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Everything posted by section122

  1. But but but Stevie.... Immaturity... No leadership... My world is upside down! The Bills win, they blitz, big cat doesn't crush Sj for no reason! I'm speechless!
  2. Love that drive. How many times have teams gouged us sinking and dunking down the field in a 2 minute drill? Ej to woods looks to be an exciting pairing. Much much better preseason start than last year that's for sure! Birddog offer still stands buddy...
  3. There will be spoilers in this post so beware.... I had the others pegged as aliens from the start. When John hit the guy on the billboard and cracked open his skull it was my assumption. The great "twist" to me was 2 fold. When John and the detective broke through the wall to find out they were in outer space I did not see that coming! I thought that they were just in a city that the others were messing with. The second was me thinking the Dr. Would still be on the others side. I thought the injection he was trying to make John take at the spa was a trick. Turns out he was trying to help after all. I know that isn't necessarily a twist but it was to me bc of y expectations. I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either. Also I view you as very knowledgeable of movies in general and since both you and aj (his views of Star Wars vs. Matrix not withstanding :-p) recommending it I wanted to check it out. Thanks for recommending it!
  4. Alright I got through dark city on my 4th try! I don't know if it was because te scenery was so dark, the guys kept saying "sleep" , or bc it just wasn't a very good movie but I struggled to make it through. I can see the analogy to the Matrix but I didn't really care for it. Took me 45 minutes to figure out what the hell was going on! The last 15 minutes were good but I need more. The Matrix on the other hand had me gripped from start to finish! Oh well different strokes for different folks I guess.
  5. I've been a but absent in this thread and I apologize. Aj it boils down to you like Star Wars and not the matrix and there is nothing wrong with that. It is making you excuse a lot in stars wars that was bad and not allowing the same for the matrix again that is okay. Allow me if I may though to talk about Neo using his powers outside of the Matrix. He is an anomaly to the system. He is also the counterbalance to agent smith. Agent smith escapes the matrix which has never happened. It is a program living outside of the system which is exactly what Neo is. He is a program working outside of the system. Try to stop viewing Neo as a human being but as a host for the program that is the one. Much like the agents ability to transfer hosts. Neo is killed in the first movie. The program lives on through him. Also I would like to add that you allow Jedis to have magical and mystical powers but somehow won't allow your mid to accept Neo having them :-p I love stories of the bad guy and how they become that way. I looked forward to the Star Wars sequel and will grant that the Sith was an excellent movie. When he murdered the kids my jaw dropped. That said 1 and 2 were decidedly okay. So I get ajs view on the Matrix. I stand by my theory of the awesomeness of the first ruining 2 and 3 for some people. Holy crap I'm watching Revolutions right now and the Oracle explained his powers as extending beyond the Matrix and all the way to where it came from (machine city). In that same conversation to add to Levi's point she also states that Smith balances the equation while Neo unbalances it. Aj just watch the conversation that happens in the first half hour of revolutions between the Oracle and Neo. It answers many of the questions you have asked in ITT. Much better than my brain that is missing so many cells ;-)
  6. I could see him as a late first depending on how many teams there are (not in order) 1 Peterson 2 Doug Martin 3 ray rice 4 Aaron Rodgers 5 Calvin Johnson 6 Arian foster Then spiller in a mix of lesean McCoy Jamal Charles etc... If it is a free league though have at it! Edit: (I'm kinda drunk right now so I know I'm leaving out people)
  7. Tiger showed up so I don't think I can make it in time. I appreciate it though!
  8. 2... 1 for me and 1 for my sister were at the PGA right now so how do you want to meet?
  9. Anyone have any extra tickets for tonight?
  10. Guilty as charged but it happened by accident i swear lol. My sister through her job gets a lot of tickets for cuse games (both football and basketball). ive seen a bunch of this kid and like him. i was hoping that the Bills would have drafter him last year but hey better late than never. I really wouldn't be surprised though if they try to add him to the practice squad. I love this kid. Su ran a lot of 2 and 3 te sets in his senior year and he was the stud of the group. I'm just not sure how his game will translate to this uptempo team. I know I pushed for him hard. I recall a few others wanting him drafted as well.
  11. I put something in the trading post but does anyone want to get rid of their tickets for this game? Looking to take 2 developmentally disabled adults to the game. Pm me please. Thanks!
  12. I was very happy to wake up to this today... Here is what I posted a while ago on Provo: I was one of the people banging the drum to bring him in and I will do it again. He had 51 catches and 7 tds his senior year. Maybe a bit more than "remotely skilled." Yes he was from SU which allowed me to see him multiple times. Like the game I continually reference Geno's poor attitude in the dome. Provo went for 6 catches 61 yards and 3 tds. He was unguardable that day! Or how about him having at least 3 catches in every game that year except 1. Proving to be a reliable target. He was Nassib's safety valve. He isn't much of a burner which might hurt him on this team but he is very sure handed. Check out the game vs wvu (I posted the stats and can't find a good youtube video of the highlights) he was a 1 man wrecking crew. I watched it live and he was always open and making the catch. I'm very happy and very intrigued to see how it goes.
  13. Just so I'm clear... The wr who has caught the most balls in nfl history over a 6 year span (Welker) isn't a #1?
  14. Ill have to check out Dark City as I've never seen it before but I loved the Matrix world. If you are interested the animatrix and even the video games added to the world. I devoured it all and own the 10 disc box set. Most of it should be available on YouTube. My analysis ended up being way longer than I expected but hey it's about 8 hours worth of movies in there! I just think the series was such an interesting concept and hate the hate 2 and 3 get simply bc 1 was such a masterpiece. The time between the movies didn't help either IMO. It's like having an album by a band that you love and listen to all the time. If there is a significant amount of time before the next album comes out many fans struggle to embrace it as it isn't the music they associate with the band. Either way I look forward to more feedback on my summary (and thanks for yours!)
  15. No worries. I can't respond to him bc frankly I'm tired of this debate. I've said all I need to say about Stevie and think people that want to bash him hate him more personally than professionaly. As for Welker he is a perfect example of new football. I've stated before and "enlightener" falls in the trap of confusing the x receiver with a #1 wr. They used to be the guy on the outside who did it all. They aren't now. They are the #1 receiving option on the team. Could be x,y, or z receivers. Could be a physical freak (megatron) a move the chains type (Hines ward) or slot (Welker). Now I've enlightened him!
  16. Told you nobody wanted to be bored by me! ;-)
  17. Averaging 100 catches per season for the next 8 years (not 7 as you stated) would be an amazing feat. He would be 39! That means no injuries, no slow down, and a continuing trend of hof qbs throwing to him. It could happen but it is extremely extremely unlikely. Think about it like this. In 6 years he caught more balls than anyone in nfl history in his prime. He still doesn't have half the catches rice had. He is also not in his prime anymore an has Eric decker and demaryious Thomas stealing catches from him this year. That said I am willing to take that bet if you'd care to wager.
  18. Not a waste at all. Best case you knock their socks off and they waive the requirement. Worst case you gain experience for the next interview. Mention that you are planning to enroll in an online program and working on your degree ( you need to do this and not lie). Bring up in the interview that you are successful in your position and could be successful with the promotion. Mention that there are examples within your own company of people being successful without a degree. This is a tough situation but it is not an unnavigable one.
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