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Everything posted by section122

  1. Lol what did you give me 5 minutes to respond? I'm not apologizing for him. That's a play he should make. However it wasn't the only play the Bills should have made and didn't. It wasn't "the play that cost them the game." You're right though every player should be perfect and never screw up/make a mistake. Unless you're anyone that isn't named Stevie, then your mistakes are forgiveable. It doesn't matter if you dropped a ball too and had multiple drive killing penalties - it's Stevie's fault! Doesn't matter if you fumbled - it's Stevie's fault!
  2. Chandler has been pointed out. Turnovers have been pointed out. Penalties have been pointed out. The failure to get a stop on multiple third downs during the last drive. Yes though you are correct 1 drop with more than 5 minutes to go in the game was the end all be all game losing play. Get a grip.
  3. You should just put it in your sig... Everything is Stevie's fault. He can do no good. I don't like him. I will take every chance I can to bash him. It doesn't matter what else happened in the game I will look for an instance that Stevie screwed up and place the entire fault on him. The regulars already know this but it would help the new people out. You are beyond rational when it comes to him...
  4. Don't know about the tie but I loved what I heard/saw. As a fan I'll take the moral victory. The spread was 10 in this game and money went heavily on the Pats*. The Bills played them close and honestly I had zero expectations yesterday. I wanted to see 2 things; 1. EJ looked like he belonged and 2. the Bills and Marrone looked like they knew what they were doing. Both of those things happened. I loved that the players weren't happy with the moral victory. Mario who gets a lot of grief for appearing aloof last year was mad/disappointed and stated that they aren't looking for moral victories. It seems every player was asked about whether they were proud that they played New England close and they all (at least the ones I watched) said that they were there to win not play teams close. Loved Marrone in his presser, loved EJ in his presser, read a transcript of Mario and loved that too. This team believes in themselves and just might have found a qb/coach combo to win!
  5. I think you just did articulate why right here. Regardless of what people think about teams being far superior coming of a bye not all teams chalk it up as a guaranteed win. Much like teams that get the first round bye, sometimes teams struggle to "get back into it." What better way to do that than against a team that routinely is bottom of the barrel. I think the point that was made earlier is a good one. The schedule isn't made to screw the Bills as much as it is made without them in mind at all. They are the plug in filler team. Some teams get hooked up *ahem* pats* and others they don't care at all about (the bills).
  6. You do realize that the "new" d coordinator came from the jets who also play the cheats twice a year right?
  7. So since we have a Bills thread and a Git 'er dun thread I figured why not have a thread for general discussion of players cut from around the league. Mods as always if this is inappropriate do what you need to do.... Jake Ballard.......... Hoodie's genius (again) didn't quite work out as planned Brian Banks... Man that girl owes him some serious money Everette Brown... One of our "potential draftees" the year we got Maybin. Another undersized bust failing on his second team.
  8. The Pats* cut Jake Ballard.... so much for the genious of the hoodie scooping him up on the Giants. Brian Banks was cut.... That girl owes him some serious money!
  9. Man I hope so. Seeing him on the field this preseason was giving me ptsd! He much like Dickerson/Brad Smith is a man without a position.
  10. Expiring almost reads like that is the last chance. I thought all players went on for 24 hours then were cleared. I wasn't able to find any good links on it to delve further into it. I did see that PS players are designated Sept. 1 but wonder about players that are cut being added to the active roster. Can you post your likn and maybe I can find some better info please?
  11. So I'm going to call this a genius move by the Bills. Cut players go on waivers for 24 hours so the Bills players will CLEAR waivers before most teams have made their cuts. This will allow the Bills to stock their ps with whomever they want from their own cuts. It also will allow them to know what they want and give then time to develop target positions and players. Basically while the rest of the league is figuring out who to get rid of the Bills will be figuring out who to pick up. I'm thinking this explains Butler and Kaufman (and maybe even darick) being released already.
  12. Butler is listed on NFL.com as cut as is Zebrie Sanders.
  13. I more prefer story telling hip hop such as biggie or slick Rick myself. My take away was is that serj from system of a down? Not a bad song but not necessarily my cup of tea. Props to him for using hither in a rap song - definitely not your average rapper lyrically (in a good way).
  14. I love that out of 1.5 million only 800k will make it to the workers. Lawyers fees and admin costs are 700k, the people that deserve the money and are the reason for the suit in the first place 800k. At the risk of causing this to go to PPP, America is broken.
  15. Wow I knew there were alot but didn't realize it was that many!!! The grandstand in general has been struggling this year as I mentioned earlier. Reba, Carly Rae Jepsen??? Both of them should have been in the Chevy Court! Very pissed. Which is going to drive sales in future years down. They were lazy and are going to pay for it this year and years going forward. Tickets are too much! The price differentiation is ridiculous as well. The expensive tickets aren't much better than the cheap seats. So once the cheap seats are gone people don't buy the expensive seats. Well they brought back the original bassist last night and Tommy Shaw was there rocking hard. I wouldn't call it expensive either as it was a free show but I did pay $6 to go to the fair and 4$ round trip for the bus so I guess it cost me $10 but was well worth it! It is an interesting question though as Lynyrd Skynard is set to play at the grandstand and tickets there run $25 to $45. Seeing as most of the originals aren't there are they really seeing Skynard? How many people from the original lineup need to be there for it to be considered the band? My answers are no they aren't and why I wouldn't pay for the tickets. Now if they played at Chevy Court, I wouldn't miss it! As for how many people need to still be there that is trickier. I think it depends on the role of the missing musician and why they are missing. I can think of many bands that replaced people and went on to more success (Van Halen, Metallica), or bands that lost members and conitnued to tour (Pink Floyd), that I would still pay to see. When it starts to be more and more replacements the price I am willing to pay goes down.
  16. Ithaca Apricot Wheat is a really good beer as well. I don't judge before I try generally. Sam Adams has a Cherry beer that out of a bottle is really good but on tap is disgusting. However with fruit beers I can't drink many of them before I have to switch to regular beers, they are more for when I'm only going to have 1 or 2.
  17. They really did put on an incredible show. I was most impressed by the energy they had. The people I went with were surprised that their catalogue contains so many familiar songs. Chevy court has done well the last few years bringing in groups that are quite the draw. The grandstand on the other hand can't get huge draw bands, charges an arm and a leg, and has a crappy venue to boot. I'm split on that song. It is a fun song but not a serious song by any stretch of imagination. If you want to really get a good laugh at their expense check out the video for "Too much time on my hands." It was a song I was sure my sister knew so I pulled up the youtube video. Between the pure 80sness of the video and their creepy faces it will at least make you chuckle. The song is awesome, the video leans more towards absurd.
  18. I agree 100%. That is the reason I WANT to believe but after being a fan of this team for so long it is hard to sell it to myself. I've been able to remain even keeled all off season until the Redskins game reminded me that it is still the Bills. I don't expect them to be world beaters but I do expect them to try and compete!
  19. Thanks for making me feel worse!
  20. While I like the draft a lot there is one thing that makes me angrier than anything else this offseason. Currently the Bills sit at 23 million under the cap!!! You know who else is 20+ million under the cap? The Jags and Browns!!! Someone please give me a solid reason why I should feel that this isn't the Bills just stashing cap room. I would like to think (hope) that they are saving the money to extend players but I can't trust that based on how they operate. I'm normally a defender of this team to a fault but this situation bothers me immensely.
  21. I'm not saying Rogers is a potential murderer by any stretch of the imagination. He is however a huge character risk. One who has the potentail to be arrested for something dumb which would be a black eye on an organization that is quickly running out of eyes to be blackened. That IMO may lead them to shy away from him.
  22. I know... if he goes on to have even 1 succesful GAME somewhere we will have to hear all about how we should have kept him. Doesn't matter if it is 3 years from now.... If he comes in and does well THIS year however, those criticisms might be warranted. Maybe he will end up a Marshawn situation - getting kicked out of "the siberia of the nfl" Buffalo may awaken him to how much effort he needs to put in. Then again, maybe not.
  23. I'd also add that it wouldn't surprise me if the Pats* shied away from character risk players after the offseason they just went through.
  24. I think it is an indictment on him that he didn't make it to the final cutdown. Maybe they are pulling the super sneaky route to try and get him on the ps but I highly doubt it. He didn't get much playing time in any of the games. I heard an interesting snippet on hard knocks from Marvin Lewis talking about one of his players. He said something along the lines of players don't make the team in practices, they earn playing time in the preseason game, that is where they earn their roster spots. To me it made it almost a 3 stpe process - do well in practice, do well in game, make roster. Rogers failed step 1!
  25. Got to see Styx at the Chevy Court last night and what a show they put on! It is nice to see a band not just touring for the money and putting their heart and soul into a show. The first cd I ever owned was Styx Edge of the Century and 10/11 year old me annoyed the hell out of my family playing Show Me the Way repeatedly. Needless to say I was excited to see them live. I brought my wife, sister, and friend and they spent all week giving me a hard time for wanting to see them and how excited I was, cracking jokes about how few people were going to be there, etc. until we got to Chevy Court that is... 10k plus were there to see them. They then proceeded to put on an excellent show. Which got me to thinking (and I'm sure this question will receive many smart ass comments) why don't Styx get more respect? If Journey can tour without their original lead singer and people still flock to see them why can't Styx? Tommy Shaw is an amazing guitarist who doesn't ever get mentioned as one. Lawrence Gowan more than adequately fills in on vocals and keyboard. They have an impressive catalogue inlcuding many hits and songs that should have been hits. So again I will ask - why doesn't Styx get more respect?
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