better than Kelly. (I think it might have but want to punch myself in the face for thinking it )
  11. well he more than likely won't go until tomorrow at the earliest so you might want to call a doctor. That is way more than 4 hours!
  12. I thought it was that they liked Kelly and Marino so they knew that at least one of them would have been there?
  13. so what would people like me to do with this poll? I can lock it after the draft, I can lock it right as it starts, or I can leave it alone. I'm leaning towards locking it right as it starts. Yes many of you have (correctly) pointed out that situation is important but I want to see who had the gumption to stick their neck out, make a claim, and live with the results. What do you guys think?
  14. every qb in this class has warts. Who is your favorite?
  15. For me the allure is christmas morning. This is THE best chance the Bills have to get better. When they are on an even playing field with other teams for talent. This isn't free agency where the highest bidder or nicest weather gets the player. This is like a bunch of kids lined up against the wall in the school yard with 32 captains picking teams. Instantly upon being selected I want to know everything about that player bc I will be rooting hard for him this falland hopefully for many years to come. The predraft process is because I want to be on board with what they do. I have my favorites (Barkley) and my "rankings" and I like to see how I stack up against the pros. This is my favorite day of the offseason. The day when it turns from who will we get to how good will they be. The last major event before camp starts. It is plenty okay you don't much care for it but I f***ing love it!
  16. I should have made this an option so all of us "polyannas" could have picked it!
  17. If you don't mind paraphrasing what were the knocks? I honestly can't see how it would be a bad thing.
  18. Whipped weenie - he proposed on the playgorund they met on! That's a weenie move if I ever heard of one!
  19. No you don't get it. His RELEVANT experience is playing in a dome. I don't care about pee-wee or sand lot. Yes he grew up in PA and I'm sure that he played in his backyard when there was snow on the ground. That doesn't make him better at it. It also doesn't show or prove that he can do it. You are knocking one person for not playing in the elements while crediting someone else who plays in a dome. It just doesn't make any sense. Unless you think that every kid who grew up in the northeast is good at playing in the snow because they have done it before you haven't brought any proof to your argument.
  20. I don't know why I never liked Dungy just seemed he couldn't take his team over the hump. I agree with everything else you stated though. Barkley to me shined against Luck. The last game those 2 played I could see it becoming a rivalry in the NFL. I swore I was watching Mich St/Indiana ST Magic/Bird that game. They were electric and it is one of the best college games I've seen in a while. I'm hoping against hope for Barkley (but I'm more hoping whoever they pick ends up a hof qb and leads us to the promised land)
  21. And I believe I addressed your "I played peewee football so Ryan Nassib is good in the snow" comments so yes let us....
  22. IIRC he and Wawrow got into an argument about how much media access people had. Made me wonder if he was really Chris Brown. Now when/if he visits the site he see that everyone calls him the "frightened lemur." Whoever it was they were the reason I became sold on this site. The input and tidbits were always juicy and spot on. Called the Spiller pick as well IIRC. He is surely missed around here.
  23. Well that opinion can't be refuted. I often wondered if Manning was more a victim of circumstance. He played for some suspect head coaches (I never liked Dungy, Caldwell was a bum, and Mr. Playoff?!?! himself - prob best of bunch). The teams around him imo were never as good as the teams he was facing and only got where they did because of his skill. The year he missed the wheels fell off. I guess what I'm trying to say can be summed up this way. Patriots without Tom Brady (who many hold as an excellent playoff qb) 11-5. Colts without Peyton 2-14. Playoffs to me are when TEAMS shine. Qbs will get you there but teams will win it and Peyton just never had the team (except when the Bears gifted them one).
  24. I saw 1 picture of him playing in snow in high school. I'm glad that you have pee wee, hs, and sandlot experience. That has NOTHING to do with facing down a pass rush of people bigger, faster, and stronger than you that want to hurt you or how Ryan Nassib will handle the elements. It has been stated over and over again (but you prob still won't listen) many if not all qbs struggle in cold weather, any game that will effect the qb of the Bills will effect the qb of the other team as well, we play maybe 1 or 2 games a year where weather is even a factor, most football players regardless of position are from warm weather climates, Nassib played the majority of his games in a dome not in the elements, and Nassib struggled in the pinstripe bowl while playing in the elements (11-23 for 130 yards). HS football ends in late october/early november, SU practices and plays in a dome, geography does not neccesitate elements.
  25. Nassib plays in a dome. Where conditions are more perfect than they are in socal. There is no wind, no shadow games to play, and certainly no cold or rain.
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