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Everything posted by section122

  1. It irritates me so much that they are putting this all on his receivers. At least 1 of Dobson's "drops" was a ball that was thrown out in front of him and he nearly made an acrobatic play to catch the ball. Tom has not been sharp thus far regardless of who he is throwing too. Then add in the fact that he throws a temper tantrum every time one of them makes a mistake. He is being revealed as the big baby he has always been! Loved that Michael Irvin called him out for it too last night. Along the lines of him not seeing those reactions from Tom when he would screw up and that it is up to him to lead them not berate and belittle them.
  2. Me neither but Kerry Rhodes rumors is the 2nd autofill when googling his name and the pics are questionable to say the least. He's only 31 and appears to have had (statistically at least) a good season last year.
  3. This article popped up in the shoutbox and I thought it deserved a thread... Mods if this isn't the place move it freely. from the article: Free agent safety Kerry Rhodes was more or less outed by Media Takeout during the offseason (the pictures that MTO posted of him with another man appear to have been scrubbed from the site). He still hasn't found a job. This is f***ed up, because Kerry Rhodes is good. In fact, by many metrics, he's very good. Rhodes picked off four passes last season (two of them came against the Jets, but still!) and was part of the fifth-best pass defense in the NFL. Pro Football Focus had him ranked as the fourth-best safety in all of football in 2012. Apart from the retired Ronde Barber, Rhodes is the only player in PFF's top 30 safeties from 2012 that doesn't currently have a job. Interesting to say the least, I'm wondering why he doesn't have a job. Maybe the NFL hasn't moved as far as I thought...
  4. There is quite the thread on this on Reddit. Apparently cc companies will put a hold on extraordinate tips and not allow payout until they investigate. Add in that her math is absolutely terrible and she can claim fraud very easily. It is hard for me to think she was being kind and tipping him but hey I'm jaded so....
  5. I've been a jerk enough times in my life to realize when I need to apologize and accept it but thank you for the kind words!
  6. Any answers for this? I wouldn't mind checking out the lot but usually stick to California Rd. as it is so easy to get out after the game with the cop right there at the light. If I were to make it by 9 would I have a chance of it not being filled up? Is it a PITA to get out afterwards?
  7. Meh the entire game changes if they get a first down. Hypotheticals are too difficult to deal in as it would have changed literally everything. That said I still love Stevie and you well don't...
  8. Huh did not know that. Well I would say that rules Flutie out then. Unless 65 career starts is enough to get him in lol.
  9. See Big Cat anything to bash him! I feel like your math is a bit off there as they were still in the hurry up. The 3 and out (if that is what happened) might not have taken as long. It was a negative play for sure but not the end all be all reason they lost as some have wanted it to be in this thread.
  10. I somehow missed that and that is what I was hoping for. With so many posters having good things to say about him I figured (more hoped) that I was wrong but the doom and gloom this week on this board/in this thread has gotten to me. Let me personally apologize to Badol and say I hope CJ proves you wrong on both counts!
  11. I'm coming from the east and have 2+ hours to travel there. I would love to try out Hammer's lot but unfortunately between location and time of arrival it is never possible... How hard is it to get out if I need to go back east (near Syracuse)? TIme of arrival may be able to be worked on if it isn't that bad to get out...
  12. It is the Pro Football HOF not just the NFL HOF. Flutie had an incredible CFL career. He won the Most Outstanding Player 6 years IN A ROW! He was an All-Star those same 6 years, and in 2006 was named the greatest cfl player of all time. He won 3 Grey Cups out of 4 appearances and threw for over 40,000 yards in the CFL. I don't know if any of this will get him in but it certainly helps his case.
  13. Even worse... he is attacking a poster (me) who agreed with someone disagreeing about that. His failed attempt at humor (the Chas Rhinegold joke which ran it's course months ago) drew a great response about ypa Bills vs. Titans that I agreed with. Somehow that made me his target . As to the actual thread itself, I don't quite understand it. Is this thread so Badol can say look at me I was right in predicting someone wouldn't do something that only 6 people in the HISTORY of the NFL have done? Or is it because CJ shouldn't want to be that good and proclaim that as his goal? Is it to "prove" other posters wrong that he can't do it so Badol can say I told you so? Please explain to me what your goal was in starting this thread because all I can come up with are db reasons for you to do so, and I'd really like to believe that isn't the case...
  14. Is this a joke too? Look Freddy had a better day. I'm happy about that. I said in the shoutbox yesterday there will be days where Freddy excels and others where CJ does. That said the bills ran the ball much better Sunday then the titans. That's all that was pointed out.
  15. Sadly I too had to quit Madden. One of my favorite games but it became readily apparent and obvious that they left minor flaws in games so that they could "fix" them for the next years game. I really thought hard about getting it this year but remembered how mad the game and its developers made me with pure laziness.
  16. Eh... If posters are going to bash the Bills after 1 game I think it is fair to use stats/facts to shut them up
  17. I had to give up my season tickets a few years ago bc the cost wasn't worth it. I was paying over $100 a game with travel, ticket, etc... Regardless of what PTR says IT WAS the sub par product that made it not worthwhile. Now I pick a game or 2 that I want to see and make the trip. This year the game I wanted to see most WAS Carolina. Their D looks ferocious and I want to see Cam and Keuchly live. I'm surprised that people didn't snap up the 2nd game of the year, especially since opening week was such a hot ticket. My thought is that many season ticket holders sold their tickets to this game as it is a tough trip back to back weeks for some people. When the secondary market is flooded the box office lags. So maybe PTR should be mad at his fellow season ticket holders
  18. Was it tickets used because that is always lower than tickets sold? Maybe actual atteendance was 65k and tickets sold made it a sell out. The Red Sox used this method for years to keep their "sell out streak" alive.
  19. I must've made your blocked list because I put his exact quotes in my post.... You know the quote where he says "At the end of the day, it's a drop,"
  20. He did?!?!?!? "It looked like the play should have been made, but with my extending how I did, it was like my length just got my hands on the ball. I felt like it was harder than it was, what really happened," Johnson said. "Looking at the film, yeah, I was wide open. I beat the guy ... It was tougher than what it looked." Johnson was open in the left flat after beating his defender on third-and-1. With 8:50 remaining in the game, the Bills punted to the Patriots, although they were unable to turn Johnson's drop into any points. "At the end of the day, it's a drop," Johnson admitted. "The reaction is as expected. Everybody placing blame on me. It's OK. I felt like I put myself in that position," Johnson said Monday. "But that's not me putting on a front for anybody. Pretty much being who they've grown to love. I feel like there's no one who can guard me. Obviously it showed, but when you don't win a game, that's when you get that negative attention, and I deserve it." As for "leaving his teammates out to dry and to deal with the press" as people have put it in this thread... Johnson did not speak to reporters after Sunday's loss, departing the locker room shortly after the game's end. "Me being here for the amount of time that I've been here, it was just something personal against that team, I guess," he said. "It ended in the same way. That was my frustration. Nothing with anybody, nothing with any play. We know that you can't have a great game every week. Every play isn't going to be perfect. The game, it can go either way, and I felt like we've been to this point too many times. It is what it is and they came in and took one from us. We'll be ready for them next time." Added Johnson: "I take every [loss] personally. I hate to lose. We deal with losing in different ways. I have to be better about it. I don't think I'll ever grow accustomed to losing games." What does the coach think of Stevie? Well let him tell you.... Marrone said it will be important for Johnson to not dwell on Sunday's performance. "I know how much that weighs on him. My philosophy has always been, when you have a player that every single day comes out here and works and the player likes Stevie, and all the things that he's done, you have to come back to that player," Marrone said. "We have a lot of faith in him. There is not a player in this league that hasn't dropped a football. If you haven't, that means you haven't gotten a lot of balls thrown to you. "I have the utmost confidence in Stevie. He takes those things hard. What he has to do is, and he knows this, is you have to shake it off and come back and make a play. And he will."
  21. My crusade? Lol My crusade is that yours is tired. We get it he is the devil incarnate. You were right he's a bozo. He sucks. Please teach me more master....
  22. You gotta go a long way... Syracuse is part of the black out zone and I think you'd have to go to Utica!
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