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Everything posted by section122

  1. Without knowing how much he is helping out the other guy I would say no. Richardson hasn't performed this year or really at all. I don't get the te switch and would try to get a player he could use that woul help his team. It isn't overvaluing his guys it is getting someone he can use and get production from for his depth. I don't care much for Richardson. I love Thomas so as I said it may be worth making on those merits alone. To the op: What does his qb situation look like? Can you play a te in a flex?
  2. Both of these are correct. You really only need the guy for the your starters bye week so plan ahead and grab whoever has the best matchup. If you're asking who I like best, I agree with Johnny. Pryor because of the run/pass threat is who I've picke up in a couple of leagues.
  3. After this week that's what I'm doing. Moreno has a plus matchup this week against jax and is clearly the lead back. Jones is boom or bust but a more than adequate fill in at wr for bye weeks and injuries.
  4. Except Richardson is terrible... What has he done since joining the colts or this year at all? Edit: since joining the colts he has 151 yards and 2 Tds on 51 carries in 3 games! This season he has 51 points in 5 games! That said Thomas might make the deal worth it. Cameron has come back down to earth a bit...
  5. Somehow found James jones on the waiver! Gonna offer jones and Moreno for Charles and see if he bites. Does that seem less lopsided to the consensus? Edit: again it is a ppr league which boosts morenos value a bit.
  6. Another penalty! Wow! If the Bills got half this lucky...
  7. Love your draft analysis. Love your camp reports. I get all that for a simple vote? It's yours my man! Good luck and c'mon board if you read this board in April or August you owe it to him!
  8. 2 fumbles that bounce right back to them?!?! Wow! A bit surprised belicheat punted there. Lets see if it (hopefully) comes back to bite them!
  9. It happened right before the snap though. One heck of a lucky guess if that's what it was. Not saying conspiracy just a weird sequence and one that, with the pats* history, I found interesting.
  10. Did anyone else catch the 3rd down play that happened just now in the bengals game? After a false start backed them up to the 6 rigt before the play happened something or someone said qb sneak. Guess what the play was? It wasn't the commentator either. Anyone have any idea who or what it was?
  11. It's not a standard league it is ppr which makes both bowe and Moreno slightly more valuable. Moreno is a start every week in this format and his wrs suck so bowe would start for him. He would be getting 2 starters for 1. As for vetoing I had to take voting rights away from the league as well. 2 guys veto every single trade and usually complain loud enough to get others to veto as well. All trades run through me with mine going to a league vote.
  12. I usually park on California as it is very easy for me to get out. The walk to the stadium isn't really any different. Instead of cutting through the mud lot you have to go through the main entrance but it really doesn't add any extra time. Unfortunately I live too far away to park in your lot :-(
  13. Perhaps you haven't noticed but the bills have a STUD left tackle and a rt that is playig well.
  14. I voted kiko but wish I could split my vote with Williams. He played out of his mind yesterday. Ill give him a pass on the long completion for 2 reasons - not many CBs can run step for step with Torrey smith, and the tackle he made literally saved the game.
  15. I know... I'm hoping they both blow up this week so it doesn't look so bad lol
  16. Yet another example of why there should be a post requirement before being allowed to start a thread. The search function is your friend. Oh yeah.... Obvious troll is obvious.
  17. My dilemma is that I'm the commish and trying to pull Charles. My trades have to go through league vote. Does this seem incredibly lopsided? A couple of people always veto trades but I only need 2 to approve it. Is this a reasonable trade to you? Te guys team sucks which is why a 2 for 1 makes sense for him. I need a stud rb and already have Peyton so knowshon is expendable.
  18. I'm the commish so I don't wan ppl to think I'm pulling shady stuff off. So I proposed this trade and am waiting to hear back. I this was your league would you approve: Dwayne bowe Knowshon Moreno For Jamaal Charles
  19. Stupid raiders... DMC pointless td cost me a win by .8 points... Peyton sat on the ball all 4th quarter so I had no cushion. Thought I dodged a bullet when they stopped them. Then stupid Denver fumbled the ball instead of kneeling!
  20. Dwayne bowe hurt me this week and Alex Smith is not good for any wr in fantasy. What was I thinking! The eagles are sorry on defense. Coaches always beat their former team the next year. Players always lose to their teams the year after leaving. This was an ugly game. It's hard to tell if the chiefs are good, the eagles or bad, or where in between the truth lies. Chip Kelly is getting a wake up call. It's easy to win when your team is athletically more talented than anyone else. It's a different story when the playing field is leveled. Is it to early to compare Kelly to spurrier?
  21. During games I am the biggest Pollyanna. Being a kid and watching the come back game made it so I never doubt the bills during a game. My friends are driven insane by "they're not out of it yet!" Not this Sunday. In the stands no less! The ridiculous penalty on 4th and 18 followed by the td sucked all emotion from me. I became a Debbie downer. Not until after they sacked cam did I stop being such a little b*tch! So you see it was me becoming a jaded Bills fan and doubting instead of billieving that did it!
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