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Everything posted by section122

  1. 1. If at all possible talk with the outgoing manager to find out the ins and outs of the job. Where did they struggle, excel, and what barriers did they face. Come up with ways you won't struggle and can improve what is already going on. 2. Research everything you can about the position. Know the job description. Have ways that you will accomplish the job description. 3. Figure out your strengths and why you would be a good for the job. I work in h.r. And you wouldn't believe how many people aren't prepared for this question. 4. Do you guys have an internal website? Or a way to get your hands on the mission statement? Learn it and explain how you will help the company accomplish it. 5. Google sample interview questions for the job you want. Many interviewers have no idea what they are doing and ask generic questions. Have your wife, significant other, for friend ask you these question. Answering out loud while practicing will allow you to hear the answer and know whether it was a good one. Basically practice and prepare for the interview like crazy. External candidates won't be able to have the knowledge you do or can get and other internals may not prep as hard as you do. Good luck!
  2. Alright my apologies being so late with this. I am doing this off of memory as requested so it may not be as complete as it could be. My memory isn't quite what it used to be. As I said in my earlier post the movies were purposefully left without explanation as the Wachoski's wanted each person to take and make their own inferences about what they thought the movies represented. I personally feel they are a question about fatalism and determinism with some amazing choregraphy. Here goes: In the first movie there is an internal struggle for Neo. Is he the one isn't he the one. When he visits the oracle she tells him that he isn't the one - at least in this lifetime. That is important to remember for later. As he begins to learn and gain the ability to manipulate the Matrix he begins to believe. Believing is a major storyline/plot point throughout the trilogy. The oracle also told Morpheus that he would find the one and that the one would be able to topple the Matrix. She also told Trinity that she would fall in love with a man and he would be the one. As both begin to believe in Neo, he in turn begins to believe in himself. All the while the prophecies are driving all of them to make choices. Again something important to remember for the 2nd and 3rd movies. At the end of the movie he runs from the agents because he doesn't quite believe in himself and having the ability to conquer the "unbeatable agents." When he gets shot and dies in the Matrix he should die in real life. However this is where he differs from a normal human being for the first time. He doesn't die and is brought back to life by Trinity's speech and then true love's kiss. She feels that since she loves him he must be the one. Since the Matrix is pretty much a dream state he is not actually dead and awakens. This makes the oracle's prediction of not in this lifetime come true. The agents have not seen it before and are just as shocked. He see the world in the code of the matrix much like sitting in the Nebuchadnezzer (butchered that spelling but hey this is from memory). He is the only one to see this as none of the others have mentioned that being the case for them. He then jumps into Agent Smith's body "destroying" him. The other agents flee and all seems right in the world. At the very very end of the movie after he hangs up the phone he flies away. Some people view this as him being a spiritual figure and these movies tying to religion and I can see that. Others view it as man vs machine and I can see that. The fatalism/determinism is just my personal thoughts and hopefully I can convey them here. Movie 2 and 3 won't have as much detail as I watched the first literally at least a 100 times. 2 and 3 not so much so I am going to blend the 2 and may get timelines confused. Bear with me as I did watch them many time so here goes: Movie 2 is when Neo really comes into his own. He learns and masters the Matrix and is an unstoppable force. Smith however has figured out how to make copies of himself and has begun infecting the Matrix. In the first movie Agents can invade any person's body but in this one he clones himself. This is done as the Matrix makes attempts to balance itself out. Since it is a computer program think of it as Neo and and Agent Smith as Viruses. The machines have begun to dig towards Zion so there is a concern among non-believers that the humans will soon be wiped out. Neo meets with the Oracle to decide his course of action and she has had to change bodies as helping the humans makes things unsafe for her. She (I believe) tells him about a key maker being held by the Merovingian. The merovingian who is an old program (we don't yet understand what this means) goes on a ramble about cauaslity. Reminding all of the people about what there actions will lead to. as he underestimates Neo and his abilities he does not expect the Humans to be able to win the war against the machines. His wife interjects as she can see the love between Trinity and Neo is real and that they are willing to die for each other. Speaking about causality to them means nothing and love is an emotion the Merovingian does not understand. She leads them to the key maker and he explains the backdoors in the matrix. He speaks about every program and person having a reason for existing (fatalism if you will). His is to get the key to the one. The highway scene that ensues is worth the price of admission for the second movie imo. As expected they are succesful and hatch their plan to get inside the Matrix mainframe. They are succesful in doing so and Neo meets with the Architect. He is an interesting and admittedly confusing character. He is the father of the Matrix. The master programmer if you will. It is here that he explains Neo is not the first and in his opinion not the last "one" and that the one is an error in the code. The machines tried a utopian society that was rejected by the humans. The machines then figured they would have to mirror society as closely as possible and set about doing so. The one and the matrix have been destroyed in the past and the architect feels it will happen again. He tells Neo that he can save the world or save Trinity and that the one always chooses wrong because of love. He is an emotionless program that doesn't understand human feelings which is why he continually struggles to create a perfect program. Trinity does die but Neo pulls the bullet out of her body and saves her (If you want the Jesus/religion angle this is his Lazarus moment) Agent Smith crosses over in the real world after invading a body right before they come out of the Matrix. At the end of the movie Neo is able to use his powers from the Matrix in the real world however it knocks him unconcious and places him in the train station. So both competing/balancing programs have crossed over to the real world. The train station is a port between worlds. It is how programs are uploaded to the Matrix and the little girl in the train station is a character that we will see again in the end. She is a program with feeling and emotion and takes a liking to Neo who has been trapped there as he uploaded to the Matrix without being Jacked in. This is where Neo is left in limbo and Agent Smith begins to take over the entire Matrix. The machines are continuing to drill to Zion and are getting closer and closer to what will be a massacre. Neo is saved when trinity and the group attacks the Merovingian. Again the power of love (love conquers all is another way to view these movies but I digress) proves to the Merovingians wife and he that they are willing to die and kill everyone on the way to save him. The belief is so strong in Neo that many people throughout all three movies are willing to do crazy things because "they believe" (again faith/religion). They eventually free him and he takes time to plot his next move. He decides to go to the machine city which is viewed as crazy by the non-belivers. He takes Trinity with him and Agent Smith sneaks on the ship. Smith takes over the oracle and talks about how she must have known he would be coming and that if she was there she must know what he plans to do. (he is correct but I'll save that). The other ship heads back to Zion to fight the good fight because whats her name (sorry memory lol) believes in Neo and believes in herself to navigate the sewer lines to get back in time to help. Agent Smith sabotages the ship and gets into a fight with Neo blinding him in the process. However Neo's belief in himself and his destiny is so strong his powers work in the real world. He is able to defeat Smith and continue on to the Machine city where he "feels" the attacks coming at them. He meets with the Deus ex-machina and explains that Smith has effectively destroyed the Matrix and he will defeat him if they stop attacking Zion. The machine agrees as the Matrix is a lost cause at this point. Neo is the only hope now for the humans and the machines. If the Matrix crashes they will lose all their field which are their power source and suffer great loss. Smith will effectively destroy the matrix, humans, and machines. Deus ex Machina agrees to Neos terms and plugs him back into the Matrix. He fights with Smith in an epic fight scene continuing to get up again and again because human will won't allow him to stay down then Neo realizes what he must do. By allowing Smith to take him over he disrupts the balance in the code. This destroys Smith as his counterbalance has been destroyed. His yin to Smith's yang disrupts the program and Smith effectively destroys himself. The Matrix reboots itself much like any computer program that crashes. All of this was typed for the very end. The oracle and the architect meet and have a conversation. Humans will be free to leave the Matrix if they choose (which has been discussed in the first movies that some people will chooose to stay even though they know it isn't reality). The architect mentions that the Oracle played a dangerous game and asked if she always knew the outcome. She says no but that she believed. To me the Oracle led the humans down a path that if succesful would end the war. Which is why there were several editions of the Matrix as she kept trying to end the war. Did all of the people do the things they did because it was their destiny (fatalism) or did they do them because they decided to (determinism). That answer is up to the viewer to decide. Close second to me is Neo as a savior (Jesus) and the story being about faith and what it can help you accomplish. Sometimes faith is the strongest thing in the world and can conquer everything. Or love conquers all as I previously stated. Take your pick. I just spent way to long typing to leave it as you decide but that is how I started my post and how I will end. I hope I just gave you some ideas to chew on. If you really are interested there are many websites dedicated to the discussion and can help you formulate your own opinion. The original movie is perfection to me. One of the best movies I have ever seen. I think it being so great is what leads people to discount 2 and 3. They are good movies just not the perfection that 1 was. Also there is the animatrix if you really want to dive deep into the world and they are very interesting on their own.
  3. E ball love ya man and very happy you have an iPad but turn the f@)$&ing signature off!
  4. I haven't posted in this thread bc I feel much the same way. Sure I could go in depth for what I feel the movie represents but most people here have already trashed 2 and 3 so they don't care to hear it. I'm not knocking anyone when I say that either. These movies were intentionally never explained by the wachoskis. They wanted people to get their own idea what they were about. I lean heavily towards the religion/spirituality yin and yang myself. If anyone is interested tell me and ill lay down my "thesis"
  5. I don't know where else to put this but I thought you all should know.... There are officially no more Sundays for the rest of the year without football!!!
  6. The story on Ryan was that he was a great qb at home but struggled on the road and in the playoffs. 1 win last year doesn't erase that. Would we all take him on the Bills? Of course but that doesn't mean he is worth 100 million. Think about the contracts Brady has signed. They have been reasonable and affordable allowing the team to keep and/or sign good players. This contract will hamstring the Falcons as they have to re-sign their weapons. See the Ravens this year. I'll list and you tell me where you disagree: I'd rather have: Brady Brees Rodgers Manning Manning Roethlisberger Luck Russel Wilson And put him in a group with: Kaepernick RG3 So 100 million for an end of the top 10 qb? One that has lost time and again in the playoffs? That seems crazy to me and they will pay the price for it. Unfortunately it is a qb game and he gets whatever he wants....
  7. Did anyone else read this as coke was okay bc it got Jim into parties and Stevie's shirt isn't bc it does nothing for him? Please tell me I'm reading this wrong!
  8. The beauty of him is that he will allow you to call in and actually let you speak your piece. Some of his points are tongue in cheek and some are idiotic. I won't speak about Sean Taylor as I didn't hear the show but I did hear the Cleveland one ( don't specifically remember him mentioning Indy). His point was if your in a situation, can better it by doing something and don't, you beat some responsibility for your situation. As for supporting your teams, can you argue that by spending money on a product you are supporting that product. If you continued to by a car from a company that broke down all the time are you sending a message that they need to improve? What other industry besides sports can let you down time and again and still get your dollars. It was another line of thinking and one that I had never considered. He doesn't have to be for everyone. I'm not trying to convince anyone. I thought the point was interesting and one that I'm sure others hasn't considered just as I hadn't. That's why I enjoy him, many times he has lines of thinking that are different than mine and is reasonable when conveying them.
  9. I will give you the three "stunts" that cost 15 yards as they were detrimental to the team. Why so serious wasn't flagged and led to happy New Years. He didn't think it would be a penalty as it wasn't before. The others? Wearing a wife beater? Who cared about that? Oh no it showed up on c'mon man! A birthday cake that was *gasp* shaped like a butt! Seriously? This shirt? You are no longer objective on this and haven't been for quite some time. Any and every time he breathes wrong you step on your soap box. As for the first two... The kid just had his heart broken. He knows he screwed up. He knew he let his team down. In the heat of the moment he said something he regretted. Who hasn't done that? Post game performance? Here you've just had your heart ripped out on national tv - lets put a mic in front of your face. All of your list boils down to 3 offenses that he vowed (and followed through on) to not have happen again. You're crusading and this one just isn't a good one.
  10. I'm seeing that I'm an in the minority but I enjoy cowherd immensely. He is very articulate when making his points and allows discussion when people disagree with him. Quite the opposite of Jim Rome. He follows and talks about winning teams. He has said many times over that people love to complain about him doing that but the ratings don't reflect that reality. Honestly do you think he would get better ratings talking about New England or buffalo? The Miami heat or the Milwaukee bucks? The Kansas City royals or the ny Yankees? On of my favorite takes of his is that the fans share as much blame as management when a team performs poorly for extended periods. By continuing to support an inferior product fans are telling management that they don't care about winning they care about having a team to call their own. Believe it or not he wasn't talking about the bills when he made it. He was talking about the cubs. Can't say it didn't make me think of my favorite football team though...
  11. An employees responsibility to not have his employer use a picture of him to wish him a happy birthday. Yes Stevie wore the shirt but the bills, his employer, posted it. Apparently they have no problem with it. Nobody cares about this. Nobody in the media cares about this. Nobody in the military cares about this. Nobody on the team cares about this. Apparently nobody from the Bills cares about this. Just a few fans that already don't like Stevie and want to use any excuse (even one as poor as this) to bash him. And yes big cat I'm talking about you. You are way past objective about this one. Please everybody let this thread die. We are embarrassing ourselves...
  12. I don't understand how you can use players to prove your point but not allow players to disprove your point. As I said in the "other thread" he isn't a lock to go #1 let alone be the #1 qb taken in this draft. He isn't the physical specimen Cam Newton is. Red flags are red flags regardless of what they are. Manziel is 6'1 200 lbs and Newton is 6'5 245 right off the bat manziel is an injury risk with his style of play. Add in the fact that poor decision making (I don't care how bad you think his transgressions are - you can't argue they're poor choices) is not what you want from your qb. There are plenty of things to be concerned about including what will happen to this kid when he signs his contract and has millions? Will his body hold up? Will the team have to spend all week answering questions about his latest incident? Will he show up to practice not hung over? He has plenty of time to straighten this out but that is up to him. Whether he want to be the next Jamarcus Russell or if he would prefer to be Russell Wilson.
  13. The people who posted the pic in the ifrst place?!?!?! :lol: :lol:
  14. This is a very get off my lawnish type post right here. Daggum kids!
  15. Except for hip-hop stars as menitoned, nba players, nfl players, and musicians. What do they all have in common? No not that they are black! (This isn't PPP) It is that they are all ENTERTAINERS. At the end of the day they all fall in the same category. None of them are blue collar or even white collar. They are no collar. Their job is to provide entertainment to the masses. Their norm is not the same norm you have sitting behind a desk.
  16. If my math is correct did you just get paid $30 for getting this subscription?
  17. Vendetta might be a bit strong but yes he does have an issue with Stevie. That is what I am subscribing his "anger" in this thread to - at least his death by a thousand papercuts comment would lead me to believe so.
  18. And it has. Not once last year did he do anything on the field detrimental to the team. (I'm agreeing with you so don't take this as a slight )
  19. We know you're tired of them which is why even the smallest simplest reason gets you up in arms about him. Alright so let's go through the list of candidates: And Levitre - played good to great at G. When moved around the line (one of his best attributes supposedly) he struggled mightily. Still I won't hold it against him. I won't even hold against him the fact he bailed on Buffalo (even though Stevie had the chance and stayed). Good candidate but on the line. What is easier to replace a 3 time 1000 yard receiver or a lg (neither of which have been to the pro bowl)? Still I will give you Andy. Our running backs? Which one? The one who just broke out last year? Or the one who has spent considerable time on the injury list the last 2 years? Kyle Williams? The one who played 5 games 2 years ago? The one who has 10.5 sacks the last 3 years combined?! The one who has been part of the worst defenses in Bills History(not fair I agree but somehow you're holding Stevie to the "they lose bc of him theory)? Can't say I agree here - though I do like Kyle. Leodis? The one who only found his role last year? Byrd? The one who had 1 pick 3 years ago? Or the one who had 3 picks 2 years ago? I'll also add the "played on the worst defenses in Bills history here (again I know it's not fair but you keep holding Stevie to this standard). I didn't say Stevie is the lone bright spot. I said he has been the most consistent player on the Bills the last 3 years. He has dealt with injuries and played through them. The in-game antics? After he made a vow to not have them be an issue - did it happen even once last year? He didn't bolt for greener pastures (Levitre and possibly Byrd), hasn't missed significant time due to injury (Williams and Jackson), and has proven himself for 3 years now instead of 1 (McKelvin and Spiller). I'll give you Levitre and Byrd to be generous that still leaves him in the top 3 for this team. Tell me again how his wardrobe changes these facts?
  20. I shouldn't know this but I do... Molly and MDMA are purer forms of ecstasy. They are kind of the same thing but not exactly. Molly=MDMA and can be refered to as ecstasy but not all ecstasy is Molly/MDMA. All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares type thing.
  21. This all just doesn't line up. Do you like how he performs on the field or not? Is it his fault the Bills have been losing? How about this... Who has been our most consistent offensive no forget that overall player the last 3 years? How does wardrobe choice have anything to do with anything related to the football field?
  22. Amendolas week 17 numbers: 0 catches 0 yards. No way he isn't on ir by then. (Tongue firmly in cheek)
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