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Everything posted by section122

  1. C'mon haven't you heard all the people who did this in their 20s turned out fine and weren't effected at all. Their draft stock for their entry level job wasn't affected at all so this is no big deal. It's the same exact situation as their's! /s
  2. I can't look at attendance figures bc I'm on my phone and only have a couple of minutes but I strongly disagree with your first statement. Matthew stafford is 1-23 as a starter against teams with a winning record. They're drought was just as long as the bills before their one and done a couple of years ago. They are the only nfls team to go "unfeated" and they finished 4-12 last year. How does that make them perennial contenders? Edit: they haven't won a playoff game since 1991! Before 2011 as I said the last appearance was 1999. The last time they finished at least 2nd in their division besides 2011 was 1995! The last division crown was 1993!
  3. It will be very interesting if he and Clowney live up to expectations next year. There are also several qbs that will push him to be the first qb selected let alone the first player. This is why these little transgressions are a big deal. Manzel is smaller than the "prototype qb" so even if he does well again next year he isn't a lock to go #1. In the grand scheme this on its own as an isolated incident isn't huge. The trend of negative publicity and bone headed decision making is starting to add up and could be the difference between being #1 overall and not even being the #1 qb taken.
  4. My point is the his lack of judgement will or could be much more costly than the posters who state I did it too so what. I get that he's a kid with the world in his palm. That just drives home the point even more that he isn't living the same life as posters on this board. Everyone's reality is their own. Nobody cares that I did it - it wasn't newsworthy. I honestly don't care that he does it. That's not to say though that the people who will decide to cut him million dollar checks and make him the face of their billion dollar brand might share my view. His decision making or lack there of could potentially be much more costly than mine.
  5. Sobe adrenaline rush was my favorite but I'm pretty sure they stopped making it. Monster and amp are disgusting to me. Red bull ill use as a mixer for shots from time to time but I really just want my sobe energy drink back!
  6. I love all the posts that say well i did it what's the big deal. He's not you. He's not an average 20 year old. He is an athlete and a very famous one at that. He is looking at potentially millions of dollars. Millions of people know his name and face. I'm sure that is completely different then your circumstance of being a no name college student hoping to gain an entry level job after graduation. As others have said this speaks directly to irresponsibility and poor decision making. He is not handling his fame well. Is it too late for him? That is up to him to decide. However if he has another record setting year some team will draft him high and pin their hopes on him. Right now his .02 head would concern me greatly. Does he want to be Peyton manning or Ryan leaf? Right now his ship isn't headed in the right direction...
  7. I understand this and don't disagree entirely with the premise or numbers however the texans elite running game and the fact that defenses have to stack the box against Arian foster helps to pad schaubs stats including his ypa. You cite Brady and manning so I will ask have either of them ever played with a rb as good as foster? I would also stack Andre Johnson as good or better than any wr to play with both of those qbs. Ypa is a stay and just like every other stay there are many variables that contribute to the final number. I don't place Schaub as elite but I don't think he's a bum either. He's a good starter on a very good team IMO.
  8. So somebody does work (a lot of it) and shows that Byrd excels against lower tier qbs. Then most of the responses are snarky and add nothing to the conversation. What happened to this board? Yes there is a 60 page Byrd thread - any original idea or thought gets lost in the white noise. Meanwhile a last post wins thread can go on for 700+ pages and add nothing to the board, get closed and have a new one started right away. I get it, it is July not much is going on - so why can't we have a discussion about an interesting tidbit without people adding nothing but negativity to the OP. Add in the fact that by posting your "oh no not again" groaning and whining you keep the thread near the top where others are bound to open it and read it. Perhaps they might even *gasp* add something to the conversation. /rant That said.... I found this very interesting so thank you op. I agree with JR in Pittsburgh I wonder if this is an anomoly or par for the course. Is Byrd just the A-Rod of the NFL getting picks and padding his stats when they are "meaningless." One thing is for sure - he hasn't impacted the bottom line being a player that will carry the team and raise the level of play a la an Ed Reed or Polamolu of the defense as a whole (see the Bills rankings the last 4 years). I WILL concede that the D-coordinator's have been subpar during his tenure but I still found the numbers to be interesting. I wish he would at least sign the tender but I wish more Eugene Parker would get his agent's license revoked so I don't have to hear about him anymore!
  9. What a crock. At just over 1100 jerseys the math works out to 225 a jersey. I don't buy it and whining about the cost undoes all of the good will setting it up in the first place garnered.
  10. Bills zubaz it could be argued would be a bigger deal since they are in the same division but I digress. I'm a big believer of things only are as big a deal as you let them be. He dismissed the critics an the story fell by the way side. As is it is this is getting picked up by the board days after this was news. Kaeps response was direct and dismissive. He didn't backpedal or give any of the talking heads traction for their "story." Please football season get here soon...
  11. I'm interested to hear alpha chime in on this as a fellow laker fan. Me for one, I am glad he chose Houston. He's a good player but not a great one. He can't be on the floor at the end of a game as his free throws are atrocious. He appears to love the game which confuses me. He doesn't appear to want to work on his weaknesses. I've mentioned free throw shooting but overall his offensive game leaves a lot to desire. He has been in the league to long for me to think he is suddenly going to get it. I think Houston actually is a better fit for him than la. Less pressure to win, a better team for his skill set, a better coach (how much is debatable I just don't like dantoni), less income tax, no Kobe to steal the spotlight, and along those lines nobody to call out his (sometimes) suspect effort. Lakers are going to struggle next year and then be primed for the free agent class of 2014. Lebron, melo, etc... Make for some exciting dream scenarios and unlike buffalo and the bills players want to play in la for the lakers.
  12. Another great thread derailed by crayonz... I know mods don't spend much time here but seriously just go away. Your schtick isn't funny.
  13. Yep I think he was (is?) the best player in this draft. I like Burke a lot also. Some of the guys ,ade me laugh though 6'9" 195 lbs?!?! 7' 215?!?!? These guys are bean poles. I forget how young they are and how much growth they have left. The NBA draft really only produces a handful of contributors each year. It happens very quickly after the playoffs and the names are not well known. It could never reach the level of the NFL draft because there are 24 contributing players on each NBA team there are 7-8. Surprises me bc I really feel Southerland had the best NBA game. MCW needed to come back to school and develop a shot. He may be alright but would have done much better staying for another year. These guys don't think about the second contract (the one where you make real money) and they should. Donte Greene, Johnny Flynn, Wes Johnson all would have done well to stay 1 or 2 more years. None are making near the money they could have bc they cashed their tickets to early.
  14. Tbh I don't miss him. I never got the "allowed" trolling. That said my friend tupac said he is alive and well. Said he saw him at a Memorial Day party with some old fat guy named Elvis.
  15. 4merper4mer outed himself as crayonz. I forget which thread but he mentioned that he had predicted the last 4 nba champs.
  16. I couldn't agree more with everything you wrote. Is that against the rules here on ppp?
  17. I've had this help me already by doing just what you say. I'm always looking for new opportunities and well more money. It would be nice if they were looking for me too!
  18. This I can't agree with at all. The heat had stormed back. For the Spurs to even be ahead in the game they had to make plays and Parker hit a couple of great shots. That was a game the Spurs had in the bag until the 4th, the Heath had in the bag until there was 2 minutes left, and then the Spurs had it in the bag with 30 seconds to go. That was not even on any sort of scale for a biggest collapse ever. So and so never left when he couldnn't? That is your argument? Seriously? He left to win. Not to strike it rich like most players. None of the 3 took a max deal so they could all play together. They all could have been much much wealthier and instead made sacrifices to win. Your right though we should hate him because of a tv special that was 3 years ago. I didn't like it when he did it, rooted hard for the Mavs, and was happy when they won it. Shoot I'm rooting for the Spurs in this series. That said last year you could see a light go on for LeBron. He figured it out. He became a winner. Game 6 last year against Boston was one for the ages. He has 2 triple doubles in these finals. He is the best basketball player on the planet. I wish some people would admit his greatness is what turns many off. Just like people hated Jordan and talked trash for any reason they could find (there's an active thread on here speaking to that) they are doing the same to LeBron. Enjoy this. We are getting to see a player that combines Magic's passing, Michael's scoring, and defensive ability we haven't seen before (he guards 1-5 whoever he needs to).
  19. I'm wondering how I can get recruiters to contact me for jobs!
  20. I know (hope) this is tongue in cheek but the state union in NYS drives me insane. It is almost as irritating listening to a state employee talk about how great their job, pay, and benefits are as someone on unemployment. At least they work for their money but all I can think is that they too are a huge contributing factor to the financial situation of this state. Unions used to be neccesary and now they are bloated, corrupt, and protect bad workers more than help good workers. I can't stand unions (in case you couldn't tell)
  21. yeah me neither That girl is crazy and as you should already know never stick your d*ck in crazy. On a serious note, I wonder if it is her attraction to him that is making her go to this clinic. "he beats the sheet out of me but I love that guy" where she knows it's wrong and wants some help.
  22. 92 Chevy Beretta had automatic shutoff between 100-115. I didn't even know that was a thing and started to panic before it slowed and kicked back on. Every car I have owned I have gotten over 100 mph. I live near a section of road called the flats and it is a nice long straight away. Unless you know there are law enforcement officials reading this in which case I'm just joking and would never drive that fast.
  23. That is interesting. I wonder why that it is? I wonder if they are glad that they can pull out the "but but terrorists card" and think that many will be pacified, while the other scandals don't have such an easy answer (scapegoat?). It is a very interesting point regardless, the why makes it moreso for me. Then again it is kind of frightening that they believe so strongly in this program. It isn't strawman. I was pointing out several examples of the law being wrong, meant to refute your "So if you don't like a law, that means it's an invalid law?" statement. I think you see that. Where is this fake outrage that you speak of in this case though? I along with many other people am outraged that this is a practice of our government. I'm hoping that more than just myself are calling on their representatives to do something about this, and if they don't replace them with those that will. I don't like the IRS story either but this thread isn't about that. You don't mind the collection of this data and I do. Hopefully more people fall on my side than yours so we can see real change. That is the democracy side of things - if they fall on your side we won't see change to this ridiculous law and I will be sad. As for the cars and license plates in public outrage - when I am in public, specifically on government roads I am okay with them knowing I am there. If I was in my neighbor's yard I would want him to know I was there. There is no expectation of privacy for me while out in public. When I am sitting on my couch, minding my own business, talking to a friend I do expect privacy. Where are their manners! Listening to other people's conversations is very rude! Didn't their mother's teach them anything?! (alright the last part was in jest) I don't see the situations as similar. I'm democrat, fairly liberal, for gay marriage, for guns (not gun control), and all over the place in general in my belief system. Each situation deserves its own fact finding, research, and conclusion. Partisanship is a bad bad thing. I know this might not be the place to say that but I think it gets lost regularly in PPP. (this is not directed at either of you 2 in particular just a general observation). This thread started as a great conversation then devolved into name calling. We all love this country (I hope) please don't lose sight of this as this DISCUSSION continues. (told you I was an idealist )
  24. It is clear that you agree with this happening may I ask why? Is it the overwhelming sense of terrorist groups coming to get you? I don't want to give up my expectation of privacy. It is one of the things I value most about being American. Wasn't Bush's whole argument to not let the terrorists win that we should stay the course? That we shouldn't change our day to day lives? I like/prefer living in a society where I don't fear the government. This isn't me being grandiose either. I am a nobody. They aren't coming after me. However, they can go after anyone that doesn't fit their agenda. They can silence critics. It is a very slippery slope. If you are okay with that and trust them to do the right thing then that is the disconnect. I can't/don't. So every law ever passed was a good one until it wasn't? MLK was in the wrong because he spoke out against segregation? The Jim Crow laws were good until they were illegal? It was okay to own slaves until it wasn't? Women not voting was okay until it wasn't? The government has made many terrible laws and they were brought down by people getting together and speaking out against them. This is one of those cases to me. The government has overstepped their bounds to me and I am glad that Snowden brought it to light. The system of checks and balances between the 3 branches has one final check/balance - public opinion. If it turns out I am in the minority this program will continue on. That is a democracy where we the people DO (or should at least) get to decide what's best. yes I know I'm an idealist.....
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